
Oct 25, 2017

With this tweet in mind, it's likely that the next MP project for Naughty Dog will be standalone.

Now we can also conclude that this is likely a Factions spin off of Part II. Reason being is that in 2018 they did say Part 2 would have MP (source here) and the considering that the MP team isn't nearly the size of the main team it's also more unlikely that this would be an original IP. They would use assets and such from the main game with some new ones, obviously, to create a Factions Standalone game.

So with that in mind I thought it would be good to create thread specifically with the intention of having users share their hopes and speculation on what it might include. After all it's likely that this would be more sizable then the original Factions run though no idea how much more.

Now onto my own personal wants...

I would love to see 3 Primary modes for the game.

1. Co-Op Missions
2. Standard Factions PvP
3. Horde Mode

Now for the first one.

What they could do with Co-Op missions (at least for the ones at launch) is use modified locations from the main game. Add walls, debris, and so on to make more focused linear and tightly paced missions to run with maybe 3 to 4 people (4 would be nice if just to be keep all the modes consistent.) Then post launch add more original missions.

For the second one.

Well there isn't much more to say other than more maps and maybe more modes. But not too many modes. We don't want to split up the playerbase. It wouldn't even be that bad to just have the modes in the current Factions MP considering the possibility of other major modes.

And lastly for the third one.

Re-using the MP maps like in most Horde Modes, it would be cool to have this mode be a bit dynamic. You primarily fight Human enemies but during some rounds, infected start to join the fray and actually attacks both players and human enemies. Either creating an advantage or disadvantage. Maybe there could be some form of basic class system as well.

And to get the elephant out of the room. There always could be the potential for BR.

Now obviously unless they wanted to downgrade the graphics heavily the likelihood of getting 100 player matches is... slim to none.

But what could be done is maybe smaller BR games of around 20 - 30 players and fill out some of the map with either infected or hunters.

Anyway, I'd love to hear what everyone else would want or even if those wants are just improvements and changes.

(Also hopefully no P2W bullshit this time)


Oct 26, 2017
It's totally a Battle Royale game isn't it...

And it's for PS5 because PS4 can't handle that many players at that fidelity.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Really my only hope is that they don't fuck up the microtransactions. Don't lock new guns and perks/boosters/whatever you wanna call them behind a paywall or extremely long grind. They can make the best possible MP you can think of, but the second you're throwing that stuff into there it's gonna ruin it for a lot of people.


Sep 13, 2019
I'd like to see the infected have a presence in competitive games. Standard Factions deathmatch as it currently is, but occasionally spawn groups of runners/clickers into the map.
Larger player count modes would be cool too, as would co-op.
Also, don't lock perks/guns behind microtransactions. Factions has the problem where you have to pay to unlock some of the best weapons in the game.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
I'm actually getting hyped about this. Whether is TLOU Factions or a New IP, having a solely MP focused ND game while waiting for their next single player game could be pretty interesting. Lets just hope they don't go overboard with MTXs.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
It's totally a Battle Royale game isn't it...

And it's for PS5 because PS4 can't handle that many players at that fidelity.

I'm hoping at the very least it has a BR mode or component to it. TLoU has perfect mechanics to birth a BR gameplay mode. This doesn't mean it can coexist with other modes.

Although, it will likely be the most played.


Oct 25, 2017
It's totally a Battle Royale game isn't it...

And it's for PS5 because PS4 can't handle that many players at that fidelity.

I'm kind of tired of the "it's going to be a battle royale isn't it" mentality.

There are like 3 or 4 good Battle Royale games in existence. And at least 1 of them is in a major decline (Blackout). The market can, hell it should support more BRs.

And Factions having a BR mode would be fucking incredible.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
I'm really really okay with this. An end-of-generation single player-focused game as big as this one is more than enough from them for now. Then they can launch a standalone Factions game alongside The Last of Us Part II Remastered for PS5 lol


May 23, 2018
Am I asking for too much if I say they should add player customization and features to form a clan with your own custom emblem and everything?


