The Cellar Letters

Oct 25, 2017
Cosmic Star Heroine is a great game. I never beat it and I don't plan on double dipping until a nice sale... but you're all in for a treat.


Oct 30, 2017
I need to say that I haven't started playing these Arcade Archives titles in High Score mode until the super-awesome 'Ninja-Kid'.

'Star Force' is currently sitting in the number 1 position of my all-time favorite shmup games.

It has fueled my interest in the caravan shooting variant of the genre, and this Summer, a PC-Engine is together with Switch my most played system, because I'm digging in the amazing shooting catalogue of this console, that it's full of games influenced by the design principles of 'Star Force'.

I think that the basis to define 'Star Force' respect to the rest of its contemporaries, is that in this game is very easy to survive, but very hard to score. Because there are a lot of subtle details in its placement of elements to create complex scoring strategies.

My current high score in the normal mode is 458,800 points.

Here you have a very well explained guide, which each trick to get bonus points. It will increase your enjoyment of the game. And you will be amazed with some of its clever design decisions.

And if you want a great text about shmup design, in which 'Star Force' and many other classics are covered, I recommend this equivalent of a Bible of the shmup design: an interview with yosshin, the creator of one of the greatest shmups in video game history, 'ChoRenSha68k'.

Talking about high scores, I'm very proud of my first million score in 'SubaraCity'.


It's sad that this game doesn't include leaderboards. With leaderbords, this can be easily one of my most played games this Summer. But without leaderbords, I will probably abandon the game as soon as 'Cosmic Star Heroine' is unlocked.

And regarding the Arcade Archives series, I'm doubting between getting 'Traverse USA' as my next game. I see this game as a precursor of the infinite-score racing games in the vein of 'Race the Sun'. Also thinking in getting 'Crazy Climber' or 'Terra Cresta'. So many great games for my limited budget and time!

I found this as well as the strategy wiki you shared last night b efore going to bed. These guys really adore the game, give a great playthrough, and show the Arino clip as well as part of a crazy 17 hour playthrough by a Japanese guy. You were accurate about them going nuts over this game! They definitely adore it, and it's been ported so many times too!

I'd be curious for you to try the Hi-Score mode, as I know you did really well in Graceful Explosion!

That designer definitely knows his shooters! Have you ever played that before? I found a nice set of links for the windows shareware version.

Traverse USA was not on my radar, but now it is! And crazy climb er has been, and I know you've mentioned Terra Cresta before. It's a shame SubaraCity doesn't have online leader boards....

Thank you both! Exactly the nudge I was looking for - I'm going to try this one out. I'll post my impressions once I spend some time with it.

You're welcome, and I'm looking forward to it! It's definitely worth buying if you know what you're getting into!


Oct 25, 2017
Question, I've purchased multiple download cards from seagm, and never had an issue.

A few moments ago, I purchased a EU card from them so I could get Cosmic Star Heroine and Danmaku Unlimited 3 but when I input it, I get the error stating "the code cannot be used in your country" even though I am logged into my EU account.

Has anyone encountered this issue before?


Jan 27, 2018
Ok, 'Cosmic Star Heroine' is a fucking masterpiece.

FINALLY, and indie game that brings to the traditional Japanese RPG layout the same revolution that 'Super Meat Boy' did in the platforming genre.

Basically, 'Super Meat Boy' took 'Super Mario Bros' as its main inspiration in a respectful way with a tradition, like the use of a run button and a construction of the levels relying in mastering the momentum and physics, sharing a lot of familiar elements and resources used in past Japanese classics.

But with this layout, it broke all the stablished conventions. Like introducing short levels. In these shorts levels, it raised the difficulty to the infinite. But because they were very short and without a penalization for your deaths, and by eliminating the obsolete concept of lives, you never get exhausted. And thanks to this, it was able to experiment with crazy design ideas coming from a romhack tradition of 'Super Mario Bros' games, with masterful designs in each pattern.

'Cosmic Star Heroine' does basically this same thing, but with a JRPG layout.

The game resembles Japanese classics. The pixel art seems taken from a SNES era Square game BUT adapted to an high resolution screen. The artistic design looks to the PC-Engine Super CD-ROM games, and even the soundtrack seems taken from all of these crazy CD JRPGs released for the Mega-CD and PC-Engine back in the 90s, by companies like Working Designs.

