
Oct 28, 2017
kinda missing the point though

of course people are gonna pay because they have to to play those games online; whether i like it or not, i'll be coughing up that 20 bucks to play splat 2 and smash

the online classic library and cloud saves is great, but the structure of the online itself is trash and nintendo needs to listen to the criticism
As far as I can tell, the only obvious thing they could do would require them letting the Switch get hacked to pieces like the 3DS was.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if you're being serious or not but can we please shut that "leak" down before people start getting stupid about it.

Nintendo said early may, last week was Golden Week in Japan so it was never going to be then. May 7th was a likely date that many could have guessed.

Voice chat is not done through a service like Discord but instead through the existing app = WRONG
Exclusive Eshop discounts = previously stated
monthly retro games = previously stated
Nintendo ditching VC and instead calling it Nintendo Classics = WRONG
Launching with pay to own NES and GBA games in August = WRONG
Same with SNES and N64 = WRONG

so based on what we know he actually got the majority wrong, guessed one thing that many could have guessed and gave info that we already knew.

Now maybe this leak is correct but right now there is nothing pointing to it being true so I ask everybody can we please not act as if this is confirmed or that the leak is now credible. It still isn't, please "fake news" in gaming is becoming rampant and is very frustrating.
Don't worry, I was joking. I don't believe any leaks, unless it comes from my uncle.

Bob Beat

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah the voice chat app and leading with NES games is definitely the weakest two elements of the subscription so far.

Regarding cloud saves, I think it's gonna be that if you're subscription runs out you wont have access to your cloud saves unless you resubscribe.

Or if Nintendo wants to play it right, make it so any cloud save before the subscription still is stored in the cloud. Your local save continues after it expires without being able to update your cloud save but you can still access the old one as long as it was made and uploaded before your subscription ran out. Seems too complicated for Nintendo to pull off I'd say, but we'll see.

I'm annoyed and would pay $60 just to have the app on the system.

I can see people paying for a month, uploading saves. And if you don't play all year, just paying for a month when you need it. But I'll just pay the $20 and let it auto renew.


Oct 25, 2017
The vast majority of players don't follow Nintendo News announcements. They are going to wake up one day and find out the games they spent $60 on are now stuck behind a paywall they never knew about.

There's this News app thing, which Nintendo uses to deliver news directly to the console. This includes news about Nintendo Switch Online and how it will not be a free service until the end of time. That's about as in the loop as you can make your userbase when the console itself can tell you it's happening. Being any more informative to the entire userbase would require a mandatory EULA appearing every time you go online with a game telling you in big red letters that it's only temporarily free.

If they didn't know about it, it's because they legit didn't want to be informed.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Virtual console is here, boys. Just as I imagined it.


Nov 27, 2017
Nintendo's history with these things makes me worry. "Regular" expansion could very easily resemble the sluggish output of VC games on the WiiU. God knows when the SNES games would show up as result.

I don't have a sense of where they truly want to go with legacy games beyond the subscription service. The VC and the old games seemed to be important to Iwata; I have no idea if there is an advocate in the current hierarchy that would push for them the same way.
Slightly different case, vc games were dripped for exposure so that a popular game would eat up the sales of more niche ones, combined with the cost of getting the games rerated. In this case being part of a service makes it a sunk cost, and services live off the variety and quantity of games. No one game is making the money, they all are. So while you still stagger stuff you want each update to be memorable and you want the big staple titles everyone wants in first and quickly, then you use the more obscure, and potentially more expensive(third party, licensed games) to keep them coming back as the service grows


Oct 27, 2017
I'm excited for it. Curious to see what other games get added.

Did they say if you can play the games offline and do you keep access to the games that were there when you originally subscribed like psplus, or can they take them away at any time like Netflix?


Oct 25, 2017
Seems fine. It's cheap and inoffensive.

If the family plan works the way they say it does then that seems like a pretty sweet deal if I can get a friend or two to chip in.

Deleted member 19274

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
A classic game library is more appealing to me than the free games on other services. 20 games from the start is good. Hopefully they continue to add at a solid pace


Nov 18, 2017
I am sure the NES library will grow and eventually people will think it's worth the price later. Can't wait for SNES and N64 games in a year or two.

Nintendo's library of games can do Netflix-style much better than Sony and Microsoft.

The Nightsky

Oct 27, 2017
Pretty cheap. That's what I really care about. NES games online can be a fun novelty. Cloud saves are good I guess. I never realized they were so important to people. Backing up saves is the new playing games.
Oct 27, 2017
Regarding cloud saves, I think it's gonna be that if you're subscription runs out you wont have access to your cloud saves unless you resubscribe.

Or if Nintendo wants to play it right, make it so any cloud save before the subscription still is stored in the cloud. Your local save continues after it expires without being able to update your cloud save but you can still access the old one as long as it was made and uploaded before your subscription ran out. Seems too complicated for Nintendo to pull off I'd say, but we'll see.

Dude, they're backup saves. It's not like you'll only be able to access saves online. They need to work when you have no access to the internet


Oct 28, 2017
On a personal level, the cloud saves is all I needed and the price is negligible, especially if the special offers will be any good. I'm actually not interested in VC or NES games, but given that the NES games now have added multiplayer functionality, I might actually try some of these out on certain occasions. I can understand people saying it should be free but unfortunately that's how the world works.


