Will you join a local protest

  • Most certainly! I am already RSVP'd

    Votes: 24 15.5%
  • Hell No! Point me to the nearest Marines recruitment station.

    Votes: 18 11.6%
  • I would, but I have like really good reasons not to. I need to return some videos on Thursday at 5PM

    Votes: 25 16.1%
  • Thor the Dark World

    Votes: 88 56.8%

  • Total voters


Master of the Reality Stone
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
Ok boomer, and everyone else here. Time to stop bitching from the comfort of your couch on Resetera and stand up to be counted!

Enter your zip code below to find local protest which you can attend.

A broad coalition of organizations is calling out on everyone to join them

No War With Iran: Day of Action said:
We will not be forced into another war. On Thursday, January 9, at 5 p.m. local time, the anti-war majority in this country will get visible to oppose Trump's war and say #NoWarWithIran.

Trump's reckless action has needlessly endangered countless lives of U.S. troops, Iraqis, Iranians, and countless other civilians. The devastation that a war with Iran could bring upon the earth and humanity cannot be overstated—millions of lives hang in the balance. None of us will win, except politicians and corporations. Even more resources that our communities desperately need will be wasted on unnecessary violence. People in the United States and across the globe are tired of war—from the military families who have seen multiple generations serve in the same conflict, to the Iranian, Iraqi, and Afghan families in the United States who worry for their loved ones back home.

We've learned our lessons from Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and global endless war. We will not be driven by lies into another war. We will not allow our Iranian-American and Muslim neighbors to be targeted by law enforcement. We will not be divided.

When Trump acts with ignorance, fear, and ego, we will act with diplomacy and prioritize what is best for humanity. We are the majority. We stand united. And we oppose Trump's war with Iran.

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Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
Time better spent signing voters up

Disclaimer: I don't do enough for the cause and I am ashamed of it


Master of the Reality Stone
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
Eh it ain't gonna stop trump from doing what he does best
Move along, and please stop complaining then. War ain't so bad apparently. Protest never work.
Time better spent signing voters up

Disclaimer: I don't do enough for the cause and I am ashamed of it
Novel Idea here, but hear me out.
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Oct 25, 2017
Nope. Peaceful protests happened when we invaded Iraq and nothing happened. Only two things will stop the war drums: a general strike or threat of violence

Dr Doom

Oct 25, 2017
Here's your Gen Z
I'll tweet about it. Do likes and post on forums.
But physically I would, but <insert excuse>


Dec 26, 2019
Protests are pointless at this stage. It's just so exhausting. Wake me up when the people are ready to rise up and drag these fuckers out of office.


Oct 25, 2017
Imagine Trump of all people changing his mind because of a protest. If anything I can see it vindicating his thoughts.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
If you're not going to protest stop posting in this thread to show how cool and disaffected you are by mocking protests and succumbing to defeatism. Get out there in the fucking streets or stay quiet. You aren't helpful or insightful.

And stop mocking kids. They're the ones that have to inherit this shithole of a planet. Do better for them.
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Oct 26, 2017
Time better spent signing voters up

Disclaimer: I don't do enough for the cause and I am ashamed of it
Strong strong STRONG disagree.
Public protests played a huge rule in getting the US out of Vietnam and Iraq (even though we obviously came back).
Hopefully it can stop this one from starting. But specifically right now there is a very real and achievable goal here - getting Democrats to seriously work in congress to stop that shit and get the US out of Iraq for good.


Oct 25, 2017
Good luck to you and your shitposting. You sure contributed a lot here.

It's shit posting to say that Trump and Republicans don't care about the public's wishes and our protests? That's reality. It has nothing to do with the validity and merit of protests. I wished the poster well-he has optimism. If that's considered shitposting, then you're a bizarre person.

Don't respond to me. Take your anger elsewhere.


Oct 25, 2017
A lot of people don't want war but also don't know if it's ok to not want war when all the media and people around them is telling them otherwise. Hell, Trump maybe even is one of them.

