meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Maybe I've been desensitised by other films, but this was more of a slow, psychological film rather than a series of increasingly visually horrific scenarios and gore.
It's a shame that folks are misapprehending the film's reputation for being hard to watch as meaning that it's outrageously blood-spattered and transgressively violent. Perhaps we have Saving Private Ryan and its viscera-strewn scenes to thank for setting up that expectation.

Come and See is horrifying because it gets across with greater immediacy than perhaps any other war film the full horror--emotional and psychological, as well as physical--of war's effect on the human condition. Klimov shows the toll living this hell takes on our humanity, the landscape, and a whole way of life, to the point where no one touched by it can ever live the same existence again. War is the ultimate test of man's conscience.


Oct 27, 2017

Zombie has been very hit or miss for me and I expected to put this as a miss but I kinda dug it. I doubt I'll ever watch again but I enjoyed this 2 hour live action cartoon enough to not feel like I wasted my time. I also don't put the old show up on a pedestal like some seem to.


I have a soft spot for JCVD. Even his really awful DTV stuff I'll watch like this one, Kill Em All. It actually has an okay cast: Peter Stormare, Daniel Bernhardt and María Conchita Alonso. It's not the worst thing JCVD has done, but it's nothing special. Even has a
Keyser Soze ending.


First time seeing Fright Night but have heard of it for years. I don't get it's cult appeal. The practical effects are good but the acting by everyone except Humperdinck and fake Helsing was awful. The sequel sounds intriguing though.


The remake is better in almost every way. Especially David Tennant, stole the whole damn movie. The only thing I wouldn't say was better than the original was Colin Farrell. He was more sleazy sexy while Humperdinck was suave. Not saying either was better, just different takes on the same character and both takes worked.


First time watching Hocus Pocus and I think of I had actually seen this when I was a kid, maybe I'd love it like many others. But instead I kinda liked it. I'd compare it to The Munsters, I don't really need to see it again (but my wife and daughter really like it doyi probably will) but don't feel the time was wasted. The sequel... Worse, much worse. That one I won't watch again, even if wife or daughter wants to. I'll go play some games or watch something else on the other tv.


Oct 25, 2017

First time seeing Fright Night but have heard of it for years. I don't get it's cult appeal. The practical effects are good but the acting by everyone except Humperdinck and fake Helsing was awful. The sequel sounds intriguing though.

the sequel is great, and the best of both series. same director as halloween 3, but it's not as divergent as that is.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
In preparation of Wednesday (2022) on Netflix.

The Addams Family (1991)
+ The late Raul Julia is brilliant as Gomez
+ So does Christopher Lloyd as Fester
+ Mathuska dancing scene
- Average film overall

Addams Family Values (1993)
+ Another great performances by the actors & actresses
+ Camp Chippewa
+ Better humor
+ Better film overall than the first
= Slightly above average film for the 90s 🤷


Jul 25, 2022
Just caught The Redeem Team on Netflix.

Pretty good show. Bosh and Melo are hilarious. Also got a glimpse of how charismatic Lebron is. The bit where Kobe ran through Gasol is funny as hell.

Boozer is pretty good as well, but got way too much screen time. If I'd shown this to a person with no NBA knowledge, they would have thought Boozer is a a superstar base on this doc.


Oct 25, 2017
Usually post my London Film Festival dispatches but too tired and busy so far. Will probably write up some of my more detailed and contrarian thoughts near the end (I actually quite liked Bardo).

One thing I've noticed is how much death there is thematically. Lots of dead protagonists this year so far (and an significant count of dead kids).


Oct 25, 2017
The Son

Shocking this is the next film from the guy who did The Father. The Father was unnerving and inventive. The Son is generic and bland. Perhaps the script is so forgettable to try and make its themes universal but in the end it's just cliched ridden. The characters have no character to speak of, probably the weakest Oscar chasing film I've seen this year so far.


Oct 27, 2017
Watched The Whale at a festival. I loved it.. the Brendan hype is real. It's very much a typical Aronofsky movie.. so if his storytelling style isn't your thing, you're definitely not gonna be a fan.


