
Nov 15, 2017
Kobe Bean Bryant

I wrote an essay when he retired that sums up why he is my favorite player.
#ThankYouKobe, thank you for an amazing career and the legendary moments that you have provided to the game of basketball over the last 20 years. Your accomplishments and accolades on the court are well known and documented; 5 time NBA Champion,18-time NBA All-Star,15 All-NBA Team selections, 12-time All-Defensive Team selections, 2008 NBA MVP, 2 time NBA Finals MVP, 2 time scoring champion, and many, many more.
But what a lot of people don't know is the profound impact that you had on a generation of fans, such as myself, who not saw you grow up on the court, but also grew up with you.

My Story

As a child growing up in Chicago in the 90's, I was just like any other kid in city, had Air Jordan shoes, Bulls gear from head to toe and a 23 jersey in my closet. My family was all in on the Bulls, but being as young as I was I wasn't able to appreciate the greatness of the 90's Bulls and the magnitude of impact that those teams had on my city and their love for the game. It wasn't until the start of the new millennia that I would finally learn what it was to be a fan of the NBA.

The year was 2000, fresh off of Y2K, Chicago was a city still in love with the game of basketball and all of the happiness and joy that the Bulls had brought to the city could still be felt. Myself only 8 at the time, having just moved to a new neighborhood, found myself spending most of my time inside while my mom worked 2 jobs to provide for me and my brothers. Like most boys we loved sports mainly due to my uncle, Rudy, who made sure we were exposed to them at an early age. My uncle was always watching sports, baseball, basketball, football you name it and one night I remember him watching the Bulls take on the Los Angeles Lakers. I'm young so I have no idea who was on the Lakers at the time but the one player I noticed was number #8. This is where I would see Kobe for the first time dominating the BEST TEAM IN THE NBA (yeah right lol) I asked my uncle who is #8 and he said, "That's Kobe Bryant" and from there on I was a fan of this guy Kobe Bryant.

Over the course of the next few years I would watch any Lakers games that I could, so much so that I would even have my mom record the late playoff games so that I could watch them the next day. (You The Real MVP Mom) One of my favorite games ever was Game 7 of the 2002 Western Conference Finals against the Kings, which is still one of the greatest series I have ever seen, nostalgia notwithstanding, where the Lakers narrowly defeated the Kings in OT and the Lakers would eventually win the title and 3-Peat. Many will argue that Kobe wasn't the star during that run but he was my star, he was the guy who I had been following for years already so of course I thought he was the man! He was my favorite player and nothing anyone could say could stop me from thinking that.

As we all know now however, 2003 would see the beginning of the change of the public perception of Kobe in the media. His off the court legal struggles, the falling out between him and Shaq, his shift into the villain role. All things people bring up in detriment to Kobe, but to me I was just a kid and had no time to worry about any of that, I just cared about watching my favorite player on the court, playing my favorite sport. Even after the crushing loss to the Pistons in the 2004 Finals, I was still a Kobe fan until the end.


These were the years that really cemented my fandom to Kobe and is the reason why he will forever be my idol and favorite player of all-time. Every night I could turn on ESPN and see Kobe drops 40, Kobe drops 50, hell even Kobe drops 60! I marveled at the sight of how effortless you made it all look. Your individual play was the greatest thing I had ever seen and you did it on such a consistent basis that it would have been easy to take it all for granted, but I didn't I was mesmerized. I would watch interviews on your training regime, I would look up game highlights, I even bought your shoes with money I had saved up from my birthdays. During this time I grew to appreciate you, your work ethic, your dedication, your desire to be not only the best in the league, but the best that you could possibly be. In my eyes, you were the best player in the world, you were the best player I had ever seen.

The all culminated in 2006 with one of the greatest single basketball achievements I will ever see, 81 point in a game. That game you were like an orchestra symphony, hitting every note perfectly! Nobody on that court could stop you! You were on a whole other level, untouchable! I still remember the next day at school were me and my friends spent the entire lunch period talking about how none of us could believe it! Some of us were even saying you were better than MJ (Ok it was me, blasphemy I know) but nevertheless it was an amazing moment that I will never forget.

