
Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
No consoles should have a drive FULL STOP.
Discs these days are just a piece of plastic with the license to play the game. Most games require a day one patch etc so you don't even get the full game on the disc.

I understand there are still people that like to "own" something and watch it collect dust on their overcrowded collection shelves

Bold is not true. There is a group under the name Does it play? Who test games on disc without patch and internet and around 80% can be played



Oct 25, 2017
How many modern games can you play right off the disc? Honest question. Meaning no install.


Oct 27, 2017
Optical drive performance is now completely separated from game performance, so I would not have a technical problem with this. Although the security of the license key on the disc might complicate this.


Jul 27, 2021
so this is this 'hot take' phenomenon i keep hearing the kids talking about


Oct 29, 2017
I am having flashbacks


Buying this when HD-DVD was dead and then all them movies in the fire sale was good times.

Dance Inferno

Oct 29, 2017
Just skimming through this thread made me realise what a bubble of fanatics we are when it comes to gaming. Nowhere on earth is such a defense for keeping that plastic and annoying discs lol.

I for one welcome the all digital future, and I am fully aware of the flak that is coming my way, but this battle I will fight.

Have been full digital since 2017 with the Switch, and let me tell you, life is GREAT
The only one living in a bubble seems to be you. You realize most of the world doesn't have access to super fast broadband, meaning discs are still necessary for most of the planet.


Oct 28, 2017
I like the physical aspect of media but I'm sort of done with optical discs for games, honestly they're slow (at copy time) and make a lot of noise, I would be totally in favour of physical game being on an SD card style media like what the is done with the Switch. I can't wait for a day where you don't need to install a game from a physical medium on a PS5 or Xbox console.

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
Imagine living in a bubble to this extreme

Yep. I can see how that happens. When you've had high speed internet w/ no data caps for so long you assume it's ubiquitous. And when you don't lend/trade games with friends to save a few bucks cause your bread is good enough to just buy it. Or not buy used.

But nah, I have embraced this digital future but the fear of my account getting banned for some fuck up beyond my control and losing access to thousands of dollars worth of product is prevalent.

And as has been pointed out numerous times: Just because you're privileged enough to have access to high speed uncapped internet doesn't mean everyone else is.
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Oct 25, 2017
Bold is not true. There is a group under the name Does it play? Who test games on disc without patch and internet and around 80% can be played

Yes obviously that was untrue. Don't know where this misinformation comes from.
I'd add that it's not just about if the game runs or not. People who say they want to always have their game as a reason for having it on disc, are never going to have the game they remembered. It's rare that what you play is what was on disc these days. So just because it runs, doesn't mean it's preserving the game.


Oct 25, 2017
jheeez, some of you digital pushers are like those crazy vegans!

I like my physical media, ones mans trash is another mans treasure.

Don't care if some of the disc are "just a key"

I have zero problems with people who are all digital, but it seem quite a few who are all digital have problems with those who like physical media.

Goddo Hando

Oct 25, 2017
i just want to plug an external dvd-drive into my Series S.
I have a stack of 360 games i wanna play on it that i own physically


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
I'd add that it's not just about if the game runs or not. People who say they want to always have their game as a reason for having it on disc, are never going to have the game they remembered. It's rare that what you play is what was on disc these days. So just because it runs, doesn't mean it's preserving the game.
I'm not sure how that argument is supposed to work. The game disc still retains the original release code, and even if patches get lost because servers go down, you still have that.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I haven't bought any physical game in the last 9 years with the exceptional of RingFit, which was the only way to get it.

I still think consoles should have physical media for the people that want it.

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
I'd add that it's not just about if the game runs or not. People who say they want to always have their game as a reason for having it on disc, are never going to have the game they remembered. It's rare that what you play is what was on disc these days. So just because it runs, doesn't mean it's preserving the game.

What's the alternative to someone who doesn't have access to uncapped high speed broadband?

blame space

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I haven't bought any physical game in the last 9 years with the exceptional of RingFit, which was the only way to get it.

I still think consoles should have physical media for the people that want it.
this is a false dichotomy. there is no downside to having it, even if you never use it. anything else is (i know, i know) anti-consumer.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure how that argument is supposed to work. The game disc still retains the original release code, and even if patches get lost because servers go down, you still have that.

In some cases the game is severely buggy or is locked behind server authentication.

Also it's locked behind your progression too. Maybe for the playstation fans here who get really good single player games where that doesn't matter it's not a big deal, but on the Xbox side I can't remember the last game that didn't get a signifanct boost via update. I use a One X so almost every game disc is worthless as I'd be stuck at 1080p for the base system, as far as I am aware they don't ship code for the One X, or Series System on disc and just have you download that data.

