
Oct 30, 2017

Navy "UFO Patent" Documents Talk Of "Spacetime Modification Weapon," Detail Experimental Testing

The Navy spent three years and considerable sums of money testing the "Pais Effect" and may have transferred the program to another agency.


In our continuing investigation into the bizarre inventions of Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, an enigmatic aerospace engineer who works for the U.S. Navy, The War Zone has just obtained a wide range of documents detailing experiments that the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) conducted to test the core concepts and technologies underlying his seemingly out of this world "UFO patents." These same patents were vouched for by the head of the Navy's aerospace research enterprise who cited Chinese advances in similar technologies as one of the reasons why the Navy was filing them.

The releases, which are all related to a Naval Innovative Science and Engineering – Basic & Applied Research Program under the project name "The High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator (HEEMFG)," contain hundreds of pages containing detailed technical drawings, photographs, and data related to actual tests of the HEEMFG. The system was meant to evaluate the feasibility of Dr. Salvatore Pais's claimed "Pais Effect." If you haven't yet read about the ongoing saga of the enigmatic Dr. Pais and the science-fiction-like inventions he made on behalf of the Navy, be sure to get caught up on our previous reporting linked in order from the first to most recent here, here, here, here and here.

Each one of Dr. Pais's inventions is stated to be enabled through what he himself described to The War Zone as "the Pais Effect," a theoretical physics concept that is claimed to be enabled through the "controlled motion of electrically charged matter (from solid to plasma) via accelerated spin and/or accelerated vibration under rapid (yet smooth) acceleration-deceleration-acceleration transients." This effect, the inventor claims, can lead to incredibly powerful electromagnetic energy fields that can "engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level" leading to incredible revolutions in power and propulsion, quantum communications, energy production, and even weaponry.

These latest internal documents, which The War Zone obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), show that NAWCAD felt this technology has "National Security importance in leading to the generation of thermonuclear Fusion Ignition Energy with commercial as well as military application potential, in ensuring National Energy Dominance."

The documents also show that a team of at least 10 technicians and engineers were assigned to design and test an experimental demonstrator and that testing was being conducted as recently as September 2019.


The further our investigation continues, the more it seems like the patents of Dr. Salvatore Pais are exactly what they appear to be: hypothetical applications of theoretical physics the Navy thinks are viable enough to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on, and possibly much more, to someday be able to master.

Still, these new documents reveal even further that these inventions were not solely the product of an enigmatic maverick inventor, but instead received supported from the highest levels of NAWCAD and led to DoD-funded research projects and experiments with an eye on producing exotic new forms of propulsion and weaponry. Whether these experiments were the start of a looming energy revolution or a dead-end is yet to be seen. By the looks of the documentation we have studied, it seems like these experiments were more of a beginning than an end. This is all fascinating as no physicist we have discussed Pais's patents with sees how they are feasible, yet the Navy seems to have thought otherwise and spent considerable funds to explore more fully.

In light of these new documents, we have already reached out to NAWCAD in hopes of establishing a dialogue about the High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator and the other Salvatore Pais patents. In the past, they have been unwilling to do so.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone who thinks a weapon that "makes the hydrogen bomb look like a firecracker" has "the potential for commercial use" needs to be dumped into an active volcano.


Oct 28, 2017
It's always wild to me how the super high level government powerpoints look like shit and are something I would chastise even my lowest level employee for doing.


Sep 9, 2020
Reading The Drive's article on the patent submitter, Dr. Pat, is really eye opening on what a shuckster this guy is. Doesn't provide any backup or proof to his claims, and when running his papers by other physicists, they say his papers don't follow the laws of science.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. Aliens have never visited earth, but some random guy has invented a machine to warp fucking space time.


War Eagle

Oct 27, 2017
The creation of such a fusion reactor is a holy grail of energy production. It could provide enough energy to power anything and everything on a global scale clean and efficiently. It will be a paradigm changing breakthrough for human society once we crack it.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Limitless fusion energy? This sounds so sci-fi. A gun that can kill time. It sounds like bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
Incompetence, corruption, or delusion? No single answer seems satisfactory.

EDIT: I guess the disinfo explanation makes the most sense.
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Jun 9, 2019
When I read this PowerPoint talking about harnessing the "power of the Sun," all I can imagine is the Navy attempting to power aircraft carriers with Sunny D.


Nov 9, 2017
"The further our investigation continues, the more it seems like the patents of Dr. Salvatore Pais are exactly what they appear to be: hypothetical applications of theoretical physics the Navy thinks are viable enough to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on[...]"

So, it's 100% certifiable bullshit.

Navy R&D accidentally spends more than that on penis pumps due to clerical errors.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
This is bullshit that amounts to nothing

The actual scary stuff is the fact that there are some nutcases in the navy that are conceptually open to fabricating reality warping, planet endangering weaponry, if possible, then fucking commercializing it.
Oct 27, 2017

Navy "UFO Patent" Documents Talk Of "Spacetime Modification Weapon," Detail Experimental Testing

The Navy spent three years and considerable sums of money testing the "Pais Effect" and may have transferred the program to another agency.



This is the real deal regarding the state of the art in terms of viable fusion reactor technology for nuclear power:


Validating the physics behind the new MIT-designed fusion experiment

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
Two words: Prove It.

These things always pop-up and the second they're exposed to peer review or experimentation (if they're even possible to test experimentally, which is rare) it proven wrong almost instantly, usually because of some incredibly basic principles like conservation of energy or friction or something.

It would be the most incredible thing in the world if we ever figure out how to warp space, or harvest huge amounts energy from the void, but until it's proven and repeatable then it's not worth getting excited about.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 9, 2019
"The further our investigation continues, the more it seems like the patents of Dr. Salvatore Pais are exactly what they appear to be: hypothetical applications of theoretical physics the Navy thinks are viable enough to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on[...]"

So, it's 100% certifiable bullshit.

Navy R&D accidentally spends more than that on penis pumps due to clerical errors.
Between the "hypothetical" and the "theoretical," how could there be room for error?!


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Uh... shouldn't these patents be under a secrecy order?


Oct 28, 2017
This is all fascinating as no physicist we have discussed Pais's patents with sees how they are feasible, yet the Navy seems to have thought otherwise and spent considerable funds to explore the ideas in the form of physical experiments.

Basically the US Navy command is filled with wackos that like to waste taxpayer funds.
Oct 27, 2017
Basically the US Navy command is filled with wackos that like to waste taxpayer funds.
Why listen to the scientists and engineers from MIT, Oakridge National Labs, etc. on the actual state of the art regarding fusion-based nuclear power technologies (see the video and link I included in my last post in this thread) when you can invest in a low cost psyop that's likely targeted at Russian and Chinese intelligence agencies?


One Winged Slayer
Jun 9, 2019
Basically the US Navy command is filled with wackos that like to waste taxpayer funds.
They think the idea sounds neato and can't be bothered to ask someone credible who might dare tell them this stuff sounds absolutely ridiculous.

The military has a history of at least weighing stupid, outlandish bullshit anyway - see, for example, the Gay Bomb.