Oct 25, 2017
Am I asking for too much if I say they should add player customization and features to form a clan with your own custom emblem and everything?

If not character creation of some sort, I do hope they allow us to unlock characters. I hated how you were given a random person each match in the original with the only unique thing being your hat or mask.


Oct 26, 2017
Give me the Factions mode, with a slightly more fleshed out meta game and a BR mode and I might forgive them selling weapons in TLoU 1.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I just want to have my own fucking character or let me choose which character I want.

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
Really doubt it'll be a whole new IP
Like why would it be?


what about a smash bro's "Character Brawl" type third personshooter.
Imagine playing factions with Kratos, Nathan Drake, Ratchet, an MLB player, Daxter, Alloy, Bloodborne character, etc.
hmmm,this could end up as big as fortnite
Dec 4, 2017
Really my only hope is that they don't fuck up the microtransactions. Don't lock new guns and perks/boosters/whatever you wanna call them behind a paywall or extremely long grind. They can make the best possible MP you can think of, but the second you're throwing that stuff into there it's gonna ruin it for a lot of people.
Yep. I hated what they did with tlou1.


Prophet of Regret - Lizard Daddy
Oct 25, 2017
Really doubt it'll be a whole new IP
Like why would it be?


what about a smash bro's "Character Brawl" type third personshooter.
Imagine playing factions with Kratos, Nathan Drake, Ratchet, an MLB player, Daxter, Alloy, Bloodborne character, etc.
hmmm,this could end up as big as fortnite

anything they make is exclusive to PS4 which means it will never be as popular as Fortnite lol

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
anything they make is exclusive to PS4 which means it will never be as popular as Fortnite lol
This is definitely a PS5 title.
The more I think of it, my idea, the better I think it is.
what are Sony 1st person titles known to be usually? 3rd person platform/shooters.
Just imagine an apex legends/over watch type shooter mixed with the factions resourcing and naughty god polish.
Damn, imagine a team of kratos, Ellie, Spider-Man, ratchet, and Chloe, going up against a kill zone enemy, Nathan drake, daxter, Chimera, and sackboy.
shit would be lit.

Deleted member 17403

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 27, 2017
The Last of Us pt.2 (Factions) Definitive Wishlist