But alas, you were doing all of these great things but to you they were meaningless. You were the best player in the world, on a team that wasn't going anywhere. After all the trial and tribulations you had endured I felt for you, a great player on a bad team, frustrated that things weren't changing. I was old enough at this point to understand the intricacies of the league and it hurt me to see you play night in and night out, playing your hardest to get your team back to the level that you(and I) had grown accustomed to seeing you at. You wanted what you deserved, a chance at being a winner again.

When the rumors of you coming to the Bulls started to come out, I was ecstatic. KOBE!? ON MY TEAM!? What more could I ask for!? We all know how everything worked out but it was still a cool moment I thought was worth mentioning.


Your signature years. The years that you cemented yourself as one of the greatest players of all-time. (You were already my favorite player of all time) 2008 was your rise back to the top, thanks to the Lakers front-office, you finally had a team you could compete with again and were ready to win again, the Black Mamba had been let loose, you won your first and only MVP(you should have at least 4). You battled and fought hard to get back to the Finals that year, suffering a crushing loss to the Celtics in 6. As a fan this hurt seeing you try so hard but come up short again. But the next season, that season was the season you proved to everyone that your story was not a story that was handed to you, but one you earned, the Kobe Doin' Work season.

A man on a mission, everybody knew you were not going to take this season lightly, you were laser focused with one goal, a ring. As a fan, this was one of the craziest years since it was the beginning of the whole Kobe Vs LeBron debate and who was the best player. Non-stop debates and countless arguments, I was always on your side ready to tear apart anyone's case. That year you proved me right; making light work of Deron Williams and the Jazz, defeating Tracy and Yao narrowly extinguishing the Rockets, teaching young Melo that you were the real master and getting revenge for the Finals defeat against Chauncey and the Nuggets, all leading up the Finals against the Magic. In one of the more lopsided matchup in the Finals in history, you destroyed the Magic and finally became a NBA champion once more. This was one of the best times to be a Kobe Bryant fan, Lil Wayne songs, "Kobe doin' work 24 on my shirt, he the greatest on the court and i'm greatest on the verse" I played that song all summer. You were THE NBA that year and silenced many of your critics.

But you weren't done, oh no you wanted more, you did the same thing the next year, beating the Celtics and getting your 5th ring and again it was like being on cloud 9 as a fan. Debates started up again, but not the usual Kobe Vs LeBron debates, now it was Kobe Vs Jordan, could Kobe pass up the GOAT as the best player to have ever played the game?


And you tried, you really tried but the league had began to change and you fought hard to try get that 6th ring but unfortunately you weren't able to do it. These years I rode with you still supporting and hoping you would find a way to return to the top. These years came and went and you had to stand by and watch and new players took your spot as the best. Everything became about LeBron and the Heat, KD and the Thunder and the media swept you under the rug like you weren't still one of the best players in the league. But hey, networks have agendas and they have to push whats news and looks out for the them. (The Decision was on ESPN for a reason)

Anyways, these years were filled with a bunch of hypotheticals as a fan and who knows you could have passed Jordan had it not been for the league's blocking of the Chris Paul trade but that is something we will never know.

The Injury

This year was a hard year as a fan, you were still fighting hard to get your team back to the Finals, but the team just wasn't there, chemistry was bad and you earned the rep of being a bad teammate. I didn't see this way, I saw it as Kobe demanding the best from his teammates, the same way you demanded the best of yourself. You fought hard to even get the playoffs, maybe too hard, and tore your Achilles tendon. One of the saddest moments of my adult life as a sports fan, was hearing this news after knowing how hard you were playing to even get your team into the position you were in. This was were you cemented yourself as my favorite player of all-time. This injury was devastating, career ending, but you didn't quit, in true Mamba fashion, you went to the line and shot 2 free throws and walked off. Greatness.


Your tried to come back but by now your body had taken too much of a load. You gave 18 years of your life to this game and proved that you were one of the best to ever do it. But that wasn't enough, you fought and fought because you wanted to prove that you could still do it. You showed glimpse but the old saying stays true, father time is undefeated.

