
Oct 26, 2017
I read somewhere that the game has 14 mini tasks, but couldn't find a source, is that the whole game or just something to do with a My Nintendo mission? Maybe just part of the game?
You're confusing info about the game with the requirements for the 35th anniversary pins.

Purchase 3D World + complete 14 additional Mario-themed My Nintendo missions.


Oct 25, 2017
I realize this is official, but I still don't really agree with it. There are lots of levels in Galaxy that don't really resemble anything you'd find in 3D Land/World. Heck, one of the stages in Galaxy 2 is literally a repurposed 64 level.

The Galaxy stuff has always been more of an inbetween, and I stand by that statement after playing all three of the first games 100% for 3D AllStars.
In between is certainly true, but I think I'd agree with Nintendo that it leans more one way. However, it's always felt that image existed to state that Odyssey was a return to how Mario games were before Galaxy deviated, and less a statement about what Galaxy itself actually is.

All that said, the bulk of Galaxy is designed like 3D Land but with additional elements. There are outliers, but, well... they're outliers, and they're even more rare in 2. I think the key differentiation is that even when Galaxy is more linear, it often presents a series of areas (often planets) where each is cleared to get to the next; but in the actual areas/planets themselves, there's not always a clear forward/back. This can result in moment to moment gameplay and freedom more like 64 but with the clear focused progression of 3D Land/World. For some, this is the perfect blend, but I find I tend to prefer going all towards one or the other.

Bowser's Fury looks interesting, and rather unlike anything we've seen before. It's hard to tell in the limited glimpses, but it looks like they've managed to make a more open level that consists almost entirely of 3D World obstacle course design. This is somewhat similar to certain Odyssey kingdoms, but it takes it a step further, and seems to give significantly less 'safe' areas. It's certainly the largest Mario level we've ever seen, and I'm curious to see if we go towards a game in the future that has just a couple of worlds like these, or just one even bigger one.


Dec 8, 2017
I only got like halfway through 3D World because I just hated the Wii U as a system. I was not a fan of the tablet controller and never bought a Pro so I CANNOT wait to jump into this on my Switch. Just release it now!

And for reals, it looks like Bowsers Fury was Odyssey DLC that they converted into a new game to sell along with 3D World. I mean I'm cool with that but I think we all see that lol.


Oct 25, 2017
translation: Can be selected from the title screen, and you can enjoy your favorite mode at any time. Which adventure do you start with?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't really get how this could've started as Odyssey DLC and why that's being said. I mean, maybe at the pure inception of it like the idea of "new world where big bowser fights you," but the obstacles themselves are from 3D World, and it's designed with 3D World mechanics and Mario's moveset in mind. Plus the cat theming.

If that was true, it would've been very early on that it was decided to go to 3D World instead, like before they started the level design.
Oct 27, 2017
Well it's not only that, there's also tons of stuff that makes Galaxy feel more unique. The star spin, launch stars, spherical planetoids, gravity puzzles feel like a commitment to the theme of the game and make it stand out, it makes it more than the "2D Mario in 3D" that 3D World goes for.

Not to mention the more adventure game objectives like feeding hungry Luma's, catching star bunnies. Having talking NPCs and contextualizing missions like helping the bees out, breaking into a rock fortress, competing with penguins in races and star chip collecting, saving Luigi from the haunted mansion, saving penguins from the eels, rather than just "platform to the end of the course" does give it a more action adventure feel than the pure platformer that is 3D World.

Design wise yes Galaxy is more linear, but there's a lot to the presentation of the game, including the hub which you mentioned, that still makes people group it with 64, Sunshine and Odyssey.
I think as far as Nintendo is concerned things like launch stars, contextualized missions, talking to NPCs, planetoids, and gravity shenanigans don't necessarily define the core/fundamental gameplay structure of Galaxy but are instead in service to its course-clear nature.
Like, talking to and relieving the bee queen of her itchiness is not the penultimate goal of "Bee Mario Takes Flight" (as one would expect in an explorative collectathon), she simply acts as a final obstacle at the end of a unique obstacle course that exists to test your newly learned climbing skill in a different way.


Oct 25, 2017
I think as far as Nintendo is concerned things like launch stars, contextualized missions, talking to NPCs, planetoids, and gravity shenanigans don't necessarily define the core/fundamental gameplay structure of Galaxy but are instead in service to its course-clear nature.
Like, talking to and relieving the bee queen of her itchiness is not the penultimate goal of "Bee Mario Takes Flight" (as one would expect in an explorative collectathon), she simply acts as a final obstacle at the end of an obstacle course that exists to test your newly learned climbing skill in a different way.
I mean true, that's why they made the chart. I'm just saying stuff like that is why people group Galaxy with the other 3D Marios sometimes and that's valid.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean true, that's why they made the chart. I'm just saying stuff like that is why people group Galaxy with the other 3D Marios sometimes and that's valid.
While people also discount the fact that collecting green stars is required for progression in 3D World and 3D World has similar adventure-y tasks like collecting key coins to unlock a warp box.