  • Ability to Craft Counters; this means that if as I'm playing a match, I can scavenge scrap and different items and use them to create counters that negate the effects of certain perks. For example, I amass some scrap and necessary items and to craft a Respirator. Respirators negate the effect of smoke bombs. Personally I think short fuse (I&II) is a bullshit perk that puts the intended target at a near insurmountable disadvantage and this is a way of offsetting that.
  • Reduced Lethality of Shotguns at Ranges Greater Than 20 ft.; I think that there's something utterly wrong with balancing if someone is engaged in a firefight at about 50 ft. and they lose to someone using a tactical shotgun while they're using an un-upgraded revolver or semi-auto rifle. This is needs to be fixed going forward. Unless the shotgun is firing a slug (which it is not in my experience, as the shot seems to spread), it should be at a disadvantage at range and do negligible damage until that distance is closed.
  • Consistent Molotov Blast Radius and Damage; There are many instances in TLoUR where I'm wearing full armor, have full health and a Molotov is thrown behind me and my character instantly dies, bypassing the downed phase entirely. There are other situations where landing a direct hit on another player with the exact same variables results in their armor break and taking moderate damage. A sense of consistency would be great in these situations. I think ND should be better about ensuring that a Molotov that strikes the front of cover that players are positioned behind doesn't magically kill the player.
  • Animation Traps; many times during gameplay, I'll attempt to flee a thrown smoke bomb by vaulting over the cover I was behind. However, for some reason, even when I'm largely over the cover, when the bomb detonates I'm still subjected to its disorienting, and blinding effects but most importantly, I'm returned back to the side of cover I just fled from! I'm not sure how they could alter this, maybe mathematically divide the cover into two, and if you're more on a particular side than another will determine if you'll escape what you're fleeing or be affected by it.
  • More Fluid Movement; Judging by the gameplay demonstration of pt.2, ND has rectified this. In multiplayer, your character is very stiff and moves in very angular ways, making evasion more difficult. If motions become more fluid and responsive, it'll make getting in and out of combat more rewarding and fun. Pulling up your gun should be more responsive as well.
  • Evade Button; I know many may be at odds with this suggestion, but combat as it is right now can be clunky. If you're engaged in a firefight and need to quickly escape or find cover, what legitimate argument exists for barring a combat dive? It'd be directional. So you'd be free to dive front, back, left, and right. To ensure that it couldn't be abused, it would be tethered to your stamina, which also governs a host of other player actions. Possibly map it to the same button as 'Dodge' but make it so that to execute it, a player must swiftly double tap the Dodge button but within a very small window of time.
  • Nock Multiple Arrows/Rapid Fire Arrows; this is pretty self-explanatory. The ability to do these actions would also be governed by stamina. So nocking multiple arrows will drain a greater amount of stamina than nocking one, but will deliver more damage. Likewise you can rapid fire arrows until you either a.) run out of arrows or b.) run out of stamina
  • Machete>2x4; Have you ever gotten into a close quarters fight and came to the harsh realization that a 2x4 will down quicker than a Machete? Well I have and that shit just doesn't make sense! A machete is literally slicing someone open while a 2x4 is delivering blunt trauma. In all situations where everything is equal, the Machete should always triumph over the 2x4.
  • Contextual Weapons; a bottle or brick thrown at other players should be able to VERY BRIEFLY stun the victim and give a VERY SMALL window of opportunity to change the potential outcome of an encounter.
  • Corner Camping; I'm not sure how ND can address this but please get rid of it. It's annoying, cheap, and hurts the tempo of the game. It puts players using weapons like Hunting Rifle/Military Rifles at an EXTREME advantage and protects them from retaliation.
  • Quick Scoping; Once again gives certain players; Snipers primarily, an advantage that's hard to mitigate. They quick scope, switch to their pistol and down you before you can get off the 3 shots needed to down them. Needs to be balanced, or eliminated entirely.
  • Ability to Change Weapons Using Shoulder Button; it's awkward attempting to switch weapons using the D-Pad and can an annoyance. I'd prefer if in addition to the D-Pad to change to an exact weapon, if you could use the shoulder buttons to quickly cycle through your weapons.
  • Premature Bomb Detonation; you should be able to detonate your own/allied bombs by shooting them. You can shoot enemy bombs but you can't shoot your own or teammates, if I remember correctly. The reasons for this are likely that ND don't want players trolling and detonating other team members' bombs. Thinking about that lead to this suggestion...
  • Vote to Kick; some people are idiots and don't attempt to team play or are intentional trolls. They should be able to be booted from the match if a team member starts a vote against them and half the team votes to kick them as well.
  • Change Teams; sometimes a team is getting spanked so bad that they leave en masse stranding a single player on the team. In situations such as these, if lives allow, a re-balancing of teams should occur, performed automatically by the game itself.
  • Hitboxes; nearly forgot this one, but it's definitely one of the most important. I hate when I duck behind cover and am positioned there for more than half a second and I hear the sound of the Hunting Rifle firing (after I'm securely positioned behind cover) and I'm downed. I'm not sure if this is more so an animation problem much like vaulting, (while a Molotov, smoke bomb, or grenade goes off behind you and you're still affected by it) or a problem with hitboxes but until someone with more experience/knowledge chimes in, I'm going to chalk this up to hotboxes and not animations.
  • Collision Detection/Clipping; this is a rare occurrence but it does happen. This occurs when someone is close to you and is punching you or they are attempting to melee you and when your gun is drawn, it clips through their body. When this happens, all damage you think you're doing isn't being done and you're incurring damage while you must re-position in order to deal damage. Definitely an issue that isn't widely spoken about.
  • Stutter Stepping; In playing Factions, I've come to notice that there are many times during regular play that characters will be walking or running and suddenly stop. It happens so fast at times that it gives the impression that the player is lagging but they aren't. Hopefully this new animation system will iron out kinks like this.
  • Ability to Communicate in Absence of Mic; I want the ability to talk with my team and them to talk to me when they don't have a mic. Whether this be gestures that communicate things like stop, flank, rush/push, retreat or generated messages that players can quickly select and post to other players would go a long way in ensuring that teams are on the same page.
  • Another Day; I'm hoping that this mode is a combo of Horde and Battle Royale. Players are dropped into a zone that rapidly becomes increasing covered in Cordycep Spores with different clicker strains of greater lethality gradually being drawn to the area, funneling players through the map. The goal is simply survival. You can drop in individually or with a group but the point is to make it to the end, to some form of sanctuary that lies on the map. Players can kill one another but the world poses the greatest threat to all players on the map, so it's in their best interest to work together and cooperatively fight the infected rather than kill other players for their spoils. At the end of the match, you'll receive spoils to customize your character and load-out that's based on the number of kills but most importantly the number of lives you saved or down players you revived and healed.
Last edited:


