
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
An adult hero risking/sacrificing their life for a kid is probably like the most non-controversial thing that happened in that arc lol
Oct 25, 2017
My issues with that moment is it probably should have been that Bakugo has an actual attachment to (or at least someone the audience has an actual attachment to seriously who fucking cares about edgeshot) and the power he uses to save him is kind of silly, but the actual act of saving Bakugo is fine. He's not going to stand around debating the pros and cons of saving his life like he's playing fucking warzone he's just gonna save the kid. that's kind of the core of what a hero is according to this show. you save someone if they need saving.


Oct 28, 2017
Being a hero doesnt automatically make you someone that ditches their life at the first opportunity.
It's a main theme of the show to literally dive into action without considering the consequences if it means saving a life. Deku doing this is what inspired All Might to give him power in the first place.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
Newest episode is more of a transition episode, but it's setting up some fun stuff for next week.


Dec 15, 2018
Even though I knew it was coming, full body chills at the Gentle scene. One of the best moments in the final arc, heck the whole series, done complete justice here. The tears in Deku's eyes when he realizes he made a difference in someone's life for the better, oh baby PEAK


Oct 25, 2017
I can't be the only one that thought about this given the exchange at the end of the episode lol


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I've been enjoying both sides using all their resources and capabilities in this big battle. Remembering all the super useful powers from the other classes was a nice touch. Monoma getting his time to shine was fun. Just kind of brushing over bringing all these high-schoolers into way, but hey, it's anime. They even managed to make me not hate Gentle Criminal coming back which is honestly impressive.

The villains big comeback in the last few episodes was kinda BS with them freeing Kurogiri mostly by happenstance. I guess don't have Present Mic being the last guy to prevent the "this is the one thing that can't happen" thing ever again since he's 0/2 with Shigaraki waking up and now Kurogiri. And the now back and forth with "oh now Kurogiri recognizes his friends" or "this is the moment Shigaraki asserts himself against All For One" is pretty silly and feels just kind of random. My complete lack of interest in the One For All/All For One psychic communication realm stuff remains strong. Truly just wish it was a Deku vs Shigaraki fight and All For One was gone or just in the evil mentor role.


Oct 26, 2017
The escalation continues. Honestly, a smaller scale of this sort of thing should have been done years ago. It does feel like the payoff of like a decade of unnecessary incubation. But we're here nonetheless, and it's great.

Quick shoutout to Mount Lady. Still hate the outfit, and it's taken literally 10yrs, but I'm glad she sort of has her own personality and agency now from her intro as just a butt shot.


Shinra Employee
Nov 16, 2023
These last few episodes have been a treat. The entire Gearshift episode, Gentle, La Brava & Nagant, Sad Man's death parade, Baldur's light, Class B, Other school students etc.-just one memorable moment after another. MHA has done a much better job of giving its side characters some shine compared to Naruto. I found that one shot of little Dark shadow with young Tokoyami very cute.

I'm a bit wary about the next ep based on the preview. I don't want a depowered All-Might anywhere near a fight.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That preview made me anxious but it's about damn time.

Hawks doing a double take on All For One's quirks being external and then mentioning there's hope makes me think that whenever AFO ages to 0, he's gonna release all these quirks.
Oct 25, 2017
Nice touch that they progressively made AFO look and sound younger AND it actually making plot relevance and make logical sense (he's getting younger so more powerful).

Show was getting a little slow trying to wrap up every little thread but hopefully we're done getting stuck in the villains getting ass-pulls plot armor (that one with kurogiri sucked and they already pulled that once with electricity and shigaraki. Dabi defeated by Shoto but not really was bad too). Though starting with Gentle it made sense they did that to extend the war to feature (forgotten) side characters. A few episodes ago I was wondering why we have another season worth of content to go, but no way they could end in 3 episodes now (I think we're on 18/21?) Hopefully we'll get closure on some of the fights before whatever's next. Looking forward to another Deku fight now that we know his full repitoire and Shigaraki is (I presume) in his "final form". That gear change episode was hype.

Sad that Hawk loss his wings/quirk but I can see him continue to consult and embolden the "passing the baton to the next generation" theme. Kinda like all might thus far.
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Aug 7, 2019
1-A students that seem done in the war now:

Kirishima/Red Riot
Tokoyami/Dark Shadow
Mineta/Grape Juice


One Winged Slayer
May 7, 2018
I am officially hate-watching this show. :(
I will say I did love the Gentle Criminal and La Brava episode(s); i think if they had season 1-3's budget/direction it would've been a best anime episode of the year contender; it felt somewhat similar to the golden era of this show and got me to tear up like the show used to do regularly with strong saccharine and wholesome writing. I just think the animation/some directing choices let it down overall.

