
Sorry for your ineptitude
Oct 25, 2017
Episode 21

I have no idea how people keep playing themselves in these obvious split-vote situations.


Oct 25, 2017
Brian is an absolute idiot. There was NO reason to not split the vote.

At the same time, can't stand Mat and Steve's reactions on the jury. Betrayed their alliance members twice, got eliminated with an immunity idol, and they're still acting like they're the top dogs and are the poor victims of betrayal themselves.

Also, is the completely obvious winner's edit they're giving Shane supposed to be misleading or what?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Australian Survivor S5 Episode 21

Glad that Shane and Sharn were able to execute their plan but I would have liked to have see them explore a further dynamic to mess with Brian's head. Namely have Sharn openly confide to Monika and the girls that she would be throwing her vote onto Shane as a defensive measure while having Shane act dumb, oblivious and loyal to Sharn when/if they brought up the idea with her. This would effectively sabotage a 2-2 vote split plan if Sharn was indeed the intended target (as they would know Shane would have 3 votes while she wouldn't be throwing her vote on Sharn) hence Brian would feel compelled to throw a 3rd vote on Sharn and they could have sniped Fenella that way.

It worked out regardless but it would have been a fun angle to see play out in all its minutiae.


Oct 25, 2017
Just got spoiled that Monica got eliminated. Wow. The Ducks really fucked it up this week. If Brian just kept the vote split, it would probably be them in the final 4 right now.

tbh I'm annoyed because I really hate Mat and Steve's reactions on the jury lol


Oct 27, 2017
Mat and Steve are the worst. Brian got full of himself. Shonee worked herself into a horrible corner. Shane/Sharn win incoming.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Australian Survivor S5 Episode 22

Just got spoiled that Monica got eliminated. Wow. The Ducks really fucked it up this week. If Brian just kept the vote split, it would probably be them in the final 4 right now.

tbh I'm annoyed because I really hate Mat and Steve's reactions on the jury lol
To be fair, they technically had NO opportunity to take out Sharn this week once they allowed her to wander around freely idol hunting. She found the crucial HII in a timely fashion in the previous ep and won immunity this week thanks in large part to the lack of effort the Ducks had collectively shown in terms of helping out around camp and tending to the fire. They would have at least been able to send Shane home had they not fallen for the split vote misfire gambit, at least.

Their real mistake was allowing Brian to fixate on taking Steve out last week - first by putting the Dead Man Walking handicap on him instead of Shane (who they were clearly in no hurry to get rid of back then) and then subsequently taking him out with his handicap when it would have handcuffed the other side for another vote.

Sharn was always the clearest and biggest threat to the Ducks post-Benji eviction but they never bothered to solidify around the idea and kept allowing her to slip through the cracks. Shane and Steve left to their own devices would have been completely helpless. But Brian just focused on being King Grubb and the last man standing thinking he could sweep every challenge with Steve gone and that decision bit him and his allies in the ass.

(Shonee might still manage to find a way to persevere despite that blunder. She'll lose to Sharn in a jury vote. She'll smoke Brian. Shane vs. Shonee is the most interesting potential Final 2 - and while I'd give Shane the edge for now, I do think Shonee might be able to persuade out a win with the right argument.

Brian needed Fenella and Monika around for potential Final 2 goats. He's completely up shit's creek now... especially with how clearly bitter Mat and Steve are. Hell, I'm not even convinced he would have beaten Monika in a jury vote.)
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Game Developer
Oct 25, 2017
Re: Australian Survivor S5 Episode 22

I just want to congratulate
Brian for completely destroying his game over the last two episodes. First with the paranoia, allowing Sharn back into the game, and then with his laziness, destroying the surprise and sending his last alliance member home. It's really astonishing how badly he messed things up after Sharn herself had two of the biggest gaffes in the history of the game (dropping an idol in front of the entire tribe, followed by succumbing to Benji psychological pressure to eliminate Matt). I really thought Brian had a chance if he could craft the jury and push a good speech, but now he comes off just clueless.

