
Nov 11, 2017
She makes a comment possibly alluding to an antisemitic trope and gets fired for doing the right thing instead.

"Western media is biased in this genocide." Gets fired by western media for calling a genocide.

That section of her post is iffy at best. But Spyglass had to turn the dog whistle around and even bigger somehow.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
said it before but isreal has the worst PR ever
I'm honestly not sure older Jews and Jewish community leaders like rabbis realize how badly they are losing young people on this stance. Polling indicates 40% of young Jews consider Israel an apartheid state. That's only going to get more pronounced and they will feel isolated from their communities if this continues.

But ultimately that's what Zionists want, for us to feel unwelcome and unwanted so they can manufacture consent for their genocidal project. They view Jews who support Palestine as race traitors.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyway probably avoid the Thanksgiving horror movie that just came out since Spyglass co-produced it.


Oct 25, 2017

Lol, given the "you know who I mean ;)" wording in Melissa's statement was actually pretty sus it's nice of the film studio to make it clear they only cared about the fact that she acknowledged genocide was happening at all so it's fine to think this firing is outrageous and a blatant double standard vs zero action on pro-genocide statements from other hollywood stars even if you dislike the wording.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Eh. Depends on the person, honestly.

Like I said, I don't know if she did it on purpose but I'm glad you see why folks would be either upset or suspicious about that part of the statement.

The reason given by the film studio is awful. Calling a genocide a genocide is not the problem.

I do think there needs to be great care with how people express their support for Palestine. She could have chosen her words better there for sure. I am hoping she clarifies eventually.


Oct 28, 2017
Ortega likely has some contract with Spyglass, so those hoping she will now drop out will likely be disappointed. But it seems getting fired by Spyglass will be super simple. Ortega can just call the genocide going on in Gaza a genocide. That's apparently enough to get shit-canned at Spyglass.


Oct 25, 2017
User banned (2 weeks): dismissing antisemitic dogwhistles
The problem is always calling out the Genocide America supports and that has been perpetrated by Israel for decades. An ethnic cleansing recognized by the biggest humanitarian and human rights organizations in the world.

Speaking out against colonizers will get you shit-canned, black-listed, and labelled as an anti-semite. See what happened to Roger Waters.

Israel is seen as too geo-politically important to openly criticize and any major celebrity that speaks out of turn can be cut off or eliminated from professional public life.

The CEO of the company told you why she was fired. No need to read a bunch of levels into her statements to justify this horseshit.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
I have no problem with folks pointing out Western bias of criticizing Israel for its actions. The problem is that she clearly had no problem talking about everything that bothered her but then says "you can deduce why" in reference to censorship. In my experience, folks who do this don't want to say their bigoted views out loud. Of course, that doesn't mean she meant it that way but it's easy to see why the comment could be seen as a dog whistle for Jews controlling the media.

My point is, the comment isn't inherently antisemetic.

There's irony in the fact that when criticizing Israel, Western Policies regarding Israel's actions , and Western Media coverage of both as it relates to the plight of Palestinians- one must walk on egg shells because accusations of anti-semitism are inevitable- even without clumsy phrases that can be misinterpreted without context.

How many people lose their jobs when saying things that conflate Palestinians with terrorists - wether intentionally or unintentionally? There's a profound bias when it comes to the concept of dog-whistling during this conflict. She was less than elegant when pointing it out, but the juxtaposition of the reaction to her and the reaction to people who support Israel's continued genocide of Palestinian people is emblematic of said biases.

Here, she was fired because her "false references to genocide" were anti-Semitic. I think we can close this case. Her crime wasn't that she's an anti-Jewish bigot . It's that she dared to call genocide, genocide when Israel is the culprit.


Oct 25, 2017
Ortega likely has some contract with Spyglass, so those hoping she will now drop out will likely be disappointed. But it seems getting fired by Spyglass will be super simple. Ortega can just call the genocide going on in Gaza a genocide. That's apparently enough to get shit-canned at Spyglass.
Ortega is also a way bigger star. I guess we will see if she backs down or not. My guess is they will try to get her to play this whole thing cool and protect her career.


