
Oct 28, 2017
AI VO shit aside, the tech in this game is super cool. I just don't love the gameplay. Either the game modes or the general feel of the game. I know this studio is made up of former DICE folks but it's still shocking to me how much this game feels like a modern Battlefield game. I just don't love the feel of BF since BF4. Hard to articulate without having played this or a modern BF game but recently there's a very specific feel to modern BF games that is present in this game.

Still, hopefully this team can turn things around as there's definitely some cool stuff about this game. Also, i would rather avoid more folks losing their job.


Oct 26, 2017
It has nothing to do with Battle Royale style gameplay? šŸ„¹

Seasons are just cosmetic skins you can unlock as the game is free2play. And they come with free game modes and new weapons for everyone.
That's good to hear, just remembered seeing the teams of 3 in a big-ish arena and winning by getting the most money or something like that and just immediately lost any interest. Might check it out if its still kicking later in the year my hands are pretty full at the moment.


Nov 2, 2018
It's almost as if chasing Fortnite's success is a goddamn fool's errand that no serious publisher should be doing.


Oct 27, 2017
The game is a ton of fun. Played it almost daily for two weeks.

It's a shame that's considered a failure.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah game fell off a cliff after the first 3-4 months.

I don't even think the game is bad and was fairly unique, people just aren't latching onto live-service games like they used to.
I know some people think that all of these GaaS games can be supported ie there's enough people for all of them to succeed but I don't believe that because it's rare enough for these companies to be happy with making a lot of money when they usually want to make all of the money (and developers will inevitably have higher ups pointing to Fortnite, Apex, CoD and asking why their GaaS game isn't making the same money) but the other reason is that I only have time for one GaaS game along with the non-GaaS games I play and I can't be the only one that finds their service game that they are going to put time and money into and sticks with it. And the longer I spend with that game the harder it becomes to pull me away to a new service game.

I feel like you have to be the next big thing or just be happy with the audience that sticks around.


Dec 28, 2017
Arc Raiders does not stand a chance if Nexon isn't even happy with The Finals


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Washington, DC
I loved my time with this game, but after 20-ballpark hours I had my fill. There's just too much stuff to play, and it's impossible to convince X amount of friends to hop onto a new game for any meaningful amount of time unless it's like some kind of outlier, uber-popular thing like Helldivers 2.


Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed what I had played of it, up until I found out the voices were AI. Uninstalled and never looked back afterward. A shame that they just couldn't be bothered to hire real people


Oct 31, 2017
I really liked what I played but I never like 3 player games because you usually have too many friends wanting to play games online or too few depending on the day of the week, and with a random in the team isn't as fun.

Nothing bad about the game perse but there are only so many free hours in the evening and rather play an RPG on the couch or play something everyone online can play. So many other games to play too.


Aug 3, 2018
Makes me sad this game isn't preforming well, by far the most fun and excitement I've had in a shooter in a very long time but I genuinely believe it faces two major issues, the oversaturated market of shooters already out that no one wants to abandon and the fact that the solo player experience is awful, the game requires a team and communication to really shine at its best. Still hope they manage to turn it around somehow.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
Honestly I wonder how much of this is actual performance problems because it has 14k players on Steam right now in a content lull and that's...pretty good for any multiplayer shooter that isn't already the super established ones?
It's a free to play team based shooter putting up 16k daily peak players, meanwhile Street Fighter 6, a $60 1-on-1 fighting game is doing 28k.

Remember only a fraction of that current playerbase will be engaging with mtx which is vital for a f2p game.


Oct 26, 2017
United States
With a new GAAS launching every other week and the length of time gamers play the same game just becoming ever so longer (3-7 years and trending up), at some point do we just reach a saturation point? Are we there already?

Seems like we hear about or ignore a new failed GAAS launch every month.


Feb 15, 2018
I remember this game, Hyenas, and another game all meshing together to me, but I can't for the life of me remember what the 3rd game was.
I give credit being innovative but wasn't for me, the movement & gunplay together felt kinda weird? Also only like 3 maps at launch, good looking ones w/ destruction but 3 is way too little. And BP was too intimidating for me.
that team had a lot of talent that could have made a very interesting legit Battlefield competitor but instead they made an arena game šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø.
I'd be interested in a legit BF competitor but even if they did it'd be "Battlefield but we need to dumb it down further" (like every BF style gamemode/competitor since BF2 & 2142).

