Oct 25, 2017

I wonder why people aren't so quick to trust this centrist who billionaire donors are trying so very hard to push.

The thing I hate about this is you can definitely point to these kind of things with all major players. I understand the need to check every candidate and push harder to the left but at some point you need to just win and get some foothold. It doesn't mean selling it all out for someone like trump but the purity test stuff needs to stop once primaries are done.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
The 2016 Republican primary race was fucking LIT and absolutely brutal. They might become criminal buddies after the fact as in the end they're all self serving narcissists drinking from the same conspiracy and crimes pool, but that has nothing to do with the primary itself. Anything goes.

Same goes for the nefarious Dubya/McCain spectacle in 2000. Romney/McCain in 2008 was also no picnic nor kumbuya affair.

That's what I mean. The GOP sucks it up Ted fucking Cruz was out there making phone calls for Trump after Trump just eviscerated him in the primaries. They may hate each others guts but they'll come together when it counts to push their party into further power before they start engaging in proxy wars among themselves.

Deleted member 2426

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

They actually mixed this up, but the data's still important. He's massively popular with young people overall (not just Dems) but is underwarter with 35+ overall, I think they accidentally conflated it because of the high 18-34 number.

That is very, very bad for him because well, young people don't vote. Even in "surge" elections, they still vote proportionally less.

She worked for TYT so yes.

Zero, unless you count Sirota as one due to his stances. It's coming from people like him, Cenk and Kulinski.

Wow he is also in negative numbers with Independents. Kind of expected after he became more aligned with the Dem Party but still something you don't see with Biden for instance.


Oct 28, 2017
What substance does Beto have? Seems a bit like Trudeau to me, socially progressive, and seems like a decent guy, but not particularly inspiring when it comes down to the nitty gritty of policies. Although maybe I am doing Trudeau a bit of a disservice. I mean Beto looks good next to Trump, but Bernie, despite being old has a much more impressive record and comes across as more sincere.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
It's probably worth noting how the American electorate reacts because really nobody actually pays attention to specific policy outside of nerds that post in threads like this and twitter or whatever.

Sinema is literally a moderate but she is young and really attractive so therefore she's a socialist who supports open borders.

People won't see Beto like an out of touch old politician like Biden, Clinton, Kerry Gore, etc. They just won't.


Oct 25, 2017
I think given time, as more millenials like AOC get into positions of power the party will naturally swing left anyway. That's where we're headed. However, ultra purity tests is gonna be a nightmare when the Dems want to be a big tent 50-state party. That being said, primaries are a perfectly fine time to be having these fights. It's fair. None of these candidates, including Bernie and Beto and Harris are perfect. But once a nominee is elected, everyone should coalesce around that person. The real enemies are on the right. And anyone that thinks different can get fucked.

On a similar note, I wonder what HA Goodman's up to now lmfao
Last edited:


Nov 2, 2017
Oh boy. Here we go.

This is how narrative framing starts, people.

If you want anything to change in America, whether its in the Presidency or below, you better start paying attention to what your representatives are doing, and whether or not those things are in the interest of you, the constituent.

In my defense, I was saying 'Bernie needs to fuck off' for the last 4 years or so. He's the left's Trump, a problematic moron huckster.

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
The thing I hate about this is you can definitely point to these kind of things with all major players. I understand the need to check every candidate and push harder to the left but at some point you need to just win and get some foothold. It doesn't mean selling it all out for someone like trump but the purity test stuff needs to stop once primaries are done.
If you have to gentrify poor, minorities communities in order to be more electable, then what's the fucking point?


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
It's probably worth noting how the American electorate reacts because really nobody actually pays attention to specific policy outside of nerds that post in threads like this and twitter or whatever.

Sinema is literally a moderate but she is young and really attractive so therefore she's a socialist who supports open borders.

People won't see Beto like an out of touch old politician like Biden, Clinton, Kerry Gore, etc. They just won't.
I can agree with this. I live in AZ and cant count how many times conservatives call her socialist when shes anything but.


