Which colour Nintendo Switch Lite is your favourite?

  • Grey

    Votes: 790 20.0%
  • Yellow

    Votes: 886 22.4%
  • Turquoise

    Votes: 1,417 35.9%
  • Pokémon Sword and Shield Edition

    Votes: 857 21.7%

  • Total voters

Deleted member 2172

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Just over an inch shorter? That is hardly anything. I have no idea how anyone can consider this portable if they don't consider the original portable in the first place. The price is compelling though.


Dec 10, 2018
This is great for those holding out for a portable only switch, I know there are many out there that never or rarely use docked mode.

I'll hold on a little longer for whatever their premium/pro one is though.


Oct 25, 2017
the huge bezels annoy me

Dpad looks great, though I dont know... it feels like some of these games are meant for tv


May 13, 2019
Just over an inch shorter? That is hardly anything. I have no idea how anyone can consider this portable if they don't consider the original portable in the first place. The price is compelling though.

The original was way too big, so anything that gets the system smaller is progress.


Mar 8, 2018
... no, it has well over 2000 games officially.

EDIT: Here, their official store lists 2256 games available now.

Some of those are probably duplicates and bundles but I'd guess the real number is still close to 2200.

I filtered on eShop recently to show just games and it was around 1000 (EU), there are many many dlc etc. that are included.
Oct 25, 2017
Little Nincels continue being an embarrassment

Y'all wanted a portable only switch and now you got one but now you want it to be exactly the same as the original switch that launched back in 2017?

I have to laugh!

Yep, all of Era got together and decided we all want a portable only, then we all voted to change our mind.

Do these people think before typing?
Last edited:


Jan 21, 2018
Doesn't feel much more portable. Slightly lighter, slightly smaller, and has slightly more battery life. I'd rather just undock my Switch and save $200 lol

Deleted member 8791

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
You see core features, I see gimmick. Nintendo ditching them is just a confirmation you were in the wrong to consider joy-cons and dockability as core features.
What an awful hot take. Nintendo Switch Lite doesn't exist to correct design mistakes of og Switch. It exists to add a cheaper entry point into the echo system.


Owner of YGOPRODeck.com
Nov 5, 2017
This is the strangest thread I've seen on this site.

By the sounds of things, some of you just want a regular Switch? If so, just purchase a regular Switch?

Or were you perhaps thinking that the Switch Lite (Mini) was somehow going to be an upgrade to the regular Switch?

I'm beyond confused by some of these posts.

This seems great for younger kids. I'd be 100% down for getting my Newphew this. He had a blast with the Nintendo 2DS.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
It's a cool product but I'm definitely not the target audience for it, as I'm one of the few who plays exclusively in docked mode and have a GCN adapter hooked up to the dock for Smash.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't have receipts because I'm too lazy, but I have called out September 20th as the date for this multiple times since Link's Awakening's date was announced! It made sense with how they were structuring releases in September.

Zen Hero

Oct 25, 2017
It's cute!

No reason for me to pick this up as an original Switch owner though. But it sounds good for others!


Oct 25, 2017
Be interesting to see how the marketing "switches (LOL!) to put the onus on single purpose. TBH the main things I've learned about the Switch is that I don't really use the Dock except when we have kids visiting and that I always feel a surge of disappointment at the IQ on my TV anyway. It looks "better" on the portable screen, but the bummer is that most of my favorite games are actually about scale and spectacle - Zelda, MK, Skyrim etc and that I would still like a powerful "landlocked" Nintendo console, but I'm old and wizened.

I think it looks neat, but the colors aren't for me. A dark gray one to match the existing Switch would have felt like nice continuity of platform, but it's not really for me either. The only genuine disappointment for me is the battery life, which is actually kind of surprising. I guess that thing is doing a fair amount under the hood with a real GPU and a not trivial CPU but it's fair to compare the battery to some phones out there.

Still I suspect it will do gangbusters and also gives Nintendo a rational opportunity to do a full relaunch and put the spotlight back on it.

Does it support external controllers and is there a wee stand?


May 13, 2019
This is the strangest thread I've seen on this site.

By the sounds of things, some of you just want a regular Switch? If so, just purchase a regular Switch?

Or were you perhaps thinking that the Switch Lite (Mini) was somehow going to be an upgrade to the regular Switch?

I'm beyond confused by some of these posts.

This seems great for younger kids. I'd be 100% down for getting my Newphew this. He had a blast with the Nintendo 2DS.

What was wanted is a more portable console that makes legitimate tradeoffs in service of price and portability, not artificially disabling platform level features Because Capitalism.


Oct 26, 2017
This is the strangest thread I've seen on this site.

By the sounds of things, some of you just want a regular Switch? If so, just purchase a regular Switch?

