
From the mirror universe
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017

I'm not strong enough to play this but Oinone was gracious enough to sacrifice her time and played Mystery Of The Druids, plus it's a German adventure game so she's obligated to play it. It sounded fascinatingly bad.
Let's talk about The Mystery of the Druids.
If you only watch a walkthough and can lay back to just enjoy the badness of the game, I can somewhat see why people join the cult around it and post 5 star meme ratings. But if you actually play it unironically, it is just a very bad game.
The only thing, what I would count as "so bad, it's actually good", is the ending, that made me laugh with its stupidity.

You play Halligan, a detective at Scotland Yard, investigating serial killings, you quickly connect to a secret circle of druids. So far so good. Until time travel comes into play with some sort of Terminator twist - if we stop them in the past, they will not exist in the present!
In a way you fail that but
you make him swear by his life, that you and your female love interest won't get hurt. Then he sends you back into the present.
Of course now you take advantage of this deal - but not with hurting yourself. No, without a warning, you ram a pair of broken clippers into the woman's stomach! Not just scratch her arm or anything, no, right into her belly with her even dying from it! Wtf, dude?!
Luckily you have some very special herb with you from the past, that now revives her, so that you can finally get the girl.
Interesting here is, that in the past you grabbed this herb to rescue a wounded druid, who dies within the 2 seconds you need to collect it. But apparently it can even revive people, so why did we not heal that poor druid?
It's from 2001, but even for that time, the graphics are really, really bad. All the characters are super clunky, weird and just wrong. Sometimes a bit glitchy as well. And of course there is the famouse floating Lowery.
All the characters are also not really likeable, and dialogues tend to be cringy and stupid.

Hotspots don't have a name displayed, so it's hard to tell what your cursor is on right now. Is this still the table or is the item on it a hotspot, too? The areas can be unnecessary large, filled with useless hotspots, just to distract you. Halligan nearly never gives a helpful comment for anything. All of this makes the puzzles harder already.
While the game starts quite innocent, with some good ideas here and there, it gets more and more obtuse. Some solutions even come across as quite ridiculous. And especially in the later half of the game, I sometimes read the walkthrough twice and had now idea how you are supposed to figure that out on your own!
Leading dialogues is also very tideous. Subjects can vanish during a conversation, so you have to talk to people again and again, until you have talked about everything and chose the correct lines, to get information X and/or trigger Y.
To comeplete the list of No Gos, there is also a part with a maze.

It takes 7-8 hours to get through this mess. If you really want to, be sure to grab the version on GOG - it fixed some very bad and gamebreaking bugs, the Steam version still seems to have.
But you invest your lifetime at your own risk. Don't say, I didn't warn you!

E: fixed some embarrassing typos. You never saw nothing! *smokebomb*


This guy are sick of Unshakable Resolve
Feb 3, 2021
I thought he was petting a doggo with his right hand at first.
Jan 4, 2018
The knife in the mouth is even funnier when you realize he already has two other blades on him (one on his left hip and the bayonet on his rifle). That being said, it's not that bad of a cover. I mean, it's not particularly good either, though.


Knows Too Much
Oct 25, 2017
It's not very good but it's a long way from the worst cover ever. It's just forgettable in terms of how generic it is.

Although I admit I looked at him grabbing the rock in the foreground and the mountains in the background, and the biplane, and my brain immediately leaped to 'is he a king-kong-sized giant?' :D

Also, why is he holding a fruitknife in his teeth when he's got a proper dagger scabbarded on his belt and a bayonet on his rifle, either of which would be better for stabbing someone.
He just broke out of Gabe Newell's knife vault.


Oct 27, 2017
Having been in those mountains many times I'd say they capture them really well, including the rock he's holding on to.

It's not the best, but it definitely got the atmosphere right.

Dunno about how brave he's depicted here, considering Italians literally ran away on foot for about 100 miles after losing at Coporetto ...