Prophet of Regret - Lizard Daddy
Oct 25, 2017
This is definitely a PS5 title.
The more I think of it, my idea, the better I think it is.
what are Sony 1st person titles known to be usually? 3rd person platform/shooters.
Just imagine an apex legends/over watch type shooter mixed with the factions resourcing and naughty god polish.
Damn, imagine a team of kratos, Ellie, Spider-Man, ratchet, and Chloe, going up against a kill zone enemy, Nathan drake, daxter, Chimera, and sackboy.
shit would be lit.

It'll be exclusive to one console, Fortnite isn't.

I'm sure it'll be good but I swear some people need to temper their fucking expectations


Oct 29, 2017
If this game remains in the TLOU universe I think they are going to make an MP Suite like COD.

Competitive like before
Survival like mode
and add a Co-op like Horde mode

The ambition was probably them adding a survival (not quite BR something more unique) like mode on top of the competitive.

Supreme Leader Galahad

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
-Free for every buyer of Part 2
-Cosmetic MTX only
-Have all content and modes from the original Factions updated with new stuff
-Needs to come out at max 1 year after Part 2


Oct 27, 2017
Really my only hope is that they don't fuck up the microtransactions. Don't lock new guns and perks/boosters/whatever you wanna call them behind a paywall or extremely long grind. They can make the best possible MP you can think of, but the second you're throwing that stuff into there it's gonna ruin it for a lot of people.
Don't Naughty Dog have a history of being kinda shitty when it comes to microtransactions and such in their multiplayer modes?


