
Oct 27, 2017
That's a shortsighted view of things. You are looking at the landscape as it exists and how you have an understanding of it traditionally. While Game Pass is really for Xbox One console now, it won't always be. That's why they are making more Play Anywhere titles (and encouraging others to do so as well).
So many words to suggest I don't understand the situation or I'm old fashioned. We can see the situation just fine. We still need these amazing business plans to be proven on how exactly MS will grow their gaming services and so far nothing about Play Anywhere is enticing the PC side besides the Xbox exclusives they can't get otherwise.

That's why they are investing in making BC on PC for OG/360 and prolly XBO games at some point. Then with Phil stating (and it being obvious) that they will have a Game Streaming service (as Sony does) but with Game Pass where you wouldn't need neither a PC nor a console, you can see how much it "console sales" matter in the big scheme of things.
360 and Xbox One games running on the PC is a very limited library with so many of those games already on PC. Where's all this demand for the 360 and XB1 library on the PC anyway? We already got all Xbox exclusives going forward on PC.

Then you say streaming services with Game Pass will help nullify console sales, but we haven't seen this work so far. Sony used to let you game on Samsung TVs without a PC or console, but they have since discontinued it, maybe because Samsung wasn't getting anything out of the deal or it just wasn't popular. Either way it suggests so far this isn't going to be an automatic success like you make it sound.

We'll have to see, but so far these ideas have been tried in some ways and don't guarantee MS has a solid solution to growth in gaming profits outside of consoles.
Oct 25, 2017
Just shows how difficult it can be to bring people back from a major PR disaster. Despite the 360 being my main console, I wrote it out of my mindspace at the one launch and still just can't bring myself to spend time with it despite buying an S for the 4k player.


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (1 day): Posting misinformation to incite console wars
Key word "slowly" hehe

The Xbox Brand was in shambles years ago. MS has slowly fix a lot of the errors of the Xbox since launch..
Not only that, but releasing the same game on PC has also helped them secure additional sales. When I said Xbox, I meant the whole ecosystem.

Now with game pass, I expect 2018 to be better for them.

You're mistaking fixing PR with fixing their lack of financial gain. Again, XBOX has NEVER made Microsoft a profit. Which is why Microsoft PR always talks revenue instead of profit. The difference is gargantuan but people equate the two..


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly that sounds pretty atrocious to me. Halo 5 and GOW4 got tepid reactions, and as great as Forza might be the racing audience is limited.

Cuphead and Ori are the real gems of XB1. But that's not nearly enough when competitors have many more great games than that every year.

I'm hoping they have some internal studios we don't know about that are going to surprise us.

I still get on Gears 4 all the time. The lobbies are always full at all times. I say it is a success.

I can't say for Halo. But I still saw lobbies full when I checked it out with the X back in November.


Oct 27, 2017
That number doesn't sit right w/ me because we knew of the 35 million like over a year ago, at least well before the holiday 2017 season and we know they moved a lot of XBOs and Xs then. I'd wager it's closer to 40 million atm which is not stretching it at all.

You should trust Zhuge's numbers, they're the most accurate information we're going to get for WW X1 sales. Hunches and personal feelings aren't useful data.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Just shows how difficult it can be to bring people back from a major PR disaster. Despite the 360 being my main console, I wrote it out of my mindspace at the one launch and still just can't bring myself to spend time with it despite buying an S for the 4k player.

I hear you.

I used to game on PS4 for most of this generation. I was also sour grapes after that terrible unveiling and Don Matricks punchable face.

However, I have def shifted back to Xbox. From the 4K player, 3rd party looking best (on the X) and all the features they have added, it is def a very good console. Will see what direction they will take us now with Spencer.


Oct 30, 2017
What has created this PS4 dominance is the rise of Japan developers and MS is not part of that.
What created PS4 dominance was that it was cheaper, and more powerful on top of that. Not to mention the weird ass reveals and how Sony played their cards cleverly with some cheap and efficient viral marketing. Also the whole Kinect camera stuff right about the time the NSA scandals arose. All perfect timing.

