Nov 20, 2017
She's done some really risque acts during her career, I doubt she's being pushed into this relationship

They've been doing this to gay stars since the 1940's and they still do it today .

When there are millions and millions of dollars at stake you'd be surprised what people are prepared to do to maintain their careers.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Philly ❤️
Miley is gay.

She's obviously being told to jump 'back into the closet' (clearly marrying Helmsworth to keep up appearances was a mistake) for the sake of her career and what she's ended up with is an offensive PR mess.

What on earth was she thinking with this nonsense?
She's never came out as gay, she's pans. She came out a while ago and no one cares/cared. what a ridiculous post.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017

The Boat

Oct 28, 2017
Isn't she just talking about women who say they don't want to date men because they suck? Seems pretty clear given her follow up tweet. I mean, she phrased it terribly, but considering she's always been an ally, isn't it better to give her the benefit of the doubt and think a little instead of rushing to conclusions? Seriously folks, you're always in such a hurry to be mad and to cancel people.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Philly ❤️
Isn't she just talking about women who say they don't want to date men because they suck? Seems pretty clear given her follow up tweet. I mean, she phrased it terribly, but considering she's always been an ally, isn't it better to give her the benefit of the doubt and think a little instead of rushing to conclusions? Seriously folks, you're always in such a hurry to be mad and to cancel people.
So instead of homophobia its sexism?
Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (1 Day): Inflammatory Generalization
You're looking really hard for offensive statements. Do you not know than many men are shitty partners? Do I have to add a #notallmen ?
Some women swear off men because they've had bad experiences with men, that's all it is.

Have you not been on this board before? looking to overreact to anything that can remotely be deemed offensive Is its bread and butter lately.


Oct 25, 2017
You're looking really hard for offensive statements. Do you not know than many men are shitty partners? Do I have to add a #notallmen ?
Some women swear off men because they've had bad experiences with men, that's all it is.

no, that person is not even looking hard enough

Like PixelatedDonut didn't even mentioned the transphobia of a pansexual saying every dick belongs to a man


Oct 25, 2017
Jesus Christ, the problem with her comment is that it's homophobic and transphobic, not that it's "offensive to men." Stop making everything about you.
Oct 27, 2017
Was she saying this shit to stroke her boyfriends ego? "I was gay until I found a dick good enough" is how this reads, and that's pretty clearly a disturbing thing to say. Is that who was in the video with her?


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
With social media comments that dumb and offensive she could well end up being the first female president of the United States.


Fen'Harel Enansal
Mar 30, 2018

Honestly that's so disappointing. And she's supposed to know better than this. Sigh.


Oct 25, 2017
What a surprising take from the rap culture vulture turned "rap is evil" then once again turned back to liking rap. Don't worry. She'll change her mind in a year.


May 14, 2018
Do you people never joke? Of course it was stupid to say it on social media, knowing it was going to be everywhere and it could even hurt sensibilities that took it as a serious remark. But I see a lot of people in this thread thinking that Miley actually BELIEVES this shit??

She identifies as pansexual, she has dated at least two girls and set up a whole foundation to help LGBTQ. It's obvious she doesn't think "people are gay because they haven't found the right man". Yes she deserves criticisim for being so unconscious, and it seems that she will never learn, but to make it seem like she's a homophobe now it's ridiculous and the only thing it does is give real homophobes a chance to "prove" themeselves right somehow.


Oct 31, 2017
Alliance, OH
At what point do they realize that it's not "all men" or "all women" that are the problem... it's that they are shitty human beings that no one wants to stay around?
Nov 17, 2017
I guess I get what she was TRYING to say...but she phrased it in such a ridiculous way lol.
Yeah, I think she probably should've just kept the statement to her own personal experience. Trying to turn it into a lesson for all the women out there was the dumbest way to say something like that.

Looks like Miley didn't just retreat back to white privilege but straight privilege too

The Boat

Oct 28, 2017
Have you not been on this board before? looking to overreact to anything that can remotely be deemed offensive Is its bread and butter lately.
no, that person is not even looking hard enough

Like PixelatedDonut didn't even mentioned the transphobia of a pansexual saying every dick belongs to a man
Edit: Possibly a poorly thought out joke about people who genuinely use #notallmen, no offense met.
Last edited:


Alt Account
Oct 27, 2017
You're looking really hard for offensive statements. Do you not know than many men are shitty partners? Do I have to add a #notallmen ?
Some women swear off men because they've had bad experiences with men, that's all it is.
A man telling what is or isn't offensive to lesbians and women, nice.


Alt Account
Oct 27, 2017
I'm trying to understand how exactly I did that. Especially when that post is a response to an accusation of sexism towards men.
First you are saying this isn't directed to women attracted to other women, second you are saying the "Some women swear off men because they've had bad experiences with men" isn't a sexist stereotype, third you are saying people are overreacting. Not mansplaining at all.


Mar 18, 2018
It she was specifically talking about her own personal experience and feelings with questioning thats one thing, it's not up to me or anyone to say she can't be straight again if that's what she feels.

But that's not what she said.

What's she's actually did was tell people they don't have to be queer and to not give up on dick. That and imply that a significantly large portion of queer women (or at least she feels are large enough a portion to where she doesn't need specifcy), are queer only because they didn't get "good dick".


Oct 25, 2017
So I think she was trying to say that while she in pansexual she had not wanted to date a guy because of horrible experiences with them up a point, but she literally phrased it in the worst possible way she could. And I dont feel bad for her because she did not offer much contrition in that twitter post either