Oct 25, 2017
I think a better argument is naturalistic fallacy. Some of the most harmful and poisonous things are well natural. Think poisonous mushroom and plants.

Really, the point isn't to shame people but to provide education about possible risks. People are going to do what they want to do in the end. Heck, advices against excessive drinking and tobacco smoking has been decades old and people still do it while pregnant.

It's really about combating false claims that is it completely harmless. There are risks. That's all.

I completely understand that but that wasn't what I was saying. I think in my post, I had stated it didn't sit well with me. I know the risk, I completely understand how people can take natural and herbal guidance to the extreme (my dad is Rastafarian and thinks that every single herbal thing is better than anything else...it's their way of life and I hate it). I'm just saying that their kids turned out fine. It's unfair to say that every single child will come out bad, because they don't, or chalk it up to some luck. I will never do it and I don't agree with it but I'm not going as far as to police someone else on how to cure their pain.


Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like we have some hardcore pro-lifers in here based on the tone of some of these comments. Education needs to be provided to all potential moms in regards to any possible risks, but it really boils down to their body, their right.
Nah. Once you've made the choice to carry the child, it's no longer just about you.
Not that I agree with smoking while pregnant at all, but some of you guys could have a little empathy for why some of these women might be opting to use it while you fire and brimstone them. Pregnancy, all 9 months of it, is generally a miserable experience even if you don't have 'morning' sickness. From emotional and hormonal fuckery, the pain/discomfort is not insignificant. Your bones literally start splitting in some cases, carrying an extra 30+lbs ruins your back, you can get intense, raging headaches, etc., and there's generally nothing you're allowed to take except small doses of semi-approved pain killers like Tylenol (which doesn't do much, I can report). Most of the usage I've seen on the WTE boards has been related to debilitating nausea, pain management, and anxiety, not some kind of selfish recreational fun, as well. Again, I don't agree with smoking it during this time, but it's not hard to see why with the lack of concrete evidence like FAS findings some women think it's fine. There's ignorance and selfish justification there too, no doubt, but best option is to fix our prenatal/postnatal care in the states and offer more support/guidance.


Oct 25, 2017
I've known a few women who have done this, and two of them didn't have issues. The third was on medicare and in SC they drug test babies on medicare if they suspect anything... even after the kid has been born. They found THC in the baby's system because she was smoking as soon as he was born. He was getting the THC through the breast milk. She almost had the kid taken away.

So even if there's no risk, or no perceived risk, there's a legal risk that just shouldn't be taken if you don't want those problems.

I agree that it's not worth it but who am I to say? I've never had morning sickness.

The government needs to get its head out of its ass and allow more research. There's no way it should be a schedule 1 drug. No way in hell.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
I completely understand that but that wasn't what I was saying. I think in my post, I had stated it didn't sit well with me. I know the risk, I completely understand how people can take natural and herbal guidance to the extreme (my dad is Rastafarian and thinks that every single herbal thing is better than anything else...it's their way of life and I hate it). I'm just saying that their kids turned out fine. It's unfair to say that every single child will come out bad, because they don't, or chalk it up to some luck. I will never do it and I don't agree with it but I'm not going as far as to police someone else on how to cure their pain.
Oh of course. That's why the warning is about the risks. And yeah, I would agree, 5 joints in 9 months will probably not be a sufficient dose, but the origins of the recent warnings is observation of habitual use, which has greater risks.

In the end, maybe this could help OBGYNs provide safer options for women dealing with difficult pregnancies. I also think this present a bigger discussion. Stress and work, which I'm sure doesn't help, but in today's world it is much more common for pregnant mothers to be working high stress jobs on top of dealing with a growing baby.
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah a lot of naturalistic fallacy considering pot. Don't forget about the effects on developing adolescent brains too. I'm pro legalization, but just like tobacco and alcohol, there needs to be warnings regarding its use.
Agreed. People I know claim pot is a miracle cure for everything, and there are 0 bad effects. Headache? Smoke pot. Stomach ache? Smoke pot. Sore back? Smoke pot. Syphilis? Smoke pot.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
If they are vaping it I don't see the problem, it's probably safer than taking pharmacy pills for anxiety, nausea, pain and stress. It's not like they are ripping bong hits


Oct 25, 2017
Oh of course. That's why the warning is about the risks. And yeah, I would agree, 5 joints in 9 months will probably not be a sufficient dose, but the origins of the recent warnings is observation of habitual use, which has greater risks.

