
Oct 25, 2017
Twitter is on fire over this right now, but for very much the wrong reasons... Multiple trans activists took pictures of themselves peacefully holding signs in front of Rowling's house. The pictures *did* show Rowling's home address... But that address is to a known historic home, to and it's well known and has been on the internet for over a decade that she lives there

Rowling took to Twitter yesterday to play the victim, saying she felt threatened and named each person who took the pictures and linked their twitters in her thread, forcing them all to disable their accounts.

This post sums it up nicely...

In other words, trans people took a picture of themselves protesting outside the already publicly known and available address of a famous and rich transphobe, who then used the "incident" to further vilify and attack trans people.

Peacefully holding up signs in front of a public figures house is not harassment. Showing the address of someone who publicly has shared their address for over a decade is not doxxing or harassing. This was yet another targeted attempt to silence trans voices.

Stop supporting Harry Potter, stop supporting JK Rowling. If you truly think you're an ally to us and our cause, please stop arming her with the tools to attack us.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, the flaccid majority holding the marginalized to unreasonable standards of civility where proving your fundamental humanity is a game of Jenga, and they just have to find the right block to collapse the whole thing and assert that the status quo of fragile, rich whites is good and moral.

Never heard of that.


Oct 25, 2017
This honestly feels like some sort of sick retaliation for not being included in the anniversary stuff.

Fuck this and fuck her.


May 9, 2018
When will she get what she deserves, I constantly wonder.

She won't. The harry potter reunion is gonna do amazing. The game is gonna sell like crazy. She'll just rake in the cash.

Nothing ever happens to people who speak ill of others. Minority groups rarely ever get the justice they deserve.


Oct 25, 2017
omg such a slitherin move yas

People will continue to support the TERF because of brand loyalty. It's just the way it is.


Oct 30, 2017
she lives in a named estate castle just like Drake at the "Embassy" this is super public information, not a dox. Her fans are wild, fandoms need s reality check but no one benefiting will do anything about them.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Her house has a fucking Wikipedia page. 🤬 Doxxed my fucking ass.
Meanwhile those trans activists were harassed into deleting their account...
"the dox"


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
"The dox" in question, too

Unsurprisingly, not a dox when it's a fan

This is nothing but a fake moral outrage that transphobes and diehard supporters are eating up. The three accounts of the people who were in the first image have been nuked from twitter, deleted to avoid the harassment and actual doxxing attempts against them, all while Rowling publicly mentions her support from accounts who dox trans people.

Fuck JK Rowling, literal human scum.


Apr 30, 2020
Her house has a fucking Wikipedia page. 🤬 Doxxed my fucking ass.
Meanwhile those trans activists were harassed into deleting their account...
LOL I was gonna say. Doesn't her house have a wikipedia page???

Can't believe people are falling for this grift.

(I mean I can but they really shouldn't be).


Oct 26, 2017
It's literally impossible to dox someone like JK Rowling and I fucking hate how people like her trying to spin facing some public outrage about her shitty, harmful views as being on the same level as transpeople getting swatted.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
When will she get what she deserves, I constantly wonder.

If we go by history, and I do not mean this as a threat or wish,

But historically speaking, a white affluent woman who can sit on a business that makes tons of money and has minimal input from men will always stay up unless they succumb to self inflicted substance abuse. See Alice Stebbens Webb, Aimee McPherson and Evalyn McClean.
Oct 26, 2017
All those reporters that usually wait outside Boris Johnson's residence would be considered doxxing by JK and her fellow TERFs.

Osu 16 Bit

QA Lead at NetherRealm Studios
Oct 27, 2017
Chicago, IL
It's frustrating. Part of me wants to say that if you protest someone's home then yeah, they may say they feel harassed or threatened and get outrage/sympathy for it. That's a consequence of doing it, and it should be considered, both morally and strategically. But what else can we do? We're part of a "debate", as if we're not real people with real stakes, and the oppressing side's voice is crushingly more powerful and loud.

I am so exhausted with these powerful voices calling for civil discourse or whatever that leads to nothing. There is endless talk and controversy over these celebrities having a voice, getting their hot takes in, and it never actually goes anywhere. People like her bring nothing new to the table, they have nothing of value to add, she offers no fresh insight or solutions other than I guess "get trans women out of the womens bathroom". So what does she want to happen to someone like me? What about my safety when I have to pee? I guess I can get fucked. IDK. She never says. She never says much of anything, specifically. Just that there is a chance I could be a predator, so I should live a miserable existence. She is never questioned on this. There are no answers coming. It'd be bad enough if my life was debated, but it's not even really that, it's more like we have to spend ages debating if she can debate my rights(and the answer is YES, she has a massive platform). So much talk about fucking nothing, meanwhile the GOP is out there actually enacting terribly harmful policy.


