
You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Street dogs are garbage. They're for tourist (not hating on tourist btw).

Do Halal or get a slice instead.

Latin America has some great hot dogs, though.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I've never enjoyed them big ass baked/roasted hotdogs. I usually prefer the regular ones that are boiled.


Oct 25, 2017
In Toronto they hand it to you like this,


and then you dress it however you want, as each stand has over a dozen toppings available.


The result is there's no condescension about how a "proper" hot dog is supposed to be dressed. That's why when we hear people from Chicago or New York talking about "proper" hot dogs we just roll our eyes.


Oct 25, 2017
I have visited NYC some times now (mostly work related), and two times I wanted to try the famous New York street hot-dogs. And each time, I feel I was robbed. I tried two different random vendors on the street (in Manhattan and Brooklyn) and it was just a bun, a hot-dog and mustard. That's it. $3.00 USD for that crap.


Sorry, but a random Mexican hot-dog vendor on the street makes better hot-dogs.

op if you dont eat them how are you going to get any intake of CHUD lips and stray cat buttholes?


Oct 25, 2017
In Toronto they hand it to you like this,


and then you dress it however you want, as each stand has over a dozen toppings available.


The result is there's no condescension about how a "proper" hot dog is supposed to be dressed. That's why when we hear people from Chicago or New York talking about "proper" hot dogs we just roll our eyes.

yes. But New Yorkers are the universe's ultimate paragon of food specificity humility.
What's the old NYC adage? Ah yes, "respecteth the tourist, for his pizza water magic is the equal of thine, his deli overrrunneth with equity, his bodega more secret and his sushi is fresher than thee hath tasted"


Nov 6, 2017
Putting a bunch of toppings on a hot dog is missing the point. I take my plain, maybe ketchup or mustard.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
OK, so no. Street hotdogs are good. Also, you should get a combo with rice from a halal cart.

Deleted member 3542

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Street dogs anywhere are trash. There's good hot dogs in the world but going to a guy or girl on the street in a questionable cart with day-olds is pretty much scraping the barrel.


Oct 25, 2017
This thread has me craving a Sabrett dog with onion sauce and I can't get one cause I live in Cali.


Oct 25, 2017
Way too much ketchup in this thread. I will also echo that posting shots with dogs smothered in condiments is disgusting.


Oct 28, 2017
Where's the sauerkraut though?! Doesn't seem like you've tried a proper NYC street dog.

That said, Chicago's street dogs are vastly superior.


Khive rise up
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Are users allowed to ban other users?
You can ignore other members.

I say this because it's serious business.

I had an actually authentic chicago dog from Windy City pizza in Vegas for the first time last summer. With all the crap on it, I'd wrongly assumed it wouldn't be hot dog forward. I really liked it to be honest. I also enjoy a half decent dog with yellow mustard from a street vendor in NYC though. But yeah, like anything, you want to do a bit of research first rather than going up to a random cart.

Deleted member 2809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
In Toronto they hand it to you like this,


and then you dress it however you want, as each stand has over a dozen toppings available.


The result is there's no condescension about how a "proper" hot dog is supposed to be dressed. That's why when we hear people from Chicago or New York talking about "proper" hot dogs we just roll our eyes.
Cute dog


Oct 25, 2017
Hot dog ratings

1. Danish hot dogs
2. German hot dogs

27. American hot dogs

Meanwhile in Sweden:


Yeah, I don't know either.


Oct 25, 2017
My NYC hot dog memories are more from Papaya King, in the middle of the night after a show, while I'm wasted lol


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I'm with you OP. Mexican street dogs are lit. That bacon, the peppers and onions. The mustard. The jalapeño. The plump hot dog and fluffy bun deliciously grilled on the cart with all of those burning meat and vegetable juices.

So good. I miss them so much. First thing I'm gonna do when a vaccine is made is go to DTLA and get myself a street dog.

I tried a NY hot dog and was just okay with it. I always get sauerkraut dogs in LA from Wienerschnitzel and I think they tasted better than the street dog I got in NYC.

Where's the sauerkraut though?! Doesn't seem like you've tried a proper NYC street dog.

That said, Chicago's street dogs are vastly superior.