If anything the fact that MS still managed to sell quite a bit of Xboxes shows that they now have a decent brand name.


Nov 2, 2017
Honestly that sounds pretty atrocious to me. Halo 5 and GOW4 got tepid reactions, and as great as Forza might be the racing audience is limited.

Cuphead and Ori are the real gems of XB1. But that's not nearly enough when competitors have many more great games than that every year.

I'm hoping they have some internal studios we don't know about that are going to surprise us.

Many more? What counts as many?


Nov 2, 2017
OK, cool. You do have some insider knowledge right? So I trust you on that.

Given their reputation for spin, I wonder why they chose such garbled wording, though. They should have just said "profitable" and no one would have suspected it means something else.

Growing profitably is a normal term. It means you are increasing revenue and are also profitable. Not really sure why on earth that would cause any confusion.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Growing profitably is a normal term. It means you are increasing revenue and are also profitable. Not really sure why on earth that would cause any confusion.
It's not though. The expression even threw off long-time Microsoft reporters and insiders like Paul Thurrott, who had no clue what they were trying to say.

I have googled the expression and not been able to find a definition anywhere, like you easily can with other financial jargon. If you can point me to a definition, that would be appreciated.
Last edited:
Nov 12, 2017
I don't understand why some people praise MS for their Xbox functions and services.

There are NO games. That is what matters.

If Microsoft released a handheld weaker than 3DS, and they had loads of unique diverse IPs, it would sell better than the current X.

Microsoft just "doesn't get it", sorry to say it. A bunch of suits who just try to cash in on the console market. Cold, emotionless, cynical.
I think that who bought the Xbox one X play the best version of MOST games on the console market..and with most I mean really the great majority of them ...(clearly compared with other consoleand who have a of ps4 or a ps4pro) so honestly the narrative "it has no games" is just stupid and mislead8ng as it sound


Nov 2, 2017
Few questions for you guys (you know who you are so I'm not quoting all of you)

  • Why does having games on the PC devalue Xbox consoles? Please elaborate with something more than ("because then it has no exclusives")
  • Does having Kindle apps on non Kindle devices devalue Amazon's bookstore?
  • Do you believe you'll have more or less games on the PlayStation console long run if Microsoft exits gaming?
  • Do you believe PlayStation will offer a better or worse value to gamers once Microsoft exits gaming?
  • If ecosystem and features isn't the most vital aspect of the major platform holders, why is Steam so dominant and beloved?
Even if you never plan on buying a Xbox for the rest of your lifetime, I think many of you are being naive and detrimental to your gaming hobby with your rooting interests and what you hope to be true regarding death of Xbox.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
Many more? What counts as many?
You're asking how many games each publish?

In 2017 Xbox published 11 games, four of which were digital only, two of them were remastered, and one of the retail games was a 'definitive edition' rerelease.
in 2017 Sony published 25 games, six of those were remasters, twelve were digital only.
in 2017 Nintendo published 31 games, twenty of those for 3DS, four of those being eShop. Eleven for Switch.


Oct 25, 2017
Well if your being honest, outside media sources have literally ripped X1 apart from the beginning. MS, hasn't been able to say a single thing without some media source challenging them on their PR. From X1, to first party software to 3rd party software. MS hasn't caught a break even though they've made clear moves to right the ship. Sony never caught this much garbage for giant scorpions or the $599. Media outlets are a fickle group and they have their own slant when they want to change the game. Case in point: Look at the difference in the X1 Tomb Raider exclusive and what has happened to the Monster Hunter reviews. The media couldn't shut up about crying over the PS4 version of Tomb Raider (knowing it was exclusive) yet they've kept so, quiet over the lack of reviews with the X1 Monster Hunter game. Then they acted all shocked when the Xbox One actually sold a great deal of copies of the game. Citing how can this be cause we didn't review it. No the media has a play in all this!

