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Apr 4, 2018
In my opinion,for a 60$ AAA game development time should be at least 3 years. Games that are made sooner than that just feel unfinished and more as DLC than a proper sequel. For example Assassin's Creed Odyssey,Battlefield 5.They are decent games but feels more like they just changed environment,story and made a couple of tweaks and they sell it for 60$+.No brand new features,animatons,HUD,AI etc.Battlefield 5 can easily pass as 20-30$ DLC for Battlefield 1.

2 years just isn't enough to make a proper sequel nonetheless brand new IP,not to mention 1 year(assassin's creed/cod)


Oct 25, 2017
AC Odyssey doesn't feel like DLC in any way, and it had three years of development too. You should probably try to actually play the game instead of reading internet hot takes

Deleted member 426

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You're getting confused between release regularity and development time. Assassins Creed games take several years to make, not 1 or 2. There's a new Pokemon coming out next year, do you think it will have been made in a year?


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
Damn Ubisoft and EA, simpily updating the coregame.exe with Greek assets for Odyssey and WW2 assets for BFV

They can't keep getting away with this!
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Oct 25, 2017
Odyssey was led by the syndcate team, thats 3 years at least from them, maybe more from other branches doing pre-prod.

Also, scope and polishment isnt necessarily set by development time. How many people work on a game is equally or more important depending on the project. ACO was touched by a thousand people or so

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Minimal amount of characters for an OP should be 1000. Less characters than that simply aren't enough to make a convincing argument.

Dr. Caroll

Oct 27, 2017
All Call of Duty games have 36 month development cycles. They used to have 24 month development cycles, which is honestly kind of crazy considering the sheer quality of some of those games despite such a tight schedule, but they switched to 36 when Sledgehammer were bought onboard. This system tends to work fairly well, but in Black Ops 4's case, something went wrong behind the scenes and it sounds like a lot of work was scrapped and reworked and the final product had to be pushed out the door rain or shine. I believe Blackout was an emergency move where the game was falling apart, was clearly going to be light on content because the campaign had gone up in smoke, so they told Raven to make it in a fairly short span of time. BO4 is a very rushed game. But they were given 3 years, just like the other teams.

As for Battlefield V, that one's interesting. It's not clear when the game began development. It's possible it was in development by another team before BF1 was released. If it began development after BF1, that would explain certain problems with it.

On this subject, though, it has always frustrated me how games that release annually are often looked down upon as "lazy" and there's this common belief that, for example, Call of Duty game are made in a single year. A lot of people seem to assume a 7-9 hour long campaign can just be whipped up in 6 months. (What you actually get when Activision gives devs 6 months to make an FPS campaign is 007: Legends.) Despite having a full 3 year development cycle and being full to the brim with 100% fresh content, a lot of people are convinced that AC: Odyssey is a "reskin" that was whipped up in 12 months. And that's just sad, and a sadly common belief.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
So you want games to Cost broadly 30% more to make, but you also want to pay the same?

Good luck with that


Oct 25, 2017
In my opinion,for a 60$ AAA game development time should be at least 3 years. Games that are made sooner than that just feel unfinished and more as DLC than a proper sequel. For example Assassin's Creed Odyssey,Battlefield 5.They are decent games but feels more like they just changed environment,story and made a couple of tweaks and they sell it for 60$+.No brand new features,animatons,HUD,AI etc.Battlefield 5 can easily pass as 20-30$ DLC for Battlefield 1.

2 years just isn't enough to make a proper sequel nonetheless brand new IP,not to mention 1 year(assassin's creed/cod)
All those games were in development for 3 yearse


Oct 25, 2017
I made Paratopic with two friends in about four months, and we got covered in my favorite games crit mag, heterotopias, so get on my level

I know for a fact that one of the games you mention, OP, was in development for over 3 years.


Oct 28, 2017
People not understanding how development works is starting to ruin this forum for me.


Brand Manager
Oct 27, 2017
Well Assassin's Creed Odyssey was in development for over three years. The mercenaries System is new. The Cult System is new. The combat is completely reworked to add active abilities etc.

In Battlefield V, the entire movement system has been revamped. Fortifications are new. Etc.

I take it you are on of the people who look at a game's setting and decide it is the same, without ever having played it?