But everything just feels so haphazard and inconsequential. Things just happen suddenly and I'm like...okay.
Like that whole Machia/AFO interaction. And the news reporters in the helicopter. I don't care about 90% of these B/C plots. I especially don't care since AFO fails to kill anyone. No tension anymore, no emotional beats hitting anymore, no good animation anymore.
Oct 25, 2017
I am officially hate-watching this show. :(
I will say I did love the Gentle Criminal and La Brava episode(s); i think if they had season 1-3's budget/direction it would've been a best anime episode of the year contender; it felt somewhat similar to the golden era of this show and got me to tear up like the show used to do regularly with strong saccharine and wholesome writing. I just think the animation/some directing choices let it down overall.

But everything just feels so haphazard and inconsequential. Things just happen suddenly and I'm like...okay.
Like that whole Machia/AFO interaction. And the news reporters in the helicopter. I don't care about 90% of these B/C plots. I especially don't care since AFO fails to kill anyone. No tension anymore, no emotional beats hitting anymore, no good animation anymore.
MHA is just very mediocre. I watch it because I just wanna be done with it.


Dec 15, 2018
We're entering a portion of the final arc where I think we get a lot of moments that represent best what this series is all about, and today was definitely one of them. One of the best animated eps of the show and I can't even really complain about the cut scenes too much.


Oct 25, 2017
Best episode of the season easily, the production went into high gear in a way that wasn't present for a long time and tons of fantastic new music too, not to mention how dramatic and effective the episode itself, loved it


Shinra Employee
Nov 16, 2023
A great and sad episode. I'm glad that the entire Todoroki family was involved. MHA has been nailing the character drama this season and really that is what you want from a final arc of a shonen.


Aug 26, 2018
Bones went hard this episode. Most of the episode was really well animated.

I've personally done a complete 180 on the final arc with the anime and reread of it. I hate read it at the time but after how absolutely god awful the final arc of JJK was, I appreciate MHA's a whole hell of a lot more. Especially today's moment and the events after. Unfortunately, the next episode isn't a great conclusion. Lol. But after that is probably my two favorite moments in the arc and maybe top 5 in MHA as a whole.

It's a shame the season ends next week so we won't really get to see those until next season or a movie. Whichever they decide to do with the last 30 or so chapters.


Dec 15, 2018
It's overshadowed here by All Might's iconic phrase, but one of the chapters in the manga during this stretch here is called "Shoto Todoroki: Rising". It covers the end of the Dabi portion where Shoto saves them. You might remember "Katski Bakugou: Rising" being the episode and chapter where Bakugou saves Deku in the first War, so they're big deals when you receive them. Each character who gets a Rising chapter previously had an origin chapter, an exception being Momo. I enjoy little naming quirks like this.


Dec 15, 2018
All might thinking of deku's question from the start of the series as he prepares to fight afo without a quirk, cutest shit I've ever seen. I love how deku has had just as much an impact on AM as deku has on AM
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Oct 25, 2017
That was a pretty good episode! Animation and content wise.

I guess we're wrapping up toga himiko next episode then a deku/all might/ago/shigaraki episode to wrap up the season.

Or "wrap up" as in we get more big baddy power up at the end, prepping more conflict into the next season.

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
I thought the last two episodes were fantastic. Hopping from fight to fight in different locations can make whole thing feel a little muddled and some things get skipped here and there, but for the most part it's handling things better than I remember the manga doing. A rough episode is usually met with an immediate bounce back 1-2 episodes later.


Oct 29, 2017
Well that was the best episode in a few seasons - one of the best from the show in general really. Had my full on crying by the end, which is rare


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
It was good for what it was, but I really have no interest in the Endeavor family melodrama. Also getting tired of this scenario teasing something interesting only to spend an entire episode or two on something else.


Oct 25, 2017
ohhh, it's nice seeing positivity for a change, this season got off to a rough start pacing wise, and it's never really been able to flow as well as it could (I expect trying to balance what's left to adapt for the final season might play a factor, but the classic battle manga war arc multiple fights jump around doesn't help on top of that) but the last few episodes have been on a strong run. I'm often a bit down on the anime adaptation at times because it just feels like other modern shonen anime get more oomph to their animation, so it was great this week to realise I was eating good.
Reading all this in the manga in advance, I was surprised (well, not really) that so much of what's in this season was getting poo poo'd, seeing it all again just reminds me of that while I think a good job was done giving such a large cast a ton of individual little moments throughout , but I suppose the sunk cost people hate finishing something are always the loudest (and hey I've been there, Bleach baby! and yet its final arc adaptation has been stellar lol)


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The music has really been on point for the big moments this season. Bakugo, Gear Shift and the moment in this episode had really great tracks. Using the same leitmotifs mostly, of course, but doing good mixes of them.

I guess they're doing "okay" with Endeavor where he's clearly not getting forgiven for anything and is like "yeah I need to not be near my family for them to be happy" but him just being there at all just has me on pins and needles hoping they don't try and actually excuse his previous abuse.


Oct 30, 2017
This season has been insane! MHA is a masterpiece to me at this point, I love so many of these characters and the themes of the show.