
Oct 25, 2017
Does she not think the Republican Party is strong now? The stronger they are, the worse they make the lives of all but the very rich.


Oct 25, 2017
yup this is clearly what she's referring to

We only get two choices, would be much better if we had two "actual" choices. You know, two choices that actually want the country to remain whole
And if there were a true Republican party the Democrats could lean a lot farther left without worrying about Trumpy bullshit getting voted in

I'd certainly prefer multiple ranked choices, or two left parties, or dozens of other options. But twisting what she's saying and pretending it's somehow "wrong" isn't helping anything
That's how I see it too. But you know how this is gonna go...


Oct 26, 2017
I can't even imagine the kind of all out political warfare that will ensue within the Republican Party if GOP take big losses in November.

Not necessarily agreeing that they need to be strong, per se, but there is going to be a reckoning, and I'm not sure what it looks like on the other side. The Republican party may be just too far gone.

Deleted member 13148

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The odds of this happening with our First-Past-The-Post( aka single-member plurality) voting system is slim to none. If we changed the way we voted it'd be a lot more probable and possible.
Sadly, most of the effort to replace FPTP in this country has been for ranked choice voting (IRV), which still leads to a two-party system for winner-take-all elections.


Writer at
Oct 28, 2017
Daily reminder that Democrats suck as much as Republicans, they're only less transparent about it


Oct 25, 2017
She could also advocate for something like this by pushing for ranked-choice voting, but this would hurt her grift from getting money from the donor class that keeps her in power.


May 29, 2018
Really starting to come to the conclusion that certain Democrats still haven't realized that the current GOP is not playing the same game they are.

I don't think she's necessarily wrong, there have been some good from the GOP in their history. However, a lot of that has been pissed away with the current incarnation that is all about dismantling the government rather than making it actually work.

We need strong opposition. One party rule is dangerous. We don't necessarily need the GOP.


I read this article today and it makes a pretty good case for how far right the GOP has shifted in the last 30 years:


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
If the Repubs ever die off these dinosaur Democrats can take over as the conservative party and we can then have a true progressive party.


Oct 27, 2017
Perhaps, but she is implying the current Republican party is not the true party. Hence, "take back".

The odds of this happening with our First-Past-The-Post( aka single-member plurality) voting system is slim to none. If we changed the way we voted it'd be a lot more probable and possible.
Absolutely, and having something like ranked voting or better would be the first major change toward that progress.

Deleted member 13148

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
She could also advocate for something like this by pushing for ranked-choice voting, but this would hurt her grift from getting money from the donor class that keeps her in power.
Ranked choice ultimately solves nothing. We need either proportional voting, or a voting system that actually eliminates the spoiler effect (i.e. a system that passes the favorite betrayal criterion).


Oct 25, 2017
Nancy, how about we just say "fuck em" instead. For more than half a century they've held the country back and they'll continue to do so as long as they are around. So nah, I think we good.


Oct 28, 2017
Nancy what the fuck..... at this point the republicans are relics of the past that need to go away forever.
Oct 27, 2017
Take back? This is who they are. This is their truth.

In her defense if they don't start stop the bleeding it's gonna be the Qanon party sooner than later.
On the other hand, this is true. This is a troubling reality, where this leads to a new normal of:

Republican Party --> Qanon Party

Democratic Party --> Moderate Republicans/Moderate Democrats/Progressives

And that Democratic Party will never get anything progressive done.... like ever.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It needs the Republican party dissolved so that the Democratic party can split the moderate wing and progressive wing into its own parties.


Oct 29, 2017
Daily reminder that Democrats suck as much as Republicans, they're only less transparent about it

Daily reminder that this type of bullshit will only accelerate our journey to fascism

On the other hand, this is true. This is a troubling reality, where this leads to a new normal of:

Republican Party --> Qanon Party

Democratic Party --> Moderate Republicans/Moderate Democrats/Progressives

And that Democratic Party will never get anything progressive done.... like ever.

this exactly

she's not wrong


Oct 25, 2017
It needs the Republican party dissolved so that the Democratic party can split the moderate wing and progressive wing into its own parties.
This is about the best option out there. Current moderate Democrats might as well be Republicans at this point. The problem is we need more fresh blood to drive a more Progressive arm.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Why is the most powerful democrat in office supporting republicans during a presidential election?
It's backhanded shade about how the modern republican party is weak and spineless. She's scolding them for refusing to govern in language that's deliberately chosen to sound appealing to people who usually vote Republican but might be swayed to vote Democrat this time around. And looking at how things have regressed in the last 20+ years, when the Republican party was "weak", not electorally but morally, she's right, if they're going to be one of the two political parties, which they are essentially guaranteed to be, it certainly would be better if they were morally strong and were willing to do the right thing rather than acting as a nihilistic death cult.

