
Oct 30, 2017
I love how weird and evocative some of the riffs are in the Joel episodes. "I would, but they dry-click their revolvers at me" is so bizarre.


Bonk initiated
Oct 24, 2017
My wife and I still yell
to each other after all these years

Agent Unknown

Oct 26, 2017
I swear, every time I watch the scene where dumb Tracy laments not being able to watch "Dallas" it seriously looks like the TV is sitting flipped on its side in TATE mode.

Agent Unknown

Oct 26, 2017
I remember years ago on the old site, someone used a clip of the "Trumpy you can do magic things!" host segment to make a funny gif where Joel and the 'bots gleefully dancing around the floating props was "Nintendo at every E3" and Frank and Dr. F reacting in a confused/concerned manner were Sony and MS. Haha


Oct 26, 2017

Agent Unknown

Oct 26, 2017
The tribute to Joel's last episode with Mike sitting in the water heater thinking it's an escape pod is so funny.

Agent Unknown

Oct 26, 2017
Heck yeah, "The Day The Earth Froze," time for some Russo-Finnish folklore goofiness with some actually nice cinematography and Sampo-infused riffing.


Oct 30, 2017
Jesus, nobody says "local theatre" like Mega Synthia. Does she think this is a children's show?

She's just transparently "person playing a wacky character". It's Erhardt levels of bad, but she's not as talented as J. Elvis.

Agent Unknown

Oct 26, 2017

She's cringey local theatre levels of bad for sure.

The two Synthias, GPC and kicking Jonah, Hampton and Baron to the side are all big reasons why I no longer have much faith in Joel for whatever the future of the reboot is. Emily seems pretty good, but the rest, ick. Just ick. Mediocre hackiness all around.


Dec 18, 2017
Kicking Jonah and company is the correct move. They're terrible.

The kitschy local theater thing is part of what made the original shows good. They were wholesome, familiar, and funny, like hanging out with your most entertaining friends. The question is if they can find people who are that good again, people like Trace, Kevin, and Frank.

Agent Unknown

Oct 26, 2017
Kicking Jonah and company is the correct move. They're terrible.

To each their own, aside from over talking on some of the riffs, I thought Jonah, Hampton and Baron were great. Felicia and Patton were great too. "Correct move," my hinder. It's heavily speculated Joel is just trying to save money now.

The kitschy local theater thing is part of what made the original shows good. They were wholesome, familiar, and funny, like hanging out with your most entertaining friends. The question is if they can find people who are that good again, people like Trace, Kevin, and Frank.

Well, everything in that post above is definitely not the Synthias, that's for sure.
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Oct 30, 2017
Watching these back to back just really solidifies my preference for Joel episodes. The comedy is a lot more obscure and weird, and less mean.

The kitschy local theater thing is part of what made the original shows good. They were wholesome, familiar, and funny, like hanging out with your most entertaining friends. The question is if they can find people who are that good again, people like Trace, Kevin, and Frank.

I'd need to see more of her, but it doesn't feel like Mega Synthia is one of my most entertaining friends.

I'm not sure about her comedic chops, but it really doesn't seem like she's able to exercise them. It seems like she's more focused on 1) Maintaining her facial expression, 2) Maintaining her speech pattern, 3) Getting her lines out, and 4) Being funny, in that order.

Just saying things in a funny voice while making a funny face doesn't make them funny. I'm not sure if it's something that was mandated for the role or a personal choice, but it really doesn't work for me.
Oct 26, 2017
Kicking Jonah and company is the correct move. They're terrible.

The kitschy local theater thing is part of what made the original shows good. They were wholesome, familiar, and funny, like hanging out with your most entertaining friends. The question is if they can find people who are that good again, people like Trace, Kevin, and Frank.
The first Jonah season wasn't great but the second one wasn't bad. There's some great lines. "That's not human, Jack." "It's kangaroo Jack."


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017

She's cringey local theatre levels of bad for sure.

The two Synthias, GPC and kicking Jonah, Hampton and Baron to the side are all big reasons why I no longer have much faith in Joel for whatever the future of the reboot is. Emily seems pretty good, but the rest, ick. Just ick. Mediocre hackiness all around.

As a longtime fan, Jonah and the bots did as good as I could have hoped for. They'd never touch the original run, but they did the series proud. Especially considering it was Jonah's dream job.

But the way Joel seemingly handled the reboot regarding the OG cast left a bad taste in my mouth. And he's really been a dick on Twitter from time to time for seemingly no reason when interacting with fans.