Oct 25, 2017
While people also discount the fact that collecting green stars is required for progression in 3D World and 3D World has similar adventure-y tasks like collecting key coins to unlock a warp box.
Yeah but in much less quantity and no context such as helping an NPC out or engaging with NPCs. The collecting key coins actually felt out of place in 3D World to me because the game had so little stuff that wasn't pure platforming and boss fights.

I mean surely this difference is obvious?


Dec 8, 2017
How awesome would it have been if they included a Super Mario 3D Land remaster in the package? One can wish :/
Oct 25, 2017
The Mario series is weird because in truth all the games have tons of individual similarities to each other. But they're always put into a structure just different enough that those numerous similarities take on their own vibe and greatly influence how people view the games. 3D Worlds green stars being a good example.

But that's how most things work anyway isn't it? The same ingredients don't always make the same dish.

Conrad Link

Oct 29, 2017
New Zealand
I know it would have been more work, but I wish we'd just have gotten 3D World and somehow 3D Land together while Bowser's Fury was it's own thing.

Feels like 3D Land will be lost to time, like many of the games from the DS/3DS days. :(

Really want more 3DS stuff I can play on a TV.


Jan 15, 2018
While people also discount the fact that collecting green stars is required for progression in 3D World and 3D World has similar adventure-y tasks like collecting key coins to unlock a warp box.
They're more like Star Coins from the NSMB series games or some of the Moons from Mario Odyssey, they aren't like Power Stars or Shine Sprites. There are levels in some NSMB games that require a certain amount of Star Coins to unlock as well, it's just not as frequent.

"Climb up this wall and find a secret alcove with a Green Star on your way to the goal pole" isn't the same as "complete this stage-wide objective to collect a Power Star which also is your end goal"

I understand there are some Power Stars like this in 64, but they're on the rare side if you ask me.
most of them feel like end goals, not trinkets you collect on your way TO the end goal.


Dec 8, 2017
Yeah I wish that'd come.

honestly I'd pay full price for the left out Galaxy 2 + 3D Land package.

It's probably in the works. I wish they did Bowsers Fury as Odyssey DLC for like $20-30, then a 3D World/Land combo for $60 and then All Stars should have included Galaxy 2. Nintendo will Nintendo though and we will still buy it however they dish it out.


Nov 12, 2017
Well it's not only that, there's also tons of stuff that makes Galaxy feel more unique. The star spin, launch stars, spherical planetoids, gravity puzzles feel like a commitment to the theme of the game and make it stand out, it makes it more than the "2D Mario in 3D" that 3D World goes for.

Not to mention the more adventure game objectives like feeding hungry Luma's, catching star bunnies. Having talking NPCs and contextualizing missions like helping the bees out, breaking into a rock fortress, competing with penguins in races and star chip collecting, saving Luigi from the haunted mansion, saving penguins from the eels, rather than just "platform to the end of the course" does give it a more action adventure feel than the pure platformer that is 3D World.

Design wise yes Galaxy is more linear, but there's a lot to the presentation of the game, including the hub which you mentioned, that still makes people group it with 64, Sunshine and Odyssey.
Nailed it. There's good reason why gamers take Nintendo's silly chart less seriously than the Zelda timeline. It makes no sense.

Mario Galaxy games are free moving, fully 3-D, they are not timed. Mario 3D World is point a to point b with more restricted movement and a timer.


Oct 26, 2017
Every time I post my 3D World move set exhibition video this person leaves very sad comments:

They remind me of Spieler Eins or Freezie KO from the old site.

They're more like Star Coins from the NSMB series games or some of the Moons from Mario Odyssey, they aren't like Power Stars or Shine Sprites. There are levels in some NSMB games that require a certain amount of Star Coins to unlock as well, it's just not as frequent.

"Climb up this wall and find a secret alcove with a Green Star on your way to the goal pole" isn't the same as "complete this stage-wide objective to collect a Power Star which also is your end goal"

I understand there are some Power Stars like this in 64, but they're on the rare side if you ask me.
most of them feel like end goals, not trinkets you collect on your way TO the end goal.
That's an oversimplification. Some of the green stars are like star coins, yes, but some are sandbox-esque challenges like catching rabbits, rescuing Captain Toad, and stuff. We were talking about comparing it to Galaxy, so I was including other things like collect 5 key coins to open the path, which is like collecting launch star fragments (which was specifically mentioned in the post I was quoting as something that makes Galaxy feel more sandboxy, and such. There are a few levels where the whole level is exploring a large area or multiple areas to find key coins.