Your Last Game

I write this only hours before the final time you will ever take the court again. As a fan and a grown man I find myself reflecting on everything that you have shown and taught me over the last 16 years I have been watching you play. I didn't write one of these when Jeter retired, I didn't write one of these when Peyton retired, but I had to express my feelings when you are retiring because you have inspired me even in my adult years to always try my hardest, remain dedicated, and even when things seem at their worst, if you stay focused and determined you can return to greatness.

Now many people might be reading this and thinking, dude it's just a game and it's just a player and in a way they are right, but what those people don't realize is I grew up with Kobe, I've seen Kobe at his best and at his worst. Kobe is my Michael Jordan. He's been there for my entire time watching the NBA and once he is gone, things will continue to go on and i'll continue to watch because I love the sport, but it will never be the same as the days I would watch VHS tapes of recorded games or when I would ask who is #8?

So #ThankYouKobe for all that you have done for not only the game of basketball but for my life, you will forever be my favorite player and on April, 13, 2016, the game will have said goodbye to one of the best ever to ever play the game and one of the best who ever will play the game.

Very long but TLDR; he's the first player I really grew up watching and is one of the main reasons I fell in love with the game.


Oct 27, 2017

This man needs no introduction. The best basketball player in my era. This man developed a mentality that inspired newer generation of ballers that want to reach another level of focus and determination.


Oct 25, 2017
Magic Johnson


Growing up playing basketball I loved passing and being a playmaker...loved Magic's game and tried to pattern my game after his. Oh and he landed LeBron lol....

Same for me as well and for the same reasons. Getting to grow up in the 80's and watch the Showtime Lakers is something I will always cherish.

Kobe is a close second for me.

Deleted member 9932

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Oct 27, 2017
Eddie Jones perhaps. Him and Nick Van Exel. And I don't even like the lakers. They were really fun players to watch.
Recent players, probably Rose cause of the same thing. It was a blast watching him play.


Oct 25, 2017
Brandon Roy!


Rarely has a player in Portland fit in so well with the Trail Blazer market and organization. His game was brilliant, he would lull you to sleep before breaking your ankles. Every single time.

I was there the night he hit that insane buzzer-winner against Ming's Rockets. I was there when he dropped 52 points on the Suns. The playoff comeback against the Mavs in Game 1..

If not for a premature end due to injuries, I think of what may have been. My favorite Blazer and Favorite player. Broy :)
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Oct 25, 2017
Dwyane Wade


Flash is the reason I started watching NBA in the mid 00's. I remember the highlights on the NBA Action Tv show to this day. (My first post, Hi everybody! :)

Same here. D-Wade was single-handedly the reason I started watching NBA too, and the Big Three was the reason Miami Heat became my favorite team.

Sir Charles

Oct 25, 2017
Twin Cities, MN
My favorite (as if you couldn't already guess):

Sir Charles Barkley.

Growing up and being obsessed with playing ball, I idolized the greats like Magic, Larry, Jordan etc. But no one spoke to me like Barkley. I appreciated his rebounding and offensive skills while playing as an undersized power forward. His athleticism despite not being a perfect physical specimen was amazing. Also, being an edgy child of the 90s I also appreciated his on-court emotions and off-court candor in not wanting children to idolize him. I remember obsessing over his teams' efforts to win a title and being devastated after the loss to the Bulls in the '93 Finals and inability to get past Hakeem and the Rockets during the remainder of his prime years.

He also starred in his very own graphic novel:

Now I get to watch him make ridiculous comments and fight weekly with Shaq on TNT, so I still get his to hear his (often terrible) takes on the current state of the NBA.

Kaji AF16

Nov 6, 2017
Michael Jordan.

Born in ´82, I started watching the NBA just as he entered his prime and his first three-peat. He trascended the legends of the past and transformed into an unreachable inspiration ("the ghost that played in Chicago") for the following generations. Excluding his Washington Wizards unnecessary years, he had a perfect career: initial defeats, hard-fought battles against a talented plethora of diverse opponents, an early retirement, a glorious comeback. It was dramatic to follow him, as if he were a fiction character. I believe that only Diego Maradona has had a relatively comparable path.