In the end, maybe this could help OBGYNs provide safer options for women dealing with difficult pregnancies. I also think this present a bigger discussion. Stress and work, which I'm sure doesn't help, but in today's world it is much more common for pregnant mothers to be working high stress jobs on top of dealing with a growing baby.
Take into account the fact that maternity leave isn't even guaranteed for women, many work until their water breaks, my wife included who was denied supplemental disability because she's anemic and was given just $800 from New York State for the months she was on leave. Pregnant women have it incredibly rough.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
If they are vaping it I don't see the problem, it's probably safer than taking pharmacy pills for anxiety, nausea, pain and stress. It's not like they are ripping bong hits
Actually, a lot of those types of drugs are also forbidden by many OBGYNs during pregnancies. The lack of doctor approved pain relief is why pregnancy can be so hard on many women.

H.Protagonist posted above on the issues involved. I just know this stuff by proxy from family members and coworkers who went through tough pregnancies.


Oct 25, 2017
If they are vaping it I don't see the problem, it's probably safer than taking pharmacy pills for anxiety, nausea, pain and stress. It's not like they are ripping bong hits
We're not talking about the effects of smoke here. If it can affect your mind, it's going to reach the child in the same way.


Oct 27, 2017
I see people smoking cigarettes in cars with kids.
You can prohibit all you want, but people don't give af when they are on their own property

Cigarettes and 2nd hand smoke causes cancer but doesnt affect brain development. Both are bad in a different ways.

It is not just about prohibition bit making it socially unacceptable. Cigarette smoke around kids is Usually not acceptable even if you can find examples otherwise. Pot ought to be treated the same way as posts in this thread clearly show a minority thinks its ok because of whataboutism about other drugs.
Nov 9, 2017
Nah. Once you've made the choice to carry the child, it's no longer just about you.

No argument there, morally I agree any mom should do their best to avoid any possible dangers to their unborn child. I just don't agree with those who posited we should pass laws to take away freedom from pregnant women based on their own personal choices with regards to their own body.


User banned for use of an alt-account
Oct 31, 2017
Serious question, what are the health risks for the child if you're using pot while pregnant other than having a stoner mom? I personally have heard of none which is probably why a lot of people are smoking pot while pregnant.

Deleted member 9838

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Wouldn't pharmaceuticals actually be tested on whether they'll affect the pregnancy?
yes but a lot of doctors in the US (maybe not so much western europe or canada) are trigger happy when it comes to prescriptions. My aunt was in an accident and the doctor prescribed her pain killers (an opiate I recall) when she was like 4 months pregnant. Doesn't mean many pregnant women don't end up taking them. If they take something I'm sure weed is one of the safer alternatives.


Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like we have some hardcore pro-lifers in here based on the tone of some of these comments. Education needs to be provided to all potential moms in regards to any possible risks, but it really boils down to their body, their right.
Maybe if we're talking about unborn fetuses. But pregnant women need to watch out for harmful things throughout their pregnancy and sometimes through breastfeeding, meaning long past the point of asking if the child is alive.

At some point you are harming another person and as such, lots of states (blue ones even) have some kind of laws on the books considering drug abuse while pregnant a prosecutable offense or even worse.


Oct 25, 2017
My wife wouldn't even touch anything witha significant amount of caffiene when she was pregnant with our two daughters. Very strict about how much sea food she ate, what she interacted with (I was on full cat litter duty for both pregnancies for examples), etc.

With our first child she had INTENSE morning sickness from 5 weeks till the day AFTER she gave birth. She lost nearly 30 pounds, but our daughter was born healthy. I'm of two minds, because I can't understand how parents could take knowing risks with their children... but I CAN understand the despair of seeing your loved one going through 9 months of literal hell, constantly puking, being hardly able to move or do anything from lack of energy and pain, etc.