My power rankings:
1. Shane: She loves acting. It's like Ben all over again.
2. Sharn: She has some jury votes but I'd hope Matt would at least examine how Sharn knocked him out.
3. Shonee: Contender votes + "Better than Brian!" votes.
99. Brian: Driving his car off the island.

I will say though, if Brian can get immunity it will be a hilarious camp situation next episode.


Oct 26, 2017
I go back and forth on the top three, but
you're so right that Brian is by far in last, now. If he wins the next immunity, he's got to be a lock for F2. Either he wins the final immunity, or whoever does has to take him.

It is amazing how fucking up the Dead Man Walking screwed up every vote that followed. Shonee had that one right (give it to Shane). In fact, strategically, she called everything right for that alliance, but got bulldozed by Brian's dumb fixations.

My favorite thing about this season is how, except for
Steve (who sucks at everyfuckingthing) and maybe Robbie (who is hard to evaluate as an individual player)
, I think everyone from the merge onward has been really good at one or more key aspects of the game while also being majorly flawed in some way(s). And almost everyone is good and bad in different ways. That rarely happens. Nobody dominant in all aspects, and only one total dud. Not the best season, but very interesting in that respect.


Oct 25, 2017
Sad to see Shonee go. She could have voted Sharn with Brian but would have most likely lost in the fire challenge. I think trying to get Sharn to flip was her best move and it didn't work out. At this point I'm pulling for Shane to win.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Australian Survivor S5 Episode 23

I've been on Team Sharn since Moana's exit and am certainly not going to hop off that bandwagon now that we're within striking distance of the finish. That said, I've got to hand it to Shonee... her Survivor social awareness and acuity was off the damn charts. She almost pulled this 11th hour stunt off that little rascal. Man, what an impressive player. Nothing but respect for both her and her game.
Oct 29, 2017
This season kinda sucked...

I thought the first two seasons were fantastic, but about halfway through this season I was actually struggling to keep watching.

Pretty much the entire cast was boring, I had no one to root for, everything became way too predictable/formulaic and the final two being Shane and Sharn had been so obvious for like three weeks now. Shane actually winning was incredibly predictable too. Meh.


Sorry for your ineptitude
Oct 25, 2017
I'm pretty sure every single person who has said "I'll be incredible at arguing my case to the jury" has immediately faceplanted the second something throws them off their game. Sharn was already on thin ice bringing Shane instead of Brian, and Brian's question made her blue screen. It all went downhill from there.

Also, some of the Shonella voting confessionals weren't too kind to Sharn a few weeks back.


Oct 25, 2017
As expected. Brian really threw a wrench in Sharn's plan. If she wanted to build her case around loyalty, she shouldn't have brought the one person whose game was arguably more loyal than hers.

Then again, she might have had a tough time against Brian, too, who faced just as much adversity as her (if not more) and made his way to the end.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Australian Survivor S5 Episode 24

Sharn completely deserved to lose that final vote. When your livelihood is arguing as a barrister, you'd better showcase that advantage when you're in your element and making a pitch for jury votes and she underwhelmed in that capacity. I do think she would have bested Brian had she brought him but the main liability with him not being there is that made the focus of the entire final tribal council her gameplay and by allowing Shane AND the jury to frame that tribal entirely around the loyalty dynamic that was effectively the one area that Shane had her beat in, she ultimately sunk herself.

Episode 17 was a complete and utter disaster for Sharn's game in every respect. I said as much right after it aired. But her inability to frame those events with the jury in the way they ultimately went down - her effectively being goaded into playing her not-so-hidden immunity idol by Benji and then being used by him to effectively sink Mat's game - and trying to play those events off as loyal gameplay (when they were the furthest thing from it) - was her undoing. That day was her kryptonite and it was frankly a miracle that she was able to recover and game her way to the end against steep odds. That she didn't have a gameplan on how to best approach those events and seemed intent on brushing those aside and hoping they wouldn't come back up likely cost her the game.

I really did enjoy this season all the way through and consider Aussie Survivor to be easily superior over its North American counterpart. Ironically, the one area where Season 37 is excelling is in its casting and seeing how they sacked the casting director shortly after taping I suppose that's not an opinion the production team shares.


