What would upset you most about an upcoming Direct?

  • More Wii U ports

    Votes: 290 18.8%
  • No Breath of the Wild 2

    Votes: 565 36.7%
  • No Smash

    Votes: 473 30.7%
  • Yes Smash

    Votes: 302 19.6%
  • Heavy third party focus

    Votes: 347 22.5%
  • No new games until June

    Votes: 213 13.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 76 4.9%

  • Total voters
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Oct 25, 2017
It definitely is UFO 50, rewatching the announcement trailer it really looks damn fine, wondering in what state the development is

198X looks like it could scratch the same itch, is it any good?
198X is a cool idea and has a cool enough narrative, but the actual games are super short and you'll be done with the game in a couple of hours probably. And as there isn't much challenge to said games, its not something that's exactly all that replayable. Worth giving a shot if you can get it cheap, but its not something that most people will play over and over again for high scores or anything.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017


...... Pac-Man ..........


Alt account
Aug 29, 2019
Agent 8 is wearing high heels.
Does that mean a Bayo 3 crossover is happening?!


Dec 13, 2017
Completely random thought. Not holding my breath but I would love to see Diablo 1 and 2 come to switch. Is this even a possibility?


Nov 18, 2017
it's not a normal campaign, more show casting the features. Took me 2 days and don't See anything that could make me replay it.

I found the campaign in SMM2 a lot more entertaining than the one in SMBUD. The bite-sized, super clever levels built around off-the-wall gimmicks were great.

2D Mario needs a massive makeover if you ask me.


Oct 28, 2017
That's not a 3 in Agent 8's hair but my tea leaves say that we shall get a Splatoon spin-off RPG which revolves around fashion/style mechanics like TWEWY

(because I want it)


Aug 11, 2018
Spent the morning finishing my final route of FE3H. Really enjoyed the last map, but man, does it suck that so much of Silver Snow is the same as Golden Deer.

Now I just have to do actual work before AC next friday--and I'll be good and ready for a direct w/ some games!


Nov 18, 2017
I have no real interest in Animal Crossing, but will probably buy it next week. I think people, including myself, will disappointed if we don't get a direct next week. But that said, at least we're finally getting a Nintendo game... even if it's one you don't want...


One Winged Slayer
Jan 12, 2018
Would you say that 90% of the two are identical? More? Less? I read about Silver Snow already and from what I could gather, they're really similar, no?
They are very similar, the only difference is that the final map in Silver Snow is by far the hardest final map in the game.


▲ Legend ▲
Aug 20, 2019
Would you say that 90% of the two are identical? More? Less? I read about Silver Snow already and from what I could gather, they're really similar, no?
The story beats and maps are the same until the last chapter where they are completely different.
Of course the interactions between Byleth and Seteth and Flayn / Byleth and Claude are pretty different.
Lorewise they reveal different things: VW goes more into Fodlan's lore while SS reveals the truth about Byleth's origins and gives more info about the Church.
Everyone (except me) agrees Verdant Wind is better than Silver Snow because they love Claude and the GD students.

Mr. Genuine

Mar 23, 2018
The best thing about a potential future Direct is, now that Persona 5 Scramble is out, SMT 5 news is an actual possibility.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
idk, this coronavirus shit really puts things in perspective. I don't really care as much anymore whenever the Direct comes.


Feb 19, 2018
They are very similar, the only difference is that the final map in Silver Snow is by far the hardest final map in the game.
The story beats and maps are the same until the last chapter where they are completely different.
Of course the interactions between Byleth and Seteth and Flayn / Byleth and Claude are pretty different.
Lorewise they reveal different things: VW goes more into Fodlan's lore while SS reveals the truth about Byleth's origins and gives more info about the Church.
Everyone (except me) agrees Verdant Wind is better than Silver Snow because they love Claude and the GD students.
Thanks for the infos. Guess I'm sticking to my plan for now to take a break, play Cindered Shadows and then Blue Lions. Initially planned to do the Church route as the last one, but reading about it here and elsewhere, I'm not entirely sure I can stomach it this soon.
Maybe next year with another fresh playthrough.


May 10, 2018
I got Yoshi during the Mar10 sale and I...like it I think. It does one thing incredibly well, and that is the removal of the roulette egg aiming. Did not need to be a thing in almost any other Yoshi game but was due to some stupid tradition. Aiming eggs works great and can allow cool stuff to go on in the foreground and background of 2D levels.

That said, I'm not entirely sure of the point of this game. Despite the art style, this game is resting on so many laurels it doesn't need to. I don't understand why it's a 2D Platformer when there are so many other things 3D about it, and any kind of story bares no point outside of a reason to make new levels, and even they lack any kind of context like something like Tropical Freeze has.

Just feels like the idea never advanced past conceptual phases.

...I think I'm ready for new game announcements lol.


Jan 14, 2019
The best thing about a potential future Direct is, now that Persona 5 Scramble is out, SMT 5 news is an actual possibility.
Speaking of which, we don't have a western release date for Persona 5 Scramble right? I'm more looking forward to that than I am Royal, so I hope we get a release date soon.


Jan 14, 2019
I got Yoshi during the Mar10 sale and I...like it I think. It does one thing incredibly well, and that is the removal of the roulette egg aiming. Did not need to be a thing in almost any other Yoshi game but was due to some stupid tradition. Aiming eggs works great and can allow cool stuff to go on in the foreground and background of 2D levels.

That said, I'm not entirely sure of the point of this game. Despite the art style, this game is resting on so many laurels it doesn't need to. I don't understand why it's a 2D Platformer when there are so many other things 3D about it, and any kind of story bares no point outside of a reason to make new levels, and even they lack any kind of context like something like Tropical Freeze has.

Just feels like the idea never advanced past conceptual phases.

...I think I'm ready for new game announcements lol.
I got the game when it was $1 on Target(?) and I wholeheartedly agree. The game is fine, but never feels like it did anything really well. Just felt... Fine. I think it'd be neat if they stuck with it and expanded on the whole "flip side" idea like the initial trailer seemed to indicate they would. Or just go straight for a level-based 3D game, that'd be neat.
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