
Oct 27, 2017
So why are people say Oldboy?
the movie opens with the protagonist being kidnapped and imprisioned for years for aparently no reason.
we see how the isolation bleeds out so much of his sanity and humanity.

sure it gets worse from there but the general tone is pretty fucking dark from page 1

was a left turn even for that movie. i personally didn't think it was all that "out there" per the movie but i can see how some would think that


Oct 27, 2017
The killer inside me.

The movie is dark in general, and is advertised as so, but the first time it goes anywhere beyond creepy characters, it goes to full on visceral domestic abuse, bordering torture porn.


Oct 25, 2017
Lots of Korean movies do this. It seems like they all want to make me cry even though I wasn't trying to watch a tragedy.

Some of the ones I remember doing this right off the top of my head:

My Boss My Hero
It's a screwball comedy up to the point where one of the kids gets in a crazy graphic car accident.
Sex is Zero
A romantic comedy up until the main love interest gets pregnant and has an abortion.

If there's one thing I expect from Korean movies, it's a dark turn if it isn't dark to start with.


Oct 28, 2017
Definitely 'Super'

Arlington Road ended with a pretty good gut-punch too, though I guess it never pretends to be anything other than a thriller, so... I'm not really sure just having a twisty ending counts?

Also... Perfect Blue goes real dark, real quick
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Click and Terabithia are the strongest examples.

Some in this thread I don't think work out as well.


Dec 4, 2017

Maybe not entirely out of nowhere if you're familiar with Grave of the Fireflies and know that it's from the same director. But it's very brutal and tragic for a movie about cute animals.

Why the hell is no one following OP's example and telling how it's dark and changes direction?

Also why are people saying dark movies getting darker? Pans Labyrinth? Mother?
Click is a good example of what OP meant.

I'll go with Million Dollar Baby.

Hilary Swank plays a boxer. Does amazing and really manages to squeeze out some money.She has an accident that leaves her paralyzed. She convinces her manager and trainer helps her commit suicide.

Click and Terabithia are the strongest examples.

Some in this thread I don't think work out as well.

yes but what are the damn examples?!


Jun 10, 2018
Yeah, Don't Breathe goes from a rather run-of-the-mill horror/thriller to a dark place real fucking quick.
Oct 29, 2017
I Melt With You

couple of lifelong friends getting back together for a party. Halfway through the movie one kills him self and reminds them of a pact they made to die together so the rest of the movie is them killing each other and crying pretty much. Fucking strange.
Jan 2, 2018
Okay, can someone please explain to me how Click fits the premise of this thread? I only remember the usual terrible humour of an Adam Sandler movie. What happened in the second half?


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
People in this thread naming movies about serial killers or actual horror movies or movies titled MURDER DEATH BAD TIMES. What are you doing.
Okay, can someone please explain to me how Click fits the premise of this thread? I only remember the usual terrible humour of an Adam Sandler movie. What happened in the second half?
Not advertised in the trailers or typical of previous Sandler movies, the third act of Click suddenly swerves into an overly sentimental dramedy in which Adam Sandler watches himself lose his family due to his obsession with work and die young due to his unhealthy lifestyle. It's very emotionally manipulative, but not really in a bad way. It's actually one of his better movies.


Oct 28, 2017
Running On Karma

Oh hey it's Andy Lau wearing muscle suit on the poster. Gotta be an action film. Nope!!
Jan 2, 2018
Not advertised in the trailers or typical of previous Sandler movies, the third act of Click suddenly swerves into an overly sentimental dramedy in which Adam Sandler watches himself lose his family due to his obsession with work and die young due to his unhealthy lifestyle. It's very emotionally manipulative, but not really in a bad way. It's actually one of his better movies.

Thank you! It seems like I slept through that part or dropped the movie before it reached it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Does "Dear Zachary" count? It's a documentary, but whoo...


Nov 7, 2017
The Beaver

Mel Gibson is a depressed man who is CEO of a failing toys company, who is kicked out of his house by his wive and his older son thinks he is a loser. One day he finds a hand puppet of a beaver in the garbage, puts it on and starts communicating as the beaver.
He wears the puppet constantly and his life improves massively. Some hijinks occur, some laughs can be had and it looks like a warming comedy about a man find a way to connect with the world.
Then in the third act, the personality of the beaver starts to take over, his family leaves the house because they can't be around Mel, Mel and the puppet get into a fight and Mel cuts off his own arm to get rid of the puppet.


Oct 25, 2017
The trailer doesn't indicate it will be anything more than a cute fish out of water story for celestial beings with some drama about defiance to monarchy.


I had no idea that Princess Kaguya was going to end up being about the oppression of women throughout history. Depressing as hell ending, but it's Isao Takahata so I should have expected.