But with this familiar layout full of nostalgia, it completely revolutionizes the combat system and structure, by breaking each single fucking rule, in the same way as the early indie platforming classics such as 'Super Meat Boy' and 'N++'.

Played in the maximum difficulty, the Super Spy level, even the first combat has taken me tens of attempts. Simply, you need to create a perfect strategy, or you will die. And every move of the enemy, ability, the number of turns and how the special moves are refilled, all have been carefully balanced to make of each single combat the same thing that the smart designed levels in 'Super Meat Boy' did, pushing you to your limits.

And if you die, it doesn't matter... a dialogue box will appear asking you if you want to retry this combat.

At the end, is one of the greatest love letters to the turn-based systems in classics JRPGs.

In which they have elevated old concepts to new peaks and in a brilliant new way, only possible by discarding the long old stablished rules, like consumable items, grinding of levels or persistent health points through combats.

Simply, it has the most brilliant combat design, systems and mechanics that I have seen since 'Infinite Space', other game trying to break every stablished rule and convention.

In comparison, not even the Atlus games have reached this perfection in the combat design.

And well, every other aspect in the game is polished. The sound design is perfect, and only by listening to the most subtle sound effect, you can see how this team have studied and played every major classic. And how they have interiorized every aspect that made of these games remarkable classics.

The animations, the suggestive 16 bits look adapted to the modern conventions of LCD displays, the incredible detail in the animations...

They nail every aspect.

I don't know if the story will be good, if the writing will be interesting, and honestly, I don't care. Because Zeboyd games shows a perfect understanding of the things that have sculpted the JRPG genre: things like the importance of combats, the dungeon design, the ambience making you feel absorbed in the universe of the game.

Congratulations to werezompire and his team.

What a time to be alive, in which western indie developers have been able to master and refine every major Japanese genre, and most importantly, they have done this in a respectful way with a past tradition.

The only sad note is that people playing in the easy difficulty levels will never be able to appreciate how brilliantly designed is this game.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok, 'Cosmic Star Heroine' is a fucking masterpiece.

FINALLY, and indie game that brings to the traditional Japanese RPG layout the same revolution that 'Super Meat Boy' did in the platforming genre.

Basically, 'Super Meat Boy' took 'Super Mario Bros' as its main inspiration in a respectful way with a tradition, like the use of a run button and a construction of the levels relying in mastering the momentum and physics, sharing a lot of familiar elements and resources used in past Japanese classics.

But with this layout, it broke all the stablished conventions. Like introducing short levels. In these shorts levels, it raised the difficulty to the infinite. But because they were very short and without a penalization for your deaths, and by eliminating the obsolete concept of lives, you never get exhausted. And thanks to this, it was able to experiment with crazy design ideas coming from a romhack tradition of 'Super Mario Bros' games, with masterful designs in each pattern.

'Cosmic Star Heroine' does basically this same thing, but with a JRPG layout.

The game resembles Japanese classics. The pixel art seems taken from a SNES era Square game BUT adapted to an high resolution screen. The artistic design looks to the PC-Engine Super CD-ROM games, and even the soundtrack seems taken from all of these crazy CD JRPGs released for the Mega-CD and PC-Engine back in the 90s, by companies like Working Designs.

But with this familiar layout full of nostalgia, it completely revolutionizes the combat system and structure, by breaking each single fucking rule, in the same way as the early indie platforming classics such as 'Super Meat Boy' and 'N++'.

Played in the maximum difficulty, the Super Spy level, even the first combat has taken me tens of attempts. Simply, you need to create a perfect strategy, or you will die. And every move of the enemy, ability, the number of turns and how the special moves are refilled, all have been carefully balanced to make of each single combat the same thing that the smart designed levels in 'Super Meat Boy' did, pushing you to your limits.

And if you die, it doesn't matter... a dialogue box will appear asking you if you want to retry this combat.

At the end, is one of the greatest love letters to the turn-based systems in classics JRPGs.

In which they have elevated old concepts to new peaks and in a brilliant new way, only possible by discarding the long old stablished rules, like consumable items, grinding of levels or persistent health points through combats.

Simply, it has the most brilliant combat design, systems and mechanics that I have seen since 'Infinite Space', other game trying to break every stablished rule and convention.

In comparison, not even the Atlus games have reached this perfection in the combat design.

And well, every other aspect in the game is polished. The sound design is perfect, and only by listening to the most subtle sound effect, you can see how this team have studied and played every major classic. And how they have interiorized every aspect that made of these games remarkable classics.