I find this more than a little disingeniuous. I don't know where you were in 2006, but Sony very much was rightfully criticized for the PS3 reveal. Of all things to pin the Xbox One's failings on, media bias wouldn't even be on my list, let alone high up on one.

Heath V

Oct 27, 2017
Poorly written article, more Doom and Gloom. Xbox is my ecosystem of choice, the One X is the best system that I have ever owned.

Deleted member 12352

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
lmao at that sales range.

I honestly don't agree with it. I can counter argue must points. It seems most recent articles are always negative when it comes to MS or Xbox.

They have brought this entirely on themselves.

Yet, I slowly see how MS is turning the Xbox brand once again to a profitable position.

Where are you seeing that?

Sony never caught this much garbage for giant scorpions or the $599.
Jesus Christ... the amount of straight up delusion in some of the posts in this thread are seriously at hardcore Trump supporter levels right now.

Poorly written article, more Doom and Gloom. Xbox is my ecosystem of choice, the One X is the best system that I have ever owned.
You should write them an email telling them this. Maybe they'll write a retraction.
Last edited:


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Few questions for you guys (you know who you are so I'm not quoting all of you)

  • Why does having games on the PC devalue Xbox consoles? Please elaborate with something more than ("because then it has no exclusives")

  • Does having Kindle apps on non Kindle devices devalue Amazon's bookstore?
  • Do you believe you'll have more or less games on the PlayStation console long run if Microsoft exits gaming?

  • Do you believe PlayStation will offer a better or worse value to gamers once Microsoft exits gaming?
  • If ecosystem and features isn't the most vital aspect of the major platform holders, why is Steam so dominant and beloved?

Even if you never plan on buying a Xbox for the rest of your lifetime, I think many of you are being naive and detrimental to your gaming hobby with your rooting interests and what you hope to be true regarding death of Xbox.

1.Perfect question. It doesn't. However, people think if the game is on PC, it is not exclusive to Xbox. So I guess SF5 is not really exclusive to PS4.

2.Not at all and a great analogy

3.This has been one my strongest counter points when I talk to my only Sony friends. They keep mocking the Xbox and pray it leaves the competition because it has "No games and for the LOLs"

They fail to see MS is also the reason for the success of Sony. COMPETITION is always a positive and a necessity.

4.Same point as above. It will def change for sure.

5.And there goes the dynamite! MS Being a pioneer and trying to offer a service like Netflix is certainly bold and a game changer..I actually expect more games to start coming out thanks to the Gamepass model.

Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The X1 reveal totally fucked them. And the disastrous E3 that followed was the coup de grâce. From the "always online" to "no used games" to "why would I want to live there" to "we do have a console for those people" etc etc it was just months and months of (deservedly) horrible press for them. It is astonishing how badly the people higher up at Xbox read the market in 2013 and how poorly they reacted to the backlash.

People think the press/forums are negative towards MS right now must have either forgotten or not been around 2013. It was a blood bath, the hardcore absolutely despised it. It took them forever just to remove the toxicity from the brand.

The only lucky break for them was that the WiiU was such a disaster, so they would always be the second option. If Nintendo had a Switch instead of a WiiU in 2013, the X probably would be a complete failure.


Oct 30, 2017
I definitely don't agree. We've seen time and time again that no matter how dire a platform holder's position may be in the industry, things can change with the onset of a new generation. And the opposite has proven true as well (ie. a fall from grace) It's extremely difficult to regain the trust of consumers, or retake lost mind share in the minds of the populace, during the course of a generation - but there's something about a new generation that allows for platform holders to start anew. We've seen this with all of the platform holders. Microsoft's transition from the Xbox to Xbox 360, Nintendo's transition from Gamecube to Wii and Wii U to Switch, and Sony's transition from Playstation 3 to Playstation 4. Having said that, typically, you have to begin to lay the groundwork in the previous generation and finish a generation relatively strongly leading into the next. I believe Microsoft is doing that to a large degree.