Jun 22, 2018
User Banned (3 months): antisemitic commentary, relevant prior comments
I'm honestly not sure older Jews and Jewish community leaders like rabbis realize how badly they are losing young people on this stance. Polling indicates 40% of young Jews consider Israel an apartheid state. That's only going to get more pronounced and they will feel isolated from their communities if this continues.
it's such a shame that isreal's actions are causing an actual justification for antisemitism for tons of shitheads

I've seen a lot of beautiful videos that depicted Jewish solidarity for Palestine and the actions of many good people are being drowned out by that apartheid state


Oct 27, 2017
My point is, the comment isn't inherently antisemetic.

There's irony in the fact that when criticizing Israel, Western Policies regarding Israel's actions , and Western Media coverage of both as it relates to the plight of Palestinians- one must walk on egg shells because accusations of anti-semitism are inevitable- even without clumsy phrases that can be misinterpreted without context.

How many people lose their jobs when saying things that conflate Palestinians with terrorists - wether intentionally or unintentionally? There's a profound bias when it comes to the concept of dog-whistling during this conflict. She was less than elegant when pointing it out, but the juxtaposition of the reaction to her and the reaction to people who support Israel's continued genocide of Palestinian people is emblematic of said biases.
This kinda borders on downplaying the prevalence of anti-Semitic sentiment in the general population.

Context matters. This is all happening against the backdrop of both an ongoing genocide in Gaza, as well as hundred-to-thousand percent increases in anti-Semitic hate crimes all over the world.

Antisemitic hate crimes in London up 1,350%, Met police say | Hate crime | The Guardian

Israel-Hamas war sees hate crimes increase across UK, with Islamophobic offences in capital rising by 140%


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Ortega will walk by the time the week's out and the whole thing will collapse like a house of cards before December. Spyglass is so unbelievably fucked.


Oct 26, 2017
I thought maybe, just maybe they contacted her in reference to the dogwhistle message and she refused to recant her statement. That makes some sort of sense for why they dumped their franchise lead.

Their actual response is insane


Sep 2, 2022
The Jews don't control the media but certainly Zionists of all kinds of colors and creeds do and it's all very clear when you see how quickly they acted against this actress compared to the pro-genocide ones. Not sure if she dropped the antisemitic trope fully knowingly because she does say she has been informing herself on this issue over social media for only a few weeks so it could be that she's just not aware of these kinds of things. In any case, very brave of her to stand for Palestinians while being a Hollywood actress because very few actors have come forward to even call for a ceasefire which is incredible to me.

I was really surprised some top A list stars like Dua Lipa and freaking Drake signed to call for a ceasefire.

The most despicable celebrity other than people like Amy Schumer or Noah Schnapp is DJ Khalid. He's freaking Palestinian and hasn't said a single word about the genocide. He cares more about his career than his own people. Makes me sick to see him post pics of him at a Heat game or promoting some alcohol or some other bullshit.


Aug 31, 2019
Everett, Washington
I appreciate the fact she was willing to stick her neck out to defend Palestinians.

But Jewish people on this forum are saying what she said was a dog whistle. Kinda gross to see people dismiss their concerns.

Shades of Megan Fox getting dropped from Transformers.

Anyway probably avoid the Thanksgiving horror movie that just came out since Spyglass co-produced it.

Also Eli Roth is supposedly a creep.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The fact that Mel Gibson still gets work invalidates any arguments Hollywood has against saying anything that isn't pro-israel.


Oct 28, 2017
Ortega will walk by the time the week's out and the whole thing will collapse like a house of cards before December. Spyglass is so unbelievably fucked.
Ortega probably can't walk unless she's prepared to fight--and lose--a lengthy and expensive lawsuit from Spyglass for breach of contract. Then again, she can seemingly easily get herself fired by making a public statement condemning the genocide happening in Gaza.


Oct 25, 2017
cool that Amy Schumer and that stranger things loser could openly cheer genocide but nothing bad happens to them

Definitely agree with this, that shit also should have had severe consequences

I feel like this exactly what's she's talking about in her statement. People can literally cheer/advocate for genocide of Palestinians and no one bats a freaking eye. In fact I never even saw any mentions of either of them and what they said or did until this thread.