What's the alternative to someone who doesn't have access to uncapped high speed broadband?
Spend $50-$100 on a disc drive, buy a disc.


Oct 25, 2017
You realize when the digital future is fully realized and physical media is relegated to 3rd party device support they'll be raising prices across the board and limiting physical options/availability, right?
One day we'll all die too, iPhones won't have lightning ports, USB-C will be replaced, cars will move to subscription services, etc.

IMO there will always be a need for discs. MS will always be pushing BC as part of the Xbox Ecosystem, Sony will always want to be pushing BluRay. And you'll never want to cut out all disc buyers for Christmas season alone, let alone all the other people who need access to physical media.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
In some cases the game is severely buggy or is locked behind server authentication.

Also it's locked behind your progression too. Maybe for the playstation fans here who get really good single player games where that doesn't matter it's not a big deal, but on the Xbox side I can't remember the last game that didn't get a signifanct boost via update. I use a One X so almost every game disc is worthless as I'd be stuck at 1080p for the base system, as far as I am aware they don't ship code for the One X, or Series System on disc and just have you download that data.
Buggy games exist digitally as well, and the number of physical games that require server authentication to even launch is dwarfed by the number of online-focused games in general, physical and digital, that are unplayable now because their servers have been offline for years.

And locked behind progression? What the heck does that even mean? Games aren't unplayable just because they aren't given a boost by the latest hardware.


Oct 25, 2017
Just skimming through this thread made me realise what a bubble of fanatics we are when it comes to gaming. Nowhere on earth is such a defense for keeping that plastic and annoying discs lol.

I for one welcome the all digital future, and I am fully aware of the flak that is coming my way, but this battle I will fight.

Have been full digital since 2017 with the Switch, and let me tell you, life is GREAT
Digital console games cost a lot, have limited discounts, and you can't resell/buy used.

Unless something happens and digital console games end up being prices like PC digital games (and part of it comes from offering digital codes being sold by 3rd parties, which would require platform holder to eat their cut), digital on consoles is never going to be good value for money.

Then there's the argument about internet speeds and data caps. Switch games don't get affected much from this but PlayStation's and Xbox games do.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, all digital is inevitable no matter how many people here kick up a fuss about it. The transition has already begun with there being two different types of console, with a big price difference, and the GamePass push. The peripheral will help people who bought digital consoles and want to get some dics, but I doubt that gets released as the idea is to push as many people to digital as possible and normalise it. I don't think a disc option will exist by the time next-gen rolls around.
Oh man if that happens I would have to buy less games then.
Oct 31, 2017

I own a PS5 DE and even I think this is a bad idea. Prices will not go down if you take away the Disc Drive and make it a USB option.

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
It would be easier if digital purchases that are on sale on consoles were cheaper than buying physical copies of the same game.

Most recent purchase for me was buying Assassins Creed Valhalla plus the season pass was cheaper to buy the base game from Amazon then buying the base game from PSN. Game ships for free so it doesn't hurt me there.


Feb 28, 2018
I'll never forget the horror stories of friends and acquaintances buying digital copies of games, only for something to happen to their account, and all those purchases are wiped out.

They'd either have to rebuy all those games again (a friend lost thousands of dollars worth of games) or just live with the loss.

No thank you for digital.

People should get the option for both, and it should never be just one or the other in existence.


Oct 26, 2017
At what point in the market does one say, yep, were not printing discs anymore? When it is 80% digital? 90%?

Curious to see what the market split is now that 2021 is over. Probably up to or around 65% digital. Give it a few more years and probably will reach 70%.
It's unlikely to reach those numbers in Japan, because there are no discounts to buying 80~100 dollar games on PSN (though there are some preorder discounts on the eShop). If you buy 10 major titles a year, you've probably lost about 100 dollars by going digital (if not 150).

For any example RE Village went for 7900 down from 8700 yen on an Yodobashi. Then you would get 790 yen back in points. Amazon price matches the Yodobashi price with points (so it would be about 7100). If you bought this digitally, you would pay 8700 yen.

Without physical to compete with, games would just be more expensive for people in general.
Oct 27, 2017
Nah, I'd rather have more rights as a consumer. I really don't think the market is ready for digital only consoles but who knows. Either way with preservation it's better to have the option of discs imo. Plus used games and game lending are key for low income communities


Oct 25, 2017
I'll never forget the horror stories of friends and acquaintances buying digital copies of games, only for something to happen to their account, and all those purchases are wiped out.

They'd either have to rebuy all those games again (a friend lost thousands of dollars worth of games) or just live with the loss.

No thank you for digital.

People should get the option for both, and it should never be just one or the other in existence.
Yeah, that's what sucks about going all digital, you have to be careful with that.