May 23, 2018
The Last of Us pt.2 (Factions) Definitive Wishlist

  • Ability to Craft Counters; this means that if as I'm playing a match, I can scavenge scrap and different items and use them to create counters that negate the effects of certain perks. For example, I amass some scrap and necessary items and to craft a Respirator. Respirators negate the effect of smoke bombs. Personally I think short fuse (I&II) is a bullshit perk that puts the intended target at a near insurmountable disadvantage and this is a way of offsetting that.
  • Reduced Lethality of Shotguns at Ranges Greater Than 20 ft.; I think that there's something utterly wrong with balancing if someone is engaged in a firefight at about 50 ft. and they lose to someone using a tactical shotgun while they're using an un-upgraded revolver or semi-auto rifle. This is needs to be fixed going forward. Unless the shotgun is firing a slug (which it is not in my experience, as the shot seems to spread), it should be at a disadvantage at range and do negligible damage until that distance is closed.
  • Consistent Molotov Blast Radius and Damage; There are many instances in TLoUR where I'm wearing full armor, have full health and a Molotov is thrown behind me and my character instantly dies, bypassing the downed phase entirely. There are other situations where landing a direct hit on another player with the exact same variables results in their armor break and taking moderate damage. A sense of consistency would be great in these situations. I think ND should be better about ensuring that a Molotov that strikes the front of cover that players are positioned behind doesn't magically kill the player.
  • Animation Traps; many times during gameplay, I'll attempt to flee a thrown smoke bomb by vaulting over the cover I was behind. However, for some reason, even when I'm largely over the cover, when the bomb detonates I'm still subjected to its disorienting, and blinding effects but most importantly, I'm returned back to the side of cover I just fled from! I'm not sure how they could alter this, maybe mathematically divide the cover into two, and if you're more on a particular side than another will determine if you'll escape what you're fleeing or be affected by it.
  • More Fluid Movement; Judging by the gameplay demonstration of pt.2, ND has rectified this. In multiplayer, your character is very stiff and moves in very angular ways, making evasion more difficult. If motions become more fluid and responsive, it'll make getting in and out of combat more rewarding and fun. Pulling up your gun should be more responsive as well.
  • Evade Button; I know many may be at odds with this suggestion, but combat as it is right now can be clunky. If you're engaged in a firefight and need to quickly escape or find cover, what legitimate argument exists for barring a combat dive? It'd be directional. So you'd be free to dive front, back, left, and right. To ensure that it couldn't be abused, it would be tethered to your stamina, which also governs a host of other player actions. Possibly map it to the same button as 'Dodge' but make it so that to execute it, a player must swiftly double tap the Dodge button but within a very small window of time.
  • Nock Multiple Arrows/Rapid Fire Arrows; this is pretty self-explanatory. The ability to do these actions would also be governed by stamina. So nocking multiple arrows will drain a greater amount of stamina than nocking one, but will deliver more damage. Likewise you can rapid fire arrows until you either a.) run out of arrows or b.) run out of stamina
  • Machete>2x4; Have you ever gotten into a close quarters fight and came to the harsh realization that a 2x4 will down quicker than a Machete? Well I have and that shit just doesn't make sense! A machete is literally slicing someone open while a 2x4 is delivering blunt trauma. In all situations where everything is equal, the Machete should always triumph over the 2x4.
  • Contextual Weapons; a bottle or brick thrown at other players should be able to VERY BRIEFLY stun the victim and give a VERY SMALL window of opportunity to change the potential outcome of an encounter.
  • Corner Camping; I'm not sure how ND can address this but please get rid of it. It's annoying, cheap, and hurts the tempo of the game. It puts players using weapons like Hunting Rifle/Military Rifles at an EXTREME advantage and protects them from retaliation.
  • Quick Scoping; Once again gives certain players; Snipers primarily, an advantage that's hard to mitigate. They quick scope, switch to their pistol and down you before you can get off the 3 shots needed to down them. Needs to be balanced, or eliminated entirely.
  • Ability to Change Weapons Using Shoulder Button; it's awkward attempting to switch weapons using the D-Pad and can an annoyance. I'd prefer if in addition to the D-Pad to change to an exact weapon, if you could use the shoulder buttons to quickly cycle through your weapons.
  • Premature Bomb Detonation; you should be able to detonate your own/allied bombs by shooting them. You can shoot enemy bombs but you can't shoot your own or teammates, if I remember correctly. The reasons for this are likely that ND don't want players trolling and detonating other team members' bombs. Thinking about that lead to this suggestion...
  • Vote to Kick; some people are idiots and don't attempt to team play or are intentional trolls. They should be able to be booted from the match if a team member starts a vote against them and half the team votes to kick them as well.
  • Change Teams; sometimes a team is getting spanked so bad that they leave en masse stranding a single player on the team. In situations such as these, if lives allow, a re-balancing of teams should occur, performed automatically by the game itself.
  • Hitboxes; nearly forgot this one, but it's definitely one of the most important. I hate when I duck behind cover and am positioned there for more than half a second and I hear the sound of the Hunting Rifle firing (after I'm securely positioned behind cover) and I'm downed. I'm not sure if this is more so an animation problem much like vaulting, (while a Molotov, smoke bomb, or grenade goes off behind you and you're still affected by it) or a problem with hitboxes but until someone with more experience/knowledge chimes in, I'm going to chalk this up to hotboxes and not animations.
  • Collision Detection/Clipping; this is a rare occurrence but it does happen. This occurs when someone is close to you and is punching you or they are attempting to melee you and when your gun is drawn, it clips through their body. When this happens, all damage you think you're doing isn't being done and you're incurring damage while you must re-position in order to deal damage. Definitely an issue that isn't widely spoken about.
  • Stutter Stepping; In playing Factions, I've come to notice that there are many times during regular play that characters will be walking or running and suddenly stop. It happens so fast at times that it gives the impression that the player is lagging but they aren't. Hopefully this new animation system will iron out kinks like this.
  • Ability to Communicate in Absence of Mic; I want the ability to talk with my team and them to talk to me when they don't have a mic. Whether this be gestures that communicate things like stop, flank, rush/push, retreat or generated messages that players can quickly select and post to other players would go a long way in ensuring that teams are on the same page.

