
Nov 6, 2017
Is it going to be the boring OG gundams or the crazy i got 28 satelites on my back that turn into a super laser gundam?

For weird build, Build Real might be better?

But the serie hasn't intorduce any weird build like the anime yet




Nov 27, 2017
Honestly the best choice for a live action Gundam movie would be a G Gundam prequel about the Gundam fight Master Asia one. Good standalone setup, lots of fight and political intrigue.
Oct 27, 2017
Is it going to be the boring OG gundams or the crazy i got 28 satelites on my back that turn into a super laser gundam?
Stick to comics

No way Gundam will work in a two hour live action movie, set in an original continuity or UC/one of the AUs. Not for a western audience. Guaranteed DOA

I think they could tell an abridged side story, similar in scope to War in a Pocket, in the UC with the OYW as the backdrop. That way they can somewhat quickly go over the details without going to heavy into the politics. Because otherwise it honestly would need to be a series. Even for something grounded like an 08th MS Team adaptation a movie isn't long enough
Sep 15, 2020


Oct 25, 2017
Gundam live action? Could certainly work I suppose and we have Pacific Rim as an example of giant robots that work well. Still...I'm leaning towards this becoming a tire fire of a disaster.


Oct 25, 2017
Gundam live action? Could certainly work I suppose and we have Pacific Rim as an example of giant robots that work well. Still...I'm leaning towards this becoming a tire fire of a disaster.

Gundams are flying around doing all kinds of acrobatic stuff that the Jaegers in PR never come close to matching. Very different styles of giant robot.
Oct 25, 2017
Mobile Fighter G Gundam

the one that Americans grew up with, make it happen
Americans grew up with Wing and was incredibly popular,
G Gundam and the UC stuff afterwards mostly killed Gundam off in America.

US Toysrus for example literally had a Gundam Wing section and a separate model kit aisle with Gundams.
Once Wing ended the Gundam section pegwarmed for a while then Toysrus killed both sections entirely.
They didn't start getting back into that stuff till 2012+ when they had to start going hard after hardcore and import collectors.


Oct 25, 2017
Gundam live action? Could certainly work I suppose and we have Pacific Rim as an example of giant robots that work well. Still...I'm leaning towards this becoming a tire fire of a disaster.

Pacific Rim is a kaiju story with mechs. The thematic narratives of gundam will be impossible to capture in 2 hours on top of everything else to keep it self contained.

The most self contained gundam movie is F91, and that was with Tomino/Japanese style story telling. Whatever the premise will be it will be bad. I wish they'd stop trying to make live action gundam fetch
Oct 29, 2017
Pacific Rim is a kaiju story with mechs. The thematic narratives of gundam will be impossible to capture in 2 hours on top of everything else to keep it self contained.

The most self contained gundam movie is F91, and that was with Tomino/Japanese style story telling. Whatever the premise will be it will be bad. I wish they'd stop trying to make live action gundam fetch
It's a war story. You don't have to make a movie that narrates an entire conflict from one of the series, just like no one makes movies that are about all of the battles in WWII.

Films are pretty good at showing audiences the tip of the iceberg and implying the rest when it comes to adapting history, so in the same fashion they can do a fictional war. They just have to pick or create a new self contained event that works as a vertical slice.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
Is this the same live-action Gundam movie that was announced a few years ago? I'm assuming Netflix just picked up the rights to it.

That would make the most sense, it's still Legendary behind it. That leaked board also referred to it as UC2, but who knows at this point.

Gundam: Hathaway Film Trilogy, Overseas Gundam UC2 Drama Teased

Briefly shown in timeline during event that announced Gundam NT anime

In the section for "new screen projects" were the following listings:

Universal Calendar 0097:
Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative (Kidō Senshi Gundam NT)
Film project — Fall/Winter 2018

Universal Calendar 0103:
Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash (Kidō Senshi Gundam: Senkō no Hathaway)
Film trilogy — Fall 2019 or later

Universal Calendar 0104:
Mobile Suit Gundam UC2 (Kidō Senshi Gundam UC2, tentative title)
Overseas drama format — 2022


Oct 25, 2017
It's a war story. You don't have to make a movie that narrates an entire conflict from one of the series, just like no one makes movies that are about all of the battles in WWII.

