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Oct 27, 2017
United States
*Disclaimer: I am not preferring one company over another, just trying to get people to understand Microsoft's stance in this industry.

One thing I can't stand is fanboys who mock gamers because they prefer one system over another. Or mock the other game systems they don't own because they say there aren't games for it. Google, Sony, and Microsoft are developing their respective streamed gaming services because that's where we are ultimately headed.

We can all agree that Microsoft messed up when they announced the Xbox One and how much it would cost. Everyday I read on forums, or here people say "Xbox has no games". First of all, if that's your argument, get out of here with that fanboy shit. Secondly, Sony owns several movie studios and I'm sure there may be some influence from them when the developers make their beautifully cinematic games. The point I'm trying to make is, that ultimately Microsoft is leading the way in the gaming market. Their streaming service they announced they other day has been their ultimate vision since day one.

See, back in the late 1990's, Sony and Nintendo were dominating the living room entertainment market with their respective consoles. In turn, this was taking a huge chunk of the pie Microsoft Game Studios were trying to get a piece of. The original Plan was to create the Xbox to get in the living room as well as stay number one in the home office with their other products. Microsoft took notice of the PC games market decreasing because of consoles. So the Xbox was created to basically be a user friendly games PC in the living room. The point is, if you have a Windows OS in any capacity, they have way more potential customers than anyone else.

Fast forward to today. Microsoft has achieved this regardless if people are aware of it or not. Go ahead and say it, "Xbox has no games". Ok sure, whatever. Game 'A' is released on PS4/PC-MS gets your money. Game 'B' releases on all platforms-MS gets your money. Game 'C' releases on PC only-MS gets your money. Microsoft has "won" the home entertainment market. Whether it be in the living room or home office. Sony is limited to the console. Microsoft even has a game(s) on the PlayStation. They have achieved what they originally set out to do, dominate the games and entertainment market by reaching to everyone one in every continent.

And as far as Microsoft selling off the Xbox brand, it's never going to happen as long as millions, if not billions, of people are gaming. There will always be a dedicated console, and now more than likely a streaming box to compensate it for the casual audience.


Oct 27, 2017
People really need to learn to respect other platforms, their games and users. It isn't exactly a difficult concept to grasp.


May 8, 2018
This reads like a post from Xbox Reddit with victim complex thinking everyone is out there bashing their beloved Corporation Microsoft.


Oct 25, 2017
They have achieved what they originally set out to do, dominate the games and entertainment market by reaching to everyone one in every continent.

Which is why they're about to be passed in sales by a system that came out 4 years after theirs did.


Oct 28, 2017
This reads like a post from Xbox Reddit with victim complex thinking everyone is out there bashing their beloved Corporation Microsoft.
Have you seen the MS threads on our very own forum? Though i do agree that people should not be offended if others mock their console of choice, unless they feel that it defines them and that's just sad.


Jan 21, 2018
Yup, because when people think of games and entertainment they automatically think ¨Microsoft¨. Such domination/s

What were you thinking OP? I love Xbox and Im excited about its future, but what you are suggesting is completely ridiculous
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