+1000 on vote to kick.

Also I think you should be able to pick up your bombs if you change your mind or want to replace.

Dr Pears

Sep 9, 2018
I'd rather they make a coop game.

I'm sure with their talent, they can make a very good story driven coop game, something in the veins of Portal 2 coop or maybe A Way Out.

Deleted member 17403

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 27, 2017
If a mode like this was released I'd be happy.

Another Day; I'm hoping that this mode is a combo of Horde and Battle Royale. Players are dropped into a zone that rapidly becomes increasing covered in Cordycep Spores with different clicker strains of greater lethality gradually being drawn to the area, funneling players through the map. The goal is simply survival. You can drop in individually or with a group but the point is to make it to the end, to some form of sanctuary that lies on the map. Players can kill one another but the world poses the greatest threat to all players on the map, so it's in their best interest to work together and cooperatively fight the infected rather than kill other players for their spoils. At the end of the match, you'll receive spoils to customize your character and load-out that's based on the number of kills but most importantly the number of lives you saved or down players you revived and healed. PVPVE.


Oct 25, 2017
Really my only hope is that they don't fuck up the microtransactions. Don't lock new guns and perks/boosters/whatever you wanna call them behind a paywall or extremely long grind. They can make the best possible MP you can think of, but the second you're throwing that stuff into there it's gonna ruin it for a lot of people.
This! This is my only hope! But with ND's mtx history, I'm already preparing myself for disappointment.


Executive Editor for Games at Wccftech
Oct 26, 2017
Personally I'd love if they made it a persistent world with MMO elements.


Oct 25, 2017
If not character creation of some sort, I do hope they allow us to unlock characters. I hated how you were given a random person each match in the original with the only unique thing being your hat or mask.
I loved that about the first one. Kept everything real grounded at a time when they were going nuts with the customization options and mtx in Uncharted mp.

Really hope they don't dump it in favor of custom characters cause you know that means the dumb goofy skins will eventually be added for the money it'll bring in.


use of an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Angola / Zaire border region.
A stealthy 30-player BR with PVE encounters. And when a player is downed, they can quit back to the lobby but their dead corpse remains in the gameworld persistently for other players to stumble across.


Oct 25, 2017


Mostly Positive
Oct 25, 2017
Norway but living in France
It serves Sony well to have this be only for PS5 as a carrot.
And likely it would have been a really tight squeeze to get TLOU with Motion Matching running at 60fps (same framerate as UC4 MP) on the PS4. On they PS5 they can expand that vision and they don't have to support an aging platform.
Oct 25, 2017
Assuming it's Factions 2:

- Expand the survivor camps to be a physical explorable space. A place that you and your friends can explore and have some level of customisation. Like the main campaign survivors have a name and a story.
- Player character customisation. I hated being assigned a player character at the start of each match. Let us have a full character creation suite.
- If there has to be micro-transactions (there will be) make them cosmetic or for the camp and don't tie OP balancing changing weapons to them. That shit sucked in the original.

That's about all I can think of right now. A 4 player horde mode would be pretty good.