
Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
The video makes it clear, Tanabe is joining the project as producer only now with Retro Studios, which means we have no idea who was the previous producer.

Tanabe was producing the original build too. It's in the fact sheet:

"The project is being lead by series producer Kensuke Tanabe and a talented new development team."


Oct 27, 2017
Watertown, NY
I don't understand this logic. Wouldn't it make more sense to assume development on their game is finished and Prime 4 is their next project?

Depends on where they were on their project and which one they think has greater sales potential. I mean they could be done with the game they were making and somebody else can finish it. But also Metroid is a big brand, and a big staple of nintendo. SO knowing the fans reactions when they announced it originally they know people are hungry again for metroid.


Oct 27, 2017
Why are people assuming "Nintendo Swtich 2" will come out so soon? Chances are that the lifecycle of the Switch will be much longer than the Wii U. I'm sure Prime 4 will release on the Switch.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I reckon whatever Retro had been working on, whether star fox or something else, hit the point where it could be finished up by a skeleton crew (or another internal team like Monolith), and they were able to free their main development force to save Prime.

I wonder if Nintendo was getting the sense that only a western studio truly understood how to make a first person game work right. I really wanna hear the full story behind this some day.


May 9, 2018
Wow, this is wild. I wonder how bad the original (Bandai Namco?) version was that they had to cancel it and start over.

I also expect this could mean a big gap in their release schedule some time in the next couple of years where Metroid was supposed to be.

I can't wait for Bad Metroid footage to leak out in a decade or so


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Huh... HUH. Crazy, I really wonder who the previous developer was. The worst bit about this to me could be Retros previous game being cancelled. Hopefully it's just winding down so they can start pre-production on this. Otherwise I'm totally fine with this development. I appreciate the transparency.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I know no one else is asking for this, but I hope that the Metroid Prime trilogy comes to the Switch following this announcement. I've never played a Metroid game before & considering the original devs are back on, I would like to play the games in order.


Dec 25, 2017
Well two things to take from this, we know what Retro Studios is working on and who's developing Metroid Prime 4. I guess whatever else Retro Studios was working on was either put on hold, delayed or straight cancelled. I wonder what was the timeframe for these events as in, I wonder how long ago they decided to start from scratch and how long ago Retro Studios began working on the game.

The bad:
-Metroid Prime 4 release window is likely moved years(?) into the future and it's disappointing.

The good:
-Retro Studios is a proven developer and more or less created the series in first place.

Wasn't expecting that.

Better delayed than an inferior product released

It isn't a simple delay the thing is being redone from scratch.


Oct 25, 2017
Why are people assuming "Nintendo Swtich 2" will come out so soon? Chances are that the lifecycle of the Switch will be much longer than the Wii U. I'm sure Prime 4 will release on the Switch.

Big time game like this will probably take three years. They are working from scratch. In three years the switch will in its twilight, so the decision needs to be made whether to hold it off to help the launch of the new console or not.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
I'm done with the logo announcements now, from every studio.

I don't want to see any more trailers without a date on them. They're worthless to me
Oct 27, 2017
Quoting Aetna on Twitter... Makes you wonder about the 'insiders' teasing Metroid for the game awards last year ...
Well, this decision was made not very long ago... Maybe they were indeed planning at some point to show the game at TGA, but since it was in a sorry state they decided against it and made this drastic decision. Maybe this development is exactly the reason it wasn't shown and there were those conflicting reports.

El Sabroso

Oct 25, 2017
Monterrey, MX
I am glad that Nintendo is committing a lot for Metroid Prime 4, this kind of decision isn't easy in the slightest, sorry for the current development team but if they didn't complete expectations, is better to leave the work to the experts on the series


May 7, 2018
The good thing it that it was Metroid and not one of the really important franchises, imagine if BOTW, Odissey or Smash had suffered a delay of this nature...
Oct 27, 2017
I'm of course saddened by the delay, but man, what had to have happened to just throw away three years of work? That in itself is upsetting and I feel bad for the developers.
Dec 6, 2017
I mean, I'm bummed about yet another who-knows-how-long period of time without Metroid but I seriously respect and appreciate that video explanation, bringing in Retro and their commitment to quality.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
Honestly, the same thing kind of happened with Breath of the Wild, and look at how amazing that shit turned out.
Yeah, one can be disappointed at the fact that we would be played this for a long, long time, but you have to look at what this says about Nintendo's priorities regarding Metroid.

  • They want Metroid Prime 4 to be good
  • They understand how much Metroid as a whole means to their consumers
  • They understand how important Retro Studios was to the Metroid franchise
This feels so bizarre because of the total transparency, but I can't understand why one would walk away from this feeling bad about the future.

Nintendo is fucking serious about this if their willing to recognize the current progress as unsalvageable and start over on a game that they KNOW drove a lot of hype and sales for the Switch.

I can't can wait if it means that I will be getting a worthy successor to my favorite game of all time.
Well said.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Oh fuck...

Looks like my Switch will keep on collecting dust for a long time. Actually, they will for sure launch a new Zelda and a new Mario so I'll probably get a chance to dust it off before it Prime 4. It sucks anyway because I really like Metroid.


Nov 9, 2017
No gameplay shown until Q3 2020-Q1 2021 I guess.
Well, they really had the guts to do a thing like that.

And I guess that this is part of the reason why we didn't hear about Metroid at TGA. Does it make sense NateDrake?

Anyway, the joy of Retro Studios being at work again on the series is much bigger than the disappointment for the delay. I'm sure we'll all have a lot to play in the meantime.


Nov 20, 2017
I'm glad they're going to rebuild and refine the game, rather than release it in a poor state. But this really sucks for a couple reasons:

1) Last year, Nintendo didn't release an ambitious single-player 3D blockbuster, and that absence was really strongly felt. This was the only announced game we know of that would fit that bill. So it feels like we're going to be waiting a long time for another game like that. This was a big problem for Wii U, too.

2) After the big success of Zelda and 3D Mario, I'd really thought Nintendo might finally have found a better rhythm for conceiving, managing, and delivering projects that meet the demands and expectations of their best customers: veteran players. This is an area where they've struggled a lot basically since the GameCube era, when they've often gone in hit-or-miss directions with key franchises (Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker/Skyward Sword, Other M/Federation Force) and generally haven't settled into a nice groove where their franchises see consistently high or growing success.

That Metroid Prime 4 was so far off base really shakes my confidence in their ability to manage and deliver high-quality software consistently across their many different "prestige" single-player brands, even in the Switch era. I'd always maintained a somewhat healthy skepticism, since Nintendo always finds some way to royally fuck up somewhere in their development pipeline. I'm still disappointed. (But, again, I'm glad at least that instead of releasing a bad product, they're committed to releasing a better one.)