Oct 27, 2017

I'm an Alien 3 and Resurrection fan. Of those I much prefer Resurrection. And everything after this involving Aliens have been much much... Much worse. How did Michael Wincott not become a star? Dude has an incredible voice and presence. Anyways, this is also the funniest Alien movie. Great cast all around.


The first 30-40 minutes I was actually enjoying this movie. The acting by the band is crap. Grohl the best of the bunch but still, he ain't winning any acting awards. Then after that first third or so, just down hill. Decent effects at least.


First time watching Candyman and it was really good. Tony Todd is always fun to watch and he's a great supernatural villain. Virginia Madsen is good, but I don't think I've ever seen her bad, even when the movie is shit. I did skip it's 2 sequels.


Actually a decent comedy and JCVD is hilarious in this. Adam Brody is a little annoying but that's kinda the point for most the movie. Couple Bob's Burgers alum are in this too.


That video of Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd got me in the mood to watch a Fox flick. And I love Frighteners. I'd actually consider it Peter Jackson's best movie. Yeah, it's better than all 3 LOTR flicks.


As Candyman finished, I knew where this new one was going to go. At least that Yahya was playing the little boy from the original. The movie flew by and when there wasn't much time left, I felt like there could be another hour but then it ends and that ending was actually quite satisfying.


The Limey got a 4k UHD steelbook. Fucking movie never got a Blu-ray till this came out because there's a Blu-ray disc in it. Hot damn it was a good day. It's got that Soderbergh old school touch. I will definitely be watching this disc many times. The scene between Terence Stamp and Bill Duke should be talked about much more than it is, if it is at all.


Nov 16, 2017
My brother and I completed our watch of The X-Files (only the first 5 seasons per recommendations) with The X-Files Movie. We went in expecting it to be bad but we both really enjoyed it. Massive liberties taken from other franchises but that's the X-Files for you. A great ending to the series, no real desire to check out any of the seasons.


Oct 27, 2017

Villains too over the top. The twist at the end was obvious. Sly is good. I feel like of he had this role 20 years ago, he would have slept walk through it. But he gave it heart. Don't know if any sequels are planned but I'd watch another.


Sam Neill is kinda a dick in this and he's great at it. I feel like In the Mouth is overlooked a bit compared to some of Carpenter's other work, but it shouldn't be. It belongs up there with Halloween and Thing.


Actually a decent JCVD semi recent movie. The origin for the title is dumb but there's some decent action and the story ain't bad.


I didn't have this movie but it is not at all what I wanted for a final Halloween. This whole new trilogy has been a let down. There are things I liked but as wholes, not a fan. My favorite Halloween sequel is still H20.


Great fights, dark sense of humor, and Adkins fights a clown at one point. Hitman's Holiday might be better than the first Accident Man.


There's a few movies I'm still waiting to get Blu-ray, or HD streaming. Nature of the Beast is one of those. I finally just bought a DVD of it. Has a good twist ending and the 2 leads, Roberts and Hendrickson, are great.


I was going to watch the remake but I decided to see how much the original was and on Apple it was $3 to buy. That was cheaper than renting. I don't think it was very good. I guess I expected more craziness from the people going crazy. Especially being Romero.


I was expecting a piece of shit. I only bought because Scott Adkins is in it and got it super cheap. I actually had a lot of fun with Re-Kill. Lots of satire commercials, ala Robocop or Starship Troopers, and the kills were really gory.


Oct 27, 2017

Better in every way over the original. Better kills, better effects, more tense. And it definitely helps it stars one of the most characteristic actors ever, Timothy Olyphant. Radha Mitchell never disappoints either, at least the movies I've seen her in.


Mildly disappointing. It wasn't a waste of time but I'm not sure I'll ever watch again. The stunts and fights were a bit lacking considering the director. Also, Brad Pitt felt like a supporting character even though he had the most screen time. No one felt like the main character. Even the cameos were kinda lame.


Really dug The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Very little gore, no nudity, and even no real cursing surprisingly. I like how simple it is. There's no stalking or setting up elaborate traps. It's just some kids show up at the wrong house and then get killed or caught right away by a crazy chainsaw man.

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User-requested account closure
Apr 3, 2018
Saw Dagon a few nights ago when I hit that panic of "not having anything to watch," mode. Turned it on for Lovecraft and got what apparently RE4 was HEAVILY inspired by instead. Kinda mindblowing.

