
Oct 25, 2017
This was posted on Reddit, so I'm not sure there is anyway to link said Gameplay directly into the post, but you can click on the link to watch them. It's from the same Oculus Dev who revealed the file size (160-170gb) that was in another thread.
I decided to spend my Sunday messing around with MOH and captured some cool stuff for you guys to check out.

I didn't record any story details from the single player campaign, so there aren't any spoilers.

This is all single-player footage. I wasn't comfortable capturing multiplayer without letting everyone else know that they were being recorded, and I didnt want to disrupt anyone testing, etc.

First up - this is a snippet of one of the single player levels. Shoutout to anyone here that complained about bullet sponge enemies and the lack of physics in the environment. This one is for you. No, not EVERYTHING can be picked up, but a LOT of it can. You'll need to use all kinds of stuff against the Nazis if you want to earn every achievement and unlock every multiplayer skin.
(I also then took some of their posts from the comments as well, for things people maybe interested in)
Your hands clip through objects. Unless your game is REALLY centered around the full physics path, things get janky and frustrating fast.

I know this drives some people nuts. It's a trade off you make early on in development.

I'm working on some future games that make use of physics systems like this. It's not what we wanted for MOH - our physics thread is heavily focused on making Nazis look really dynamic and responsive when they die.
I'm glad you like it! Story mode...with so many levels it's difficult to really predict.

The target is 10-12 hours if you play through the single player stuff (campaign, gauntlets, survival) once. There are reasons to replay gauntlet and survival, of course. And you can always mess around in Quartermaster. Single player also has collectibles that unlock rewards.

The gallery content alone is a couple of hours.

And there's multiplayer, haha.

If you want to 100% the game, some of the achievements are crazy. (I hope you like trying on hats!)
(In regards to just the Story, not Survival/Gauntlets)
Probably about 10 hours, depending on your level of skill and chosen difficulty.
That's a guess. Some people will be faster. Some will be slower.

It's looking quite great. :)

Edit: Rough idea of Specs:
We recommend a high end machine to enjoy the game to the fullest.

You can definitely play it on lower end hardware. The game is more CPU bound than GPU bound, but you might experience stutters. It's hard to say without more information about your exact setup.

The recommended specs are high due to the scope of the game and everything we're putting on screen in an effort to push VR to new places.

CPU: Intel i7 9700K (or comparable AMD) RAM: 16GB DDR4 Graphics Card: NVIDIA GTX 2080 or higher
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Oct 27, 2017
I would love to play a Medal of Honor Game by Respawn, but I don't have a VR set and am unlikely to aquire one anytime soon. so, pass.
If I ever do get a VR setup, this and HL Alyx will be the games i get


Oct 25, 2017
160GB? that sounds a lot, I though this was supposed to be shorter game.

Nope, quite a full length game. 10 hour campaign, 12 maps, and so on.

Why is this game 160 gigs? Also any recommended specs released yet?

If I had to guess there is likely a lot of unique assets, cause IIRC someone else said in the previous thread that the Veterans Interviews only make up about 10gb of the total filesize.

As for Specs this is what they said:

We recommend a high end machine to enjoy the game to the fullest.

You can definitely play it on lower end hardware. The game is more CPU bound than GPU bound, but you might experience stutters. It's hard to say without more information about your exact setup.

The recommended specs are high due to the scope of the game and everything we're putting on screen in an effort to push VR to new places.

CPU: Intel i7 9700K (or comparable AMD) RAM: 16GB DDR4 Graphics Card: NVIDIA GTX 2080 or higher


Dec 10, 2018
Damn this looks fun, the ragdolls make deaths look brutal.

It would be amazing to see MOH make a comeback, I trust Respawn will make something good.

Edit - Dec 11 release? I was expecting it early next year for some reason.
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Oct 28, 2017
It's Respawn so I'm automatically in. RTX 3080 + Rift S ready to go.


Mar 30, 2018
Rio de Janeiro
I wonder if those high specs is the reason it is not releasing on PSVR? EA is not a publisher to pass on guaranteed sales unless they cant port a game to a platform, e.g switch and frostbyte.


Oct 30, 2017
Game looks fantastic from those clips.

REALLY excited about this one.


Dec 1, 2017
Specs are super high... and it looks less impressive than alyx. But I'm so hungry for good single player vr. Alyx was such a gateway vr game


Mar 30, 2018
Rio de Janeiro
I think it would likely still sell well. A full game with SP, Survival, and MP? People will dig into that.
I agree, but I would for sure expect sony to push some high profile must have VR only games at launch this time (I think they will try to leverage some of their IPs), there will be competition on top of people having to buy new hardware, still medal of honor will be a unique experience.