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2017
I really did enjoy this season all the way through and consider Aussie Survivor to be easily superior over its North American counterpart. Ironically, the one area where Season 37 is excelling is in its casting and seeing how they sacked the casting director shortly after taping I suppose that's not an opinion the production team shares.

I heard she was the casting director since the beginning, which implies either a financial or political reason? Definitely an interesting bit of news though.

I did enjoy the end of AU this season, although to discuss two points:

The Final 3 Challenge:
Was disappointed it was not the wave rocks. It's their signature challenge, and it requires a level of effort far beyond what Brian and Sharn did this time.

On Predictability:
I don't think it was predictable at all.
1. It came down to 1 vote!
2. Shane (and Brian) needed to rightfully exploit Sharn's panic under pressure, the same panic that powered Benji's miracle.
3. Sharn went from definitely out (with huge mistakes involving Matt and the idol) to dominating (using another idol, winning immunity, tricking Shonee) to completely flustered in the final again.
4. Brian also made a series of huge mistakes, eliminating his own alliance and yet ultimately deciding the game.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable season, and the number of episodes helps - I honestly have to think with US Survivor that each one episode is the equivalent of two in AU.


Oct 27, 2017
Best premiere date announcement ever?



Oct 28, 2017
Hey guys!

I got redirected from the main Survivor thread to this one to share a project a friend of mine has created.

I'm not someone who follows Survivor normally, but the low budget charm (with surprisingly good production values) and hometown vibe sucked me into watching the whole episode.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
I missed last season of Australian Survivor but I am ready to jump back in
It was decent but any season following 2017's effort will come off weak by comparison.

That said, the standard for Australian Survivor quality is so high that I'd still say 2018 stacks up favorably to David vs. Goliath which had the US-only folk crowing as being the best season in 4-5 years.
Carthago Delenda Est
Oct 28, 2017
It was decent but any season following 2017's effort will come off weak by comparison.

That said, the standard for Australian Survivor quality is so high that I'd still say 2018 stacks up favorably to David vs. Goliath which had the US-only folk crowing as being the best season in 4-5 years.

Having just watched it, I think it's just below. Still a very fun watch.
Carthago Delenda Est
Oct 28, 2017
I don't use Facebook and how would it work anyway?

Got my set up working already anyway, so I'm good to live stream it tomorrow.

Screenshot 2019-07-23 23.44.04.png

Also, why did they rename tenplay to 10play???

You just join a group on there and a guy uploads the episodes every day for us to watch. Seems better than dealing with every website thinking you're from Australia.

Deleted member 11479

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
You just join a group on there and a guy uploads the episodes every day for us to watch. Seems better than dealing with every website thinking you're from Australia.
Oh, ok, I'm 100% sure my method is much better. Only very specific sites think I'm from Australia (and I can disable it very easily), I can live stream it or watch the video-on-demand version 5 minutes after it finishes airing. Beats out using Facebook to watch some shady pirate copy if you ask me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oct 25, 2017
1st ep is out. I'm liking it so far.

That part of the intro after Jonathan speaks is sooooo goood. Also, I like the individual intros sprinkled across the ep.

Cast seems good so far, maybe a bit unbalanced, but I like the older in average cast. Nothi g seems extremely dumb, although there seems to be some amazing blindside friendly peoople (like the poker player that will obviously overplay himself out of the game sooner or later).


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Episode 3 of Aussie Survivor 2019

This feels like an odd thing to call out after three episodes, but the one thing that's stood out most in a positive fashion with Season 6 of Australian Survivor is the music. Whoever did the scoring this season needs a raise because it's really good stuff. Whether it's during comps or at tribal itself, it's doing an amazing job of setting the mood.

Otherwise, the show itself has been somewhat of a mixed bag through 3 episodes. The Champions tribe has been largely unpleasant to watch and their two tribal councils have been rife with an infuriating amount of empty, horseshit coy answers to each one of Jonathan's questions. Hopefully now that the Bradbury/Nova/ET alliance of unpleasantness has been shattered they'll have more of a compunction to actually play the game instead of remaining content to squat amongst an arbitrary group of people for 8 days and not hone any meaningful social game skills outside of it.