Everything from the villagers chattering and shouting in the background in Spanish while pursuing the MC, rustic old town taken over by something evil/parasitic, just the general visuals etc and of course:

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Nov 4, 2017

Watched this on Peacock. A film that had me saying WTF by the end. Checked out a couple reddit threads and a YouTube video to make sure I understood exactly what happened. (Differing opinions on the details). Definitely unique.


Nov 4, 2017

Been a long time since I watched the original, thought this was solid even if the magic of the first film couldn't quite be recaptured. Zoey Deutch is good in her role, as a new addition.


Oct 27, 2017

I prefer the Brendan Fraser Mummy. This was pretty boring and the sets felt cheap. For the Universal classic monster movies, I had only seen Creature from the Black Lagoon which I enjoyed quite a bit.


Really dug Bodies Bodies Bodies. I absolutely died at the ending. Lee Pace is unrecognizable. I still think of Pushing Daisies but dude can play anything.


I remember after Land came out, Romero was interested in making a direct sequel to it. That didn't pan out and instead we get this. I didn't hate it but it's definitely the worst of the Romero zombie movies(at least so far, I still have Survival). I always assumed all the previous movies were in same continuity. This one clearly starts a new one. She Hulk has a small role. That was kinda cool.


Dracula is my favorite of the old monsters movies so far. The sets were great. Much better story than Mummy. Biggest complaint would be the rats and bats were terrible looking.


Nov 4, 2017

Good cast, okay story. Unexpected in spots. Was a fan of the two leads from TV shows which made me check it out, felt they have shined better in other projects I've seen them in.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
Got a good amount of movies to talk about, mostly falling into fitting the holiday.

Eyes Wide Shut (1999) This was an odd movie to watch. The chemistry was unpalpaple between Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman and whoever those two were paired with, but it ended up being a bit slice-of-life like as they both questioned their relationship with each other. There was also the sex cult, which... I would say is probably comparable to what we see in Game of Thrones which made it a bit of a trendsetter at the time. You'll find great acting in this movie as well as some good back and forth between the leads, but if you're looking for some explosive climax you'll be disappointed. It's not bad by any means, but it will be wise to adjust your expectations. 7/10

Solaris (1972) I'll have to agree with Tarkovsky here and saw that this wasn't as impressive as his work on Stalker. There's a lot of intrigue with the sci-fi elements, but it didn't manage to catch my attention that much. Do you think I'd like the remake more? 6.5/10

Frankenhooker (1990) For a movie that is very much focused in becoming a B-horror film, it does have some progressive elements into it, such as showcasing the plight of sex workers and Jeffrey being the poster boy for what would be the 'nice guy' in the future. Limited budget aside, the budget isn't that bad either and Patty goes a great job portraying the titular monster with all those facial expressions. But other than her, the other actors don't really measure up and neither does the script despite the interesting message the movie is trying to imply. I can definitely see why it's considered a cult classic, but I don't see how it can go any higher than that. 6/10

Marcel the Shell with the Shoes On (2022) I went on to watch the short videos first and thought they were alright with some brilliance sprinkled in there. The movie ended up blowing those expectations out of the water. It ended up both being a hilarious outing as well as a devastating drama that will rip your heart out. Definitely A24's second best outing this year. 8.5/10

Hocus Pocus 2 (2022) This all had the makings of a disaster. Hollywood's record of bringing back franchises from the dead haven't been the best. This was doubly so if you're only sending it directly to streaming. But this year seems to be an exception for the most part, and this movie continues that trend. The witches hardly lost their step from their last outing and all had their highlights. The biggest surprise was that the newcomers were... actually pretty good. The movie did its best to move away from stereotypes and helped exceed my low expectations. It also had a few instances of hidden depths with its storytelling. It's not as good as the original, but I didn't have the first one that high up in the first place. Overall, both stories are decent fun to watch with your kids. 6.4/10