If you seriously thought that Odyssey was developed after Origins, then I guess you made it pretty's clear that there is not much point in discussing game development with you, to be honest...
Oct 25, 2017
2 years just isn't enough to make a proper sequel nonetheless brand new IP,not to mention 1 year(assassin's creed/cod)

AC/COD Annual entries don't take only 1 year development time , 1 Year gap of release =/= 1 year development time , thats not how game development works , I remember I saw a graph provided by Ubisoft detailing when their Assassin's Creed games started development and when it is released , and no game took less than 3 years , But I can't find the graph currently


Oct 27, 2017
In my opinion,for a 60$ AAA game development time should be at least 3 years. Games that are made sooner than that just feel unfinished and more as DLC than a proper sequel. For example Assassin's Creed Odyssey,Battlefield 5.They are decent games but feels more like they just changed environment,story and made a couple of tweaks and they sell it for 60$+.No brand new features,animatons,HUD,AI etc.Battlefield 5 can easily pass as 20-30$ DLC for Battlefield 1.

2 years just isn't enough to make a proper sequel nonetheless brand new IP,not to mention 1 year(assassin's creed/cod)

Do you really believe Assassin's Creed was developed in a year?

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
All Call of Duty games have 36 month development cycles. They used to have 24 month development cycles, which is honestly kind of crazy considering the sheer quality of some of those games despite such a tight schedule, but they switched to 36 when Sledgehammer were bought onboard. This system tends to work fairly well, but in Black Ops 4's case, something went wrong behind the scenes and it sounds like a lot of work was scrapped and reworked and the final product had to be pushed out the door rain or shine. I believe Blackout was an emergency move where the game was falling apart, was clearly going to be light on content because the campaign had gone up in smoke, so they told Raven to make it in a fairly short span of time. BO4 is a very rushed game. But they were given 3 years, just like the other teams.

As for Battlefield V, that one's interesting. It's not clear when the game began development. It's possible it was in development by another team before BF1 was released. If it began development after BF1, that would explain certain problems with it.

On this subject, though, it has always frustrated me how games that release annually are often looked down upon as "lazy" and there's this common belief that, for example, Call of Duty game are made in a single year. A lot of people seem to assume a 7-9 hour long campaign can just be whipped up in 6 months. (What you actually get when Activision gives devs 6 months to make an FPS campaign is 007: Legends.) Despite having a full 3 year development cycle and being full to the brim with 100% fresh content, a lot of people are convinced that AC: Odyssey is a "reskin" that was whipped up in 12 months. And that's just sad, and a sadly common belief.

The irony is that it takes you less than a minute to find out that different studios led development on Origins and Odyssey. All this amount of information available to people and yet they choose to shit out lazy, uninformed garbage.
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Dec 5, 2017
Arbitrary number is arbitrary.

Games should not be rushed. Cuts happen during development, but the balance between that and a shody product is good management.
You can toss as much time as you want on a piece of shit, it will still be shit by the end of it. Or you can delay a game for a full extra year and get nothing out of it.

This topic reminds me on how people got their views warped on how much it actually costs to make a good game when Kickstarter blew up...


Oct 27, 2017
Please be satire. pleasepleaseplease.

On a related note, I won't watch a movie unless it spent more than six weeks shooting, or read a book that took less than two years to bang out. It's just common sense.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd be mightily impressed if they actually had made Assassin's Creed: Odyssey in just a year! Games are not made equally so I don't see the logic in demanding every one of them, even large AAA games, have the same minimum development period.


Oct 27, 2017
Odyssey is one of the most fully-featured, content-rich AAA games in years. Calling it a rush job is preposterous.


Oct 25, 2017
Series that release yearly, or every other year, typically involve multiple game studios working in parallel.

However your point still stands to a degree, OP, as games are unable to meaningfully adapt to player response between sequels with that kind of development cycle. The best case will be a better realisation/refinement of concepts the team was aiming for in the earlier game (Arkham Asylum -> Arkham City, AC Origins -> AC Odyssey).


Oct 25, 2017
That's the worst hot take I've read here in a while. It's very clear you don't know anything about what you're talking about.
Oct 26, 2017
Oh good another thread where random Internet person has absolutely no idea what they're talking about but feel like they're experts.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Bad examples, OP. Those games took 3 years or more. AC Odyssey took 3 years to make. Not 1 year! and it has many brand new features, world, story, interactions..etc but changing the HUD would've made it worth the price for you? lol!
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