I just hope any woman in that situation genuinely does what she feels is right for herself and her child and making sure to meet her doctor's appointments.


Oct 25, 2017
Pregnancy is a miraculous and beautiful pain in the ass process.

I don't blame women for wanting to get lifted during it, it's complete sobriety during a difficult 9 months and it can be incredibly exhausting.

That said, if you plan to be a mother and carrying to term, it's sadly what you have to do. I'm pretty much a pothead and would also understand the need completely quit alcohol, weed, hell even caffeine or any sorta 'unhealthy/fun stuff' in the name of having a healthy baby.

Or get a surrogate. :P


Oct 25, 2017
Pregnancy does really suck in general and can be especially awful for some unlucky people, but I don't think it's worth the risk of smoking pot to ease things. "Pot isn't as bad as cigarettes" doesn't mean "it's totally harmless".

It's not like pot is an alternative to conventional medicine during pregnancy. The list of pharmaceutical drugs you can take while pregnant is incredibly short. Going "pregnant women are probably taking much worse medicines anyway!" is a very weak justification because pregnant women are often not given medicine at all to avoid any adverse effects on the baby. Most methods of dealing with various pregnancy issues are already incredibly "natural" to begin with, if that's what you're going for.


Oct 25, 2017
Great post actually — sums up why we need AI to take over from humans in governing humanity. There's just too much shit going on and hardly anyone can keep track of the truth any more, and we cannot expect everyone to have biochemistry degrees, as nice as that would be.
thats.... quite the leap in logic. Who governs the AI? what if its a conservative that comes up with the AI and thus programs it to be conservative? Would you still be in favor?

You dont need a biochemical degree to know that something that gets you high if you ingest it, isnt necessarily the best thing for you. You also dont need a biochemical degree to know if you sprained your ankle you don't need fucking opiates for pain. Put some fucking ice on it, take some ibuprofen and let it heal.


Oct 28, 2017
Cincinnati, OH
Over the course of this thread we've gone from "It's probably not the best idea, but everything in moderation is fine" to "women are selflessly smoking bowls to ensure their unborn child gets nourishment" to "their body, their choice" trying to draw analogies to abortion. Except everyone saying that is conveniently leaving out that one of those choices ends in no baby at all.

And, honestly, all three of those statements are wrong. I seriously worry about some of you having children.

Let's take it to the furthest extent and come back and find where the line is. Would you defend a pregnant woman shooting up heroin or snorting coke? Her body, her right, right?


Oct 27, 2017
Wow that's super wrong.
First you're using a naturalistic fallacy to support use of plant based medicine over synthesized medicine when no evidence really backs that up.

Second you're grossly misinformed about the development of spice. THC and CBD were derived first and then chemists started changing chemical groups to compare and contrast effects. That's how good science is done. Of course some THC like stuff escaped the lab but the intention was never to bring it to market.
Spice exists because of research into synthetic cannabinoids.

Synthetic individual cannabinoids will never be as effective as the plant. Show me some evidence saying otherwise.

The reason whole-plant medicine is far more effective is because it contains myriad cannabinoids and terpenes that all interact with each other. You can't just isolate one chemical out of that and think it's going to work as good.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah. Once you've made the choice to carry the child, it's no longer just about you.
exactly. I will support any womans right to choose whether or not she wants to have the baby. But once you've made that choice, its no longer about you.

No way. Ibuprofen can kill you. It kills over 3K people per year on average. Weed toxicity = zero deaths
nice stealth edit. I was going to say your post made me chuckle, but your continuation implies that you're serious.

First of all the post i quoted and mentioned ibuprofen was a response to someone saying we need AI to govern us and that not everyone has a biochemistry degree, which you dont need to take ibuprofen. Anyway, there's a fucking label on the back of the bottle, fucking read it. I'd guess a good chunk of those deaths are sucides, another are idiots thinking they can take twice more than what is recommended for your body weight or drinking or doing other drugs with them. As a famous comedian likes to say, you can't fix stupid.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Look, I'm not advocating for it but we need a lot more definitive studies to be done to determine the effects.
You don't risk your baby's development on something like that. Playing it safe is the default. My wife couldn't even take ibuprofen and cold medicine. The number of things you CANNOT DO while pregnant is astronomical. Marijuana being unsafe is the sensible and default position until studies show otherwise. Assuming the opposite is ridiculous.


