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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I appreciate Zell here, but I don't believe it until I see it - because right now nothing to me implicates that GF would make such drastic changes to their winning formula

Not saying it definitely will be the case but Pokémon has been seeing quite notable decline in Japan, which stands out right now as Nintendo has been killing it there and it's obviously the series' home market.

That could motivate them to try and reinvigorate the brand in Japan, which could lead to overall worldwide growth.


Jan 5, 2019
I appreciate Zell here, but I don't believe it until I see it - because right now nothing to me implicates that GF would make such drastic changes to their winning formula
Switch formats (to double battles) would be a big change for the mainline games., especially if the ingame trainers use certain combos like kingdra-pelipper or torkoal-lilligant.


Apr 17, 2018
Look at how the Pokémon series has evolved over the past decade(s)

Look at how these titles are performing commercially

And then ask yourself: would Game Freak really throw out their way of doing things in order to appeal to vocal older fans who are asking them to basically re-define the series from the ground up? Would such a paradigm shift make sense for a series like Pokémon, an IP with a large target demographic? Right now?

Don't get me wrong: I too love to imagine how certain games might end up after major changes in design and production, but in the case of Pokémon, this whole idea of a "BOTW Pokémon" is just not realistic in my opinion and considering I see this sentiment more and more, I think it's time to get realistic again. And no, this is not me commenting on Gen 8 in any shape or form - I do have not a single clue of what that game will be even though I expect it to be a clear step up from the LG games
Realistically speaking I'm not looking for a groundbreaking shakeup in terms of the whole series. I'd just like to see the detail already in the games expanded to a new point that no one had really seen.
NPCs doing more than spinning around or barely moving, more buildings where towns look a little more...properly town-y in 3D. I'd kill for wild pokemon showing up again in the overworld, the battles continuing to expand on the arenas you get depending on where you are.
Just things that naturally would come from a console instead of a handheld that i'd consider "BOTW Pokemon." But that is also just me.


Nov 7, 2017
I appreciate Zell here, but I don't believe it until I see it - because right now nothing to me implicates that GF would make such drastic changes to their winning formula
He also mentioned Odyssey. It doesn't necessarily mean drastic changes but rather Nintendo wanting its franchises to get the ultimate versions on Switch. Zelda had BOTW, Mario had Odyssey, Smash had Ultimate and Metroid looks like a very demanding project. It's time for Pokémon.


Oct 25, 2017
I immediately thought of Johari for female and right after that Elyssa. Elyssa would fit Dead or Alive better though :D

Uhura would be great though as well.

Dead or Alive Xtreme Swamp Chernovyball

I appreciate Zell here, but I don't believe it until I see it - because right now nothing to me implicates that GF would make such drastic changes to their winning formula

I don't think there has to be a drastic change to the formula for it to be "the next step in the franchise". You can give it a grander scale with a lot more ambition in the effects, presentation, etc. without actually changing up the core gameplay all that much.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
If Mario Maker 2 is an E3 announcement, then it's definitely December. I think Nintendo really, really liked the sales boost they saw from Let's Go and Smash this year and basically want to repeat that.

Also, if it's being saved for an E3 announcement then I expect the booth to be Animal Crossing themed this year.


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
Reset the clock


One Winged Slayer
Feb 10, 2019
After y'all's push and PolarPanda's confirmation of Star Fox GP's existence, I think I'll finally get around to doing all the reading I need.

See y'all tomorrow!



Jan 10, 2018
I appreciate Zell here, but I don't believe it until I see it - because right now nothing to me implicates that GF would make such drastic changes to their winning formula

Yeah, if anything GF's idea of Pokemon botw could just be doing a behind the back camera view, and removing random wild Pokemon battles like Let's Go. With some other ease-of-use additions/smoothening.

If any major change to the battle system took place, like real-time battles, I expect it would be tested in a spin-off from the mainline games to gauge the reception of its implementation.

Deleted member 21

User requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
He's really saying it will be Pokémon's botw though not that it will be like botw

I get that

Realistically speaking I'm not looking for a groundbreaking shakeup in terms of the whole series. I'd just like to see the detail already in the games expanded to a new point that no one had really seen.
NPCs doing more than spinning around or barely moving, more buildings where towns look a little more...properly town-y in 3D. I'd kill for wild pokemon showing up again in the overworld, the battles continuing to expand on the arenas you get depending on where you are.
Just things that naturally would come from a console instead of a handheld that i'd consider "BOTW Pokemon." But that is also just me.

I think those are pretty reasonable demands compared to what I've read when people think of a "BOTW Pokémon"

I wonder if TOWN is a good starting point to see where the next game might go


Oct 25, 2017


Dec 22, 2017
I think Pokemon Gen 8 is going to be a very visually different Pokemon game, especially in terms of route design. Playing Let's Go, the Pokemon's movement didn't really feel designed for how small the routes were. I expect the games to have much bigger areas.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I belive what king sell meant is gen 8 sill be a jump from gen 7 as botw was from skyward sword.

N9t that gen 8 will be botw

Basically it will be a comparative massive leap

Diego Renault

Nov 1, 2017
Look at how the Pokémon series has evolved over the past decade(s)

Look at how these titles are performing commercially

And then ask yourself: would Game Freak really throw out their way of doing things in order to appeal to vocal older fans who are asking them to basically re-define the series from the ground up? Would such a paradigm shift make sense for a series like Pokémon, an IP with a large target demographic? Right now?

Don't get me wrong: I too love to imagine how certain games might end up after major changes in design and production, but in the case of Pokémon, this whole idea of a "BOTW Pokémon" is just not realistic in my opinion and considering I see this sentiment more and more, I think it's time to get realistic again. And no, this is not me commenting on Gen 8 in any shape or form - I do have not a single clue of what that game will be even though I expect it to be a clear step up from the LG games

That's how it is. One thing you have to admire about Gamefreak. They've been evolving the Pokemon franchise so smartly and successfully over the years, it's crazy. They know exactly how to manage their IP in order to be and stay successfull.

I myself love their way of no overevolving the series. It's a very carefull and smart way to evolve.
Oct 27, 2017
I can see AC in September, maybe late August but Luigi Mansion in July? All LM titles were originally fall/holiday games before Dark Moon got delayed I think

Late September or October would be perfect, coz Halloween


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
To be fair, everyone knew about the September Direct. A publisher accidently sent an email to a bunch of press saying their game would release after the Direct and then went on to time and date it. Twice. (Both the original date and then later again for the delayed date)

We personally didn't get the email but word travels fast in the industry


Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, everyone knew about the September Direct. A publisher accidently sent an email to a bunch of press saying their game would release after the Direct and then went on to time and date it. Twice. (Both the original date and then later again for the delayed date)

Interesting, similar to EA leaking the January mini Direct last year.

No such accidental email this time?


Is Sometimes A Good Bean
Aug 24, 2018
Im awake have I missed the Devil May Cry HD announcement yet ?

Deleted member 2791

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
you'd be surprised by how much leaks through accidental slip-ups or corporates thinking they can say x stuff while in fact, they actually can't

case in point: the entire mario x rabbids saga


Dec 6, 2018
This thread has moved so fast since the last time I looked at it. What did I miss? Something about Star Fox at the direct? If anyone would be kind enough to fill me in please. Work has been hell today!
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