
Oct 27, 2017
Moscow Mitch is right. I would rather all the poor people in America starve to death. Im totally ok with making their lives a living hell, and watch rich people pillage them on their way down to rock bottom.

That's what Jesus would want. Especially if the alternative was to also give a bunch of middle class people thousands of dollars they don't absolutely, desperately need right now. Can you fucking imagine all those mildly comfortable working white collars spending money to bolster the economy? Money that doesn't belong to them? (all money belongs to rich people, who are also good).

No, I'd rather you chop both my arms off. Jesus would agree.

Happy new year!


Oct 27, 2017
Socialism for rich people, just not his rich horse racing buddies in Kentucky. Die and rot in hell, you piece of shit.


Oct 25, 2017
The messaging to Georgia republican voters needs to be along the lines of "look, you don't even have to vote Democrat... just "accidentally" forget to vote on runoff day and there is a nice $2k in it for you".

Seriously, there should be ads running in GA right now saying exactly this.

heathen earth

Mar 21, 2020
He wouldn't know what socialism is if it hit him in his shell.
I'm sure he knows exactly what it is. He's betting that you don't.

I've come to the realization that there will be no progress in the US until this loathsome reptile is dead or out of power. Good luck, Georgia. As a (recovering) Southerner, I have very little faith in southern states to not fuck everything up, but the fate of the country is on you. No pressure though!


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
You would think this guy would want to retire by now, maybe he has been trying all this time to get booted out but keeps winning or he just loves how far he pushes it and still wins every time being an evil self serving scumbag.

Retire for what? This man is not wringing his hands and racking his brain on how to get shit done. His job is simple. Give the rich tax breaks, stop the Senate from functioning, run out the clock until the next set of elections.

He literally does not represent his people. When you're actually trying to do right by your people then it's a stressful job that may wear you down over time because you're trying to work around assholes like McConnell and make you consider retirement at some point.
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Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
A family making $250k a year in the US is most likely living in a big city that has drastically higher cost of living. There's also a good chance that both parents are working so they're paying a lot in childcare. Unless they already own a house somehow, they're probably paying a few thousand dollars a month in rent for a small apartment (a quick search online says average 3-bedroom apartment rental prices in LA range from $3k-$4.5k/month depending on location). A large family with a $250k income living in, say, LA or Seattle or San Francisco, although not poor, probably feels a long way from rich.

EDIT: Just want to mention that it annoys me that cost of living sites rarely have information for large families. Most sites cap it at 2 kids. If they go higher, they cap it at 3 or 4.
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Oct 28, 2017
I truly believe that Mitch would explode into ten thousand leeches RE0 style if someone snuck up from behind and surprised him. He is one of the worst politicians this country has ever produced.

GG Kentucky


Oct 25, 2017
So hang on. Isn't there a tacit admission in Mitch's statement of "...but socialism for the poor is great!"?


Oct 29, 2017
I would love to boycott things coming out of Kentucky but it wouldn't hurt him just the poor people of Kentucky.
also I can't think of anything except bourbon and the horse race


Oct 27, 2017
Socialism for the rich is pretty funny for a guy who passed the trumps tax cuts, has allowed the trump administration treasury to spin up the money printer multiple times and allowed the us government to buy way more than it normally ever would of bonds and such, not to mention the guy who outright was arguing that he wanted to make it law that companies that forced workers back to work during the pandemic and then ended up having the workers catch covid and all the issues up to and including death due to it would be immune from being sued, or about his support for the idea that to get government help people would have to work a certain number of hours a week, which basically means that the government is subsidising companies employee pay because they don't want to make companies pay or give appropriate benefits to employees, or how about the fact that he hasn't once mentioned how it's fucked up the government is happily handing out socialism to companies like amazon or Walmart in the form of subsidising their workers pay via food stamps instead of forcing said companies to again pay suitable wages so their workers can afford to eat, funny how socialism for the rich is a perfectly acceptable thing to mitch the bitch but the moment socialism may be used to help the people actually paying the taxes funding the great American corporate welfare state it's not an issue.

Imagine voting for this guy repeatedly over decades.....all while he openly mocks your cries for help as his own state slowly dies due to coal etc moving away, and laughs at the thought of taking your healthcare away, why are so many Americans into voting to hurt themselves? I know probably racism is the key reason but damn racism is a hell of a drug.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
$2000 to individuals making under $75k is socialism for the rich...

... but the trillions of dollars we funneled to billion-dollar corporations so their millionaire executives could keep their bonuses isn't?

Apparently $75,000 is what rich people think poor people think is "rich".
Yeah... You can't even twist these words to make this statement make any amount of sense. Apparently 70k a year is rich?
Oct 27, 2017
My big question regarding this is , $2000 is obviously gonna help to buy food pay rent for a month but what if you list your job? How is $2000 gonna cover any of your monthly expenses? Here we have a protection Programm to keep people employed which makes sense to me but having a one time payment to everyone is just not gonna cut it. Oh well


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
A family making $250k a year in the US is most likely living in a big city that has drastically higher cost of living. There's also a good chance that both parents are working so they're paying a lot in childcare. Unless they already own a house somehow, they're probably paying a few thousand dollars a month in rent for a small apartment (a quick search online says average 3-bedroom apartment rental prices in LA range from $3k-$4.5k/month depending on location). A large family with a $250k income living in, say, LA or Seattle or San Francisco, although not poor, probably feels a long way from rich.

