Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I've been seeing this a lot lately on Era, and as an immunocompromised person myself, I need to put my foot down regarding this. People will come into discussion threads regarding COVID 19 or the vaccine and they'll end up implying or outright stating that immunocompromised people can't receive the vaccine. It's so common that I've seen dozens upon dozens of posts regarding it over the past year.

However immunocompromised people, under most circumstances, can receive the vaccine. From the CDC:

What You Need to Know
  • People who are immunocompromised are especially vulnerable to COVID-19.
  • Immunocompromised people ages 5 years and older should receive a COVID-19 vaccine primary series as soon as possible.
  • Moderately to severely immunocompromised people ages 18 years and older who completed their Moderna vaccine primary series should plan to get an additional primary dose 28 days after receiving their second shot.
  • Moderately to severely immunocompromised people ages 12 years and older who completed their Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine primary series should plan to get an additional primary dose 28 days after receiving their second shot.
  • Moderately to severely immunocompromised people ages 18 years and older who received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine primary series (Pfizer BioNTech or Moderna) and an additional primary dose are eligible to receive a booster shot.
  • Moderately to severely immunocompromised people ages 18 years and older who received Johnson & Johnson's Janssen (J&J/Janssen) COVID-19 vaccine should not receive an additional primary dose. However, they should get a booster shot (you may choose the type of COVID-19 vaccine for your booster shot) at least 2 months after their single-dose J&J/Janssen primary shot.

Note the language used too: We don't get a booster shot, the third shot is part of our standard protection. Many of us don't generate that great of an antibody response to the vaccine, if we generate one at all. So we need that third shot to either be fully protected, or have some semblance of protection.

Additionally, if you look at this page, you'll see a number of medical conditions that are more likely to make a person who is diagnosed with COVID-19 to become severely ill. People with compromised immune systems often have one or more of these conditions. Which is all the more important for us to get the vaccine and get protected.

I have both primary and secondary immunodeficiency. I have low levels of specific Immunoglobin G subtypes, and I deal with multiple autoimmune diseases. I walk with a cane thanks to psoriatic arthritis and spondyloarthritis, and eating things with gluten can potentially make me very sick. Additionally, I have a number of lung and sinus issues, including asthma, that could make it significantly worse if I became ill. I spent most of the first year of the pandemic locked away in my apartment, being forced to have everything delivered, medicines included, and when I did go out it was with a mask and with as much social distancing as I could muster.

The vaccines are the only reason I am now getting some semblance of a normal life back. I can finally go out again, and go to places indoors that used to be absolutely off limits. I've gotten to do activities with friends, and see my partner and family again. I know for a fact that the vaccines have protected me from dying from COVID too, because someone close to me got it not too long after I had my third shot. A miracle happened there, because I didn't catch it despite how much I was with them, and I was prepared for the worst when they told me I needed to get tested right away.

If you're immunocompromised, please work with your doctors to get the vaccine safely. They can help you sort out the best times to get the vaccine, and where to get it. It is very likely that you can receive it safely unless you are allergic to the ingredients, and your doctor can advise you what to do in the off-chance you can't receive it.

For everyone else, I'm begging you - please stop blanket saying that immunocompromised people can't get the vaccine. Most of us can get it, and those of us who can get it absolutely NEED to get it. Especially in the US, where COVID-19 restrictions have been significantly relaxed with little to no regards to our safety.

And to all of you who have gotten vaccinated and/or are still social distancing and wearing masks, thank you for doing so. I greatly appreciate it, and I imagine all of us who are immunocompromised appreciate it as well.


Oct 27, 2017
Indeed, my understanding has always been that worst case for immunocompromised people is that the vaccine is not as effective as it should be, not that it's dangerous.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It should go without saying, but yeah, everyone who is immunocompromised should be in close communication with their doctor about the vaccine.

Anyone in that position should be extra reliant on their doctor's advice concerning COVID anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for doing the write up, I honestly wasn't 100% sure what would keep people from recieving the vaccine, so I always try to phrase it as "those who have legitimate medical reasons for not being vaccinated", instead of trying to be too specific.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Yup. My dad is immunocompromised due to having cancer and being on constant chemo, and he got all of his shots as soon as he was able to, including his 3rd/booster shot.

I don't know where the idea of immunocompromised people not being able to get vaccinated is coming from. Maybe some extremely rare autoimmune diseases are a counter-indicator (I don't know), but for the most part, the only people who can't get it are those allergic to the ingredients (extremely rare) and very young kids/babies too young to be vaccinated, as far as I know.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
So, I'm immuno-compromised due to medication I take to manage a chronic condition and I got my first shot pretty early on. I imagine most people in my condition got the shot last winter/early spring, right when it was made available.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a diabetic and still got my initial two shots. I will get the booster when I'm able.

No issues. COVID free.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm a diabetic and still got my initial two shots. I will get the booster when I'm able.

No issues. COVID free.

The best feeling is knowing that COVID may have hit you but it couldn't do absolutely anything noticeable to you due to the vaccine. Imagine how many vaccinated folk out there got COVID and just didn't know because of the vaccine.


