
Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
i. Cate Archer: Cate Archer is at the front and center of this game. Far from a mute(ish) protagonists that were so common in FPS back then, she has a lot to say. And it's a joy to listen to her. Cate is full of personality and charm. Charisma and attitude. The fact she is a woman is very important for the game's story and her arc in it, and although I'm sure it's not perfect, I find they did a great job with it. What's amazing is the range her character shows. She can be sarcastic, but also respectful and formal. Aggressive but also tender. Funny or serious. There are even some dialogue choices in the game but they all feel like things she could say. Of course, parallel to all that she is also a lethal, dangerous and extremely capable spy. Poor HARM never stood a chance!


ps: I also recommend reading this article about female protagonist in FPS, which has a section dedicated to NoLF.

ii. Great match between amazing gameplay and light stealth elements: make no mistake, NoLF is first and foremost a FPS. With that in mind, what makes it such an extraordinary one is not simply its well crafted gunplay, but how it manages to incorporate stealth elements. You'll often find yourself moving very deliberate across the map, trying to not make any noise and keeping an extra attention to the environment. Sounds play an important role here, listening to footsteps can tell players where the enemy is coming from and shooting someone through a wall because you heard them coming is extra satisfying. You also have an array of gadgets to help your missions, from lockpicks, body removers, poisoned perfume, etc... but at the end of the day it's all about killing the enemies without being seen. And if things go to hell, then going in all guns blazing is also extremely fun. There are some rough spots here and there with the stealth gameplay, but nothing that quick saving can't solve!


iii. Tone and humor: When we think of First Person Shooters, particularly in the late 90s, we tend to think of violent, bloody games. Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein, even Half Life. NoLF follows a different direction. At first glance it might remind you of Austin Powers, as it too is a paraody of 60s spy thrillers. Yet what makes the game stand out is that it finds a superb balance between being fun, colorful and lighthearted, with being serious and grave. You often see characters reacting seriously to a situation, but with something in the middle that makes it quite absurd, one great example is HARMS puppet video:

No One Lives Forever is a game that tries to be joyful and make the player have a good time while playing it. Not just because the game is fun to play, but also because there are many funny and delightful moments.

iv. Writing and dialogue: A lot of elements of the game contribute to the tone I mentioned above. How colorful the game is, the design of gadgets, character design, etc. But the writing deserves a special mention. NoLF is an extremely well written game, with a strong narrative and many memorable dialogues. Not only the interaction between the main characters is great, but throughout the game there are many dialogue between henchmen that will put a smile on your face, one very memorable example:

Another favorite of mine:

And there are many others. Beware though, some will make you quite conflict about killing the bad guys! Documents are also a source of quick jokes, and are in themselves rewards for exploration.


v. Music: Not only No One Lives Forever has a great soundtrack, but the way the music is used in the game is amazing. Stealth games often uses music to highlight danger and enemy movement, and NoLF is no exception. The music truly enhances the atmosphere and help you to understand what is happening. One incredible detail that I personally love is when you kill an enemy there will be a quick music shift that will either go back to normal if no one notices what you did or change into another tune if you're detected.

vi (bonus round): Modernized for the present: If you're luck enough to find yourself with a copy of NoLF (and its sequel), you might find that the games don't particularly run well with modern computers. But the good news is that these modernizes exist, and they were incredibly well. Higher res, solid performance and close to bug free. You can experience these games today as they should.

Modernizer for NoLF1, Modernizer for NoLF2.

And that's it. I cannot overstate my love for No One Lives Forever, No One Lives Forever 2 (which by the way you should also try as it's even better than the first game) and the indomitable Cate Archer. It's incredibly sad that such an incredible franchise is burried under copyright fuckery, but I take some solace that there are more people out there who will never forget those masterpieces.

And I do hope some people here decide to give it a chance. You will not regret it.
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Nov 1, 2017
Thanks for the write up OP, two amazing games indeed.
Check out NOLF Revival for Wndows 10 compatible versions of both, for free since the games are stuck in licensing limbo.


Oct 25, 2017
Great thread. The fact that the license for nolf franchise seem to be lost in the ether makes me very sad. There really haven't been any other spy games quite like the first two, even many years later. Plus Cate Archer is a great protagonist for sure.

Holding onto my avatar (nolf 2 cover art) until we are get a remake of the first two games!


Oct 28, 2017
Glad I picked this one up from a bargain bin decades ago (complete with the remixes from the lounge music cd).

I remember reading about the game in pcxl or pc gamer way back when it had a male protag, was thrilled when they changed it to a woman. It's a damn fun game that really was ahead of its time.

someday they will clear up the IP woes and we'll get nolf 3 and proper rerelease of the first two games.


Oct 25, 2017
I played through 1 and 2 last year for the first time and loved them, but 1 would need a serious remake in the presenation department from the ground up for it to be up to standard now, 2 doesnt need much work.

Serisuly the dialogue cutscenes in 1 could be much better directed in a remake, if they ever clear the fucking rights. I would replayed it 100% if they did that.