I'm proud to have helped Kickstart the reboot, but they'll really have to go above and beyond to win me over again. Even with Emily, they never introduced her or the new bots before the live tour.


Oct 27, 2017
As a longtime fan, Jonah and the bots did as good as I could have hoped for. They'd never touch the original run, but they did the series proud. Especially considering it was Jonah's dream job.

But the way Joel seemingly handled the reboot regarding the OG cast left a bad taste in my mouth. And he's really been a dick on Twitter from time to time for seemingly no reason when interacting with fans.

I'm proud to have helped Kickstart the reboot, but they'll really have to go above and beyond to win me over again. Even with Emily, they never introduced her or the new bots before the live tour.
Joel is the creator of the show so he's obviously entitled to his ownership over it. But I've always wondered if he feels insecure about the fact that Mike and co. remained stewards of the show and its successors for far longer than Joel had been involved with it. Like after Mike, Bill, and Kevin had done the Film Crew and Rifftrax, Joel was compelled to set up a rival show which then didn't last very long or run as successfully. Which must do something to your head. But maybe I'm projecting how I'd feel about it if I were Joel lol


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
Joel is the creator of the show so he's obviously entitled to his ownership over it. But I've always wondered if he feels insecure about the fact that Mike and co. remained stewards of the show and its successors for far longer than Joel had been involved with it. Like after Mike, Bill, and Kevin had done the Film Crew and Rifftrax, Joel was compelled to set up a rival show which then didn't last very long or run as successfully. Which must do something to your head. But maybe I'm projecting how I'd feel about it if I were Joel lol

There was one back and forth he had on Twitter with someone who in a totally innocuous manner (no flame war shit) said a Mike episode was his favorite and Joel said something like, "I don't have a problem with Mike episodes. That's how I got my kids into the show."

Agent Unknown

Oct 26, 2017
Night of the Blood Beast is one of my favorite Mike episodes from the Comedy Central era. I also really dig the odd "parrot alien" creature in the movie because it seriously reminds me of a Chozo from Metroid.

Rocky Road

Jun 1, 2018
Always preferred the Joel episode, they're so humble and a lot more endearing and I prefer the more awkward and dry comedy. It's comfort food with occasional laugh out loud bits. The Mike episodes can be good at times too but it definitely feels like a different show with how mean they get, and the guy himself sucks so it's harder for me to rewatch them. Still enjoy them though. Jonah is pretty excellent, probably my second favorite after Joel and seeing him in between movies today makes me happy since I never imagined actually getting anymore MST3K content with him, let alone them being able to feature some of his episodes during one of the marathons. I have no idea what to think of the new people, having some of them seem to be trying their best and a couple of them are weak but I don't really blame them, this is just a long all-day event and not a formal production like any of the actual episodes. Still getting used to that Crow voice. Also it's great to see GPC's new name sticking despite the dumb complaints I've seen online about it.

Agent Unknown

Oct 26, 2017
"NASA's fruit truck makes a delivery!"

The trailer park version of NASA in this episode is sad and pathetic even for a low budget Corman movie, ha.
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Dec 18, 2017
The first Jonah season wasn't great but the second one wasn't bad. There's some great lines. "That's not human, Jack." "It's kangaroo Jack."

I agree. The first season was rough. The second season started rough and improved in pacing, writing, and acting throughout. Unfortunately it wasn't enough, given Netflix decided to can the series. I guess you can blame whoever you want: the main actors, the head writers, the directors, Joel.

Maybe Jonah and his crew would get even better in a 3rd season, pacing and writing issues would continue to improve, segments would be more interesting, over-arching story would be better, and less time and money would be wasted on poorly written cameos from high profile stars, but we'll never know. Which is a shame, because I love MST3k. But at least we have all these some great memories.

Rocky Road

Jun 1, 2018
Seeing that Netflix logo on a random stream gave me whiplash. Also, the Cry Wilderness episode is still amazing. I've watched this one so many times.


Oct 27, 2017
There was one back and forth he had on Twitter with someone who in a totally innocuous manner (no flame war shit) said a Mike episode was his favorite and Joel said something like, "I don't have a problem with Mike episodes. That's how I got my kids into the show."

Idk if I really can interpret something like that as an insult or derogatory towards anyone, tbh.

Agent Unknown

Oct 26, 2017
Cry Wilderness is such a weird movie. It's like it doesn't know if it wants to be just a regular, hokey family camping movie or a fantasy flick.