The Sting (1973) Thankfully this one is more light-hearted fun as a con artist seeks revenge on a mob boss in the best way he could: swindle him out of all of his money. As far as the cons themselves go, they're brilliantly done with all the potential twists and turns that happen throughout the movie. The Newman and Redford duo from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid are impeccable as ever along with familiar director George Roy Hill, but everyone pulls their weight in this one. The final heist had me grinning ear to ear with how they got me good. It's not as well known, but I highly recommend checking it out as it stands well with its more classic brethren. 8.5/10

Going Places (1974) I had to check out to see why the people who made The Jesus Rolls wanted to adapt this movie so badly. YMMV on how much you can handle these two assholes, but they managed to get a good amount of laughs out of me. And the show managed to make their slice of life experiences much more interesting. That said, it's borderline impossible to make something like this to be tasteful. But it's something to check out if you're a fan of black comedy. 6.75/10

Black Adam (2022) This is a movie that just reeks of a bad director mucking up what could have been a decent popcorn flick. Most of the cast struggles to make anything out of their script, either because their dialogue is uninspiring or they weren't that good. The action can't even match the bombastic style of its inspiration Snyder outside the first 30 minutes of the film. And to be clear, there are a few good bits about the film from Bronson's performance as Fate to their attempt to criticize superheroes for keeping the status quo to the music which is surprisingly good (sadly it isn't implemented well in the film itself outside the credits). I will say that Snyder's style is harder to replicate than I previously thought. But in that case it should be more imperative for the DCEU to play its own different styles to see what fits rather than copy someone else's work whether it's Snyder or the MCU (I'm looking at you Atom Smasher). 4.75/10

Bartok the Magnificent (1999) It's been a while since I checked this one out. I was actually trying to find this movie for the longest time until a video essay reminded me of it. For the most part I agree with its assessment that this is the best set of music Don Bluth has made along with the choreography to at least stay competitive with Disney's counterparts. The story itself is pretty basic, but it does subvert expectations in a few clever ways. The voice acting here is pretty great too with Kelsey Grammer having is most underrated role to date. This just needed more time to fully tell its story. It sucks that Bluth got removed from the movie making business right when things were turning around for him, but maybe some of his works can get people to see him in a different light. 7/10
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meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Solaris (1972) I'll have to agree with Tarkovsky here and saw that this wasn't as impressive as his work on Stalker. There's a lot of intrigue with the sci-fi elements, but it didn't manage to catch my attention that much. Do you think I'd like the remake more? 6.5/10
If Tarkovsky's Solaris failed to hold your attention, then Clooney's remake, which is like half the length, might be more your speed.


Oct 27, 2017

I continue through the old classic monster movies. I recognized more scenes than the others I've seen. Monster doesn't show up till almost halfway through movie though. Hoping in sequel we start off at the beginning with the monster there.


Really liked the trailer. Not a big fan of the movie. Leigh Whannell stole the movie. That surprised me as he was pretty shitty in Saw(but has come out as a really good director/writer). Rainn Wilson also had a few solid bits. Everything else was pretty mediocre.


Don't let the poster fool you. Campbell and Carradine are not the leads. But still a very funny good time. Lots of good actors show up.


STILL NO BLURAY!!!! At least in N. America. Hulu saved the day.


Didn't really care for Nope. I was pretty bored till the scene at the rodeo park thing. Then it was pretty good. Overall though... meh. The acting was top notch at least. Keke Palmer is someone I need to watch out for. She is great.


Oct 27, 2017
I've finally watched Charlie Kaufman's I'm Thinking of Ending Things and I have some thoughts and hot takes. Kaufman needs to step away from the director chair and go back to write for other directors. I'm a big fan of his earlier work, I mean the stuff that put him on the map weren't only smart and experimental, they were interesting, memorable and most importantly, entertaining. I remember the first time I watched Adaptation, where I wasn't just shocked by Nic Cage's amazing performance but how the screenplay is so goddamn good and honestly inspiration to any fan of film. I could talk at length about it, or Eternal Sunshine or Being John Malkovich. Those are world class screenplays as far as I'm concerned.

Kaufman's latest though, just like Synecdoche, New York, left me scratching my head and NOT in a good way. In ITOET he's almost channeling Lynch but man did it not work for me. Now the movie did manage to hold my interest till the end where I was fully on board to see how this ride concludes, unlike TENET for example, but when the bizarre, creepy, surrealism of Lynch manages to give you that feel of peeking into someone's dream and leaves you scratching your head, in a good way! this felt more like a smorgasbord of ideas that Kaufman put together with the intent of pushing the viewer to watch his film multiple times to "appreciate" it, and I'm not sure this is a good thing, particularly here.