Dec 11, 2017
Don't like the idea of people smoking pot during pregnancy. Really can't see how this is a good thing as coworkers of mine who are pregnant are even being restrictive with the coffee aka caffeine intake among other things.


sudo rm -rf /
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
My wife wouldn't even touch anything witha significant amount of caffiene when she was pregnant with our two daughters. Very strict about how much sea food she ate, what she interacted with (I was on full cat litter duty for both pregnancies for examples), etc.

With our first child she had INTENSE morning sickness from 5 weeks till the day AFTER she gave birth. She lost nearly 30 pounds, but our daughter was born healthy. I'm of two minds, because I can't understand how parents could take knowing risks with their children... but I CAN understand the despair of seeing your loved one going through 9 months of literal hell, constantly puking, being hardly able to move or do anything from lack of energy and pain, etc.

I just hope any woman in that situation genuinely does what she feels is right for herself and her child and making sure to meet her doctor's appointments.
My wife is the same way. Fought through the morning sickness for the first one and is fighting through it now for the second. Gave up caffeine, gave up lunch meat, gave up most medicines (although she still can take tylenol, thankfully). She's a fighter.


Oct 25, 2017
Spice exists because of research into synthetic cannabinoids.

Synthetic individual cannabinoids will never be as effective as the plant. Show me some evidence saying otherwise.

The reason whole-plant medicine is far more effective is because it contains myriad cannabinoids and terpenes that all interact with each other. You can't just isolate one chemical out of that and think it's going to work as good.
Saying synthetic cannibanoids will never be as effective as the plant is like saying synthetic opioids will never be as effective as the plant. There's no way to know one way or the other until you do the research. You're the one who's so damn sure so the onus is on you to provide the research.

And I'd love to see the research that there's interaction between different chemicals that makes it work better. Because isolating individual strains is pharmacology 101.

I hate to break it to you but on its own marijuana is not that good of medicine.

It both increases and reduces anxiety.
It relieves nausea except when it causes it.
It decreases and increases depression symptoms.
It both grows and reduces cancer cells.
It causes psychosis and can relieve symptoms of it.
It can raise and lower blood pressure.

While some of those effects are good many are not and the effects of cannabis vary wildly from strain to strain and person to person.

That is not the sign of a good drug.

And yes I can site sources if needed but a simple Google search would find them for you as well.

There's a reason why most of the research into cannabis is in isolation and altercation of the different cannabanoids. There's tons of promise there, whereas the side effects and complications of marijuana on its own make it too risky to ever be a mainstream pharmaceutical drug.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Don't like the idea of people smoking pot during pregnancy. Really can't see how this is a good thing as coworkers of mine who are pregnant are even being restrictive with the coffee aka caffeine intake among other things.

My wife is the same way. Fought through the morning sickness for the first one and is fighting through it now for the second. Gave up caffeine, gave up lunch meat, gave up most medicines (although she still can take tylenol, thankfully). She's a fighter.
Yep, I saw the same with my wife. Caffeine cut back, gave up deli meats, no more raw or smoked meats, and so on. It sucked for her.

As I understand it, deli meats and things like that are cut not because they are directly harmful to babies, but because there is a higher chance of getting food poisoning from those things because they aren't cooked conventionally, and food poisoning is extremely harmful for the baby. So to minimize that risk, you drop all those foods. You can eat those foods and still birth a healthy baby, but why consciously take that known risk to your baby when there are already so many other risks that you can't control?

The idea is to minimize the risks as much as you can to ensure your baby comes out fine, because the possibility of something bad happening to your baby that you could have prevented is unthinkable.


sudo rm -rf /
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Yep, I saw the same with my wife. Caffeine cut back, gave up deli meats, no more raw or smoked meats, and so on. It sucked for her.

