
Oct 26, 2017
He paid the highest possible price in 2016 with a suspension in the NBA Finals that forever changed the series


Oct 27, 2017
*does flying karate kicks*

*still has the balls to yell at the referees every single time they running back on defense because no foul call*


Oct 30, 2017
Bay Area, CA
He absolutely has dirty/cheap plays that come with his style of defense. He is active, disruptive, and roaming. There is going to be some kind of action when Draymond is on defense, and sometime that ends up in dirty plays that he pays the price for (which he has, time and time again)

He is one of the best defenders in the history of the nba

Both things are 100% true


Oct 26, 2017
Draymond is weird. he might be the smartest guy on court 99% of the time and then behaves like a stupid donkey in certain situation.


May 14, 2020
Draymond is like Kuroko but for dirty plays. He has bright lights like Steph, Klay, and previously KD to take attention off him while he makes his dirty plays in the shadows.


Oct 28, 2017
Green is the type of player I just can't stand, in any sport. He's dirty but won't admit it. He's a 3x champion but acts like a child like when he was ejected yesterday. He's good but arrogant about it.

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
He's dirty but probably the most likable which is why he doesn't get roasted much. He can accidentally rip Joker's eyes out but after the series talk about how great Joker is and shower him with praise.
It's basically you love him if he's on your team; people love Marcus Smart here but he's had plenty of questionable plays and is one of the biggest floppers around.


Oct 27, 2017
The guy just can't control what his body does, whether its kicking his out every time he jumps or his finger magnetically attracted to player's eyes. Just nothing he can do about it


Oct 25, 2017
The NBA really isn't wired that way anymore compared to other sports. They've taken that control largely out of the players hands, especially after the Malice in the Palace. So it's left to the league to police and protect the game from dirty players since the players can't really clap back without getting penalised themselves.
Apr 24, 2018
This happened last week and it was completely an accident. He was swiping down at the ball. But don't let that distract you from the guy who got his eye poked doing this earlier this season.
Wtf...Jokic straight up blindsided and tackled that player. That's absolutely despicable behavior - hope Jokic got suspended a good number of games for that.

And I was asking about the picture earnestly; glad to hear the still frame may have made it seem far worse than it was (which I know can happen often and why I asked). I haven't been able to follow the NBA as closely as I'd like last couple of years, just saw another poster saying that it may be a pattern with Draymond targeting players' eyes.


Nov 17, 2017
Green is the type of player I just can't stand, in any sport. He's dirty but won't admit it. He's a 3x champion but acts like a child like when he was ejected yesterday. He's good but arrogant about it.
This is actually a pretty good summary and reflects how I feel 100%. He's the type of player to actually make me watch less of the NBA (i.e. avoiding Warriors games) because his behavior is just so annoying.


Art Manager
Oct 27, 2017
The eye stuff is the only time I'm like "c'mon Dray." In general, he ain't nearly as bad as some of these other cats like Grayson, who has been doing fuck shit since college.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 26, 2017
LeTroll James checked him years ago.


LeMindGames elevating the game.


Apr 18, 2022
Wtf...Jokic straight up blindsided and tackled that player. That's absolutely despicable behavior - hope Jokic got suspended a good number of games for that.

And I was asking about the picture earnestly; glad to hear the still frame may have made it seem far worse than it was (which I know can happen often and why I asked). I haven't been able to follow the NBA as closely as I'd like last couple of years, just saw another poster saying that it may be a pattern with Draymond targeting players' eyes.

Morris, the guy who got drilled in the back, is considered a dirty player. Jokic was just fed up with his BS and gave that player what was coming. No one really gave a shit when it happened except maybe Heat fans. Don't let that poster's homerism fool you. Green is an actual dirty player unlike Jokic.


Oct 25, 2017
Are you asking why hasn't someone punched him and got suspended for multiple games in a playoff series while costing themselves thousands of dollars in fines and hurt their public image which is worth even more?
Yes. Why hasn't anyone knocked him the fuck out? Especially if I got my money. Catch his ass outside. Chris Paul can get it too.
Oct 29, 2017
Morris, the guy who got drilled in the back, is considered a dirty player. Jokic was just fed up with his BS and gave that player what was coming. No one really gave a shit when it happened except maybe Heat fans. Don't let that poster's homerism fool you. Green is an actual dirty player unlike Jokic.
That's not true. Morris was seriously injured as a result of that. Jokic's family got involved. As did Morris. Maybe your homerism thought it was funny, but everyone else considered it very dirty. This is coming from someone who considers Jokic the MVP this season.


Jul 25, 2018
This man has intentionally kicked more than 1 person in the nuts, and there are people in here claiming he's not dirty? Aquaman shouldve torpedo'd his ass.


Oct 29, 2017
Someone probably should have by this point. In a way he paid the ultimate price in the finals.

Hilarious though because regular season he gets away with murder. I'd love to see a ref eject him just once because he refuses to stfu and gets way in their faces.

I'm usually on the players side but he gets away with shit few do. A few people have bodied him and he just talks shit and walks away. He's good at doing everything besides actually squaring up.