I've read through couple of reviews, and one spoiled the book and its twist for me but it only furthered my stance. Perhaps there's a good film in there if it was helmed by another director, Kaufman's attempt thu just feels messy, too messy, with literary and film references that often feel more pretentious than meaningful.

I did enjoy Anomalisa and need to rewatch it some time, thu it isn't anywhere nearly as good as his earlier work.


Oct 27, 2017

Found a clearanced Simpsons 1up Arcade at Walmart and I needed something I didn't have to pay 100% attention to while putting it together. Of course it's an amazing movie. Can't wait for the next Selick movie.


I went in only knowing that Barbarian was a horror movie starring Justin Long. I loved it. Long absolutely killed it in this role. A couple issues with it but overall I definitely see myself watching more times. Hoping we get a physical 4k release soon
May 24, 2019
Saw a marathon of seance/spirits/ESP movies on Sunday:
The Medusa Touch
Blithe Spirit
The Fury
Seance on a Wet Afternoon
Man on a Swing
The Sixth Sense
Night Has a Thousand Eyes
Tourist Trap (This one is just a slasher with some very light telekinesis thrown in. I think it was only there to leave people with something dumb and energetic.)

Everyone should check out Man on a Swing. It's about a clairvoyant assisting a police department on a murder case, and the psychic guy's performance is amazing.

Last night was Arachnophobia presented in "4D" with a bunch of in-theatre gimmicks like the whole place being covered in webs you had to dig through to sit down, fog and flashlights whenever characters were using theirs, a big fake spider descending in front of the projector any time the movie focused on the critters creeping up on people, and plush spiders lowered on wires to peoples' laps from the balcony and little plastic toy spiders being thrown out when the movie spiders were were attacking en masse.
Also live spider handling in the lobby afterward. This was a theatre in Avondale, Auckland NZ, and the movie imported Avondale spiders, so they were the genuine article.
It worked so perfectly and elevated that middling movie so much with shrieks and laughter that it's a shame they didn't go that route when they released it


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone else seen Hard To Be a God? Had Monday off from work so I figured I could finally fit in the 3 hour runtime. Can't say I really enjoyed it (probably the most inscrutable film I've ever seen), but the production is impressive and I've been thinking about it ever since, definitely a film that grows on you.
Probably gonna read the book soon and maybe someday I'll be able to watch it again.


Oct 25, 2017
Outlaws: Pretty decent Korean gangster/cop movie and really brutal. Also, Ma Dong-seok spent 2/3 of the movie slapping people, so for that alone it was worth it.

the follow up, the roundup is just as good. both films have strong yakuza-vibes in terms of tone and slapping.
Jun 24, 2019

Hidden Figures (2016)

Lovely feel-good movie. It explores the hardships of African-American women in the science field during the segregation era. What's fascinating is that the main trio are based on real people who worked for NASA in the 40s - 60s.


Nosferatu (1922)

My spooky flick for Halloween! For a silent movie made in 1922, the acting was good and the score set the ominous tone wonderfully; very creepy and somewhat amusing. I had fun voicing over the characters to match whatever expressions they played out.
May 24, 2019
Anyone else seen Hard To Be a God? Had Monday off from work so I figured I could finally fit in the 3 hour runtime. Can't say I really enjoyed it (probably the most inscrutable film I've ever seen), but the production is impressive and I've been thinking about it ever since, definitely a film that grows on you.
Probably gonna read the book soon and maybe someday I'll be able to watch it again.
I went to it at a film festival and unfortunately slept through it. I love slow movies, so I'm putting that on me not being in the right condition to take it in.
I just remember it being impressively squalid 😂


Mar 25, 2021
Anyone else seen Hard To Be a God? Had Monday off from work so I figured I could finally fit in the 3 hour runtime. Can't say I really enjoyed it (probably the most inscrutable film I've ever seen), but the production is impressive and I've been thinking about it ever since, definitely a film that grows on you.
Probably gonna read the book soon and maybe someday I'll be able to watch it again.