And the music is soooo good.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
Are the games somehow playable with a gamepad?

The modenizers add gamepad support I believe, but I didn't try myself.

I will always be mad by the fact Contract J.A.C.K killed the series.

I don't think it did. Unfortunately NoLF2 just didn't sell as much as it deserved, and Monolith tried a different approach.

Indeed, Contact JACK make a lot of movements that would lead to FEAR: Mute male character, focus on gunplay, more linear, more serious tone... except it was a rushed job on a framework that didn't support it.


Jan 27, 2018
I've heard so much about these games (the tone control podcast ep3 when steve just nerds out over nolf with game designer craig hubbard is great) but I just don't have it in me the hunt down physical used copies of pc games
would buy instantly if they were available on gog


Oct 25, 2017
Monolith was really firing on all cylinders at the time.

Unfortunately they're stuck doing mediocre open world games these days.


Dec 7, 2017
Game's rights are split between 20th Century Fox (now Disney), Warner and Activision and when Nightdive Studios tried to revive the IP a couple of years ago, they received a letter from Warner that stopped them from making any progress. The games are in licensing hell so if you want to play it, either a buy a copy on a marketplace or Google search the revival project.


Alt Account
Nov 30, 2019
Wasn't this supposed to be released by Nightdive? Stephen Kick tweeted this as a reply some time ago (after all the rights sheninagans)

wait apparently they did an interview in October about it!!

In brief: nobody really knows who owns the game, and parties that might own the game have roadblocked attempts at a remaster.

Still, that hasn't stopped Nightdive Studios from continuing their efforts to bring the beloved game to modern platforms. I recently asked CEO Stephen Kick and Director of Business Development Larry Kuperman about the current status of a modern release.

"It is a process that we're continuing," said Kuperman. "There are a couple of different challenges with that title in particular. There were multiple companies involved in creating No One Lives Forever. You need to get some degree or another of sign-off from those companies."

Kuperman continued to detail the legal status of the game. "The second part that is a complexity is that those games were done prior to the conversion to electronic document storage. Often, there was a contract that was done that references an earlier contract. Those contracts are in storage boxes in various basements of buildings." He likened the process to a "byzantine maze."

"You ever seen the first Indiana Jones movie?" he laughed. "Welcome to that world."

But Nightdive isn't discouraged, and plans to continue their pursuit of the IP.

"We continue on with our mission to unearth and bring back these classic games," stated Kuperman. "With each success that we have - especially high-visibility successes - people become more aware of what Nightdive is doing, and of the gravitas of our company."

With any luck, those big successes will lead to the restoration of No One Lives Forever that the game deserves. The audience for it is definitely there - it's only a matter of the right people saying "yes."

My full interview with Kick, Kuperman, and Community Manager Karlee Wetzel will go live this Sunday.

Nightdive Is Still Trying To Bring Back No One Lives Forever

Cate Archer's still MIA after facing her greatest foe yet: legal limbo.
Oct 27, 2017
Still have my physical boxes of these games. Crazy this came out the same year that music began to be digitally portable in earnest, it was a different time for sure.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil

AI in NoLF2 is extremely underrated. If you ask about great AI in FPS, people will probably remember FEAR, but I do believe NoLF2 was the "OG". AI in this game is incredible, both in default mode, hunting Archer and combat. In the first, they will not only walk around in a patrol, but they will constantly interact with the environment, like in this gif. It reminds of a TLoU E3 trailer which showed that, but in the final games enemies were less reactive, NoLF2 didn't have to make that compromise. When hunting for Archer they are also show rich behaviours, they can be more aggresive or cautions, and it virtually never feels like they are cheating and know where Cate is. It almost feels like a multiplayer game, where both you and the enemies are operating whithin the same rules. And finally in combat they can be extremely smart, flanking the player and being very aggresive.


Oct 26, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Oh snap, I just finished playing it for the first time a few days ago. It was great, I enjoyed playing mostly stealth. I tried getting all the intel items but always missed a few. I'll start NOLF2 soon I think, I played it years ago but can't remember If I finished it.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil


Oct 25, 2017
Monolith owns this great fucking IP and I can basically bet you that WB would never let them use it.

It just sucks ass that the first game is owned by one company, the 2nd game is owned by another company, but the IP is owned by Monolith.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
Wasn't this supposed to be released by Nightdive? Stephen Kick tweeted this as a reply some time ago (after all the rights sheninagans)

wait apparently they did an interview in October about it!!

Nightdive Is Still Trying To Bring Back No One Lives Forever

Cate Archer's still MIA after facing her greatest foe yet: legal limbo.

They even did this amazing poster for it:


I'll be forever hopeful they will manage to bring it back... and I feel luck in a way that they seem very passionate about it and won't give up. A shame that the people who actually own are the opposite.
Jun 17, 2018
I loved the demos for these back in the day and I'd grab them in a heartbeat. However, you can't get them digitally so unless GOG get them, we're shit out of luck.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Loved this game though I only played it on PS2, which I guess is a lot worse than the PC version. It felt like a mix of Goldeneye and what a James Bond game should be, with tons of gadgets and creative/different ways to handle action scenarios.