As for 64, a lot of levels in 64 have the problem where multiple stars could have been obtained on the way to another star but the game kicks you out of the level and makes you do the whole thing over again just cuz. For example here's every star in Bob-omb Battlefield:

The first star is basically a flagpole, and the second star is doing it again but faster than Koopa the Quick. The chain chomp star is on the way and there's no reason you shouldn't be able to get it on the way to the top of the mountain. All of these stars are challenges you will find in 3D World levels.

Tall Tall Mountain, as you pointed out, is especially egregious in this regard.

Odyssey thankfully fixed this.


Oct 25, 2017
Every time I post my 3D World move set exhibition video this person leaves very sad comments:

They remind me of Spieler Eins or Freezie KO from the old site.

That's an oversimplification. Some of the green stars are like star coins, yes, but some are sandbox-esque challenges like catching rabbits, rescuing Captain Toad, and stuff. We were talking about comparing it to Galaxy, so I was including other things like collect 5 key coins to open the path, which is like collecting launch star fragments (which was specifically mentioned in the post I was quoting as something that makes Galaxy feel more sandboxy, and such. There are a few levels where the whole level is exploring a large area or multiple areas to find key coins.

As for 64, a lot of levels in 64 have the problem where multiple stars could have been obtained on the way to another star but the game kicks you out of the level and makes you do the whole thing over again just cuz. For example here's every star in Bob-omb Battlefield:

The first star is basically a flagpole, and the second star is doing it again but faster than Koopa the Quick. The chain chomp star is on the way and there's no reason you shouldn't be able to get it on the way to the top of the mountain. All of these stars are challenges you will find in 3D World levels.

Tall Tall Mountain, as you pointed out, is especially egregious in this regard.

Odyssey thankfully fixed this.

I mean I'm completely in agreement that 3D World does have SOME stufff like the key coins, plus catching a star bunny for a star coin.

I just feel Galaxy does more to contextualize many of its missions with NPCs that will either give you your objective (which in many cases involves like a race or something, which IS the objective) or do more to give some flavor text to what you're doing, or give you hints.

3D World doesn't have NPCs with text boxes at all, so that alone separates from the rest of the 3D Marios INCLUDING Galaxy.

im Not saying that's a worse thing, 3D World completely does what it sets out to do, Galaxy just has many elements in that vein that put it with the other 3D Marios in a category, like that's completely recognizable to anyone who's played them all - those presentation differences.

I'm a little drunk so I hope autocorrect has done it's job but I hope this has proved the point. Especially because I'm not trying to take anything from 3DW I'm just pointing out that Galaxy maintains the action adventure "getting quests from NPCs" feel from sunshine way more than 3DW does. I don't see how that isn't an easily acceptable reasoning. It's a presentation thing and that's okay.

And yes those comments suck and are dumb. There's no true 3D Mario, and luckily all of them have been great in their own way


Oct 25, 2017
It shouldn't be controversial to say the structure of 3D world is modeled closer to the 2D games than any other 3D Mario. That's the whole point, in fact.

still a top 5 Mario and Better than Odyssey so it what it is


Mar 13, 2018
I'm happy they found a cool use for the stamps! I never really liked them on miiverse since I prefered drawings and funny messages, but stamp messages always felt like clutter on the platform. This other use seems really fun, though. I bet we'll see a lot of cool pics :)

Now I REALLY wish they brought them back in for Mario Kart 8DX...


Oct 26, 2017
So I don't get this. Nintendo could have cashed in on odyssey with large dlc worlds, but instead release one for an older game. Was this meant to come out for the wiiu but delayed due to its lack of success?

Either way, I'm excited.


Oct 26, 2017
So I don't get this. Nintendo could have cashed in on odyssey with large dlc worlds, but instead release one for an older game. Was this meant to come out for the wiiu but delayed due to its lack of success?

Either way, I'm excited.
Because they wanted to? They wanted to make a game with all the 3D World powerups without the cappy stuff. Probably had a lot of ideas making 3D World that they couldn't do due to limitations on level design imposed by local multiplayer and wanted to make a single-player focused add-on to show what 3D World can be without those limitations.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Odyssey is the weakest 3D Mario for me by a pretty wide margin so

I'm glad 3D World is finally getting the respect it deserves