Oct 25, 2017
100%.. I take Taltz injections for my 2 auto immune diseases and what that does is pretty much squash my immune system. I got the shot and had no issues with the shot and it has protected me for months. Will be getting booster soon..
Android Sophia

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for doing the write up, I honestly wasn't 100% sure what would keep people from recieving the vaccine, so I always try to phrase it as "those who have legitimate medical reasons for not being vaccinated", instead of trying to be too specific.

This is a very good way to put it.

Yup. My dad is immunocompromised due to having cancer and being on constant chemo, and he got all of his shots as soon as he was able to, including his 3rd/booster shot.

I don't know where the idea of immunocompromised people not being able to get vaccinated is coming from. Maybe some extremely rare autoimmune diseases are a counter-indicator (I don't know), but for the most part, the only people who can't get it are those allergic to the ingredients (extremely rare) and very young kids/babies too young to be vaccinated, as far as I know.

I dunno for certain. I've heard it all over the place, both on the internet and offline. Even from people who really should know better. Either way, spreading awareness right now feels like something I can and should be doing.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I didn't know this story was flying around. I'm not immunocompromised but my aunt is, and so she was fast-tracked to getting the vaccine. It was more of a relief hearing that she got hers than when I finally got mine.
Oct 25, 2017
"Live" vaccines (LAVs) are not recommended for immunocompromised individuals, because they essentially use weakened viruses which may still be dangerous to those with weak immune systems, and may not be effective enough in those individuals to be worth the risk.

None of the COVID-19 vaccines on the market are LAVs though, and thus they aren't capable of causing infections. They may not be as effective for immunocompromised individuals (for obvious reasons), but it's still recommended to get the shot (again, for obvious reasons).
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Oct 25, 2017
You're doing good work Android.
It's waay too easy to fall on a [sometimes] legitimate excuse to blanket a LOT of people making excuses otherwise. So it's good to speak up about it.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
I developed immunocompromised status during the first wave of shots, which meant I got priority for the booster.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
Yup. My dad is immunocompromised due to having cancer and being on constant chemo, and he got all of his shots as soon as he was able to, including his 3rd/booster shot.

I don't know where the idea of immunocompromised people not being able to get vaccinated is coming from. Maybe some extremely rare autoimmune diseases are a counter-indicator (I don't know), but for the most part, the only people who can't get it are those allergic to the ingredients (extremely rare) and very young kids/babies too young to be vaccinated, as far as I know.
Unfortunately there are physicians recommending immunocompromised people not getting the vaccine, and with lies about how the vaccine was pushed out early and has a ton of experimental drugs not supposed to go in you, and that having a balanced diet and working out are the only things to actually fight covid. My mom's physician sent her a pamphlet with that info so my mom could "prove" she can't get the vaccine because she's immunocompromised, while also spouting shit like "it has ethanol in it, that's for cars" and doesn't understand that not only do chemical compounds act differently in different doses and with different chemicals, but ethanol is in the alcohol she drinks and has never once questioned what's in it while believing THAT ethanol is different. Crazy shit.

I'm stuck living in a conservative bubble until I can move out so it sucks hearing this shit all around me, people are genuinely under the belief that leftists are trying to control their bodies with masks and vaccines and are the first step of a pipeline to control them even more. Can't even begin to explain how many times my mom has come to me with "research" on the dangerous side effects of the vaccine, after I've already got it and was the only person to not get covid when both her and my dad caught it, and she's still dealing with mild aftereffects months later.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
As a fellow immunocompromised individual, I advocate getting vaccinated but I will say to always talk to your doctor, depending on your history, underlying condition.


Nov 8, 2017
I have a friend of a friend who is immunocompromised and can't get the vaccine, but has been working vigilantly with doctors to see if there's something she can get, or at least that was what I heard a couple months ago. My understanding is that she is allergic to the ingredients, but that might not be the case for one of the European vaccines.
Android Sophia

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
As a fellow immunocompromised individual, I advocate getting vaccinated but I will say to always talk to your doctor, depending on your history, underlying condition.

Yes, absolutely. Hence why I emphasized it in my opening post. You should always be working with your doctor on this if possible.

In my case, I had to get the vaccine shots in-between my medication dosages. This included stopping one of my many medications for a week. The first and third shots went well, but the second shot caused me to have a massive flare up which required steroids to resolve. Unfortunately, it may have also caused permanent damage. :\


Oct 25, 2017
Hear hear. Immunocompromised here in Australia, and I've had my 3 primary doses, and then I'll have a booster in 5 or so months on top (in the current plan at least)

Like...I had a chemotherapy that means for the rest of my life I need to avoid high flow oxygen. My doctors were insistent until there was a vaccine, I stayed home, and once there was a vaccine, I got that shot in my arm immediately. There wasn't even a question of if I wanted the shot (Not that I didn't want it, I was extremely eager), between my GP and my haematologist, it was just "Thanks for seeing us today, here's your vax on the way out. "


The Fallen
Nov 11, 2017
United States
Best thing is vaccinated people who do get covid are less contagious than non-vaccinated as well. Hope the booster shot continues this against omnicron as well!


Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't aware that immunocompromised people could get (and receive the benefits of) the Covid vaccines. This is really cool and important stuff thanks for the write up, OP. Glad you're able to experience some of the things you've been missing out on for so long with a degree of confidence in your safety.
Mar 11, 2020
I didn't realize people didn't know this. Hubby is immunocompromized due to having infusions and the way the doctor told him is if vaccine works to block or reduce covid 95% for normal people its maybe 60% or so for him but its better than 0. But he still is so upset so many people wont get vaccinated and risks himself still at his job even with him having the vaccine.


Oct 27, 2017
Metro Detriot
I was aware that many could get the vaccine- but it a case by case bases, depending on why a person is immunocompromized. I also know it result may be lower for those who can, but any protection is better than none. That is why it is also highly important for use who are "health" to get vaccinated- to cover the gap for immunocompromized people of all ranges.


Oct 25, 2017
Dad got 3 shots and it gave him 0 antibodies. So the vaccine doesn't always work for immune compromised people.
Android Sophia

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Dad got 3 shots and it gave him 0 antibodies. So the vaccine doesn't always work for immune compromised people.

Something to keep in mind is that antibodies aren't the end all as far as protection goes. I had some links on this somewhere, but I lost them when switching to my new PC. If I find them, I'll see about linking them.

Slightly off-topic, but the immune system is fascinatingly complex. I enjoy reading about it, and I'm hoping to go to my local library at some point and borrow some books. There are also some books available on the OpenLibrary.
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Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (3 days): hostility toward other users
We don't get a booster shot, the third shot is part of our standard protection.
This phrase is so arrogant, privileged and smartass.

I am happy that you live in a place where this is recognized, I am glad for you if you got your 3rd jab without risking your life. By far this is not the reality of millions to billions of people.

If you're immunocompromised, please work with your doctors to get the vaccine safely. They can help you sort out the best times to get the vaccine, and where to get it.
"25th?" (They vaccinate after Christmas?! Amazing!) "Yes please." -- "Ok, 25 April at 10 am is your appointment." (...?)

please stop blanket saying that immunocompromised people can't get the vaccine.
Stop looking from such a privileged point of view.

In some parts of the world you gotta stand 6-10 hours in queuues, just to be send away because they ran out of vaccine.

I dunno what kind of people have that time, but certainly not me.

It is very likely that you can receive it safely unless you are allergic to the ingredients, and your doctor can advise you what to do in the off-chance you can't receive it.
You are aware that you are forbidden to take a second dosage as soon as you had a reaction to the first one although no allergies have ever occured before or are known?

A colleague of mine said that vaccine would have a contraindication with one of her medications. She's pretty anti-vaxx anyway.
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Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
"I got a 3rd shot because my health is so fragile that I could easily die if I don't take it"

"You're privileged and arrogant"



Oct 27, 2017
You are aware that you are forbidden to take a second dosage as soon as you had a reaction to the first one although no allergies have ever occured before or are known?

A colleague of mine said that vaccine would have a contraindication with one of her medications. She's pretty anti-vaxx anyway.

Not fully sure I understand what you mean here but are you saying there are no allergic reactions to the vaccines at all? Because my brother had a first dose of the AZ vaccine and had an allergic reaction to it and he was instead given the Pfizer for his 2nd dose because of that. Ever since he's been considered to be in the trial for mixing vaccines in my country.

Also the third jab part isn't about getting a booster shot like a lot of people in the usa etc can get. If you have immune issues then you get a third dose 2-4 weeks after your 2nd dose instead of having only 2 doses. It isn't just for fun but because it's part of the standard normal required dosage for those who have no immune system otherwise their vaccine treatment isn't fully working like the standard 2 doses for people without issues.

To be clear, yes it sucks that vaccines aren't easily available in your country, yes it sucks that you're having to jump through god knows what shit to get one, but that doesn't change the fact that even in your country if they had the same vaccines the vaccines require 3 doses not 2 for those with immune issues to give the correct protection from them.
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Deleted member 5086

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This phrase is so arrogant, privileged and smartass.

I am happy that you live in a place where this is recognized, I am glad for you if you got your 3rd jab without risking your life. By far this is not the reality of millions to billions of people.

"25th?" (They vaccinate after Christmas?! Amazing!) "Yes please." -- "Ok, 25 April at 10 am is your appointment." (...?)

Stop looking from such a privileged point of view.

In some parts of the world you gotta stand 6-10 hours in queuues, just to be send away because they ran out of vaccine.

I dunno what kind of people have that time, but certainly not me.

You are aware that you are forbidden to take a second dosage as soon as you had a reaction to the first one although no allergies have ever occured before or are known?

A colleague of mine said that vaccine would have a contraindication with one of her medications. She's pretty anti-vaxx anyway.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I've never heard any of this but I've gotten all 3 of my shots.

I live on the border of Virginia and Tennessee and my doctors are all in Tennessee and my kidney doctor was upset it was taking Virginia so long to get to me. I'm a type 1 diabetic with chronic kidney disease and several diabetic eye diseases. I do hear anti vaxx shit from some nurses though. Which is wild.