Oct 25, 2017
well i don't really think that's a fair criticism since plenty of moderates lost their elections. People who Bernie has "propped up" include Andrew Gillum, Stacey Abrams, and Ben Jealous who all had a ton of support from "moderate" establishment types.
Virtually every left-wing insurgent challenger in a contested district lost downballot. Even a strong candidate like McGrath in KY.
Wow he is also in negative numbers with Independents. Kind of expected after he became more aligned with the Dem Party but still something you don't see with Biden for instance.
Wow I didn't even notice that one since I was double checkin the crosstabs. I would not be surprised if this is basically the "new shiny" halo effect falling it off w/ Is like it tends to do for any Dem politician after ~2 years or so, like with Obama, Bill Clinton, etc.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Let's argue about the candidate, then all get behind the nominee in 2020, shall we? There is no world where Bernie isn't supporting policy that is better than what O'Rourke is supporting, but let's just let our 2016 grudges carry over to 2020. Guys... we can argue about the nominee during the primaries. Let's not let it get so heated that we don't all vote for the Democrat in 2020. Remember... Bernie fans DID NOT LOSE THE ELECTION FOR HILLARY. SHE lost the election. By not going to Wisconson.


Oct 25, 2017
What substance does Beto have?

He's blandly good looking* and Catholic, so I assume they want to build him up as sort of a John F Kennedy figure. Also, I cynically believe people are pushing him because they think his nickname, Beto, will trick people into thinking he's Hispanic.

*Grading on a curve here

Theoretically, he's charismatic like Obama, but "charisma" is such a vague concept that we've seen people say that, like, Bernie Sanders Michael Avenatti have charisma and they super don't (no one ever accused Hillary Clinton of having it, so she's not included in this list)

Deleted member 6949

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The thing I hate about this is you can definitely point to these kind of things with all major players. I understand the need to check every candidate and push harder to the left but at some point you need to just win and get some foothold. It doesn't mean selling it all out for someone like trump but the purity test stuff needs to stop once primaries are done.

It's only 2018, so we still have plenty of time for the purity tests.


Oct 30, 2017
In my defense, I was saying 'Bernie needs to fuck off' for the last 4 years or so. He's the left's Trump, a problematic moron huckster.

being completely unironic here (which is hard), this is probably the worst post I've seen in a politics thread on this forum

regardless of if you like or dislike sanders, comparing someone who's been in politics and beloved by his constituents for the past 30 years to someone who cannot form a coherent sentence is... to say it's completely wrong-headed and unnecessary is underselling it. like, you're free to dislike him, people have differences of political opinion. to call him a "moron huckster" and "the left's Trump" is disgusting.

get some help.
Oct 26, 2017
I was surprised that Beto actually got young people to vote here in Texas. He made my brother who is in the mind his vote doesn't matter into the polling place. I think we might actually have a chance with him around tbh.
Mar 9, 2018
Let's argue about the candidate, then all get behind the nominee in 2020, shall we? There is no world where Bernie isn't supporting policy that is better than what O'Rourke is supporting, but let's just let our 2016 grudges carry over to 2020. Guys... we can argue about the nominee during the primaries. Let's not let it get so heated that we don't all vote for the Democrat in 2020. Remember... Bernie fans DID NOT LOSE THE ELECTION FOR HILLARY. SHE lost the election. By not going to Wisconson.
I think James Comey deserves more blame than that. They were investigating Trump on Russian connections the entire time but he chose to publicize only one investigation. I think that tipped it towards Trump. Despicable toad James Comey.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
In my defense, I was saying 'Bernie needs to fuck off' for the last 4 years or so. He's the left's Trump, a problematic moron huckster.

"Both sides" right?

If actually trying to do something to get the US out of the yemen war, give people healthcare and force corporations to give employees a livable wage instead of speaking words is "the left's trump", i will take the left's trump every time. If protesting segregation though actual activist action on college campuses is "the lefts trump" i will take that with gusto my friend.

False equivalencies aside, you have no actual argument beyond "he's too far left". If he's too far left for you, your too far to the right and part of the problem this country faces when it comes to things like enabling political corruption money in the political system.


Oct 25, 2017
Virtually every left-wing insurgent challenger in a contested district lost downballot. Even a strong candidate like McGrath in KY.

Wow I didn't even notice that one since I was double checkin the crosstabs. I would not be surprised if this is basically the "new shiny" halo effect falling it off w/ Is like it tends to do for any Dem politician after ~2 years or so, like with Obama, Bill Clinton, etc.
Well were those seats competitive to begin with? I'm not sure if I'm supposed to see a lost seat in Kentucky as a major blow the to the democratic party's ideology, anymore than one lost in Missouri or Indiana where fairly conservative candidates lost.