As I understand it, deli meats and things like that are cut not because they are directly harmful to babies, but because there is a higher chance of getting food poisoning from those things because they aren't cooked conventionally, and food poisoning is extremely harmful for the baby. So to minimize that risk, you drop all those foods. You can eat those foods and still birth a healthy baby, but why consciously take that known risk to your baby when there are already so many other risks that you can't control?

The idea is to minimize the risks as much as you can to ensure your baby comes out fine, because the possibility of something bad happening to your baby that you could have prevented is unthinkable.
Exactly. Well put.

Come to think of it, I think my wife deserves a super special present when baby #2 comes out. She's been such a trooper through this whole thing


Oct 27, 2017

I hate to break it to you but on its own marijuana is not that good of medicine.

It both increases and reduces anxiety.
It relieves nausea except when it causes it.
It decreases and increases depression symptoms.
It both grows and reduces cancer cells.
It causes psychosis and can relieve symptoms of it.
It can raise and lower blood pressure.

While some of those effects are good many are not and the effects of cannabis vary wildly from strain to strain and person to person.

That is not the sign of a good drug.

Not that I claim to be an expert of any sort, but you know what side-effect is pretty regularly listed for anti-depressants we prescribe to suicidal people? Depression and suicidal thoughts. It's not really that uncommon for a drug, even one that is designed and tested to preform a task, to have a chance at doing the opposite of it's intention or exacerbating a problem.


Oct 25, 2017
As a great politician
i responded to you in good faith, thinking we would have a discussion, but since you edited out the entirely of my post, except for one line, i guess we're not. also in turn, ill respond to one portion of your post, who cares what some politician says?

My wife is the same way. Fought through the morning sickness for the first one and is fighting through it now for the second. Gave up caffeine, gave up lunch meat, gave up most medicines (although she still can take tylenol, thankfully). She's a fighter.
yea my wife did all that too. No lunch meats, only a certain amount of fish. With my son she literally couldnt walk through the meat section of the grocery store without wanting to puke.
One time she had heart burn and i ran to the store to get her something, i ended up getting her prilosec otc, taking a shot in the dark, and i came back and it was the one heartburn med you can't take during pregnancy. 'doh


sudo rm -rf /
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
i responded to you in good faith, thinking we would have a discussion, but since you edited out the entirely of my post, except for one line, i guess we're not. also in turn, ill respond to one portion of your post, who cares what some politician says?

yea my wife did all that too. No lunch meats, only a certain amount of fish. With my son she literally couldnt walk through the meat section of the grocery store without wanting to puke.
One time she had heart burn and i ran to the store to get her something, i ended up getting her prilosec otc, taking a shot in the dark, and i came back and it was the one heartburn med you can't take during pregnancy. 'doh
Yeah, anytime my wife has a symptom, she calls the doc first to make sure what she can take.


Oct 25, 2017
Not that I claim to be an expert of any sort, but you know what side-effect is pretty regularly listed for anti-depressants we prescribe to suicidal people? Depression and suicidal thoughts. It's not really that uncommon for a drug, even one that is designed and tested to preform a task, to have a chance at doing the opposite of it's intention or exacerbating a problem.
my brother in law is in pharmaceuticals, i asked him about that one time. Apparently when doing their drug trial, if one person even out of 100 subjects has a side effect, like suicidal thoughts, they have to include it in the possible side effects. I dont know if this is true or not, thats just what he said, but it certainly make sense why theres a laundry list of possible side effects for pretty much every drug.


Oct 27, 2017
I hate to break it to you but on its own marijuana is not that good of medicine.

It both increases and reduces anxiety.
It relieves nausea except when it causes it.
It decreases and increases depression symptoms.
It both grows and reduces cancer cells.
It causes psychosis and can relieve symptoms of it.
It can raise and lower blood pressure.

While some of those effects are good many are not and the effects of cannabis vary wildly from strain to strain and person to person.

That is not the sign of a good drug.
It does vary from strain to strain and person to person. That diversity of effects is a good thing but can also be bad in some instances

The beautiful part is that each person can find a strain that works for them and stick with it without worrying about those random effects. They can even grow it themselves and produce their own medicine for pennies.