Oct 27, 2017
What's bizarre is people dog piling for what would functionally be a better system than we have now.

PS5 disk is $100 more than PS5 digital. But if they sold a disk drive, there is absolutely no way they would sell it for $100. Absolutely no way. You'd be looking at $60, maybe $70, maybe $80 if they really wanted to push it. So it would be better for consumers to pay $400 + whatever the disk drive cost. That is just objectively better. It also means people who didnt' think they'd want physical and regret it have an easy solution. There is zero downside do it. So acting like "wow lol OP is stupid for suggesting this what an awful idea" is really fucking weird.

What's even more unhinged is some of the bizarre reasons to justify the arguments that OP is an idiot. Stuff like suggesting that having something external makes it more likely to break. Like what? When has that ever been true? Have people here ever ACTUALLY had an external drive? I've had like three and they all still work just fine except one that got smashed because my brother carried it around with him.

Like literally what is happening here is this weird monkey brain "wait, I have to buy TWO things? That's TERRIBLE" and just ignoring that you'd probably pay LESS total for more freedom. Maybe it doesn't look as pretty but when do you ever actually move your console where having two items to move would actually be an issue. You could even hide the console and only have the drive on display for an even tidier look. Even if you disagree with that that's entirely a subjective matter of taste. A far cry from oh my OP is such an insane, bold idiot for suggesting this horrible idea.

Like everyone is acting like OP is SUCH AN IDIOT and the reasons they are saying so are either reasons for why we shouldn't get rid of disks (which is utterly bizarre since that is in no way being proposed), or they are completely baseless (like suggesting that these new disk drives would be more likely to break, which is unfounded).

Really fucking weird thread. But kind of expected.

This is like when people got mad at Limited Editions of games not having the game included, when that literally is better for everyone involved. If you lop off the price of the game and instead let people buy it digital but still get the physical goodies, or let people decide to go physical if they want, it just means fewer SKUs which actually would lower the price even more. But everyone goes monkey brain "oh no i buy two thing?" and acts like it is just the stupidest suggestion ever. Just utter completely lacks of logic on such a shocking level. I can't believe people are actually that fucking stupid.

"I"M NOT UNHINGED!!!" insists the guy acting completely unhinged. Wow.

Why would I theoretically (it wouldn't actually be priced this way in reality) want to pay less money to buy a disc drive attachment when it can just be seamlessly integrated into my console, while simultaneously driving down the size of the consumer market for discs - something I still actively want to buy? People aren't giving it a serious response because it isn't an idea worthy of one. Get a grip.


Nov 2, 2017
Nottingham, UK
Oh man if that happens I would have to buy less games then.
Sure, but the vast majority of people will continue to buy games, even if they say/believe they won't. People said the same thing with music, film and PC gaming. In all of those instances it wasn't just a switch that was flipped, it was a gradual process, a normalization over many years, all of a sudden people are digital and they didn't even really think about it as they're bingeing their new favourite series on Netflix and not popping down to their local Blockbuster.

I get the trepidation from everyone, that's completely normal, especially on an enthusiast website. Change brings a lot of uncertainty, certainly with something you enjoy. I just see it as an inevitably that people would be better off coming to terms with.


Oct 25, 2017
Sure, but the vast majority of people will continue to buy games, even if they say/believe they won't. People said the same thing with music, film and PC gaming. In all of those instances it wasn't just a switch that was flipped, it was a gradual process, a normalization over many years, all of a sudden people are digital and they didn't even really think about it as they're bingeing their new favourite series on Netflix and not popping down to their local Blockbuster.

I get the trepidation from everyone, that's completely normal, especially on an enthusiast website. Change brings a lot of uncertainty, certainly with something you enjoy. I just see it as an inevitably that people would be better off coming to terms with.
Oh this is all true, and yeah it will definitely happen. It's just how times are these days.

But I also meant I will buy far less games at full price as I hardly ever buy games at 60 bucks and I never bought a 70 bucks game(might do 1 or 2 in the future though but not much more). This would push me to be even more selective for what games I would want on consoles(mainly exclusives for 90% of them) if they go for the digital only route(I mean I do this regardless with disc or digital, but yeah).

It makes me wonder how those who mainly buy games physically feel about it.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 26, 2017
TBH, I would expect Microsoft will do this for the next Xbox, purely for backwards compatability purposes. I'm expecting the PS6 to be strictly digital only.


Feb 28, 2018
It makes me wonder how those who mainly buy games physically feel about it.

Digital to me just means I'm merely borrowing or renting a game, when they can snatch it away at any time.

So it makes me feel annoyed to think that one day, they would like to do away with physical entirely.

Then again, you look at how books are these days. eBooks and physical copies. Both are sold, and physical doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon, if at all.