A lot of people complain that the culture is too warhungry, but the way that culture is to stand up and be louder than them.


Jun 27, 2019
Mexico City
Pretty sad that even on Resetera the majority won't commit to protesting and instead vote for the joke option. USA is such a failure and the world is paying the price.


Master of the Reality Stone
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
I think it is time for some perspective.

Protest do not guarantee change, no sane person would ever claim otherwise.
Indeed many protest objectively do not achieve their stated goal, e.g. ironically the last anti Iraq war protest, which was huge. But to be fair it was shortly after the US suffered a major bloody nose by predominantly Saudi terrorists backed by Saudi money, so it is somewhat understandable that the US would want to invade Iraq because of weapons of mythic destruction.
I am sure we could name many other protests that didn't end up changing the world over night.

Actually I cannot think of many protest that change the world over night. That really is not the point.
No one is going out to protest tomorrow with the expectation that Trump will go on Fox and Friends the next day to declare he will let bygones be bygones.

With that out of the way protest are still a very significant tool in our collective toolbox.
I have been attending protest for and against a multitude of things for near on two decades, some large some small, some local some international.
So why are protest important:
  • Solidarity Often times people think they are alone or in the minority in thinking strongly about something, bug public protest show them that there are other people like them out there and that it is ok to be angry and demand change.
  • Debate Sure, many politicians will ignore many protest, some of them might even be able to ignore all protest. But rest assured everyone is paying attention and there are plenty of politicians that will see which way the wind is blowing and start a discussion in that direction.
  • Democracy is more than just showing up to vote every four years. Ideally people are involved in local politics, in party politics in NGO's of interest, or a multitude of other activities that are fortunately available to us. One way to give smaller minority groups a large platform and a loud voice is a protest!
  • Power Fortunately we live in something resembling "democracy", where nominally the power comes from the electorate. With a big angry public protest we can show that this is still true and that politicians will answer to us at the ballot box eventually.
  • Energizing Once you attend protest and see you are not alone you might be inspired to take more direct action. Maybe actually join and organization and do something more sustainable than the occasional protest.
  • Network In order to be successful we need to work together, a single person is not going to change the system. But protest put us into contact with like minded people and organizations that can grow and facilitate lasting change.
  • Success does come eventually sometimes. Sometimes it might take years or decades for public opinion to shift fully, but to not even try is handing over the keys to tyrants.

I'm not going to pretend I am surprised at the distribution between willingness to go out and protest and ambivalence. It's mighty easy to complain online while sipping a warm drink from the comfort of ones couch. Actually following through with some direct action actually takes some commitment.
So I am not surprised, I am still disappointed though.

For inspiration some protests that did eventually change the world.


Oct 26, 2017
Pretty sad that even on Resetera the majority won't commit to protesting and instead vote for the joke option. USA is such a failure and the world is paying the price.

The US populace is absolutely part of the problem. They are complacent and afraid of taking any kind of action to an absolutely staggering degree.

I truly hope this threat of war is what breaks the camel's back and protests finally start happening on a regular basis to a point where they lose their "event" character and aren't so easily ignored.
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Oct 27, 2017
We have to undermine and disable the US war machine ASAP. Organize, build community power where you are, and resist. The fate of the world hangs in the balance.


Master of the Reality Stone
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
I'm on the organization call right now, according to the host there are over 7000 people on the call and more online.
The agenda also includes Warren and Sanders who are on the call.
Join live online now:

Also we are at over 300 events tomorrow.


Master of the Reality Stone
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
I understand people think this the threat is averted after Trump didn't militarily retaliate against Iran's retaliation...
But you all must realize we are talking about Trump he can and will change his mind again at the drop of a hat!

It's still important that we show congress, that we will not stand for war!
Also show support for the war powers resolution!

The time of unilateral war declarations and actions by the executive should have come to an end a long time ago (if ever allowed). It's way past time.