I live where it's legal and has been for a long time for medical. People, especially medical folks, find what works and stick with it generally.

It doesn't fit it with the exact type of medicinal practice that a doctor legally has to follow, but that's ok with me. Doctors and pharmacists aren't wizards, they do make mistakes (sometimes fatal) and are succeptible to influence from cute pharmaceutical reps and fancy weekend getaways from drug companies like any other humans would be.

(I'm referring to cannabis in general, not advocating consumption by pregnant women btw)


sudo rm -rf /
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
my brother in law is in pharmaceuticals, i asked him about that one time. Apparently when doing their drug trial, if one person even out of 100 subjects has a side effect, like suicidal thoughts, they have to include it in the possible side effects. I dont know if this is true or not, thats just what he said, but it certainly make sense why theres a laundry list of possible side effects for pretty much every drug.
That is absolutely true, since it was a discovered side effect during the trial. By disclosing it, it covers their ass in case of litigation (I used to work for a company that had oversight over clinical trials)


Oct 25, 2017
Not that I claim to be an expert of any sort, but you know what side-effect is pretty regularly listed for anti-depressants we prescribe to suicidal people? Depression and suicidal thoughts. It's not really that uncommon for a drug, even one that is designed and tested to preform a task, to have a chance at doing the opposite of it's intention or exacerbating a problem.
As someone who is on antidepressants, the suicidal thoughts on the label is there just to cover their ass. It's not a legitimate side effect in that it's not been shown to statistically have any affect on suicide rates. But when someone commits suicide that'd a big deal and that can cost the company a lot of money.

It does vary from strain to strain and person to person. That diversity of effects is a good thing but can also be bad in some instances

The beautiful part is that each person can find a strain that works for them and stick with it without worrying about those random effects. They can even grow it themselves and produce their own medicine for pennies.

I live where it's legal and has been for a long time for medical. People, especially medical folks, find what works and stick with it generally.

It doesn't fit it with the exact type of medicinal practice that a doctor legally has to follow, but that's ok with me. Doctors and pharmacists aren't wizards, they do make mistakes (sometimes fatal) and are succeptible to influence from cute pharmaceutical reps and fancy weekend getaways from drug companies like any other humans would be.

(I'm referring to cannabis in general, not advocating consumption by pregnant women btw)
But that's not how medicine works. If you want cannabis to be considered medicine it needs to be regulated like medicine. It needs to go through four phase trials and regulatory channels. Otherwise when people say it does x for y person they have no medical basis for doing so.

Until that happens Marijuana realtors should not be able to tout the medicinal benifits of the plant or advertise it as such.


Oct 27, 2017
But that's not how medicine works. If you want cannabis to be considered medicine it needs to be regulated like medicine. It needs to go through four phase trials and regulatory channels. Otherwise when people say it does x for y person they have no medical basis for doing so.
It is medicine, and has consistently been one for millennia - regardless of whether or not it fits a narrow definition that is convenient for the pharmaceutical industry.


Oct 25, 2017
It is medicine, and has consistently been one for millennia - regardless of whether or not it fits a narrow definition that is convenient for the pharmaceutical industry.
By this logic, alcohol is also medicine.

Stop spouting ignorant bullshit. Your previous posts have indicated you aren't even interested in following 2 simple links to understand why this is a bad thing.


Oct 27, 2017
By this logic, alcohol is also medicine.

Stop spouting ignorant bullshit. Your previous posts have indicated you aren't even interested in following 2 simple links to understand why this is a bad thing.
I repeat - I'm not advocating that women should consume cannabis when pregnant. I'm disputing some of the generalizations and misinformation about cannabis being thrown around.

Also, alcohol is a medicine: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_(medicine)

" It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system."

how does this happen? is there a common theme... or will someone who has a headache who decides to take some Motrin... they're is a chance they are just gonna drop?
Ibuprofen is a lethal drug in higher dosages.

Long-term use also causes internal bleeding and ulcers in your digestive tract. Deaths due to those complications wouldn't be counted in these toxicity figures, though.
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Oct 25, 2017

You think they regular the thread below?