Oct 30, 2017
We can just sweep that under the rug. Like always.

hey, maybe if we elect a centrist, they can compromise and only evict HALF the poor minorities. or maybe just all the poor, or all the minorities, but not both.

it's about making america incrementally better, you see. coming together to make real solutions for the problems america faces


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
What substance does Beto have? Seems a bit like Trudeau to me, socially progressive, and seems like a decent guy, but not particularly inspiring when it comes down to the nitty gritty of policies. Although maybe I am doing Trudeau a bit of a disservice. I mean Beto looks good next to Trump, but Bernie, despite being old has a much more impressive record and comes across as more sincere.
He's blandly good looking* and Catholic, so I assume they want to build him up as sort of a John F Kennedy figure. Also, I cynically believe people are pushing him because they think his nickname, Beto, will trick people into thinking he's Hispanic.

*Grading on a curve here

He doesn't take money from PACs (keeping corporate money out of politics, basically) and is pretty eloquent and on the money about racial issues. He's just eloquent in general. His campaign is full of positivity, inclusiveness, and optimism and he avoids making toxic comments about others. He's floated a couple of ideas for healthcare for all and college debt. I'd recommend watching his Hardball episode at University of Houston.

hey, maybe if we elect a centrist, they can compromise and only evict HALF the poor minorities. or maybe just all the poor, or all the minorities, but not both.

it's about making america incrementally better, you see. coming together to make real solutions for the problems america faces
He's never supported eminent domain and that happened 12 years ago.
Oct 25, 2017
We should bring it all into the light and make a decision. Obviously, none of them are perfect. Even Bernie is a compromise for leftists

That's fair and valid but what I hope for is a realization from people that even if we can't get the perfect one then we need to vocalize about what matters. I hope 2018 was a sign this is the case from voters all over.

And yes I know popular vs electorate for 2016. I am just wanting to see Dems win seats and make changes to fix the broken voter laws & gerrymandering all over


Oct 27, 2017
I think given time, as more millenials like AOC get into positions of power the party will naturally swing left anyway. That's where we're headed. However, ultra purity tests is gonna be a nightmare when the Dems want to be a big tent 50-state party. That being said, primaries are a perfectly fine time to be having these fights. It's fair. But once a nominee is elected, everyone should coalesce around that person. The real enemies are on the right. And anyone that thinks different can get fucked.

Co-signed. When it comes to who I want to run against Trump in 2020, I keep repeating: whoever is as progressive as can be and still win. One of the (many) problems with Trump is he only cares about his base; we need someone who can get the support of a majority of Americans, not just the most progressive liberals. We need a moderate, even if each of us personally might prefer someone more extreme.

If we do this circular firing squad stuff in a couple years, the left will become a fragmented nightmare like the right and Trump could easily keep the WH, teeing it up to hand off to Pence in 2024. I'm going to be highly impatient with this purity test horseshit after the Dem primaries. It will be time for everyone to grow up and vote for the person who is 1) better than Trump and 2) actually able to win - not whine about how whoever got there isn't a political soulmate.


Nov 2, 2017
being completely unironic here (which is hard), this is probably the worst post I've seen in a politics thread on this forum

regardless of if you like or dislike sanders, comparing someone who's been in politics and beloved by his constituents for the past 30 years to someone who cannot form a coherent sentence is... to say it's completely wrong-headed and unnecessary is underselling it. like, you're free to dislike him, people have differences of political opinion. to call him a "moron huckster" and "the left's Trump" is disgusting.

get some help.

Nope, he's a huckster clown. My favorite is how he preaches his anti-war message yet backs building the F35 in Vermont. If you're going to preach the Revolution, at least practice it as well. I understand that it's bringing revenue to his state, but give me some consistency here if you're going to promote how 'radical' you are.

Get some perspective.


Oct 25, 2017
Well were those seats competitive to begin with? I'm not sure if I'm supposed to see a lost seat in Kentucky as a major blow the to the democratic party's ideology, anymore than one lost in Missouri or Indiana where fairly conservative candidates lost.
They were. McGrath's district had been won by her opponent in a prior election when he ran statewide in a prior non-wave election. It was winnable, they were both good candidates,, but she was to his left, and it appeared to literally cost us the seat. You can't run lefty candidates in moderate districts.


Oct 25, 2017


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

The idea that either anti-nuclear candidate is up to that task is laughable. Nah, we're screwed on that front with people who think solar and wind will solve everything when we would've had no problem by now if we didn't have people freaking out over fringe cases.

You got place like france and germany that supposedly take renewables seriously that can't even make their paris accord numbers and you think Bernie will be better? Really?


Oct 25, 2017
Talking as if the guy who supports Palestine, legalizing marijuana, and is pro-choice is some super-moderate. posted this before and I'll do it again.


How is any of this moderate