Dec 12, 2018
And everyone taking a photo outside Buckingham Palace is doxing the Queen. You bastards.


Oct 30, 2017
"The dox" in question, too

Unsurprisingly, not a dox when it's a fan

This is nothing but a fake moral outrage that transphobes and diehard supporters are eating up. The three accounts of the people who were in the first image have been nuked from twitter, deleted to avoid the harassment and actual doxxing attempts against them, all while Rowling publicly mentions her support from accounts who dox trans people.

Fuck JK Rowling, literal human scum.

It's so fucked up that she got to spin it this way, like 5 seconds of googling finds all of her addresses, from pre-harry potter, the castle she bought, the address she lived in until 2012, and then this place. all of which were harry potter fan sites and had plenty of photos of them...

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Crossposting from the other thread, there's more accurate info on the "dox" here. There's a bit of confusion as people seem to mix up two of her mansions (lol) but ultimately, it was three activists with a small following trying to punch back at the systemic violence of a celebrity using her clout and money, while someone with 14M followers designated them as bad people and fucking papers rolled with that. So what Rowling did was incredibly worse and more violent by any metric, and Contrapoints can go fuck herself with her respectability politics.

Did Trans Activists Doxx J.K. Rowling?

Yes but also kind of no


Oct 30, 2017
Wah, wah. I'm not a transphobe really! Oh look some transes showed up outside my houses and held up some signs. It's harrsement I tell you, whatever shall I do? Jesus Christ Joane, how low can you get?
Oct 25, 2017
Has anyone done a study on the negative effect obscene amounts of fame and money does to the human brain yet? Or is it just an amplifier to personality traits that already existed?

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Worst part is, the three people in question have been harassed so badly they're off Twitter.

I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up doxxed themselves. Which could literally put their lives in danger.

Fuck JK Rowling.

EDIT: Oh it gets even worse. I use a browser addon to look out for transphobes, and a SIGNIFICANT number of people are coming up as anti-trans on that addon. It's just a bunch of people encouraging Rowling, congratulating her for doxxing them, and calling them "stalkers" and such.

Jesus christ.
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May 31, 2021
User Banned (3 Days): Concern Trolling
I think it is harassment*, but that doesn't mean her response was correct. An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind....

*It would be extremely unpleasant and intimidating to have people protesting outside your house, and whether or not it was possible to find out the address by other means, you should not go round sharing other peoples address.


Jun 13, 2018
Crossposting from the other thread, there's more accurate info on the "dox" here. There's a bit of confusion as people seem to mix up two of her mansions (lol) but ultimately, it was three activists with a small following trying to punch back at the systemic violence of a celebrity using her clout and money, while someone with 14M followers designated them as bad people and fucking papers rolled with that. So what Rowling did was incredibly worse and more violent by any metric, and Contrapoints can go fuck herself with her respectability politics.

Did Trans Activists Doxx J.K. Rowling?

Yes but also kind of no

Very well said. Is there an argument that sending the address out in that context (tied to protest) is a little different than just it being out there in a way that people could probably find? Sure. You're directly putting it in front of activists and those who follow them, which can be a bit different. There's a reason advertising works after all. I wasn't thinking about having Arby's curly fries, but after seeing a commercial earlier I now am. It isn't like I didn't know they existed, or I couldn't have found information about them if I wanted to. After being reminded of them, having the information pushed in my face, I am thinking about them though.

I don't know that I'd call it doxxing, considering how easy this information is to obtain, but perhaps it isn't a great idea. Maybe they should have blurred the address. Here's the thing though, as he mentioned, they had like 1000 followers. The reach/scale of that is small. If anything, JK Rowling tweeting her response, specifically tagging these people, and then broadcasting this was out there to the world, has done far more to put that picture in front of people than them posting it did. FAR more.

If she really had a problem with it there were easy solutions. Either contract the people who posted it or have your representatives do so. Threaten legal action if needed. Or just report it to Twitter. That's what someone who actually was concerned with the address being posted would have done. That isn't what JK Rowling did though. She wasn't concerned about safety, she was just looking for an excuse to get her name in the news and ammo to attack trans people again.
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, England
They did not dox her in any way, I mean aren't most celebrities addressed well known or easy to find on google.

I remember going on one of those Hollywood bus tours in America and it drove by famous peoples houses and it would stop some times so you could take a photos.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it is harassment*, but that doesn't mean her response was correct. An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind....

