Chairmanchuck (另一个我)

Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Since it seems everyone and their grandpa tries to get into NFTs (Nike, WWF, EA, McDonalds, my Grandma), what is your opinion on it?

Ponzi Scheme?
The future of digital ownership?

You see some people totally be impressed by it buying monkeys that feel like drawn by your middle school classmate for 20k, but then talk about how it might be important to artists, while on the other hand see it as an investment.
Or you have the actual real art made by actual artists, where you might own the image of a McRib as a NFT.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
I can excuse selling a JPEG of a sandwich but I draw the line at selling a JPEG of a poorly drawn monkey


3D Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
It's a scam where the only reason people get into them is as a get rich quick scene.

It has nothing to do with art. The whole thing is a cult.


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
What value do these shitty drawings bring? Why are people blowing loads of cash for these? Outside of selling, what can you really do with them? Why fuck the environment more for this?


From the mirror universe
Oct 25, 2017
Those monkeys

This is actually Beyond Good & Evil 2

This is what it became


Oct 25, 2017
I think they're stupid as shit. I wouldn't really care that they exist, it's just annoying to keep having to hear about them.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
ponzi scheme. worse, environmentally damaging ponzi scheme, even with PoS or whatever.

i actually think it's 'good' for artists as individuals who can cash out as soon as possible selling to Greater Fools who themselves think they can rube someone else, which is probably why you see all these celeb endorsements; to a lot of people it's probably not very different from putting a signature on something. It does burn a lot of likability/trust amongst people who are aware, but I guess if you're big enough/your audience doesn't care enough that doesn't matter.

The whole thing is idiotic though, people are only buying at the massive prices because they think they can flip it to someone else down the line.

Or you have the actual real art made by actual artists, where you might own the image of a McRib as a NFT.

as far as i understand it, unless the NFT is explicitly bundled with a bunch of rights/licences etc that transfer with it, you seriously dont own a thing lol.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand them. I think you buy something that says you own a jpeg except you have no way of stopping anyone from just using it all over the place.

Also the environmental destruction is kind of a pisser, kindly fuck off forever if you're buying into it.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't like them but I can't do anything about them, just like with many other things in this world.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Stupid nonsense, but no stupider or more nonsensical than any other abstract items of theoretical value like gold or dollar bills or Pokemon cards.

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
They are stupid. They are one of the most insipid things I have ever seen in my life and the only thing worse than the idea of NFTs are corporations trying to "get in on the trend" and helping perpetuate them.

Like most crypto, it is an MLM that affords people lots of different levels of engagement based on their willingness to embrace the delusion. It should be shunned at every turn and opposed in every forum.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
Tech that has no purpose outside of being the next money laundering scam/ pyramid scheme that will die off when rich people find the next one to trick gullible people into. It literally only works as long as they keep tricking people to invest and lose money from it.

In terms of the technology itself, crypto has always been in the territory of being made to find a problem to be the solution for, rather than being made because a problem needs a solution that nothing else is able to solve yet. We already have the technology to solve every "problem" that crypto claims to solve.

Big Yoshi

Nov 25, 2018
The apes are the single ugliest piece of art I have ever seen. I expect them to stay around for like 10 years and then be mostly forgotten about.

crypto-beanie babies


Oct 25, 2017
A stupid waste of money that are morally reprehensible due to the massive environmental cost

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
Tech that has no purpose outside of being the next money laundering scam/ pyramid scheme that will die off when rich people find the next one to trick gullible people into. It literally only works as long as they keep tricking people to invest and lose money from it.

In terms of the technology itself, crypto has always been in the territory of being made to find a problem to be the solution for, rather than being made because a problem needs a solution that nothing else is able to solve yet. We already have the technology to solve every "problem" that crypto claims to solve.
This is very well expressed and I align wholly with this perspective.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Absolute scam and waste of time. But I'm sure we'll have people in here telling us how its the future of digital transactions shortly.
Oct 25, 2017
Blockchains are a solution in desperate search of a problem.

NFTs are a fabricated problem that can only be solved by blockchains. They exist solely to justify the existence of blockchains. That is their actual purpose.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I think they're fantastic for stealing art and making a lot of money off of impressionable and unlucky people. And despite any claims that "don't worry these are going to be okay for the environment", I feel that so long as they exist they will continue to be supporting the larger crypto culture that will continue to prioritize profits at the maddeningly unnecessary expense of the environment. And it bears repeating that there susceptible people who are going to gamble hard and lose everything for what, a damn URL to a JPEG or something? I have watched my brother become somebody who doesn't have anything to talk about these days outside of NFTs, NFTs, NFTs. It's a nightmare. So yeah I think NFTs are fucking vile. This world doesn't need them.


Sep 18, 2021
It reminds me of when customisable wallpapers on old school Nokia phones became a big enough thing for people to pay about £3 for some pattern as detailed as a Tamagotchi screen and there were news articles about it and how silly yet interesting it all seemed. At least polyphonic ringtones (even if they barely resembled the recording) made more sense then people having some Tamagotchi naked woman on their phone screen.

I just don't see the big deal. There's obviously a market for this stuff, but because it's digital content which is often easily copied, it doesn't seem as stable or likely to go up in value like a painting would. The market seems too unpredictable to invest in, but I don't even own stocks, so my input isn't that valid in the grand scheme of things.

As previously mentioned by others, it seems great for money laundering, far more so then fine art does.


Oct 30, 2017
I have yet to see an actual use of the technology that makes sense.

It's all just "well, we have a hammer, let's make seven billion shitty pixel art nails."


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
speaking somewhat seriously, if you notice that pretty much every corporate mouthpiece and bourgeoisie busybody is speaking positively about something, it's usually bad

exhibit A

EA CEO calls NFT and blockchain games 'the future of our industry'

"I think that in the context of the games we create and the live services that we offer, collectible digital content is going to play a meaningful part in our future," Wilson said. "So, it's still early to tell, but I think we're in a really good position, and we should expect us to kind of...