
Oct 27, 2017
Story from a few days ago, Miami Herald: 'Instant' bridge aims to make a dangerous crossing safer for thousands of students

Instant bridge? Not quite, but in a single morning Florida International University dropped a new elevated pedestrian span into place over the Tamiami Trail to provide students a safe route over the perilous roadway for the first time.

Once it's finished in early 2019, the new pedestrian bridge will link FIU's Modesto A. Maidique Campus directly to the small suburban city of Sweetwater, where the university estimates 4,000 of its students live.

The rapid span installation was the result of months of preparation. The bridge's main 174-foot span was assembled by the side of the Trail while support towers were built at either end.

The 950-ton span was then picked up, moved and lowered into place by special gantry cranes
at the intersection of Southwest 109th Avenue in an operation that lasted several hours Saturday morning. A section of the Trail, also designated as Southwest Eighth Street, was closed to traffic Friday evening for the bridge installation, and will remain shut until 5 a.m. Monday.

Granted I'm not an architect or engineer but this seemed like a disaster waiting to happen.
Oct 27, 2017
6 vehicles
many vehicles have more than 1 person

yeah, probably looking at double digit casualties here.

this is horrible. america's not ready for these 1-day construction projects yet.


Oct 25, 2017
The Hundred Acre Wood

Looks like one side just snapped and collapsed causing bridge to fall.

Holy hell. I hope the people under that went quick. What a catastrophe.


Oct 25, 2017
Police are saying both mass casualties and several fatalities? Seems contradictory.

I'm really glad this bridge wasn't open yet. Presumably this means no pedestrians were actually on it.


ya. you can see both ends are still under construction and have no entry points. all the casualties would be in cars or the sidewalk.

Red Cadet 015

Oct 27, 2017
Hmmm... doesn't appear to have been enough tensile strength on the right side of the bridge in the video. Looks like a pillar uprooted on that side.


Oct 31, 2017
Miami, FL
I drive by that part of the school almost daily. Did so yesterday. It's insane that this even happened after being up for just a few days. I wish the best for those injured and hope they're okay. Fortunately, it was spring break so there wouldn't be that many students trying to cross under the bridge (it wasn't open to the public yet).


Oct 25, 2017
Oh god, there's quite a grizzly video doing the rounds on Twitter. It's an overhead chopper shot that appears to show a tonne of blood seeping out of one of the cars onto the road. Beware if you're scrolling around on Twitter.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm confused. Everything I read says the bridge isn't supposed to be open until 2019. Why are cars allowed to pass under it when it's still being installed.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
Back when I was in undergrad I submitted a proposal to the university board to build two pedestrian overpasses over busy crossings. They eventually ended up building one, but it was after I left. If this is the quality of those things though...I'm glad that I was ignored.


Oct 27, 2017
The older article says this was built over a period of several months on the side, just lowered into place in one day. It also wasn't scheduled to open until 2019.

Casualties means injured or dead. Fatalities obviously mean death.

Agreed. But "mass" casualties is not a phrase I would throw around unless hundreds or thousands of injuries are expected. I hope that's not the case.


Oct 27, 2017
Installation of public works in the USA are absolutely ridiculous. I wonder if this is going to be on the engineers for a shoddy design of the new instant bridge or if the contracting company was cutting corners. It sucks, I wonder how many people are going to be dead because of this?


Oct 28, 2017
This is my alma mater for my Masters degree. I would drive through that street every time I drove to campus for classes after work. Many of the students I teach and have taught end up going to FIU. It's the main college I recommend students go to if they can't afford the University of Miami (which obviously almost no one can). It's one of the heart and soul institutions of the Miami metropolitan area.

This is utterly awful. Throw the goddamn book at whoever was responsible for this.

Red Cadet 015

Oct 27, 2017
Definitely looks bad from that screenshot.

Putting a bridge up in one day seems like an idiotic idea.
It's not impossible, but the road should have been closed. The military puts bridges up in one day all the time. The problem is that you have to exceed the normal tolerances and really know what you're doing to be safe at that speed.

Looking at the design of the bridge, I wouldn't be comfortable putting that up in one day. There doesn't seem to be any support mid-span. You have a single point of failure for the whole thing.

Common Knowledge

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
God one of my "irrational" fears growing up was having an overpass crash down while I'm under it. Then this shit happens for real.
Oct 27, 2017
Putting a bridge up in one day seems like an idiotic idea.

It's not an idiotic idea if you do it right. Other countries can handle similar projects just fine. America's just a country where construction is tailored/expected to take weeks/months/year, and this is a fatal reminder that we're not ready for anything faster than that.

This incident is going to cause a slowing down in the construction industry in America and curb any real progress from being made for quite some time. We're not ready for instant.


Oct 28, 2017
This reminds me of how everythine I walk under a bridge I think about it falling on me as I drive through. Same with walking off elevators, what if, as I walk through halfway the elevator breaks and falls.



Oct 27, 2017
I'm literally sitting in class like three buildings away from this thing. I didn't even know it existed till I saw it when I was going home yesterday. I thought it was fishy that someone put that shit up so fast.

Not Asleep

Oct 25, 2017
Christ, that bridge. Someone (or, more likely, multiple someones) miscalculated big time. Those poor people. :(

This reminds me of how everythine I walk under a bridge I think about it falling on me as I drive through. Same with walking off elevators, what if, as I walk through halfway the elevator breaks and falls.

Elevators have emergency brakes in case the cords snap, so you'd probably not fall that far?
Oct 26, 2017
Hypothetically (if it wasn't construction negligence), can an architect be hit with criminal charges for a flawed design? I've never heard of such a thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Installation of public works in the USA are absolutely ridiculous. I wonder if this is going to be on the engineers for a shoddy design of the new instant bridge or if the contracting company was cutting corners. It sucks, I wonder how many people are going to be dead because of this?
if it's P.E. stamped, then it's on the engineer.
Oct 27, 2017
so BDI is the first target of lawsuits.

They failed to properly monitor the construction so they're the first liability.


Oct 25, 2017
Christ, those cars under it.

I can't believe they green light a bridge project that took six hours.

This is what some people want when they complain about how long it takes and costs for infrastructure to be built in the US always pointing to places like China that crack the whip and get things built fast never considering all the harm, pollution and deaths that go into cheap fast builds.

Red Cadet 015

Oct 27, 2017
Better shot of that pillar. Looks like pillar is rooted well. Something else gave up.

I meant the top pillar that supports the cover. It looks like this side sheared off, because if you look at the other side, it doesn't look like it has as significant damage.

It also could have failed mid-span, but in that case I would expect the side you pictured to still be leaning on it's main pillar. But I'm an amateur.

I hope the people in the cars made it with their lives but the pictures do not look good at all.
Yup, the other side is still leaning on its main pillar.


Oct 27, 2017
Those photos kind of make me feel sick. What a senseless tragedy. Those people didn't have a chance.