Wonder what TTK Games will be doing but I doubt it will be something of a proper competitor that looks at the space the Refractor era of BF has completely vacated.
They bet on the wrong game. Arc Raiders was supposed to come first and got pushed for this iirc. May have had similar success to Helldivers 2...was kinda similar.
It was going to be like Helldivers 2 but they actually changed it recently to an Extraction shooter. Bet they deeply regret that.


Dec 28, 2017
but they actually changed it recently to an Extraction shooter.
I played this version of the game last year and it was so ASS šŸ˜­

Written impressions were allowed, so I can say this. They really shouldn't have switched genres to chase a trend. Had they stuck to their guns with the horde shooter idea, I feel like it would have a better chance of sticking with audiences.


Oct 27, 2017
Really good game, but I haven't returned to it since Christmas. Game has a lot of good aspects, but something about the gunplay and movement just doesn't bring me back. It definitely has those fun, 'only in BF' style moments like fighting in a falling building, but yea

Also I agree with what people said about randoms: that game would quickly go from fun w/ a full party, to a pretty mixed session if I played with one friend and one random, and a match with just randoms would usually be straight up bad. That's a big reason why I stopped playing


Oct 25, 2017
I played this version of the game last year and it was so ASS šŸ˜­

Written impressions were allowed, so I can say this. They really shouldn't have switched genres to chase a trend. Had they stuck to their guns with the horde shooter idea, I feel like it would have a better chance of sticking with audiences.

lmao damn, that first trailer they revealed in 2021 had soo much promise. Being an extraction shooter is boring to me, maybe they can go back and redo it all cause of helldivers success.


Oct 25, 2017
Game was neat, had a fun couple of weeks with it but sort of got my fill after that. Playing with randoms could be awful at times, and I found the progression way too slow and grindy.

GAAS is just really hard. Retaining an audience is even harder.
Oct 25, 2017
The game is fun and the destruction is impressive but I find the artstyle and presentation so lifeless and non-descript that it kills it for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Is Palworlds GaaS? Serious question because I haven't played it. I just assumed there was some sort of service there. But, again, haven't played it and don't know.
Depends on how you define the term. It's an "ongoing game" that will presumably get regular patches an updates that sell a lot of copies and bring people back to the game, but it's not monetized for ongoing spend. I could see it getting larger paid expansions, but there's currently no cash shop, battle pass, etc.


May 31, 2018
such a shame. i'm still playing it and i love the game. it still has a lot of players, though, so i hope it can become a success in nexon's eye.
Does this just need more content? From other people that I know who enjoy it, that seems to be the common complaint.

Competitive shooters tend to eventually push out the casual crowd outside of a handful of super popular titles.

One of the reasons Helldivers is so successful is the cooperative status helps alleviate the stress of trying to beat other players and mostly just focus on being competent in a team
That really is not true, it is why engagement and retention have become so important for all of these games.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
After experiencing Helldivers 2 allowing my war bonds to last forever and I can unlock items at my leisure, I will never touch a game that makes my paid purchases expire and disappear on me. If they ever change and give me back the items I purchased I'll return to playing the game.


Aug 3, 2021
Nobody has the time to play all these service games no matter the quality. Shiny new things will break through here and there and stay relevant for longer like Helldivers 2. But the majority, despite seeing good player numbers at first, will die out quickly.


Oct 25, 2017
That's surprising, for a debut game I felt like not only was it a very good game but also it did gather quite a following, and the cadence of updates is very good too.
This feels more like Nexon setting crazy goals to screw with the developer.


Jan 19, 2022
Starting to wonder if the Live Service crowd now has expectations of constant crossover cosmetics from other popular IPs Ć  la Fortnite.

You can have a mechanically sound game but if your players can't dress up as Spiderman, Billie Eilish, Snoop Dogg, and friends the appeal decreases.


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't really have a lot of content or modes so that's kind of on them. It was fun for a few weeks but the tweaks they made to a lot of stuff must've cratered the player base.


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
Shame, I really enjoyed my time with this. The biggest issue was convincing friends to play. I'm not willing to play with randoms so when they fell off, so did I.