The animations, the suggestive 16 bits look adapted to the modern conventions of LCD displays, the incredible detail in the animations...

They nail every aspect.

I don't know if the story will be good, if the writing will be interesting, and honestly, I don't care. Because Zeboyd games shows a perfect understanding of the things that have sculpted the JRPG genre: things like the importance of combats, the dungeon design, the ambience making you feel absorbed in the universe of the game.

Congratulations to werezompire and his team.

What a time to be alive, in which western indie developers have been able to master and refine every major Japanese genre, and most importantly, they have done this in a respectful way with a past tradition.

The only sad note is that people playing in the easy difficulty levels will never be able to appreciate how brilliantly designed is this game.
Great insight, question what's the recommended difficulty for first playthrough for a jrpg fan


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
Great insight, question what's the recommended difficulty for first playthrough for a jrpg fan

There are 4 difficulties.
Tourist - Crazy easy. For people who want to skip through combat. Basically God Mode.
Agent - Easy. It's still easy to breeze through combat but it's not quite as braindead.
Heroine - Hard. Most players who want to enjoy the combat pick this difficulty unless they want a major challenge.
Super-Star - Very Hard. You need to have a deep understanding of mechanics & a willingness to replay failed attempts.

So if you like turn-based combat, I'd go with Heroine or Super-Star. You can switch between difficulties in-game so experiment.

In my next game, I think I'll make things more straightforward. Easy, Normal, Hard, plus Custom which will let you make the game easier than Easy and harder than Hard.


Jan 27, 2018
Great insight, question what's the recommended difficulty for first playthrough for a jrpg fan

I'm doing my first playthrough in the Super Spy difficulty. The game does an amazing work in explaining each concept. You will die a lot. But like in 'Super Meat Boy', deaths don't have a penalization. Indeed, it has been designed with the same philosophy of quickly restarting, creating an addictive loop.

That designer definitely knows his shooters! Have you ever played that before? I found a nice set of links for the windows shareware version.

Yeah! 'Cho Ren Sha 68K' is one of my favorite shmups :)

Squid Bunny

One Winged Slayer
Jun 11, 2018
Ok, 'Cosmic Star Heroine' is a fucking masterpiece.

FINALLY, and indie game that brings to the traditional Japanese RPG layout the same revolution that 'Super Meat Boy' did in the platforming genre.

Basically, 'Super Meat Boy' took 'Super Mario Bros' as its main inspiration in a respectful way with a tradition, like the use of a run button and a construction of the levels relying in mastering the momentum and physics, sharing a lot of familiar elements and resources used in past Japanese classics.

But with this layout, it broke all the stablished conventions. Like introducing short levels. In these shorts levels, it raised the difficulty to the infinite. But because they were very short and without a penalization for your deaths, and by eliminating the obsolete concept of lives, you never get exhausted. And thanks to this, it was able to experiment with crazy design ideas coming from a romhack tradition of 'Super Mario Bros' games, with masterful designs in each pattern.

'Cosmic Star Heroine' does basically this same thing, but with a JRPG layout.

The game resembles Japanese classics. The pixel art seems taken from a SNES era Square game BUT adapted to an high resolution screen. The artistic design looks to the PC-Engine Super CD-ROM games, and even the soundtrack seems taken from all of these crazy CD JRPGs released for the Mega-CD and PC-Engine back in the 90s, by companies like Working Designs.

But with this familiar layout full of nostalgia, it completely revolutionizes the combat system and structure, by breaking each single fucking rule, in the same way as the early indie platforming classics such as 'Super Meat Boy' and 'N++'.

Played in the maximum difficulty, the Super Spy level, even the first combat has taken me tens of attempts. Simply, you need to create a perfect strategy, or you will die. And every move of the enemy, ability, the number of turns and how the special moves are refilled, all have been carefully balanced to make of each single combat the same thing that the smart designed levels in 'Super Meat Boy' did, pushing you to your limits.

And if you die, it doesn't matter... a dialogue box will appear asking you if you want to retry this combat.

At the end, is one of the greatest love letters to the turn-based systems in classics JRPGs.

In which they have elevated old concepts to new peaks and in a brilliant new way, only possible by discarding the long old stablished rules, like consumable items, grinding of levels or persistent health points through combats.

Simply, it has the most brilliant combat design, systems and mechanics that I have seen since 'Infinite Space', other game trying to break every stablished rule and convention.