Oct 28, 2017
Specs are super high... and it looks less impressive than alyx. But I'm so hungry for good single player vr. Alyx was such a gateway vr game

Yeah, but Alyx had a few advantages that they probably aren't using here. Namely, Valve's lighting bakes a *ton* of extremely high quality lighting information into the maps in a volumetric way that probably wouldn't work so well with the huge size of these maps or if they have any time of day changes, and the maps themselves look a lot larger.


Oct 30, 2017
Alyx in March, MoH in December.

Starting and ending the year stronk for AAA VR.


Nov 11, 2017
Cyberpunk will take up most of my December but I'm super pumped to pick up Alyx and MoH next year. I completely forgot that Respawn had lineage back to the Allied Assault.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh wow at those specs. My 2070s should be fine but I can already feel the stutter. Will still buy and try but if it's too badly optimized it will be a hard return.


Oct 27, 2017
This game looks great so far. Now to decide if I should buy it on steam or oculus. SteamVR always feels like it runs better over virtual desktop.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Game is looking amazing in these clips! Seems like the kind of high quality VR game I've been craving since Alyx.

Shame I will have to expect till next year to play it properly on my upgraded PC.


Oct 27, 2017
I had no idea that it would release this week, I don't know if its the best spot to release the game between all the stuff that came out the last few weeks and Cyberpunk this week.

Will definitely play this when I'm finished with Cyberpunk and AC Valhalla.


Shinra Employee
Aug 22, 2018
A 2080 requirement is really high. Understandable given the visuals plus VR but it's a lot to ask.


Dec 12, 2017
My wireless Quest 2 + RTX 3070 are ready. Alyx is the game of the ever ever and pushes games into the next tier of gaming epicness, this will come close second.


Oct 27, 2017
Super excited for this. Unless reviews are bad, this is definitely a rare day one purchase for me.


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
Surprised to hear it's CPU bound, I would have definitely thought more gpu bound.


Dec 3, 2018
Those requirements... well looks like I probably won't be able to play it. Maybe I'll be lucky and it'll run on my 1070ti+ryzen 5 2600.


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
I assume the 9700k and 2080 are for the occulus headsets too, I imagine this is going to run like garbage on my index with a 6800k/3080.


Oct 27, 2017
A 2080? Geeze. Shame I like VR so much...it requires powerful hardware and is expensive.

Alyx in March, MoH in December.

Starting and ending the year stronk for AAA VR.

Got Star Wars Squadrons in Oct as well. That game is stupid fun in VR and I can't recommend it enough.


Oct 30, 2017
Interested to see how this runs on my setup, I've gotten some great performance out of most games so far despite often having slightly below recommended specs.

can't wait for this one, but wish it had preload with a file size like that...
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Oct 31, 2017
The footage looks pretty good, but it really makes me marvel at how Alyx looks as great as it does while running so smoothly on significantly lesser hardware than what is being recommended here.

Also interesting that they're finally letting a Facebook game run on other hardware. I wonder if it's because this is a PC only game and Facebook has moved on to their standalone hardware so they don't really care about enforcing their hegemony in the PC space anymore.


Oct 30, 2017
Got Star Wars Squadrons in Oct as well. That game is stupid fun in VR and I can't recommend it enough.

Ah, I keep forgetting about Squadrons! I also forgot about Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners too which was really great.

It's been a good year on the VR front, for me.


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
Kotaku is reporting the game is more like 360gb and unpacks to 170gb. How the fuck is anyone going to have space for this?

Fall Damage

Oct 31, 2017
This (not Cyberpunk) is the game I've really been waiting on this year. Allied Assault is one of my all time favorite shooters and a Respawn PCVR MoH game is just about as good as it gets. Unfortunately I've been unable to land a 3080/6800 XT and my 1070 isn't going to cut it. Still I'll be picking this up on release to support high production value VR on PC and hopefully luck out with a new gpu within the next couple months.

Also, holy shit at 160gb lol. This thread has prompted me to upgrade to a 1tb 970 evo. It was becoming a pita to juggle my current 500gb and this finally put me over the edge.


#1 Waluigi Fan! Current Status: Crying
Oct 25, 2017
Kotaku is reporting the game is more like 360gb and unpacks to 170gb. How the fuck is anyone going to have space for this?

Jesus. I know there is the whole CoD MoH rivalry shit, but like, do they really need to fight over who is bigger too?


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, guess I won't be playing this on my 4790K and 2060. OUCH.