Films are pretty good at showing audiences the tip of the iceberg and implying the rest when it comes to adapting history, so in the same fashion they can do a fictional war. They just have to pick or create a new a self contained event that works as a vertical slice.

You're not wrong, F91 accomplishes this. It's also a Japanese work for Japanese audiences, and its animated, with a bunch of franchise touch points going unanswered because Japanese audiences are more familiar with Gundam relative to international audiences.

Basically, what I'm saying is that any production or script that is filtered (read: greenlit) through a Hollywood process is not going to be able to execute it properly without it just being a shell of its franchise peers. It's a recipe for disaster


Oct 28, 2017
Gundam doesn't work unless it's long form storytelling. Even the shorter OVA series are part of an existing world/narrative. There is simply too much to do for one movie. If they were hell bent on making a live action Gundam, it should be a series.
Oct 25, 2017
The most self contained gundam movie is F91, and that was with Tomino/Japanese style story telling. Whatever the premise will be it will be bad. I wish they'd stop trying to make live action gundam fetch

Probably the best way for Netflix to do Gundam,
would work especially well if it was kept a 4-6 episode mini-series

Deleted member 20986

Oct 28, 2017
Damn, if this comes to fruition, Netflix has got my money.


Oct 25, 2017
Extremely excited for this, but also deeply worried. The CG will look good based on what we already seen from Legendary, but when/where will it take place in? That's the really worrisome question about this.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Love that movie. Pretty unique for the time.

The ending kills me, lol

Dude that cold-bloodedly killed protag's teammate AND tried to straight up kill him multiple times- "Let's be bros!" *fist-bump freeze-frame ending* Outstanding! 😂

I'd watch it every time it came on HBO/USA Network back in the early 90s.


Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed both Wing and G, but Wing is absolutely the one that caught on in the US, no other Gundam shows have managed to replicate its success here.

Either way, lots of luck trying to tell a self-contained Gundam story within the runtime of a feature-length film rather than through a TV series.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like Sony is waiting on the returns for Uncharted before they pull the trigger on other PlayStation movies.
I think the larger question is 'Playstation is a high-value name for gaming IP. Can we translate that into cache at the box office?'. If Uncharted is a hit, suddenly the entire library of PlayStation IP becomes more viable for theatrical adaptation. It proves the audience for one shows up for the other.

I especially think with franchises that are often both loved & loathed for being 'cinematic' - it begs the question of how much people really want to see them adapted cinematically.

All that said, I think MGS is actually a safer bet if producers are thinking of it less as a standard action movie - and more like a live action anime adaptation. So if JVR knocks this out of the park, you could see that confidence also translate to the MGS project.
Reminder that even though Sony is producing the movie, Metal Gear is a Konami IP not a Playstation one. Sony also recently produced the Monster Hunter movie as well.


Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
Mobile Suit Gundam adaptation but it's only up to around Jaburo or so. Sequel planned.

New AU with strong shades of Wing and 00.

That's it. Those are my preferences. Either one could catch on OK.

08th MS Team certainly has its strengths but I sometimes wonder if folks misremember the quality of most of the stuff not involving the Mobile Suit battles themselves. The love story is bad even by UC Gundam standards!

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
Reminder that even though Sony is producing the movie, Metal Gear is a Konami IP not a Playstation one. Sony also recently produced the Monster Hunter movie as well.
Sure, but for Sony's sake - they have every reason to read all of these game adaptations as bets on the same core audience of filmgoers. The performance of one is a huge sign towards the viability of others, even if they don't own the IP.