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Baked Pigeon

Oct 27, 2017
I don't know if you are a traveler from a different dimension, but in this timeline KD is leagues better than Devin Booker.
It was a lighthearted joke.

The reason KD wants to play in Phoenix IS Devin Booker, and Monty. It doesn't make sense to trade him away, that would defeat the purpose.

James Jones is a win now guy , and trading book for Durrant is not win now.


Oct 27, 2017
My teams have never won a championship in any sport. I'm totally OK with KD going to Phoenix if it means I can finally get a win.


Oct 25, 2017
if you can trade Booker and picks for KD and keep some of the depth (namely Bridges and Johnson) thats a championship, "win now" team. Booker will never been as good as KD is right now. Fans fall in love with these "championship windows" and "10 year plans" and shit when historically, you win in the NBA when you have the best guys. KD is one of those guys. Its very possible the Suns best chance to win a title came and went in 2021. CP3 is going to be a year older. Ayton is going to be gone. What exactly are you hoping for with Booker?
Oct 25, 2017
The NBA is wild with this shit and the offseasons are almost more fun than the actual seasons with all the stars jumping around yearly. I wish players wielded the same power in the NHL.

Yup. I hope it never changes. These storylines spill over into the regular season. And it's all organic because it's all up to the players. Keeps people tuned in. Even people that don't follow basketball super close


Oct 27, 2017
Booker is a 25yr old on his way up. Durant is 33yrs old and on his way down.

Trading Booker for Durant would be insane unless Nets give the Sun's something along with Durant.
Nets give? I think you meant PHX. Booker isnt worth KD in a straight up swap. What makes you think BKN is adding in a trade when there is a bidding war?


Oct 25, 2017



Oct 25, 2017
Nets give? I think you meant PHX. Booker isnt worth KD in a straight up swap. What makes you think BKN is adding in a trade when there is a bidding war?
Its ridiculous some of the takes/perspectives you get from people in the NBA threads here sometimes coming from the usual people. Brooklyn is trading KD on a 4 year deal and they'd have to GIVE UP MORE?!? What planet are people on?


Oct 25, 2017
People are living in some dream world. KD is worth more than AD was when he was traded to the Lakers. Any trade offer needs to beat that.


Oct 25, 2017
as a bulls fan i welcome ayton, kd, gobert, and brian scalabrine all on our team at once.


Oct 27, 2017
Its ridiculous some of the takes/perspectives you get from people in the NBA threads here sometimes coming from the usual people. Brooklyn is trading KD on a 4 year deal and they'd have to GIVE UP MORE?!? What planet are people on?
It's silly season time. NBA off season is the best but the hot takes are ridiculous. Crazy that a player this good is on the trading block.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Nets give? I think you meant PHX. Booker isnt worth KD in a straight up swap. What makes you think BKN is adding in a trade when there is a bidding war?
Its ridiculous some of the takes/perspectives you get from people in the NBA threads here sometimes coming from the usual people. Brooklyn is trading KD on a 4 year deal and they'd have to GIVE UP MORE?!? What planet are people on?

If I was Phoenix I wouldn't give Booker up in a straight up swap. Booker finished 4th in the MVP voting behind Giannis, Jokic, and Embiid. Meanwhile Durant missed 27 games and only played 35 games the season before that because of his injury.

Don't get me wrong Durant is still great, but no way am I trading a young rising star that just got me to the finals recently for a 33yr old aging star that can't seem to stay healthy that got swept in the first round. No shot.


Oct 25, 2017
Why wouldn't the Celtics trade Brown + a heap of picks for KD for example? I know they were close, but this would take them over the top.


Oct 25, 2017
Because they like their core and KD doesn't want to be in Boston. You could call his bluff but its a risk for a team that came so close.
Yeah, I guess so, but 4 years of KD seems worth it even at his age. Boston fans would probably reject it. Suns are for sure more desperate given they are on a CP3 window.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Why wouldn't the Celtics trade Brown + a heap of picks for KD for example? I know they were close, but this would take them over the top.
Because they just made it to the finals. Why would you break up a young developing core of players that came relatively close to getting you a ring?

Especially for an older player who has trouble staying on the court for a full season.


Oct 27, 2017
Why wouldn't the Celtics trade Brown + a heap of picks for KD for example? I know they were close, but this would take them over the top.
No it wouldn't. Would need to gut the team to get him, and they were two wins away from winning it all. KD isn't built for the media around here either. Celtics would have KD for two years max before he dips because of the media. They give no fucks and they make Skip Bayless seem tame by comparison.

Beef Supreme

Oct 25, 2017
On behalf of the Houston Rockets organization and fans, I would like to say thank you to Kevin "the bus rider" Durant for speeding up our rebuilding process. It's because you like to ride the bus so much that the team you're leaving sent a million first round draft picks so that James Harden could help you drive the bus. Enjoy your bus pass elsewhere douche bag. (Yes, I still hate this dude over the Golden State Warrior thing).

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
KD for Booker ain't getting the Suns any closer to winning a title.

And that's what the second time Brooklyn has tried to trade for big name free agents for a title, and failed yet again?

That being said, I'd take KD on the Nugs in a heartbeat if the Nets would take MPJ's contract off our hands.


Oct 27, 2017
The most Machiavellian move KD could make here is to force his way to Cleveland. One up LeBron before he gets the chance to jump ship from the Lakers.
On behalf of the Houston Rockets organization and fans, I would like to say thank you to Kevin "the bus rider" Durant for speeding up our rebuilding process. It's because you like to ride the bus so much that the team your leaving sent a million first round draft picks so that James Harden could help you drive the bus. Enjoy your bus pass elsewhere douche bag. (Yes, I still hate this dude over the Golden State Warrior thing).
Wouldn't start dancing for joy just yet. Those picks are an eternity away, and Brooklyn only needs to be middle of the pack for the value of the picks to be obliterated.


Oct 30, 2017
KD for Booker ain't getting the Suns any closer to winning a title.

And that's what the second time Brooklyn has tried to trade for big name free agents for a title, and failed yet again?

That being said, I'd take KD on the Nugs in a heartbeat if the Nets would take MPJ's contract off our hands.

KD is a giant step above Booker.


Oct 27, 2017
Suns will have to gut a lot of their roster to get KD. Book, Ayton, Bridges is where the convo starts. KD + CP3 is not enough to win a chip I don't think.

Not to mention, KD is on a 4 year deal. The Nets don't have to give a shit about what KD wants lol

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
KD is a giant step above Booker.
Maybe for a few years if he can stay healthy. And that's a BIG if. The guy is 33. Meanwhile Booker is 25 and finished 4th on the MVP voting and also made the Finals more recently than any Durant team has.

To give away the future like that you would have to KNOW you are getting at least one ring out of Durant and there is no way to guarantee that.
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