They're absolutely not going to overcome the deficits they find themselves in this generation. They're going to be a distant third behind Sony and Nintendo by a large margin, there's no doubt about that. But if they keep doing right by consumers, improving their services, adding value to their platform and truly begin to slowly build up their first party offerings - then there's no reason they can't hit the ground running next generation should they plat their cards right. I do believe we have to redefine what success is for Microsoft, because I don't believe success for them is going to be the same as success has been for Sony and Nintendo - especially in past generations. It's not going to be about sheer console sales and revenue from video game sales, although those two will certainly help them achieve their other goals. If Microsoft can sell a respectable amount of consoles, bolster it's Live subscriptions, get people to buy into other subscription platforms like Game Pass and become a legitimate player in PC gaming - I think they're content because all of those things are going to add up to a nice revenue stream - even if they find themselves not topping the sales chart.


Nov 10, 2017
"OneBadMutha, post: 4451193, member: 30292"]Few questions for you guys (you know who you are so I'm not quoting all of you)

Not sure it was me and I will assume you are not trolling...

Why does having games on the PC devalue Xbox consoles? Please elaborate with something more than ("because then it has no exclusives")

But exclusives are exactly the point. It's like the article said...if you read it...that its only playable on that device. So you need to own that console to play it. PC means I can get it on Steam, no need to go thru MS for anything. So they are cut out. No need to own that console. Why spend 100s??
  • Does having Kindle apps on non Kindle devices devalue Amazon's bookstore?
You do know that the app is an Amazon app right? So all they did was not sell you a 50 tablet but keep selling you books and keep making money. When a game is sold on Sony system oddly MS doesn't get anything (except for minecraft). Its also part of amazon's marketing plan...which by the way that company still not profitable. Its just big.

Do you believe you'll have more or less games on the PlayStation console long run if Microsoft exits gaming?

And thats the point. IT IS NOT GOOD FOR THEM TO LEAVE. The problem is right now a way to keep them in the game, so to speak, is hard to see. Competition is a good thing.

Do you believe PlayStation will offer a better or worse value to gamers once Microsoft exits gaming?

See above. You don't understand some of the criticism people are giving here. They are making arguments that are showing the weakness not many are cheering this on because they know competition is good. Though there are some people who won't let go of the E3 presentation, which I get.
  • If ecosystem and features isn't the most vital aspect of the major platform holders, why is Steam so dominant and beloved?
Cheap. Low cost. Easy. Usually reliable. But their seasonal sales and for many, codes from sites that may or may not be questionable that offer games are even lower costs.
Even if you never plan on buying a Xbox for the rest of your lifetime, I think many of you are being naive and detrimental to your gaming hobby with your rooting interests and what you hope to be true regarding death of Xbox.

Some are cheering am I sure. Some are smarting because they got wacked with the ps3 stuff years ago and want others to feel that pain a bit. It always felt that sony could come back. This time it does feel different. Again, even Phil is talking about the end of consoles.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Brand issues worldwide. People won't even look or even acknowledge an Xbox is certain parts of the world. Nothing they can do to change that. It's either Playstation or Nintendo.


Oct 25, 2017
I am one of Sony's biggest fans. I hated MS's focus on Kinect and TV, but bought the X1 at launch for two reasons:
1) I could afford it
2) It had a better launch lineup and had releasing Titanfall right around the corner. KZ Shadowfall was a disappointment and knack was trash and while i ended up hating Ryse, i still respected the production values and their ambition on the narrative front. Cant say the same about knack which was basically a budget game.