*It would be extremely unpleasant and intimidating to have people protesting outside your house, and whether or not it was possible to find out the address by other means, you should not go round sharing other peoples address.
Protesting is not harassment. That would be an insanely awful precedent to try and argue/set. She is a public figure who makes political statements. The signs were not calling for violence or anything of the sort. No one confronted her or tried to prevent for from coming or going from her house.
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Captain C

Oct 27, 2017
This is a pretty common tactic, hiding behind some level of fact ("doxing and death threats are bad, actually!") in order to flip the script and make out the 3 peaceful protestors as absolutely wrong and horrible.

What pisses me off almost as much is C*ntrapoints also using this argument to support Jo in this instance. It's this kind of misdirecting that TERFS use to pretend what trans people are saying (i.e. "they say that sex isn't real") instead of what reality is.

I need a drink.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
She's high on a mixture of being held up as a martyr and being able to hit the trending section plus the national news whenever she wants. It's practically her vocation at this stage. No surprise that places like the Telegraph printed the entire series of her tweets, neatly catching in the transphobia as well.

She wanted an excuse to go on another rant and generate the above again, so she found one. The entire reason for this storm, and why it's been pinned on her profile since, was to send out these shots:





Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I think it is harassment*, but that doesn't mean her response was correct. An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind....

*It would be extremely unpleasant and intimidating to have people protesting outside your house, and whether or not it was possible to find out the address by other means, you should not go round sharing other peoples address.

Someone please tell me I'm misreading this post? You can't be serious right now?

Her address is public. It's a historic location. It has a Wikipedia page on it. In fact, her house is SO publicly known that I don't even need to go to the Wikipedia page on it. I can find it on her own Wikipedia page just by searching "house"


EDIT: See correction below. Apparently, this is another historic house. That's apparently well know and public.

And no shit her response isn't correct. She "shamed" three people who are likely to be trans/nonbinary to the point they CLOSED THEIR TWITTER ACCOUNTS. The tweet alone where she tags their accounts, at this moment, has 600 replies, 3000 retweets and 33,000+ likes. Their accounts were practically made unusable the moment she retweeted them between the notification spam, replies, and the immediate harassment. You know what's extremely unpleasant and intimidating? Hearing the sound of thousands of thousands of likes retweets on your phone out of nowhere, while people insult you, call you names, demean your existence, and harass you to the point of closing your account.

Stop defending this terrible, horrible woman.
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Oct 25, 2017

JK Rowling condemns ‘activists’ for leaking home address on Twitter

‘I have now received so many death threats I could paper the house with them,’ author wrote
Speaking about the case, Boris Johnson's official spokesperson also told The Independent: "We don't think that any individual should be targeted in that way.

"We believe that everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect, and people are able to share their views as long as it's done in that fashion."


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I mean if you don't want people protesting outside your publicly known and frequently visited house then don't persist in being the driving force behind transphobic sentiment and the removal of transgender rights in the UK.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Someone please tell me I'm misreading this post? You can't be serious right now?

Her address is public. It's a historic location. It has a Wikipedia page on it. In fact, her house is SO publicly known that I don't even need to go to the Wikipedia page on it. I can find it on her own Wikipedia page just by searching "house"


And no shit her response isn't correct. She "shamed" three people who are likely to be trans/nonbinary to the point they CLOSED THEIR TWITTER ACCOUNTS. The tweet alone where she tags their accounts, at this moment, has 600 replies, 3000 retweets and 33,000+ likes. Their accounts were practically made unusable the moment she retweeted them between the notification spam, replies, and the immediate harassment. You know what's extremely unpleasant and intimidating? Hearing the sound of thousands of thousands of likes retweets on your phone out of nowhere, while people insult you, call you names, demean your existence, and harass you to the point of closing your account.

Stop defending this terrible, horrible woman.
I swear I'm gonna stop going all "actually…" but Killiechassie wasn't apparently the place, it was her other mansion, which is easily googleable too. This bit of minutia isn't important to your most salient point, and the real issue here, but I can already see how all the mouth breathers are going to latch on to that to distract from the actual issue, even if we know it's really immaterial.

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I swear I'm gonna stop going all "actually…" but Killiechassie wasn't apparently the place, it was her other mansion, which is easily googleable too. This bit of minutia isn't important to your most salient point, and the real issue here, but I can already see how all the mouth breathers are going to latch on to that to distract from the actual issue, even if we know it's really immaterial.