I get that implying the media is controlled by Jewish people is a trope. But you also cannot deny that US media has 100% picked a side, and it's not Palestine.
But our media is terrible in general, just like they play literally every insane Republican humans rights violation they want to do as a normal ass issue. "Republicans say this, Democrats say that's wrong... who's right? You decide!"
It's fucking insanity.


Nov 3, 2017
That thread was an absolute embarrassment.

Decades is a lot less time than centuries. Posters repeatedly saying "learn our culture" while ignoring people explaining how it sounds like centuries old antisemitism showed themselves to be complete fucking idiots. How do you not hear yourselves? And I wasn't even offended by the original post because I know to give Foxx some benefit of the doubt.

But then you had posters claiming it wasn't even a thing people say anymore, actively downplaying antisemitism. Mother fuckers, people have said that shit to my face. I even had a roommate who I gave some channukah gelt to and he responded with "oh is this for the coins Judas took?" like that's a thing we celebrate!

Fake edit: that statement however, is absolutely terrible.
I only said decades because I've heard it since I was kid. Im willing to bet it's been around for centuries, as long as Black people having been practicing christianity and going to church.

Looking at your response here, Im not surprised a poster like you would have a problem with Black ppl saying "learn our culture"*. Your response reads like you been holding that in for a long time. I said the situation was dumb and ppl who jumped to that statement being antisemeitic dont be around Black people that much. I didnt bring up the thread, didnt attack people for explaining why it was antisemetic. Yet here you are attacking posters, calling them fucking idiots and motherfuckers. Shit is laugable.

*Im assuming Black ppl because the threads I frequent it's usually Black posters with that sentiment in threads. I wouldnt be surprised with you having a problem with other cultures saying that as well.


Oct 25, 2017

View: https://imgur.com/Tw8lDQn

Scrambling to get more people fired.

Boots Riley is Jewish. It doesn't matter. No one is free to criticize the state of Israel without their livelihoods being threatened by big name producers scouring the internet for people to destroy.


Oct 25, 2017
Ortega will walk by the time the week's out and the whole thing will collapse like a house of cards before December. Spyglass is so unbelievably fucked.
What is making people think this? I doubt it's to the degree of genocide denial, but by all accounts Jenna Ortega is apparently not a super stellar person. Wouldn't be shocked if she keeps her mouth shut to preserve her own career.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not super surprised Sarandon got dropped, she's not, uh, particularly discerning when it comes to whom she smashes that retweet button for on Twitter Dot Com, and after the third or fourth time she's retweeted a literal actual nazi just because they said Israel Bad, I can get why you wouldn't really want to deal with that.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
This kinda borders on downplaying the prevalence of anti-Semitic sentiment in the general population.

Context matters. This is all happening against the backdrop of both an ongoing genocide in Gaza, as well as hundred-to-thousand percent increases in anti-Semitic hate crimes all over the world.

Antisemitic hate crimes in London up 1,350%, Met police say | Hate crime | The Guardian

Israel-Hamas war sees hate crimes increase across UK, with Islamophobic offences in capital rising by 140%

I'm not downplaying anything. Anti-semitism is real and dangerous. So is the wide/reaching tendency to label criticism of Zionism and the actions of the State of Israel as antisemitic.

The increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes disgusts me- but that doesn't change the fact that Western society uses the threat of an accusation of anti-semitism to silence dissent against policy regarding Israel.

I agree, context matters. But the context isn't that this woman hates Jews. The context is that she hates the fact that innocent people , who are trapped in an open air prison by Israel are being indiscriminately blown up and the media won't cover it responsibly. To me, I can see why some people might assume it's anti-semitic, but upon further review people were supposed to to "deduce on their own" that the media won't fairly cover the Palestinian flight for fear of backlash and retaliation - which is exactly what happened to her.

Surprisingly (not surprisingly), the folks that fired her didn't make mention of an alleged dog-whistle. They claim that the mere act of calling out the genocide and ethnic cleansing was antisemitism. So even without that questionable sentence, she was still toast… because the mere act of criticizing Israel is the offense.
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
What is making people think this? I doubt it's to the degree of genocide denial, but by all accounts Jenna Ortega is apparently not a super stellar person. Wouldn't be shocked if she keeps her mouth shut to preserve her own career.
I'm gonna need some receipts on her other than vague gossip. She's pro-Palestine which makes her a better person than 99% of Hollywood by default.