I loved Titanfall. Sunset was my GOTY in 2014. I liked both much more than Sony's two exclusives that year, Infamous and DriveClub. Both Sony and MS had weak years, but i was more or less content with their output knowing Halo, Fable, Quantum Break, Coalition's New IP, and Kamiya's games were on the horizon. There were rumors of them partnering with Obsidian for a next gen RPG which kept me from selling the console after a weak 2015 where Halo 5 ended up being a disappointment and nothing else was released.

Instead, Phill cancelled Kamiya's game he had advertised in three trade shows. He cancelled Coalition's new IP he had advertised at the console's first E3. Then he spent a $100 million buying rights to a dead franchise and forced these guys to make it. He then shutdown Lionhead studios and cancelled the fable game he had advertised for two years. Then cancelled the Obsidian game he never revealed. Since 2014, i have only played halo 5, gears and quantum break on my x1. Both ok games, nothing special. Gears was so boring i couldnt finish the first two levels. it feels like a game from 2006. Thats three games in three years.

Now my X1 is worth $65. I cant even trade it in towards an X1X because it would only get me a $100 and cost another $400. My launch X1 doesnt have HDR support unlike the launch PS4s. It has no games i want to play. Sea of thieves and Crackdown look unremarkable and ugly. say what you will about Sony games, but they bring their A game when it comes to graphics. SOTC looks stunning. So do Detroit, Spiderman, and God of War.

When i bought the X1 at launch, i looked at Ryse and thought this shit looks next gen and hoped MS would eventually release the sequel with great gameplay. Instead the cut ties with Crytek. they wasted millions keeping tomb raider off playstation instead of investing that cash in Nioh, Nier, Persona and Yakuza to make sure they appeared on their console. It's bizarre to me that those games are exclusives when Sony didnt appear to have any funding invested in the development of those games. They couldnt spend a few million publishing and distributing these excellent games?

Switch's success boggles my mind, but at the end of the day, its rather simple. Exclusives sell consoles. MS spent billions on acquiring minecraft instead of spending a few hundred million acquiring all the failed studios this gen. say what you will about Don Matrick but hes the one who stepped in to help EA fund Titanfall when it went over budget. He is the one who signed Insomniac to make Sunset. he greenlit Coalition's new IP. Phill came in and spent millions keeping Titanfall off PS4 forever, cancelled new IPs, didnt sign Insomniac to make a sequel or a new IP and shut down studios.

He might have had a big hand in removing kinect requirements but he has been really bad for exclusives.


Oct 27, 2017
The only narrative I see left for players to discuss is their exclusive portfolio. That is literally the only gripe left.

From my perspective Spencer has categorically addressed each issue the platform had beginning with platform services (BC), hardware and most recently the Game Pass initiative. They are offering phenomenal value for their ecosystem and have a clear goal for what their platform will look like for subscribers.

Looking at the recovery they've made since that controversial launch, I'm confident they will be able to solve their exclusive situation as it goes hand in hand with their Game Pass service.

Besides, there are already some excellent games coming out this year.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Again, even Phil is talking about the end of consoles.

There was a time when Netflix was talking about the end of traditionally renting movies at a video store further murdering Blockbuster Video. ( America's biggest video store chain)

Millions of BB members laughed at this comment as well.


Oct 26, 2017
Few questions for you guys (you know who you are so I'm not quoting all of you)

  • Why does having games on the PC devalue Xbox consoles? Please elaborate with something more than ("because then it has no exclusives")
  • Does having Kindle apps on non Kindle devices devalue Amazon's bookstore?
  • Do you believe you'll have more or less games on the PlayStation console long run if Microsoft exits gaming?
  • Do you believe PlayStation will offer a better or worse value to gamers once Microsoft exits gaming?
  • If ecosystem and features isn't the most vital aspect of the major platform holders, why is Steam so dominant and beloved?
Even if you never plan on buying a Xbox for the rest of your lifetime, I think many of you are being naive and detrimental to your gaming hobby with your rooting interests and what you hope to be true regarding death of Xbox.

Who's asking for the death of Xbox? I just want them to make some damn good games!