In comparison, not even the Atlus games have reached this perfection in the combat design.

And well, every other aspect in the game is polished. The sound design is perfect, and only by listening to the most subtle sound effect, you can see how this team have studied and played every major classic. And how they have interiorized every aspect that made of these games remarkable classics.

The animations, the suggestive 16 bits look adapted to the modern conventions of LCD displays, the incredible detail in the animations...

They nail every aspect.

I don't know if the story will be good, if the writing will be interesting, and honestly, I don't care. Because Zeboyd games shows a perfect understanding of the things that have sculpted the JRPG genre: things like the importance of combats, the dungeon design, the ambience making you feel absorbed in the universe of the game.

Congratulations to werezompire and his team.

What a time to be alive, in which western indie developers have been able to master and refine every major Japanese genre, and most importantly, they have done this in a respectful way with a past tradition.

The only sad note is that people playing in the easy difficulty levels will never be able to appreciate how brilliantly designed is this game.
Great write-up. CSH is just finishing to downlod on my Switch.

Don't forget walking dead season finally for the switch comes out tomorrow

Any way to transfer save data from another console?


Oct 25, 2017
Yes. I mean, since the previous games are based on decisions you made, I wonder if there is a way to transfer the decisions? Like through a Telltale account?

I know the answer is likely no, but I was wondering about the possibilty.
i wonder also i asked on twitter if there is a demo for switch ver. like the other systems


Oct 25, 2017
There are 4 difficulties.
Tourist - Crazy easy. For people who want to skip through combat. Basically God Mode.
Agent - Easy. It's still easy to breeze through combat but it's not quite as braindead.
Heroine - Hard. Most players who want to enjoy the combat pick this difficulty unless they want a major challenge.
Super-Star - Very Hard. You need to have a deep understanding of mechanics & a willingness to replay failed attempts.

So if you like turn-based combat, I'd go with Heroine or Super-Star. You can switch between difficulties in-game so experiment.

In my next game, I think I'll make things more straightforward. Easy, Normal, Hard, plus Custom which will let you make the game easier than Easy and harder than Hard.
Thank you!!! Im so pumped to start, will it unlock midnight in the US?


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone else looking forward to Castlestorm? I enjoyed it on the mobile and possibly Steam but didnt get too far in it.


Jan 27, 2018
Come on, Nintendo, we're in 2018. Include a music player in Switch, and the option to buy DLCs with the soundtracks of the games.

I spent the double of money in my indie titles in Steam, because I end buying the DLCs with the soundtracks.

And maybe 'Cosmic Star Heroine' don't have Yasunori Mitsuda in its soundtrack.

But it has something as awesome: HyperDuck SoundWorks, one of my favorite indie sound production studios, who also composed the main vocal theme for 'Never Stop Sneakin', which all the people know that is the best vocal theme created for a video game, period.

Their work in 'Cosmic Star Heroine' is stellar.



Oct 25, 2017
So pumped for Cosmic Star Heroine. I own it already on PS4 and love/adore it! I just finished my prepurchase on Switch and it's downloading now. EXCITE!! I will gladly play this again portable but really just want to support you guys as much as I can :)

Hyped for the day you reveal whatever it is you are working on next!!!

P.S. Epilexia is the god of MAXIMUM HYPE!! I loved your write up on CSH. You get me pumped for pretty much anything you give detailed impression on lol


Oct 30, 2017
Looking forward to Cosmic Star Heroine for sure. I went nuts for it when the reveal trailer came out a while ago.

I'd love to review it if I wasn't neck-deep in Dragon Quest. The bright side to that is I get to buy it and help get the game tracking up the charts tomorrow. I hope it does really well on Switch!

Deleted member 3017

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yup, got Cosmic Star Heroine pre-ordered as well. Looking forward to it. It'll be nice to play a classic JRPG-style game that isn't 50+ hours long.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Double dipped on CSH, really enjoyed my time with it on ps4 but never finished because it was on ps4. With switch I'll probably finish it.


Oct 27, 2017
Ugh, I seriously should not buy CSH but... here I am, about to pre-order this game.

God, the Switch is becoming a portable Steam machine for me - good and bad.


Oct 25, 2017
There doesn't seem to be an OT for it, so trying here.