Rocky Road

Jun 1, 2018
Cry Wilderness is such a weird movie. It's like it doesn't know if it wants to be just a regular, hokey family camping movie or a fantasy flick.

It's really such a mess. Awful that the one dude straight up chokes a raccoon at one point, the audacity of this movie doing so many questionable things just for the sake of melodrama sometimes is stunning. I might be misremembering but I'm pretty sure I remember hearing about how it was almost lost media or something prior to MST3K? Either that or almost nothing about it existed online until MST3K. It's one of my favorite things they've riffed with the Netflix seasons because it's like its own very niche type of weird even compared to the rest of the movies.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
To each their own, but I absolutely loved S11 and S12. I thought the writing was great, I love Jonah, Hampton and Baron, the mix of movies and video quality of the films was pretty great. I mean, Cry Wilderness is one of my top ten episodes of all time, if not top five.

I'm super bummed that they never got a S13. Especially having talked to Jonah when he did a show in Bloomington and said he really wanted to do one more season with the current crew. I get that scheduled are harder with the three mains being busy, ignoring Patton and Felicia being super busy, but I kind of agree with the poster above that it feels like they changed the cast to save money vs. some creative improvement.

I'll always be partial to the Joel episodes, but each era and seasons therein have their really strong spots. Even if I don't prefer the "meanness" of the Sci Fi era, good heavens does it have some classic episodes. Werewolf, Space Mutiny, Jack Frost, just to name a few.

It's midnight now and this is just a show, I should really just relax.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Colorado Springs, CO
My issue with the Netflix seasons isn't Jonah. He did the best with the material he was given. The biggest problems lie with Felicia Day, the recasting and bad characterization of the 'bots, and over all too much polish.

Felicia Day is just unfunny to me. Her delivery lacks good comedic timing and her tone feels so forced, especially next to Patton Oswald. There have been plenty of great funny women who have worked on the show, but Felicia is not one of them.

The bots just aren't written the same way and it's a huge bummer. Tom, in particular, just isn't even close to the same as he was written in older seasons. It also doesn't help that the voices of Crow and Tom are entirely too similar to regularly differentiate them during riffs. Gypsy (or GPC) isn't even close to the same and they took it in a wildly different direction for no described reason.

Finally, I think the show was just too polished to have the same charm. It's obvious that early seasons did everything on a shoe string budget and it meant they had to be more creative with how to do skits and musical numbers. The Netflix seasons just have too much going on. From the unnecessary house band to the special guests, it just didn't feel the same and it lost a lot of the charm. Also, it's obvious that the satellite inhabitants have almost no musical chops. The music is simpler, without harmonies, and mostly not as funny as it probably aimed to be.

That's my $0.02 on the whole thing. I'm not looking forward to Synthia, but I need to see more before I cast any other judgements.

Agent Unknown

Oct 26, 2017
It's really such a mess. Awful that the one dude straight up chokes a raccoon at one point, the audacity of this movie doing so many questionable things just for the sake of melodrama sometimes is stunning.

Ugh, that part just makes me cringe. Poor little raccoon.

And that guy is so uncomfortably weird, like they wanted to cram in a hammy '80s action character element too in between everything else.

I might be misremembering but I'm pretty sure I remember hearing about how it was almost lost media or something prior to MST3K? Either that or almost nothing about it existed online until MST3K.

Interesting, hadn't heard that before. I'd believe it since like you said, it feels like the movie just cane out of nowhere with S12.

Rocky Road

Jun 1, 2018
Honestly I'd love to see Jonah return and would be okay with losing Patton and Felicia if it were necessary for keeping him, as much as I like Patton's voice and loved Kinga. Aesthetically speaking she was one of my favorite Mads but Jonah really needs a proper sendoff and I'm willing to sacrifice his previous Mads for it. Would also like to see it be lower budget again and to not push so many celebrity cameos. Honestly if they did drastically tone down the visual upgrades and cameos in the Netflix series they could probably have afforded the core cast for more seasons. Either way Netflix pretty much kills anything interesting these days in favor of cashing out on six seasons of stuff like Big Mouth so who knows.

I'm still ready to move on if we really can't get anything else with Jonah. Nothing wrong with Emily getting her own shot at episodes too on another platform if we even get more seasons at this point, haven't seen the live shows at all sadly but I think she has potential but at the same time I really do think they should at least try to get some more out of Jonah. The fact he came back for this marathon definitely tells me he would probably still be up for it