Just give me something addictive and that has a good compelling story that doesn't revolve around competing with others and having the best skillz!

Give me an Exclusive RPG, Action Adventure, 3D Platformer, Horror Thriller, anything that isn't a competive shooter or racer geez!

They already hace me with the system, the services like gamepass and the price. But I refuse to buy one until they give me games. I have PS4 and 3DS for Exclusives, Multiplats and JRPGs.

I'm getting a Switch soon because of guess what...the games that are gonna come out.

Why can't Xbox have the same? They had me with Scalebound then they cancelled it, They partially had me with Phantom Dust Remake also but they cancelled that too. They gave me shit like Quantum Break, Ryse and 2 Dead Risings and everything else revolved around competive games. Titanfall, Halo, Gears, Forza, etc.

All that interests me now is Ori and The Blind Forest and Cuphead but I can run those with a middleware PC.

So no, I'm not wishing Xbox death, I'm wating for them to open up their IP stash they have never used and waiting for them to make new IP's.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Sea of thieves and Crackdown look unremarkable and ugly. say what you will about Sony games, but they bring their A game when it comes to graphics. SOTC looks stunning. So do Detroit, Spiderman, and God of War.

When i bought the X1 at launch, i looked at Ryse and thought this shit looks next gen and hoped MS would eventually release the sequel with great gameplay. Instead the cut ties with Crytek. they wasted millions keeping tomb raider off playstation instead of investing that cash in Nioh, Nier, Persona and Yakuza to make sure they appeared on their console. It's bizarre to me that those games are exclusives when Sony didnt appear to have any funding invested in the development of those games. They couldnt spend a few million publishing and distributing these excellent games?

Switch's success boggles my mind, but at the end of the day, its rather simple. Exclusives sell consoles. MS spent billions on acquiring minecraft instead of spending a few hundred million acquiring all the failed studios this gen. say what you will about Don Matrick but hes the one who stepped in to help EA fund Titanfall when it went over budget. He is the one who signed Insomniac to make Sunset. he greenlit Coalition's new IP. Phill came in and spent millions keeping Titanfall off PS4 forever, cancelled new IPs, didnt sign Insomniac to make a sequel or a new IP and shut down studios.

He might have had a big hand in removing kinect requirements but he has been really bad for exclusives.

You had invested in your post..

However, this is just wrong!!! While I can't really say for CD3(no one can)

SOT is beyond ridiculously beautiful! I played the beta which didn't even have X enhancements and my jaw was on the floor most of the time..

Play it first then you may criticize it.

Deleted member 36622

User requested account closure
Dec 21, 2017
35 mln units total is very low.

Switch sold half of that after not even a year, i wonder how much it will take to outsell it at this point.

With such a low installed base maybe Microsoft should end this gen earlier and focus on a new console (of course keeping the support for the One family) with 4-5 very big exclusives coming in the first year.