Or were you perhaps thinking that the Switch Lite (Mini) was somehow going to be an upgrade to the regular Switch?

I'm beyond confused by some of these posts.

This seems great for younger kids. I'd be 100% down for getting my Newphew this. He had a blast with the Nintendo 2DS.
Agreed. A lot of the complaints seem to boil down to "Why is it not exactly the same as the current Switch".

Fortunately for people that want something that is exactly the same as the current Switch, there is the option of the current Switch.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
This is the strangest thread I've seen on this site.

By the sounds of things, some of you just want a regular Switch? If so, just purchase a regular Switch?

Or were you perhaps thinking that the Switch Lite (Mini) was somehow going to be an upgrade to the regular Switch?

I'm beyond confused by some of these posts.

This seems great for younger kids. I'd be 100% down for getting my Newphew this. He had a blast with the Nintendo 2DS.
Exactly lol. So many bizarre responses.


May 13, 2019
If the original is classed as 'way too big' then this is still big imo. They should have cut down on the bezels around the screen even more for this to really be classed as portable in comparison.

Agree, but anything is better than nothing when the thing is too big to begin with.

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
Super Mario Party
Nintendo Labo

there's your list
From my quick search, no thanks to Nintendo's basic search options, I see the Just Dance 2018 & 2019 games also don't support it and a game called Little Friends: Dogs & Cats, but I don't have time to search the entire library to see which icons are shown at the bottom of the game's page. That's why I'm asking if there's a complete list.


Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
The regular Switch is almost certainly going to go on sale on Black Friday, so consider holding off until then if docked Switch is important for you
Unfortunately, we don't have Black Friday sales where I'm from. I think I'd be okay with handheld-only if not for the lower performance...

Karan S'jet

Alt Account
Jul 9, 2019
I'd get that if it was black. I gotta admit, it has received a lot of quality JRPGs that might convince me.


Avatar Artisan
Oct 1, 2018
My 3 little cousins will be all over this. Time to show this to them and their parents.


Oct 28, 2017
This is the strangest thread I've seen on this site.

By the sounds of things, some of you just want a regular Switch? If so, just purchase a regular Switch?

Or were you perhaps thinking that the Switch Lite (Mini) was somehow going to be an upgrade to the regular Switch?

I'm beyond confused by some of these posts.

This seems great for younger kids. I'd be 100% down for getting my Newphew this. He had a blast with the Nintendo 2DS.

We're all experts, don't mind us...

(100% agree, btw.)


Oct 25, 2017
I filtered on eShop recently to show just games and it was around 1000 (EU), there are many many dlc etc. that are included.

On the NA eShop I'm seeing 2256 games. I have no idea how many of them are DLC or bundles or rereleases but I can't imagine it's too many. They officially announced there are over 2000 games in that ad yesterday, I don't think they would lie about that.


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver BC
What's the Canadian price tag? Anyone know?

I have pretty bad joycon drift and was thinking of getting new ones for a while now but I'm wondering if I may as well just get this instead since joycon are approx $100ish (Canadian price at least).

I definitely don't need the Lite but boy do I want it.

The Yellow and Grey (and Pokemon!) ones look fantastic.

Wish there weren't the tradeoffs but I do like the price.

Very interested in this but I'm also unsure how I could transfer save files and all that over. I assume it wouldn't be super simple to play a game simultaneously on both?


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, it's suspicious that the specs say "Connect devices such as"...
It probably means that there's other stuff that will work such as the ethernet adapter.

I said account for that bc the photo only shows the first joy-con beside the Switch Lite. If you compare the Joy-Con to the right side of the Switch Lite, you see a smaller size difference than the name implies. Add in the rest of the base model Switch's components, and you see a clear and negligible difference at best.
Ah, I misunderstood then, I thought you meant functionality rather than size. However even for the size, although the difference is small, I wouldn't call it negligible. "Pocketable", "portable" and other such terms are wildly subjective and relatively small size differences can make a device more portable to a large number of people.

Wait the regular Switch doesn't support BT headphones? And this doesn't either? Do you have to use wired headphones or something?
Amazingly yes.

I already have a switch but I kind of want this for that fucking dpad alone. Goddamn.
I'd suggest anyone thinking about purchasing this for the d-pad alone should wait and see instead. Nintendo's record with Switch d-pads has been poor, and with this model, if you get a fucked up d-pad, you can't easily do anything about that. Also, if you want a d-pad on Switch, there's less expensive ways than this to get one. Even the most expensive way (paying someone to mod a Joycon for you) is still a lot cheaper than a whole new Switch.

Is this the first handheld in history to launch with nearly 1000 games in its catalogue?
Surely the 3DS did. There was definitely over a thousand DS games.