Thank you for correcting me, actually. But that just makes me wonder how many historic houses this woman owns... >_>


Too green for a tag
Jul 17, 2021
JK stopped writing shitty fiction and became a full time professional victim. I don't even care if this "counts" as harassment or not. People doing the whole "well she probably felt harassed" shit remind me of people who defended Sinema being chased into the bathroom a while back. These people do not deserve peace and quiet. JK Rowling should not be able to hide from the people whose lives she is ruining with her transphobic rhetoric. If she's willing to say and do extremely horrible shit, she can't get upset when people raise their voices at her.

I just knew that she would find herself in the news after that HP reunion announcement, I just knew.


Oct 27, 2017
Crossposting from the other thread, there's more accurate info on the "dox" here. There's a bit of confusion as people seem to mix up two of her mansions (lol) but ultimately, it was three activists with a small following trying to punch back at the systemic violence of a celebrity using her clout and money, while someone with 14M followers designated them as bad people and fucking papers rolled with that. So what Rowling did was incredibly worse and more violent by any metric, and Contrapoints can go fuck herself with her respectability politics.

Did Trans Activists Doxx J.K. Rowling?

Yes but also kind of no
Seeing the aftermath of GC hound these 3 individuals off not just their twitter accounts JK directed them towards, but then using that info to stalk every other piece of social media they're in is positively fucking horrifying.

I so fucking hate that the general public only sees Rowling as the victim here when she's explicitly the aggressor, both towards these people, and in fucking supporting TERF doxxers within the twitter thread. It's absolute peak gaslighting on an international scale that drives you mad, that reality does not exist, only the statements of the rich and powerful.
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Seven of Nine

Oct 27, 2017
It is incredible how poisoned the well is now. I am exhausted of explaining whatever new controversy an anti-trans celeb has made up.


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (3 Days): Concern Trolling
Rowling is perpetually wrong and her transphobia emanates from every tweet in that thread.
That being said, when you protest against someone and post a picture on social media with the address, there's an underline intention that can't be denied in today's climate. Even if the address can be found online, there's an incentive for more people to go to her house and I don't think that's okay. No matter how vile that person is.


Oct 25, 2017
Rowling is perpetually wrong and her transphobia emanates from every tweet in that thread.
That being said, when you protest against someone and post a picture on social media with the address, there's an underline intention that can't be denied in today's climate. Even if the address can be found online, there's an incentive for more people to go to her house and I don't think that's okay. No matter how vile that person is.
Protesting. Is. Not. Harassment.

Stop this shit


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
She's high on a mixture of being held up as a martyr and being able to hit the trending section plus the national news whenever she wants. It's practically her vocation at this stage. No surprise that places like the Telegraph printed the entire series of her tweets, neatly catching in the transphobia as well.

She wanted an excuse to go on another rant and generate the above again, so she found one. The entire reason for this storm, and why it's been pinned on her profile since, was to send out these shots:




Can't count something that probably doesn't exist you fucking asshole

I hate seeing her name because every fucking time nowadays it's just her being a hateful piece of garbage.


Oct 25, 2017
Rowling is perpetually wrong and her transphobia emanates from every tweet in that thread.
That being said, when you protest against someone and post a picture on social media with the address, there's an underline intention that can't be denied in today's climate. Even if the address can be found online, there's an incentive for more people to go to her house and I don't think that's okay. No matter how vile that person is.
She felt so harassed that she didn't call police at the time, pointed out these people to her massive following so they could get harassed, and then used this whole situation to get publicity and promote other TERFs and transphobes.

What a world we live in when the most peaceful form of protesting imaginable (standing with signs with slogans for trans people, not even anti Rowling) is being demonized.


Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of leaking things, Vieweranon just leaked the entirety of the next Fantastic Beasts' movie's plot after saying he'd do it if she ever showed more insane transphobic behavior on social media.

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore - is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.

It's not gonna do anything, but hey if it helps show studios that she's worth staying away from to avoid PR storms, that's something I suppose.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
Rowling is perpetually wrong and her transphobia emanates from every tweet in that thread.
That being said, when you protest against someone and post a picture on social media with the address, there's an underline intention that can't be denied in today's climate. Even if the address can be found online, there's an incentive for more people to go to her house and I don't think that's okay. No matter how vile that person is.
Can y'all please stop policing how we're supposed to protest the billionaire who's advocating against our rights?


Oct 28, 2017
She really needs to fuck right off.

Really seems to enjoy punching down and playing the victim.


Oct 28, 2017
Speaking of leaking things, Vieweranon just leaked the entirety of the next Fantastic Beasts' movie's plot after saying he'd do it if she ever showed more insane transphobic behavior on social media.

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore - is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.

It's not gonna do anything, but hey if it helps show studios that she's worth staying away from to avoid PR storms, that's something I suppose.

That's amazing. Fuck JKR.