Nov 4, 2017
Market Disruption seems to be where MS is aiming. Competing with Sony on their turf is never going to succeed. Nor would I want it to, I want my MS games different. It's what drew me to the 360 , being a fairly hardcore Q3/BF1942/wow etc player on PC(I'm old). I have very little interest in single player cinematic experiences. I want social games and features, persistence and choice of hardware and services to run them on. PC, premium console, standard console? I'll choose, its about the software and service ultimately.
MS has missed many trains over the last decade, mobile phones etc, but now they are driving one, and it's down a new route. They know the current track is a dead end. Comparing them in the now to Sony is pointless. Try to look ahead. Will they derail? Maybe, but I'm onboard. Game Pass etc has the possibility to solve some huge issues facing an industry with ever spiralling costs, dev team sizes and risk.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
Market Disruption seems to be where MS is aiming. Competing with Sony on their turf is never going to succeed. Nor would I want it to, I want my MS games different. It's what drew me to the 360 , being a fairly hardcore Q3/BF1942/wow etc player on PC(I'm old). I have very little interest in single player cinematic experiences. I want social games and features, persistence and choice of hardware and services to run them on. PC, premium console, standard console? I'll choose, its about the software and service ultimately.
MS has missed many trains over the last decade, mobile phones etc, but now they are driving one, and it's down a new route. They know the current track is a dead end. Comparing them in the now to Sony is pointless. Try to look ahead. Will they derail? Maybe, but I'm onboard. Game Pass etc has the possibility to solve some huge issues facing an industry with ever spiralling costs, dev team sizes and risk.
Where as I was the exact opposite. I bought a 360 exactly because it was beating Sony at its own 'niche'.
Halo 3 and Reach were leagues better than Resistance and Killzone as single player experiences.
Lost Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia (I know, they didn't publish that one, but it was exclusive) were much better than any of Sony's early Japanese RPG showings, such as Folklore.
Ninja Gaiden 2 and Bayonetta were both colossally better than God of War 3.
The first Gears was better than the first Uncharted.
Sony had nothing whatsoever like Mass Effect, or BioShock.

Last gen I would say MS did do the Sony thing better than Sony. Towards the end of it, yeah, they shit the bed with all the casual/Kinect trash, but when they were in it, they were securing the better exclusives.


Oct 28, 2017
Why does having games on the PC devalue Xbox consoles? Please elaborate with something more than ("because then it has no exclusives")

But exclusives are exactly the point. It's like the article said...if you read it...that its only playable on that device. So you need to own that console to play it. PC means I can get it on Steam, no need to go thru MS for anything. So they are cut out. No need to own that console. Why spend 100s??
  • Does having Kindle apps on non Kindle devices devalue Amazon's bookstore?
You do know that the app is an Amazon app right? So all they did was not sell you a 50 tablet but keep selling you books and keep making money. When a game is sold on Sony system oddly MS doesn't get anything (except for minecraft). Its also part of amazon's marketing plan...which by the way that company still not profitable. Its just big.


I think you may have contradicted yourself here.

The original post asked why having Xbox console exclusive games also release on PC seems to devalue Xbox consoles in some peoples eyes.

What I take from that is the Play Anywhere scheme, wherein Microsoft release the game on PC almost exclusively on their UWP (I think there has been at least one exception, maybe Quantum Break). MS still get the software sale. It's still their game that has been purchased, similar to how you talk about Kindle being an amazon App. MS may not have sold you the console but they're still selling PC users the games.

They have essentially opened up a platform to software sales where otherwise there would not have been any, I don't see a downside at all to Play Anywhere, but people still shout about how Xbox has zero exclusives because they can also be played on PC.

MS don't care where you buy it, they just want you to buy it, have saves, have achievements and get involved in their platform.

Sure if you're a PC gamer and fancy some console exclusives buying a PC and PS4 and / or Switch might be the best solution, which is down to MS's well documented first party exclusive issue, but they're getting PC players who would not have otherwise bought their console to purchase their software. It's win-win in my eyes.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 26, 2017
Ultimately, Microsoft is fighting against the friend factor: more people have bought PS4s, which means the average non-console-owner is more likely going to buy a PS4 since that's what their friends are most likely playing on. Since I would expect both PS5 and Xbox Two to have backwards compatibility, I don't think the new gen will be the clean slate Microsoft needs since everyone who has a PS4 is probably going to buy a PS5 because they can play all their old PS4 games on that (and ditto Xbox One owners buying Xbox Twos). This is basically the entire reason why Sony is blocking PS-Xbox cross-play.

In conclusion, I think Microsoft's in an impossible situation.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I am one of Sony's biggest fans. I hated MS's focus on Kinect and TV, but bought the X1 at launch for two reasons:
1) I could afford it
2) It had a better launch lineup and had releasing Titanfall right around the corner. KZ Shadowfall was a disappointment and knack was trash and while i ended up hating Ryse, i still respected the production values and their ambition on the narrative front. Cant say the same about knack which was basically a budget game.