Oct 27, 2017

Gymkata. When Kurt Thomas ends up in the Village of the Crazies. Spooked me as a kid, and I'm sure someone at Capcom got inspired by that scene for RE4.
Oh, man, that's a great scene. Some wild shit in that village! Luckily there's a pommel horse sitting in the middle of the town square so he can do his thing.
With the way it opens? No.
I was gonna suggest Bone Tomahawk, but that starts pretty dark, too.

Mortal Mario

Apr 15, 2019
Stroszek - A heartwarming tale about three misfits who manage to escape hard times in Germany and find the American Dream.

2/3rds through the film everything suddenly falls apart for the title character. Throughout the film he's portrayed as a naïf who seemingly overcomes the odds to find happiness through pure optimism, until reality suddenly crashes in on his new life - he loses his job, his home, his friends and, after an act of desperation, his liberty, and we're left with the famous final image of a chicken dancing. It's bleak even for Herzog, although he explored similar themes in The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser.

Okja - Starts out appearing to be a fairly lighthearted and quirky film about a young girl and her pet super pig.
Oct 27, 2017
Arlington Road ended with a pretty good gut-punch too, though I guess it never pretends to be anything other than a thriller, so... I'm not really sure just having a twisty ending counts?

It definitely doesn't fit the thread theme, but the ending to this movie is quite possibly my favourite film ending of all time. For two reasons

Not only does the bad guy get away with everything scot free, but the hero dies and gets blamed for the whole thing. It's brutal


Oct 25, 2017
It's not really super dark and it's just one brief moment in the middle of the film, but the scene in the middle of Spider-Man: Homecoming where Toomes accidentally vaporizes the first Shocker is rather dark and violent for how relatively lighthearted the film is overall. Felt really out of place.


Jul 17, 2019
The Adventures of Mark Twain had everything a family film could have needed. Claymation! Mark Twain! THE FUCKING ADVERSARY HIMSELF



Oct 29, 2017
One Piece (Movie 6): Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island written by Masahiro Ito of the Silent Hill Series. The ending is scary AF.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I didn't see it myself but I've read spoilers for The Book of Henry and A Cure for Wellness, with both films have some pretty dark detours in their direction after some point. Although for A Cure for Wellness, it's less dark and more insane as to where that finally ends up.

As for movies I've seen, I'd consider Sorry to Bother You, Hancock, and The Sound of Music as examples. I'd also say Gremlins goes dark even before that Santa Claus story TBH, with how the gremlins start attacking people. That you never really see what happens to some of them really puts it in the "dark turn" territory, even if some of the events veer more towards "black comedy" rather than explicitly "dark".

Coco also has an great example with the reveal of a certain character. Even if one figures there was something shady going on with that person; I honestly was not expecting it to have it shown to play out as it did, let alone veer into that territory to begin with.


Oct 25, 2017
I wanna say Babe: Pig in the City but I think that movie starts pretty damn dark. If you were watching the two movies back-to-back though it might count!


Oct 27, 2017
That Seth Rogen movie Observe and Report. You go in expecting Paul blaurt mall cop and you leave going wtf. I admit the scene I'm talking about is just so random that I couldn't help but to chuckle.


Jul 17, 2019
Also Ewoks: The Battle For Endor literally opens with all the human characters from the first film getting murdered and all the Ewoks killed/captured except for the youngest daughter. Also the daughter has a bracelet that monitors each member of her family's life signs and the lights start going out one by one as the Ewoks and her family fight and lose.

Crazy shit for a made-for-tv film


Oct 26, 2017

This one starts off like a typical undercover cop thriller, then veers HARD FUCKING LEFT and gets into some really, really fucking uncomfortable territory with these two assholes:


I'm not gonna spoil it but god damn, I wasn't prepared walking into this one.

man reading the wiki plot summary for this movie is a fucking *TRIP*, lemme tell you.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Most recent one I saw that surprised me was Summer of 84
It throws away a lot of the charm it established up to that point just to make this big dark turn but I think it's ballsy as hell and kinda works as a "loss of innocence" moment. It might secretly be a great foil to that entire genre.


Mar 21, 2019
Robin Williams in World's Greatest Dad. In retrospect I guess the film was kinda building to that moment, but I didn't see it coming until it happened.

It's a dark comedy where Robin Williams comes home to find that his son (who had spent the film up until that point being a total asshole) has accidentally killed himself whilst experimenting with auto erotic asphyxiation

this is a good pick


Mar 21, 2019

Strange Days:
A little-known near-future (when made) cyberpunk film. The protagonist deals in recorded memories that can be experienced as immersive experiences, which leads him and the viewer to be confronted with....
A graphic first-person rape/murder sequence. The movie also has themes of racism, police brutality and corruption in a very raw and direct manner beyond what is usual for the genre.

this movie is so fucking underrated. total kino