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
Loved how this game rewarded you for sneaking around by letting you listening in at the guards inane and often funny conversations.

And of course all the spy toys

Have not played it since it came out but still have fond memories.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
Loved this game though I only played it on PS2, which I guess is a lot worse than the PC version. It felt like a mix of Goldeneye and what a James Bond game should be, with tons of gadgets and creative/different ways to handle action scenarios.

NoLF was meant to have a male protagonsit at first (you can read more about it in the link I posted in the OP) and it changed because it was felt it was too similar to 007. And indeed, NoLF is somewhat close to that game (and Perfect Dark). They have spy themes but they are mostly about moving foward and shooting people. NoLF does have actual stealth elements though, and other mechanics related to it.


Jan 14, 2018
I've heard so much about these games (the tone control podcast ep3 when steve just nerds out over nolf with game designer craig hubbard is great) but I just don't have it in me the hunt down physical used copies of pc games
would buy instantly if they were available on gog

I loved the demos for these back in the day and I'd grab them in a heartbeat. However, you can't get them digitally so unless GOG get them, we're shit out of luck.

Ebay currently has over 100 copies for sale, across PC and PS2 and I've found multiple copies in second hand stores within the last year. Theyre still cheap, so grab them while you can, you wont regret it.
Oct 25, 2017
The fact that Revival is still up after more than three years just goes to show that the companies really don't give a monkeys about this IP.


Creative Director, Microsoft
Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
A delightful series with some great dialogue and quirky weapons & gadgets. It's too bad no one has re-released 'em. I had a great time with them on PC years ago... I don't think I kept the discs though. =(
Oct 27, 2017
Who in hell owns the IP now? Has that been cleared up?

No. Last thing I heard even the people who were involved with developing the games didn't know who owned what related to the IP nowadays.

I've been recommended the games from a friend of mine, and I'd gladly play them if they ever got ported to consoles. But considering the IP ownership is stuck in no man's land that's not happening for the foreseeable future :/


Oct 25, 2017
Boise, Idaho
God I love this game and the sequel. I still have the physical disks but my PC doesn't have a disk drive. Did they ever explain the running gag with the goats?


Oct 25, 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
Before I had enough money to buy the game as a broke ass kid, I used to play the demo that came with an issue of PC Gamer magazine almost daily. Eventually I played the full release and its sequel and had an absolute blast.

It nailed the feeling of being a globe-trotting spy during the swinging sixties with engaging characters, varied environments, and humour that is still unmatched in an FPS. Damn I miss this series.

We need Cate Archer back. Someone needs to sort out the legal mess the IP is in and give us a sequel!


Oct 27, 2017
Ohhh nice, have to try it soon.
Modernizer developer here!

NOLF 1 Modernizer should have the same boring gamepad support seen in other older games. (No analog trigger support, no vibration iirc.) I had to re-build NOLF 2's input / binding system from almost scratch, so I added in super basic gamepad support (With analog trigger, bindings can be a bit wonky) in NOLF 2 modernizer. I'll eventually spruce them up, but probably won't get to it this year.


Oct 29, 2017
It's weird, there's some games that just seem to rub me up the wrong way, and this was one of them for some reason. Something in the tone, and the attitude, just didn't work for me. I also drank a little too much "If you love Goldeneye, you'll like this", and in the end didn't get what I thought I was ordering.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
Modernizer developer here!

NOLF 1 Modernizer should have the same boring gamepad support seen in other older games. (No analog trigger support, no vibration iirc.) I had to re-build NOLF 2's input / binding system from almost scratch, so I added in super basic gamepad support (With analog trigger, bindings can be a bit wonky) in NOLF 2 modernizer. I'll eventually spruce them up, but probably won't get to it this year.

I love you.

I thought I would never play NoLF2 properly again. The revival patch didn't fix the main problems with the game running on modern systems, your modernizer did. I left a thank you message on the download page, but again:

Thank you very much.


Oct 25, 2017
Body Remover powder still cracks me up. I used to love putting corpses on top of each and using one Remover on them. Thrifty!


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
I've heard so much about these games (the tone control podcast ep3 when steve just nerds out over nolf with game designer craig hubbard is great) but I just don't have it in me the hunt down physical used copies of pc games
would buy instantly if they were available on gog

Pretty sure you can still find copies on eBay, though checking just now it looks like they've gone up in price some. Still, this is what I did a few years back after Night Dive's last publicized efforts fell through, and I have zero regrets.


Jun 29, 2019
Found a copy of the original at a Goodlwill last year for 3 dollars which made me so happy since the game is stuck in limbo digitally. Still need to track down the second game.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
Body Remover powder still cracks me up. I used to love putting corpses on top of each and using one Remover on them. Thrifty!

You can do that? Use on remove to get multiple corpses that is?

It's funny that in the first game you can't move body around, and the justification is Cate Archer's fragile female body. She gets so much shit in the first half of the game, it's great to see her overcoming it all.