I loved Titanfall. Sunset was my GOTY in 2014. I liked both much more than Sony's two exclusives that year, Infamous and DriveClub. Both Sony and MS had weak years, but i was more or less content with their output knowing Halo, Fable, Quantum Break, Coalition's New IP, and Kamiya's games were on the horizon. There were rumors of them partnering with Obsidian for a next gen RPG which kept me from selling the console after a weak 2015 where Halo 5 ended up being a disappointment and nothing else was released.

Instead, Phill cancelled Kamiya's game he had advertised in three trade shows. He cancelled Coalition's new IP he had advertised at the console's first E3. Then he spent a $100 million buying rights to a dead franchise and forced these guys to make it. He then shutdown Lionhead studios and cancelled the fable game he had advertised for two years. Then cancelled the Obsidian game he never revealed. Since 2014, i have only played halo 5, gears and quantum break on my x1. Both ok games, nothing special. Gears was so boring i couldnt finish the first two levels. it feels like a game from 2006. Thats three games in three years.

Now my X1 is worth $65. I cant even trade it in towards an X1X because it would only get me a $100 and cost another $400. My launch X1 doesnt have HDR support unlike the launch PS4s. It has no games i want to play. Sea of thieves and Crackdown look unremarkable and ugly. say what you will about Sony games, but they bring their A game when it comes to graphics. SOTC looks stunning. So do Detroit, Spiderman, and God of War.

When i bought the X1 at launch, i looked at Ryse and thought this shit looks next gen and hoped MS would eventually release the sequel with great gameplay. Instead the cut ties with Crytek. they wasted millions keeping tomb raider off playstation instead of investing that cash in Nioh, Nier, Persona and Yakuza to make sure they appeared on their console. It's bizarre to me that those games are exclusives when Sony didnt appear to have any funding invested in the development of those games. They couldnt spend a few million publishing and distributing these excellent games?

Switch's success boggles my mind, but at the end of the day, its rather simple. Exclusives sell consoles. MS spent billions on acquiring minecraft instead of spending a few hundred million acquiring all the failed studios this gen. say what you will about Don Matrick but hes the one who stepped in to help EA fund Titanfall when it went over budget. He is the one who signed Insomniac to make Sunset. he greenlit Coalition's new IP. Phill came in and spent millions keeping Titanfall off PS4 forever, cancelled new IPs, didnt sign Insomniac to make a sequel or a new IP and shut down studios.

He might have had a big hand in removing kinect requirements but he has been really bad for exclusives.

On point and also the reason I remain skeptical regarding future exclusives despite the promises. All talk but nothing to show for it.


Oct 27, 2017
North East, UK
Sometimes I think a reality check is needed instead of people pulling out narrative talking points from the echo chambers.

Xbox has addressed each point and has completely turned around since its launch and with the current sales, Buzz form PUBG and Sea of Thieves they must feel good.

Someone earlier in this thread put it really well saying it's this gens PS3 turning around it's mistakes and fighting well.

I think userbases, digital library's and BC will also mean it's not a level ground next gen either but people also said that about the 360 & PS3.

I think we are in the great times at the moment, three great console platforms pushing eachother, PC space pushing everyone, Phones and Tablets now a solid platform, VR pushing at the edges and we're all reaping the benefits.


Oct 25, 2017
Their decision to double down on the Wii U's tablet made no sense to me at first, though i do now see the logic behind removing the console part altogether. Released yet another weak console that cant play most current gen games. i dont get why everyone is going gaga over the portability of a console that cant play 99% of the current gen games like Destiny, battlefield, cod, battlefront, ac and well 99% of the other games out there. It launched with a total of five games, four useless games and one massive game that was available on their last gen console.

On paper, it shouldnt have been a success but by the end of the year they had several well reviewed exclusives out so i get why it's continued to sell well after its initial success.