Kyle Lowry like this too except not as much abusing the refs. Kyle literally beat the fuck out of Trae in the hawks series.


Oct 27, 2017
That's not true. Morris was seriously injured as a result of that. Jokic's family got involved. As did Morris. Maybe your homerism thought it was funny, but everyone else considered it very dirty. This is coming from someone who considers Jokic the MVP this season.

Nah, my recollection from reading /r/nba threads and whatnot at the time is that "Morris got was what coming to him for taking a cheap shot at the reigning MVP" was a very common sentiment.
Oct 29, 2017
I didn't say there was a consensus—I was just addressing your claim that "everyone else considered it very dirty". Which wasn't what I saw.
So, if Draymond Green responded like Jokic did. Would you consider that not a dirty play? I'm a Draymond fan from back at MSU. If he did something like that, I would want him to get a serious suspension.


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
"Why call out Draymond when all teams have dirty players" is not a good defense, and the existence of other dirty players fails to absolve him from being considered dirty

All players should be called out for dirty play. Get enough dirt on you often enough and you're dirty

It's not a hard equation


Oct 27, 2017
So, if Draymond Green responded like Jokic did. Would you consider that not a dirty play? I'm a Draymond fan from back at MSU. If he did something like that, I would want him to get a serious suspension.

I don't really think of proportional retaliation for an initial dirty play as itself necessarily dirty, no—but we're sort of just getting into the semantics of "dirty" at that point. I don't have much of an issue with what Jokic did, I don't have an issue with how the NBA handled it suspension-wise, and I'd feel the same about Draymond under similar circumstances.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Again, do some of you just look past the multiple times he's gouged at peoples eyes, kicked them in the nuts, or taken cheap shots at players on their blind side?

Herb Jones, Thybuile, Bridges, that's good defense, and Draymond is capable of that as well, but he is also notorious for the above stuff, and that has NOTHING to do with not respecting good defense

Seriously, I don't get multiple posters making excuses for him or giving him the benefit of the doubt. You can be a good defender without all this. And no I would not like him if he was on a team I liked.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't really think of proportional retaliation for an initial dirty play as itself necessarily dirty, no—but we're sort of just getting into the semantics of "dirty" at that point. I don't have much of an issue with what Jokic did, I don't have an issue with how the NBA handled it suspension-wise, and I'd feel the same about Draymond under similar circumstances.

Notice how majority of the league was quiet. There wasn't any lost tears outside some Heat fans. The general consensus was Morris did another dirty play and finally someone snapped. Draymond skirts the line better while being a better defender.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
That's not true. Morris was seriously injured as a result of that. Jokic's family got involved. As did Morris. Maybe your homerism thought it was funny, but everyone else considered it very dirty. This is coming from someone who considers Jokic the MVP this season.
You are embarrassing yourself, trying to deflect this thread's discussion to someone else but Draymond.

Holy shit dude you have the nerve to mention homerism.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I don't really have a problem with Draymond. In the NBA I think fewer people have issues with him because he's also a great defender who has proved himself. When you're good you can get away with being a shithead sometimes. If you're bad and you're just out there throwing elbows or playing like a football player, is when people get pissed.

I don't mind when players get chippy, what annoys the hell out of me is when Draymond always played dumb after his cheap shitty fouls. I just fucking hate that. I dunno it's like something you see in a school yard bully, someone who is too rough, beats everyone up, but then pretends like he's the victim of some great referee injustice.

All the people on here WHINING about Draymond would be all for him if he played for their teams. Also, Draymond is being judged for plays that happened 7 years ago. Do we still call Lebron a coward for creating a superteam in 2010?

Yes, all the time, like that's a constant narrative about Lebron's career.
Last edited:


Jan 6, 2021
There's dirtier players and every team that's left in the playoffs has one. Grizzly and Nuggets fans are gonna be extra salty about it now. Barkley hates Draymond with a passion and even he's not outraged as OP or calling for someone to punch him out

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
If we're talking about dirty players that deserve to get put on their ass, Patrick Beverley comes way before Draymond.


Oct 31, 2017
Not part of NBA era (eww) but Draymond has significantly cut down on his antics since they cost the Warriors a title a few years back. I wouldn't even consider him the dirtiest player in the league right now, you have Patrick Beverly, Grayson Allen, Chris fucking Paul... And that call he got in game 1 should have been a flagrant one, he was only ejected for his reputation.


Chicken Chaser
Nov 22, 2017
He plays on a media darling and is hyped to the moon for his intangibles.


Sep 5, 2019
NBA had a lot of dirty players in its history, some way worse than Draymond.

People named Laimberr in the 80s but only a decade ago Bruce Bowen was still active.


Oct 28, 2017
I find draymond very entertaining tbh. he's been the quintessential heel in the modern nba if you will, and is the tamest iteration of that type of player in my lifetime


Oct 27, 2017
He's definitely one of the dirtiest players in recent history. I'm constantly reminded how much I dislike him every time I see him on the court and then despise him even more when he acts like he's a good guy off the court.