As somebody from LA who has gone to Chicago and tried a Chicago street dog, I just cannot agree. Why are there pickles and tomato on a hot dog?


Oct 27, 2017
I'll usually go for a falafel sandwich with some hot sauce if I'm going the food truck route.


Oct 25, 2017
The spiral-cut hot dogs from Toronto carts rule, and this is yet another reason why I'm sad to be in Alberta.


Oct 25, 2017
I think your minds would be blown if you ever tasted Hot Dogs from Brazil.

Your hot dogs have NOTHING on/in it, wtf.

I can pay less than 3 dollars and have my traditional hot dog full of:
  • Mayo
  • Ketchup
  • Thick tomato sauce (with bell pepper, onions and tomato bits)
  • Shoestring potatoes
  • Grated parmesan cheese
  • Corn
  • Peas
  • Raisins (if you are a godless heathen)

We even have pressed hot dog that can go with those above and more:
  • Cheddar creamy cheese or Catupiry chesse (don't think you have those in the US, it's like cream cheese but without the light sourness)
  • Bacon
  • Thinly sliced pepperoni
  • Shredded chicken
This guy gets it.

I laugh at all the other pictures posted in this thread. This up here is a true hotdog.


Dec 2, 2017
Honestly the hot dogs you get for $3 at JFK are miles better than the trash they sell in the city, also the same street vendors have different prices relative to the street they're on, so you can get that same trashy $3 hot dog for $1 (the actual worth of it) a couple of blocks down. I remember being disappointed too the first time I had a NYC hot dog, mostly because I grew up on German hot dogs (and those things are loaded) and because Movies seem to hype shit up. You can get a "real" hot dog at the Brooklyn Dinner at Time Square (yeah yeah it's a tourist dinner, who cares) but it's super expensive, so JFK airport hot dog ftw!
Oct 28, 2017
When I used work downtown in Philly, used to live off the hotdog man till the Halal trucks showed up a few years back.

Beef Sausage (tell em to put it on the grill)
Spicy Mustard
Cooked Onions
Cold Can of Pepsi

Or a Turkey Bacon Egg and Cheese (salt pepper ketchup) on wheat toast with butter and a coffee. I miss downtown in the summer.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm with you OP. Mexican street dogs are lit. That bacon, the peppers and onions. The mustard. The jalapeño. The plump hot dog and fluffy bun deliciously grilled on the cart with all of those burning meat and vegetable juices.

So good. I miss them so much. First thing I'm gonna do when a vaccine is made is go to DTLA and get myself a street dog.

I tried a NY hot dog and was just okay with it. I always get sauerkraut dogs in LA from Wienerschnitzel and I think they tasted better than the street dog I got in NYC.

As somebody from LA who has gone to Chicago and tried a Chicago street dog, I just cannot agree. Why are there pickles and tomato on a hot dog?
Ketchup and relish are two of the most common hot dog condiments... Chicago dogs just include a less processed version of them. And what makes Chicago dogs really pop (besides the crunch of the pickle spears and onion) are the sport peppers and celery salt. They just have a much brighter, crisper, fresher flavor than any other American city's lauded dogs.

I say that as someone who is also from L.A., works in DTLA, and agrees our dogs are great too fwiw. Chicago dogs just don't leave me feeling as much regret as a succulent, bacon-wrapped hot dog smothered in greasy onions and jalapenos... OK now I want one of those too haha.


Oct 25, 2017
You can prep them in a number of ways to make them different but I'm generally not a fan

Oct 25, 2017
I have visited NYC some times now (mostly work related), and two times I wanted to try the famous New York street hot-dogs. And each time, I feel I was robbed. I tried two different random vendors on the street (in Manhattan and Brooklyn) and it was just a bun, a hot-dog and mustard. That's it. $3.00 USD for that crap.


Sorry, but a random Mexican hot-dog vendor on the street makes better hot-dogs.

go to Nathan's or grays papaya. Or get halal instead. Never the water dogs.

As with most classic New York street food, you don't buy it because it's high-quality. You buy it because it reminds you of home and it reminds you of times when you didn't have enough money to buy better food.

It's the same way people don't actually think the traditional New York pizza slice is good pizza, it's just comfort food.

no, sorry. Nobody thinks that of NY pizza.