Every shot in that film is brilliant, but the first time I watched it I had no idea what I was doing. It's a three hour film about people blowing their nose or rubbing shit in themselves. So I finished it wondering why the hell I watched it.

Could not stop thinking about it for months after the first watch. Now it's an all time favourite film. There's nothing like it (that I've seen, anyway). Definitely need to be in the right mood to even try and watch it though.


Jul 25, 2018
Hidden Figures (2016)

Lovely feel-good movie. It explores the hardships of African-American women in the science field during the segregation era. What's fascinating is that the main trio are based on real people who worked for NASA in the 40s - 60s.
The bathroom scene ruined it for me.

Oscar-nominated “Hidden Figures” was whitewashed — but it didn’t have to be

The Oscar nominations are a little blacker this year. Actually, a lot blacker, considering how white the acting categories were last year. This time around, three out of the five Best Supporting Actress nominees are black, including Octavia Spencer for her role in “Hidden Figures,” a film based...


Apr 19, 2018
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
Pray for the Devil
Hocus Pocus 2
Must be something else somewhere in there, but I can't recall.

Also not in that order, and in a week I can add Wakanda Forever
Jun 24, 2019
The bathroom scene ruined it for me.

Oscar-nominated “Hidden Figures” was whitewashed — but it didn’t have to be

The Oscar nominations are a little blacker this year. Actually, a lot blacker, considering how white the acting categories were last year. This time around, three out of the five Best Supporting Actress nominees are black, including Octavia Spencer for her role in “Hidden Figures,” a film based...

I'm aware the movie is historical fiction, the white saviour trope did annoy me ngl

I was more invested in how main trio were geeking about their specialism and confronting microaggressions.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone else seen Hard To Be a God? Had Monday off from work so I figured I could finally fit in the 3 hour runtime. Can't say I really enjoyed it (probably the most inscrutable film I've ever seen), but the production is impressive and I've been thinking about it ever since, definitely a film that grows on you.
Probably gonna read the book soon and maybe someday I'll be able to watch it again.
Yeah loved it when I first saw it at London Film Festival.


Oct 27, 2017

It's crazy that this is the only Denzel movie that became a franchise. It's decent but really by the numbers. I swear originally Pullman was going to be a villain. He's shot so weird. Even my wife was all "boo they're going to make him a bad guy." Him and Melissa Leo were pretty much wasted.


Really cool that every major cast member came back for the movie and tied up the major plot still open. But it's about as good as the final season of the show, which was the worst season of the show.


Pretty decent kids movie. Best part was Keanu as Batman. And the after credits scene was pretty funny.


I didn't buy into the hype and actually went in with low expectations. I figured a sequel to Top Gun couldn't be that good. Man was I wrong. I loved it from beginning to the end. Absolutely top notch picture and sound. It's my new demo 4k disc. I do regret not seeing it in the biggest theater I could have.


Nov 4, 2017

Saw this last night. Agree with some of the sentiment that it feels like more of a throwback superhero film. There are some elements I really enjoyed like some of the action, the JSA, a few bits of humor. But the film does suffer from not having a compelling villain and a pretty basic story.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Anyone else seen Hard To Be a God? Had Monday off from work so I figured I could finally fit in the 3 hour runtime. Can't say I really enjoyed it (probably the most inscrutable film I've ever seen), but the production is impressive and I've been thinking about it ever since, definitely a film that grows on you.
Probably gonna read the book soon and maybe someday I'll be able to watch it again.
Like The Man Who Fell to Earth, Hard to Be a God is something of a perverse Christ allegory. Basically, whatever/whoever God is--and, make no mistake, God is always made in our image--it is no match for the depths of human depravity. As in the Nic Roeg film, were "God" ever to come down and live among us, it wouldn't take long for him to resemble us degraded mortals and his "superpowers" rendered impotent in the face of our mortifying barbarity. Truly among humans, it is hard to be a god.

(While of course "God" here is a small team of Earth scientists sent to observe the inhabitants of another planet, it's no coincidence that its terribly debased "civilization" is intended to suggest an interpretation of our world's European medieval past. )