EDIT: Just want to mention that it annoys me that cost of living sites rarely have information for large families. Most sites cap it at 2 kids. If they go higher, they cap it at 3 or 4.
Can we not. $250k is rich no matter where you're living. The amount of surplus money one would have after paying for rent/housing would still be more than average income in those cities.


Nov 12, 2017
My big question regarding this is , $2000 is obviously gonna help to buy food pay rent for a month but what if you list your job? How is $2000 gonna cover any of your monthly expenses? Here we have a protection Programm to keep people employed which makes sense to me but having a one time payment to everyone is just not gonna cut it. Oh well

That's what the unemployment extension- while not great- is for. The one time payments are a separate thing.


Oct 27, 2017
But ta cuts for the large corporations and the 1% are perfectly fine... Fuck him he's from KY cause he slides it right in to the 99%...
Oct 25, 2017
The only thing that would make me happier than Mitch McConnel dying a painful death would be Bush also dying in the same day. Fuck him and his spineless ilk. Obviously after the SCOTUS fiasco nobody should take a single word seriously out of his disgusting soul sucking mouth.
ERA: how dare companies make people work on New Year's Eve 🤬🤬🤬
Also ERA: put the champagne down and cut a new ad NOW you lazy Dems! 🤬🤬🤬
Because some guy ringing up last second NYE alcohol is the same as a Senator worth millions of dollars kicking it up as people are starving.
And in record time it's the Dems fault
That's not really blaming the Dems? That's political strategy 101.


Oct 27, 2017
"Imagine a family of five where the parents earn $250,000 per year and have not seen any income loss this past year. Speaker Pelosi and Senator Sanders want to send them $5,000 from Uncle Sam," McConnell said.

How about we imagine the million(s) of other families that aren't that privileged ?

Also, even the $600 checks are getting means-tested with 2019 tax filings, why can't the same apply for the $2000 check ?


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
Can we not. $250k is rich no matter where you're living. The amount of surplus money one would have after paying for rent/housing would still be more than average income in those cities.

I have 6 kids and if I made $250k (I don't, I make a lot less), there would still be plenty of places in the US I would not feel comfortable living in due to the high cost of living there.

And it's downright shameful that the bar is so low that "Not living from paycheck to paycheck" is all you need to be considered rich. That used to be firmly middle class and rich were the people who outright owned fancy houses & could afford to take lavish vacations and retire early. Not living from paycheck to paycheck is the bare minimum that everyone should have. If losing your job and not finding work for a year would cause serious hardship, you're not rich. If a medical emergency could bankrupt you, you're not rich.

EDIT: Anyway, the whole thing is a boogieman excuse and the measuring criteria is based on past taxes so in many cases has no connection to what the family is currently making. Send the money to everyone who might remotely need it to ensure that the people who desperately need it get it.
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Nov 1, 2017
"Borrowing from our grandkids to do socialism for rich people is a terrible way to get help to families who actually need it," McConnell said
Ironic since the entire GOP model is stealing the future to feed their greed. "Fuck the future" might as well be the GOP motto at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
How about we imagine the million(s) of other families that aren't that privileged ?

Also, even the $600 checks are getting means-tested with 2019 tax filings, why can't the same apply for the $2000 check ?
They would be means tested. With the current formula, a $2k per person check really does get a $250k family of 5 $5k, which is half the max amount of $10k.

Despite being a higher initial amount it basically just doesn't scale down faster IIRC


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
This guy is responsible for destroying America's Democracy. Ofc he has absolute no idea of the reality of his citizens.

Also who cares about the specifics right now. Pass the bill so you can get the millions who need help ASAP


Oct 28, 2017
He is able to speak this bullshit freely on the senate floor. People should be cursing his ass out while he is saying this. Showing exactly how their constituents. Stop being cordial to these assholes.


Oct 13, 2018
Tbh I really don't want them blowing up the government budget if the defense bill fails. It was scary enough looking at people getting evicted and no unemployment whatsoever if the omnibus bill failed.

Republicans have been very successful in showing themselves being seen as reasonable people. I dunno how you fix that. Undoubtedly some of it is ignorance, unfair portrayal of democrats, and probably some facet of a republican better than a democrat.


Oct 25, 2017
"Borrowing from our grandkids to do socialism for rich people"

That has been the Republican platform for the past 40 years.

McConnell would make the perfect villain in a movie about politics. Not as fun when its real life.

Snake Eater

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Fiscally responsibility and debt talk is back folks, get used to it


Oct 13, 2018
Also it's fucking bs the way everyone fell over to pile on Dems when trump asked for the money. Literally siding with a conman, a thief, a narcissist, a incompetent who spent 4 years trashing progressive values, and spent the last 8 months killing thousands of americans thru his maliciousness cause he says "$2,000 now!" 4 months late to a Democratic congress that has consistently argued for more money the past 8 months.

Can't wait for the next smarter economic populist right wing fascist to show up, shower promises of money and get the whole country to ignore all the bad shit.

I mean literally the man signs pieces of trash business agreements for a living and you go ahead and listen to a single word he says believing it? Imagine all the people who don't hear all the bad shit he's done cause of fox or don't pay attention to politics, no wonder he got more voters, cause everyone just listens to the lies and believes it.

Of course Dems have to act polite, the whole country is already brainwashed into thinking republicans are ok and everything they say is true.

Tappin Brews

Oct 25, 2017
correct me if i'm wrong but even people who "don't need it" will likely put much of that money back into the economy (small businesses, local restaurants, etc) which is part of the point is it not?