On the bright side, the Contenders have a ton of potential on the gameplay front. Hopefully they'll have more of an opportunity to showcase it soon.

Episode 4 of Aussie Survivor 2019

Another Champions tribal council and yet another shameful tapdancing display. What the hell is wrong with this tribe that they feel like they have to skirt around divulging any specifics at tribal council? Jonathan isn't asking you how you're voting that night. He's asking you to recount what the cameras have already captured and what the audience has already seen for themselves plain as day at home.

It's one thing to mask one's voting agenda. It's quite another to talk circles around precise events that 9 other people in your tribe were first-hand witnesses to.

I'd like to say I'd welcome a tribe swap right about now but given the nature of the reward challenge immunity idol swap wrinkle tonight, I don't anticipate one being in the cards any time soon. At least we got rid of some more dead weight that was contributing very little in Nova and hopefully this season can overcome this early batch of "Aussie champion casting misfires".

Nobody wants to see a tribe full of Lee Carseldines. One of him 3 years ago was plenty enough.
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Sorry for your ineptitude
Oct 25, 2017
Episode 5

Boy they really got a lot of drama out of that unanimous vote for the guy on the outs with everyone.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
One takeaway of note for me that's somewhat of a surprise is how deceptively old some of the "younger" Champions are. They're coming off much younger because of who they've been surrounded with. There's a massive age gap between even the likes of Model David at 39 and the tribe babies, Luke and Abbey.

Meanwhile, everyone on the Contenders is 31 and younger outside of Sarah and Andy.

I'd say it's no wonder how the season has progressed thus far except that the tribes are still dead even in terms of challenge victories at 5 apiece. Champs are 4-1 in reward challenges. Contenders are 4-1 in immunity challenges.


Oct 25, 2017
Really liked how the idol switching played out, cannot wait for everything David is doing blowing up on his face. The season has potential, but it has been very unbalanced due to how the immunities play out.

Glad Luke is still on it and seemingly under the radar, his social game is so good, and he delivers very enterteining TV. Thought it was maybe a bit too early for getting him back on the show, but I'm totally ok with it from this first 5 episodes.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Episode 6

Whenever you have an episode where it seems like a player is being served up for a juicy blindside like David was in tonight's edit, you have to pay attention to how many people they show us openly questioning them and contemplating pulling the trigger. When they solely focused on the baby of the tribe in Abbey being clearly tormented by the vote and little else, it kind of gave away the edit as a red herring.

Was surprised by the individual shoutout for Luke in ET's post-tribal confessional. Is he playing a better social game than we're being shown on camera? Sure seems that way.

Tribe swap next week finally lets the Contender villain wannabes in Andy and Harry flex their muscles and possibly afford David somewhat of a smokescreen.

Ross is reality TV gold. They've flubbed a good portion of their celebrity athlete casting this season but they hit a home run with him. Always fun when the affable "Keith Nale" wildcard edit finds a new home.

I'm curious to see whether Janine's idol still has power if she's able to connect with some Contender allies post-swap and either plays it on them or hands it over outright. Or if it's now considered null and void.

There are a handful of Contenders I feel we've barely had an opportunity to get to know as of yet. We have Shaun (w/ David's fake idol), his chief alliance partner in cattle rancher Daisy, we have John (who is always doing miner stuff and getting naked), we have Baden (the ionosphere guru out of the John Cochran mold), wannabe villain Survivor fanatic Andy, wannabe villain ice cream scooper Harry, "I'm pissed off all the time and hate Luke's guts" Matt, we have tsunami survivor cleaning lady Sarah... and we have three girls I feel we don't even know in Sam, Hannah and Casey.

I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of game they bring to the table.


Sorry for your ineptitude
Oct 25, 2017
Episode 7

Holy fucking shit, imagine lasting 7 episodes into Survivor and getting ZERO (0) confessionals. What the fuck producers