I ultimately believe LeBron James is, at his best, more versatile. But Michael Jordan had an extraordinary ferocity, somewhat of an anti-hero charisma, and unfathomable skills. From ´91 to ´98, he was a real life superhero to my young eyes.
Oct 29, 2017
Dennis Rodman/Isaiah Thomas
I grew up in Metro Detroit. The Bad Boys Pistons played mere blocks from my house. Rodman was the epitome of tough and never backing down.

Jack Remington

User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
Kobe Bryant

It was Shaq until he forced his way out of L.A. following the Finals loss to the Pistons. I'd been watching basketball since the mid-90s, and 2005 was the first year we weren't at least a decent team. Watching Kobe start to bring us back in 06 and 07, and then get to the Finals in 08 after the Gasol trade (though the 08 team was very good before that trade) was such a satisfying journey. 2009 was probably my favorite championship in sports history.

Unfortunately, he was rarely healthy after 2010. Knee injury that he played through in 2011, then a relatively healthy 2012 (thought he still tore a wrist ligament), and then the Achilles in 2013 that essentially ended his time as an elite player. He probably had a couple more high level years left in him if not for the Achilles. So it goes.

The guy's dedication and competitive drive were unbelievable. After he tore his Achilles, he still limped up to the free throw line and made his free throws. He also played for years with broken fingers that he never really got fixed.
Oct 26, 2017
Kobe Brant Bryant aka The Mamba aka Vino

Made the most electrifying plays on a basketball court that I've ever seen, ripped the hearts of opposing teams fans out time and time again, dunked on anyone notable, could make just about any shot, played lockdown defense (when he wanted to, admittedly) and was the reason the Lakers had a chance at a comeback in every single game, no matter what the circumstances were.


Oct 27, 2017
Steve Nash

This is the first NBA game I ever watched live. I've never really had a team being from the UK so I just have favourite players, and this won me over instantly.


Oct 25, 2017
Listen, I watched almost every game Michael Jordan played with the Wizards. I had my parents buy NBA League Pass just for that shit.

I don't give a fuck about The Wizards.


Oct 27, 2017
Allen Iverson - The Answer

I liked him from college being a small guy who was relentless
Then he went to the NBA and changed the culture, baggie shorts, tats and corn rolls, yes players had those before him but he popularized those things.

Kayo Police

Nov 4, 2017

Muggsy Bogues:

He inspired a short guy like me to play ball in middle and high school. He played like it was his last game, 110% Effort every damn game. Dude was all over the floor and usually the fastest player on the court at any given time. If you were careless with the ball with him on you, well boy that ball ain't yours anymore. He wasn't scared that many players towered over him, dude just squared up and said bring it.


Oct 27, 2017
All time: Steve Nash. I don't watch too much basketball. But there's only been a few times where I saw someone play and I just thought to myself...his play is just so clean. Plus he grew up playing soccer, which mirrors he days where I used to play sports all the time. Started with soccer, then went on to basketball.

Runner up: Shaq. Mostly for his personality. But I loved Shaq and Penny, the dude was unstoppable, and he's hilarious.

Current favorite. Steph Curry. It's insane having a guy being able to throw it up anywhere on the court and it's a good decision.


Oct 27, 2017
It took THIRTY posts?
I mean... I can't.

Real talk: thinking about it, I'm just now realizing I can't really answer this question. I lived through the tail end of Bird and Magic, Jordan and Pippen, Shaq and Kobe, D. Wade, Bronbron, the Splash Brothers, and everybody in between.

I can't pick.


Oct 25, 2017
Guerschon Yabusele



Body: Explanation as to why this player is your favorite. Feel free to describe their game, post their stats, and otherwise sing their praises. And then feel free to post highlight links.


Oct 25, 2017
Dwyane Wade


Flash is the reason I started watching NBA in the mid 00's. I remember the highlights on the NBA Action Tv show to this day. (My first post, Hi everybody! :)
Welcome to the board!

This guy gets it. It sucks that some of h
Wade's highlights are lost in the Pre-HD era, but he is undoubtedly an All-Time Great with the swagger to match. I'm gonna miss him once he calls it quits.


