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Oct 26, 2017
I mean A list of organizations i could see looking at Josh gordon and Signing him

#1 The Browns - This organization is being run by a bunch of clowns, they could say on monday that they were the one's on substances and are willing to give him another chance. Hue saw this as a way to "exert" power, but John dorsey is running the shots now and they can pretend that it was Hue thinking he knew what he was doing, and was all a mistake.

#2. The Bengals or Ravens - Neither of these organizations care about the actual "rules" of the league or whether they have good people on the team (side note, none of the NFL teams really do). I could easily seeing the bengals and or ravens being desperate enough for a nice ex drug addict and headcase to sign him. Ray lewis just called and said he can fix him.

#3. The Jerry Joneses - I mean if we are 100% being honest, the Cowboys have to be on some kind of drugs already, they came into the season with no Wide receivers, and at one point they even said they wanted to get Tavon Austin the ball 12 - 15 times a game. This was clearly a new type of offense they were trying to setup in which they only played 1 wide receiver all game, and were going to force him the ball whenver they decided to not run it, which they planned on only being about 10 - 12 times a game. Jerry Jones has been trying to pretend that football hasn't evolved past the 3 yards and a cloud of dust mentality, and instead keeps spending on offensive lineman forgetting that sometimes; just sometimes; 300 pound men are not good at catching a football. Plus the Cowboys have a known history of drug users on the team from Nate Newton to Michael Irving. If any team knows how and where to get Josh gordon the drugs he's looking for its the cowboys.

#4 The Raiders - Having already given up on the season by trading their only good defensive player for 2 picks, instantly realizing that they aren't going to win more than 5 games with Derek Carr throwing 1 yard passes up and down the field, this is the perfect pairing of team and player. Are the raiders really trying to win any football games? Obviously not, Jon gruden want's as many draft picks as possible, and Josh gordon just doesn't feel like playing football, which is perfectly fine with the raiders because they don't want to win at football. Signing Josh Gordon makes it look like they are trying to do something, and then when he get's suspended again they can go "hey look we tried to improve the team, it's not our fault!".

Plus the Raiders and Jon Gruden are all about living a past fantasy. They want to be the bad boy raiders of old. What SCREAMS more "bad boy tough" than a player that keeps getting suspended! With him the raiders might have the most suspensions in the league! Josh gordon was born to be a raider, Al davis came back from the grave to make this move happen, he gave Josh gordon his "anti-aging" pills this morning just to get him off the browns. Jon gruden is actually a genius coach. He knows that Josh gordon is capable of scoring from any place on the field, even with a derek carr -1 yard pass.

In all seriousness Hope he gets better, Anxiety sucks, Drug sucks, people wasting once in a lifetime oppurtunities also really shitty situation.


Oct 26, 2017
what in the holy fuck is a Marijuana Syringe ?????? Resetera help me out here, i thought you smoke weed


Oct 25, 2017
Imagine cutting the best player on your team
Also Imagine being the worst team in the NFL
Imagine living that life

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Bet they'd wished they kept Corey Coleman now.

I honestly don't see why the Eagles wouldn't bring him in with Alshon barely staying healthy.


Oct 25, 2017
How do you get top value by telling everyone you are dumping him? Browns move

My guess is the Browns don't want to get top value, they just want to get SOMETHING back if they can. Since he doesn't have to clear waivers, he's a FA the moment he gets cut. interested team might want to throw something at the browns to ensure they are the winner of the josh gordon sweepstakes.


Oct 25, 2017
Browns gonna Brown



Oct 25, 2017
My guess is the Browns don't want to get top value, they just want to get SOMETHING back if they can. Since he doesn't have to clear waivers, he's a FA the moment he gets cut. interested team might want to throw something at the browns to ensure they are the winner of the josh gordon sweepstakes.
Conditional 7th rounder from the Bills.


Oct 25, 2017
Looks like Browns were just looking for any little excuse to get rid of him. Probably bringing in Dez soon.

Bortles could really use Josh but if its actually drug related then he is done for good.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Yeah isn't JAX a front runner to grab him? Not that Blake can throw 40 yards down field but still


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Has anyone heard any reason they're cutting him? Twitter seems to think he showed up high this morning

yellow wallpaper

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 17, 2017
Josh just can't get his head straight. Hope he gets the help he needs. Such a great talent wasted. Browns did the right thing. They're undefeated and need mr mayfield to have a healthy locker room.
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