Did she need to say it in this particular way? No, I think it could have been worded better, a lot better but it's an electorally important point as Democrats nationwide build a bigger lead and need to partially adjust messaging in order to make the most of the moment. Some version of this rhetoric is probably necessary in order to oust Joni Ernst, Susan Collins, and Lindsay Graham and secure every Senate and House seat we can get which will help make things easier come 2021.
Last edited:


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
The devil you know...

Fuck Reagan, Ike was the end for non sociopathic GOP.
Moderates were still a thing, especially in state elections. Nationally, the Southern Baptists types took over the party. But you had moderates (currently known as democrats lol) all over the Northeast, winning elections.

Dems went right with Bill Clinton, and the GOP lurched rightward more with Gingrich.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
It's clear in the context of what she's saying it's framing it as 'Trumpers have taken over the party, I hope the normal GOP take it back.' The quote is borderline taken out of context, but really, it doesn't matter. I get what she's going for and what she's trying to say, but no one wants to hear that shit right now.

Deleted member 4260

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Not a great thing to say.

The Republican Party of old was people like George W. Bush and Reagan, who are straight trash and ultimately got us into this bullshit in the first place. The party has always been filled with imperialist and corporatist garbage who are also extremely racist and homophobic.

Mr. Keith

Oct 31, 2017
It would be nice to not have to worry about the country burning down every 2 to 4 years I'll admit.
Oct 27, 2017
It needs the Republican party dissolved so that the Democratic party can split the moderate wing and progressive wing into its own parties.
This is the dream scenario, where no one caters to the conspiracy theorists and racists anymore, but I fear that orgs like Fox News will continue to prop up the husk of the Republican Party as it Casper slides into Qanon/Proud Nazis.

It really could go either way, and a lot of that falls on the shoulders of the fucking Murdoch's having an ounce of empathy and decency.....

We're kinda fcked in that.


Oct 28, 2017
Pelosi is my congresswoman (San Francisco), and I generally like her. But, yeah this is some dumb shit to say considering the Republican's history of racism, deregulation, and etc. The Republicans are no longer the party of Lincoln, and they haven't been for a fucking century plus.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
Is she right that we should respect having a pro-life position, too? She says it right in that clip.

You don't have to respect the position, but as long as the person who holds it is earnest and not a jerk I think some level of mutual respect is still warranted. They're wrong, but I don't believe in throwing people under the bus for that. People should be given a chance to learn and change for the better.
Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, ON
It's backhanded shade about how the modern republican party is weak and spineless. She's scolding them for refusing to govern in language that's deliberately chosen to sound appealing to people who usually vote Republican but might be swayed to vote Democrat this time around. And looking at how things have regressed in the last 20+ years, when the Republican party was "weak", not electorally but morally, she's right, if they're going to be one of the two political parties, which they are essentially guaranteed to be, it certainly would be better if they were morally strong and were willing to do the right thing rather than acting as a nihilistic death cult.

Well-said and this was my read as well.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017



Oct 26, 2017
Why is the most powerful democrat in office supporting republicans during a presidential election?
Sounds like an appeal to the less insane members of the party to go against the current leaders instead of going along with them just to own the libs. An appeal to Rebublican voters who might be swayed to vote Democrat and to Senators to grow a spine.
Does she not think the Republican Party is strong now? The stronger they are, the worse they make the lives of all but the very rich.
She thinks they're not the Republican Party anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
We need strong opposition. One party rule is dangerous. We don't necessarily need the GOP.

Both US parties are overall horrible, though. When compared to other countries. It's just that the GOP leans way right, whereas even the Democratics themselves are not progressive or very much left leaning to begin with. They just appear that way, when measured against the GOP.

Pelosi is high as fuck, for making those comments. GOP needs to be eradicated entirely. And something better needs to be put in place to show the Dems how shit is supposed to be done.