Regarding CRAWL. I'm playing solo with the 3 CPUs and none of them will actually activate the final portal (they're level 10). Will they just never do it and I have to happen to be the human when we get to the portal to progress?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
So I think I'm going to trade Octopath in. A real shame as I wanted to like it a lot, but the core gameplay loop is just so boring after about 25-30 hours.

There's so many interesting eShop games out at the moment, might sell it towards an eShop voucher. At least the value seems to be holding.


Oct 27, 2017
All in favor of making this Epilexia 's new avatar, say "AYE!"

So I think I'm going to trade Octopath in. A real shame as I wanted to like it a lot, but the core gameplay loop is just so boring after about 25-30 hours.

There's so many interesting eShop games out at the moment, might sell it towards an eShop voucher. At least the value seems to be holding.
I could feel it in the prologues

I don't think the game made the mark a lot of people were hoping for.
Oct 29, 2017
So I think I'm going to trade Octopath in. A real shame as I wanted to like it a lot, but the core gameplay loop is just so boring after about 25-30 hours.

There's so many interesting eShop games out at the moment, might sell it towards an eShop voucher. At least the value seems to be holding.

I really wasn't a fan of the demo and decided not to buy the game. However a friend really raved about it so I decided to pick the full game up.

30 hours in and I'm absolutely loving it so far.


Oct 27, 2017
Saw on a discount list that Goetia is currently 75% off in the EU region. If you want a gothic-mood point-and-click adventure with some difficult puzzles, don't miss this one.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
I really wasn't a fan of the demo and decided not to buy the game. However a friend really raved about it so I decided to pick the full game up.

30 hours in and I'm absolutely loving it so far.
I like different things about it, it's just so samey. Maybe I'll give it more of a try before I sell it, might get a second wind.


Apr 20, 2018
Are there any Advance Wars type games on eshop? I know tiny metal was getting hype but IIRC reviews were lack luster.
World Conqueror X is extremely similar. It may not be the best of games and I put it aside after finishing the first campaign for both factions, however it's cheap and it will scratch your tactical itch for a couple of hours easy.


Oct 25, 2017
Game of the Day


Now multiplayer! Grab the other Joy-Con and play with a friend!

"A beautiful masterpiece", "inventive, moving and unrelentingly funny", "a deft statement on games and how we play them" — Little Inferno is an unusual game filled with surprise and wonder, and even better the less you know about it before playing!

Burn flaming logs, screaming robots, credit cards, batteries, exploding fish, unstable nuclear devices, and tiny galaxies. An adventure that takes place almost entirely in front of a fireplace — about looking up up up out of the chimney, and the cold world just on the other side of the wall.

From the creators of World of Goo and Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure.

Multiple nominee in the Independent Games Festival for the Grand Prize, Nuovo Award, and Technical Excellence, with honorable mentions in Best Design and Best Audio.

100% indie — made by 3 guys, no office, no publishers, no funding.


Price: $9.99/€9.99/£8.99 - NA web - EU web - Trailer

Last 6 GOTD
08/13 - Bridge Constructor Portal
08/12 - Floor Kids
08/11 - Limbo
08/10 - De Mambo
08/09 - Severed
08/08 - Cat Quest


Oct 27, 2017

Deleted member 3017

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I could feel it in the prologues

I don't think the game made the mark a lot of people were hoping for.

uhhh what

Game is one the highest rated JRPGs in recent memory, has significantly surpassed the expectations of Square Enix and continues to chart highly on the eShop. If anything, the mark it's made is greater than people were hoping for critically, commercially, and through continued strong consumer word-of-mouth. It's easily one of Switch's biggest success stories so far.


Jan 31, 2018
So finally my girlfriend bought a switch for us, cause she wanted to play Crash on the go as she loved the games on PS that time. System seller confirmed lol.

Anyway, while browsing the e-shop yesterday i thougt it really is an unsorted mess tbh. But while its not that bad to not only highlight the smash hits in there, i really hope they improve this some time. The diversity of games and genres is a huge plus, even if there are a lot mediocre ones too.

Ive played some demos of games i thought i wouldnt really like, but Disgea (if you can ignore the dialogues) and Sushi striker are some real good games. My first purchase will be Ghost 1.0, as i liked Unepic so i wil support Francisco and his team, hoping there will be more to come. Valkyria demo was solid and fun too, game is preordered.

One small note on the switch itself, it feels like a significant system and a logic improvement from (?) the wiiu, glad they evolved or revived their concepts. Feels good.