Oct 27, 2017

Reggie Miller

Let me tell you this man is one of the most underrated players ever. Yes Reggie is a HOF and is very well known but did you know he is the most efficient guard in NBA History? Did you know he is 2nd all-time in true shooting percentage among all guards? I am from Indiana so it may have helped but I lived and breathed Reggie during his NBA days and would try to watch every game possible and even see him play live many times. I even missed the 1st half of one of my AAU basketball games because I wouldn't leave the house until his playoff game ended lol Yeah but he is one of a kind and very unique playing off the ball but would kill you in isolation's too. Very clutch and magnify his game in the playoffs but also not a ball hog. He's a great basketball player and a great teammate too there is a reason why he is so beloved and his legacy lives on.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Jason Kidd

I'll always be a sucker for guys with incredible court vision who can make passes that you didn't think were possible, and that's probably influenced by the fact that I started watching basketball when Jason Kidd was playing for the Nets. Kidd's not a unique talent; there are guys from different eras and different teams who did the same thing (Nash has been mentioned a bunch in here and was absolutely phenomenal), but Kidd did it all really fucking well, and none of those other guys did it for the team I watched growing up. My opinion of Kidd is a little tarnished now due to his disastrous run as head coach in Brooklyn, but watching old Kidd highlights brings back all the memories of a time when the Nets were a respectable NBA franchise. Sean Marks is clawing back there now and doing a good job of it, but until the Nets start winning again, J-Kidd 's probably going to remain my all-time favorite.



Shoutout to Vince though. Easy number two.

Deleted member 25042

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Oct 29, 2017
Tracy McGrady


My absolute favorite player of all-time (Penny a distant second, yeah another injury riddled #1 Magic player...)

His game was just silky smooth, made everything look easy, shot threes like they were layups, could handle the ball like a PG, was a great passer, could shoot over anyone and was a nightmare one on one
he could even defend when he wanted too ;)

He, too me, had the most aesthetically pleasing game of all time and was a downright monster in his Orlando days

I still remember the excitement of his 02/03 season, the scoring outbursts, the comparisons with Kobe...
I thought he was on his way to GREAT things then...

No other player's game has grabbed me like that since.


Oct 27, 2017
Remember the shot, so MJ will always be my favorite even if he is a pretty miserable human being. Pippen is probably second for me. The first non-Bull would probably be Larry Johnson. I'll post some Grand Ma Ma clips later.


Oct 27, 2017
Scottie Pippen


I loved his all around game from the first time I saw him play. He was a legit top 5 player in the NBA (and proved it in 93-94), top level defender, had great court vision, and was a great scorer in his prime, but he was also willing to play the secondary role and do what the team needed. I think he's hugely underrated - even though he's pretty highly rated - based on being in Jordan's shadow, but the 90s Bulls teams wouldn't have been anything close to what they were without him. I also loved that he was able to adapt to a pure facilitator role in 99-00 with Portland even after his athleticism had started to fade, and lead them within a quarter of the championship. That damn fourth quarter of game 7 still haunts me, I was just totally gutted after that collapse.


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Oct 25, 2017
Manila, Philippines
Dirk Nowitzki

Unquestionably the greatest European player of all time. Stayed with a single team all throughout his career. Led the Mavericks to the title as the unquestioned no. 1 option. A member of the 50/40/90 club, at a high usage.

I've been following Dirk from the early days, back when it was just him and Fin and Steve. Got rightly shit on a lot for his terrible defense, and his apparent inability to come through in the clutch. Suffered through many different incarnations of the Mavs (including the disappointing all offense Mavericks - Dirk, Finley, Nash, Jamison, Toine). Finally found redemption under Rick Carlisle and a well-rounded cast of vets, and battled through a tough Western conference gauntlet (going through Portland, the Lakers, and OKC) before knocking off the Heatles in 6.

Then Cuban blew up the team for some reason. But hey, I'll always have 2011.

Deleted member 42105

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Apr 13, 2018
Dirk Nowitzki

Unquestionably the greatest European player of all time. Stayed with a single team all throughout his career. Led the Mavericks to the title as the unquestioned no. 1 option.