Oct 25, 2017
Man I was hoping they can at least give us SNES instead of NES games, not really much value in it for me outside of cloud saves even if it's cheap. I'll pass for now and will see how the service goes going forward

Tarot Deck

Oct 27, 2017
How do you come to that conclusion? It's quite plausible that the online service will just have NES games and be completely separate from a Virtual Console.

The VC is dead. And if you think about it, of course it is.

Selling the same old game for the 4th time in a row ( Wii, 3ds, WiiU) would be pushing it. Raspberry Pi and cellphones can emulate almost all thoses games.

Nintendo realized it had to have something different than other versions to speak it's fans, and it is online.

Soon people will play Mario Kart and Star Fox 64 multiplayer online and it will be glorious.


Oct 27, 2017
I already own SMB3 on the Wii. Why would I want to pay for the privilege to play it again? I wouldn't. My time is too valuable to honestly be wasted on NES games. I want real games or at least they should be offering GameCube games.
People are free to complain but saying that NES games are not real games.....


Also you are paying a small fee for a collection of classic games. Seems fair to me.
I shall hold off any judgement until it is properly unveiled.
Wish there was a better solution to online chat though.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope they've improved their emulators to a great extent, more than just adding online multiplayer. Because the Switch is an awesome way to play those games on the go, with its large screen, but I want better emulation than what the NES Classic had.


Oct 27, 2017
Who seriously cares about NES games? I've played these games a million times before and I can't imagine adding online will make then exciting for more than like.. 10 minutes? I'm just gonna pay the $5 and enjoy Smash for a month.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Well, except Nintendo's official announcement that the online service would support SNES games with online play. That would suggest that SNES games will be part of the service, I would think :P
Wasn't aware of that! Even if SNES games are possible, that doesn't mean N64, GameCube, and GBA games are coming with online play for this service. I would love that, but you cant assume that it will happen.
Rather, there's no reason to assume otherwise. What, they're going to keep offering NES games for like 6 more years? They'll already run out of ones that can use online to any meaningful degree with these 20.

This is a company that wants to maximize profits and get people to buy their online, and newer console games offered in that service is a blatant decision in that regard. Few are going to buy just for the online NES games, but for SNES? GB, GBA? So on? The offer gets more and more enticing the more you add.

Again, they're not about to sit on their asses doing nothing for years on their only major platform going forward.
I think they are much more likely to remaster or just sell GameCube and N64 games straight up rather than offering them all up for a service like this. That or the price would have to increase per year.


Oct 25, 2017
The Danger Zone
If their emulation is as bad for these games as it was on Wii U when the NES Classic exists im gonna laugh.

And no not every NES game is exciting or has aged well. Im positive one of the 20 games is gonna be Urban Champion as usual.

Deleted member 21693

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Oct 28, 2017
Just introduce a way to copy save games to the micro SD card and then move those files to the PC. That's all we need. Then people who don't care about online gaming can save their data and everyone's happy.

As far as the classic game collection goes I'm pleasantly surprised it's 20 games at the beginning. BUT I'm afraid this will turn into another excruciatingly slow drip of new releases, just like with the Virtual Console. I don't expect Nintendo to release new classic games every month or on any sort of regular schedule.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
We only know the name of 10 games so far, correct? I'm exicted to see which games get added early on. Hope we don't have to wait long for SNES and other platforms.

My lunch today was ~$15. $20 a year doesn't seem bad at all. Once the classic game library grows more robust it's gonna be an awesome deal.
Oct 27, 2017

Some remarks:
  • Cloud saves confirmed! Only for subscribers.
  • Free NES games with added online play for subscribers.
  • The service will launch with 20 games, with new games added regularly. Launch titles include:
    • Soccer
    • Tennis
    • Donkey Kong™
    • Mario Bros.™
    • Super Mario Bros.™
    • Balloon Fight™
    • Ice Climber™
    • Dr. Mario™
    • The Legend of Zelda™
    • Super Mario Bros.™ 3
  • The previously announced price of $20 yearly is for individual users. Other accounts on your Switch won't be able to use online services.
  • if you want to share your subscription with other accounts (either on the same console or different ones) you can buy a family plan for $35 yearly.
  • Assuming there are no other restrictions, Nintendo Switch Online can be as low as $4.38 a year if you find 7 other people, form a Nintendo Account Family Group, and split the costs. (Thanks Wario64 for pointing this)
  • Voice chat will still require the mobile app.


Full PR:

So does this confirm the gamefaqs guy having an inside scoop?


Oct 26, 2017
People are free to complain but saying that NES games are not real games.....


Also you are paying a small fee for a collection of classic games. Seems fair to me.
I shall hold off any judgement until it is properly unveiled.
Wish there was a better solution to online chat though.

Real or not those games hold zero value to me as part of this offer because I'll simply never play them, plain and simple.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Any grievance I might have had about the save backups is overshadowed by their insistence on that awful awful smartphone app. It's still the most baffling choice of all.


Oct 28, 2017
No value for me in NES games and charging for backing up saves is really offensive. I'll miss playing Splatoon online but i'm not paying for that so called service.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't imagine it will stop at just NES games. It'll move on to SNES eventually, and then probably N64. But all that clamoring for Gamecube VC is probably going to go unheard.