I've been following Dirk from the early days, back when it was just him and Fin and Steve. Got rightly shit on a lot for his terrible defense, and his apparent inability to come through in the clutch. Suffered through many different incarnations of the Mavs (including the disappointing all offense Mavericks - Dirk, Finley, Nash, Jamison, Toine). Finally found redemption under Rick Carlisle and a well-rounded cast of vets, and battled through a tough Western conference gauntlet (going through Portland, the Lakers, and OKC) before knocking off the Heatles in 6.

Then Cuban blew up the team for some reason. But hey, I'll always have 2011.

Yes you will.

One of my favorite tv spots of all time.


Oct 27, 2017
Tracy McGrady


The first player that really caught my eye as a kid before the emergence of LeBron as the best player. T-Mac was a very gifted scorer and playmaker, and had a laid back personality compared to the other big players at the time like KG, AI, or his cousin Vince Carter. I can't forget his memorable game against the Spurs where he scored 13 points in 33 seconds to steal the game. He also had some really epic battles with Kobe in his Orlando and early Houston days. Kobe actually said T-Mac was the toughest guy he played against, and it's easy to see why.



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Oct 25, 2017
Tracy McGrady


The first player that really caught my eye as a kid before the emergence of LeBron as the best player. T-Mac was a very gifted scorer and playmaker, and had a laid back personality compared to the other big players at the time like KG, AI, or his cousin Vince Carter. I can't forget his memorable game against the Spurs where he scored 13 points in 33 seconds to steal the game. He also had some really epic battles with Kobe in his Orlando and early Houston days. Kobe actually said T-Mac was the toughest guy he played against, and it's easy to see why.


Everyone has a laid back personality compared to KG


Oct 27, 2017

He's just the GOAT, no question. No other team athlete has 6 championships as the best player on the team in the color TV era. And I honestly during the first Bulls 3-peat was actively kinda cheering against the Bulls in '93, but once he retired and came back and proved again that he was the best, I had to bow down to the rightful king. You can't even write a career like his, it's mythic.



Loved Penny Hardaway's game, isn't anyone quite like him even today.


Oct 25, 2017
Tracy McGrady


My absolute favorite player of all-time (Penny a distant second, yeah another injury riddled #1 Magic player...)

His game was just silky smooth, made everything look easy, shot threes like they were layups, could handle the ball like a PG, was a great passer, could shoot over anyone and was a nightmare one on one
he could even defend when he wanted too ;)

He, too me, had the most aesthetically pleasing game of all time and was a downright monster in his Orlando days

I still remember the excitement of his 02/03 season, the scoring outbursts, the comparisons with Kobe...
I thought he was on his way to GREAT things then...

No other player's game has grabbed me like that since.

My man! Probably the smoothest basketball player I've ever seen. I loved the way he was able to do those acrobatic layups with ease. There wasn't anything he couldn't do on the basketball court. The main reason I got interested in the sport.

I know everyone usually talks about his days in Orlando, but my favorite season of his was the 2006-2007 season. He focused more on being a playmaker that year averaging a career high in assists while still averaging 24 points per game. The Rockets finished the season with home court advantage in the first round (first time in T-Mac's career).

Damn shame he never made it out the first round outside of his last year with the Spurs, but I'm glad he ended up making the Hall of Fame.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Great player, but one of the biggest assholes out there period. Karma seems to be catching up with him lately though.

Was KG an asshole or just an all time shit talker?

Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwon


One of, if not the, greatest centers of all time. Dangerous on both ends of the floor, deceptively quick and with nearly unstoppable signature moves in the post. One of the most dominant players of all time and brought the city two championships, including one in '94 where he was basically the only star on the team.





As a fellow big man (well... in my rec league...) who uses finesse I fucking love Hakeem gifs. That move on David Robinson is no joke, and it's all setup by his ability to nail that fade away off the same move.


Oct 25, 2017
Was KG an asshole or just an all time shit talker?

As a fellow big man (well... in my rec league...) who uses finesse I fucking love Hakeem gifs. That move on David Robinson is no joke, and it's all setup by his ability to nail that fade away off the same move.
Just a shit talker. He didn't really get a "reputation" as an asshole until he went to the Lakers' historical rival. Prior to that he was considered soft as fuck.