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Oct 28, 2017
I'm not really involved with the Smash scene (I do like the games), but this is some wild stuff.

Leffen tweet said:
at this point i don't even know what to do. Legit concerned with my safety at events with this level of things. Will be looking into a lawyer before saying more just to make sure my bases are covered.

Background of this is a 2.5 hour video and 136 page manifest by player Hax$ which can only be described by insanity. I honestly think the man needs help. So I'm not sure how appropriate this thread is.

Hax$ tweet said:
This video decides the entire fate of the Smash community.

The vid has Hitler and Lenin quote's. There are unironic Death Note comparisons. Claims of Leffen having a "Dark triad" personality type and profiting off the #metoo movement by standing in support of the victims.

List of alleged charges below. To be clear, I think Leffen is in the clear, but this is to show how crazy the "charges" are.
Smash community as a whole is too fragmented to deal with shit like this in house but that player is seriously unhinged and something needs to be done about him

Saw the list of bullet points from the video, and jesus (#9 specifically should be enough to get this dude laughed out of the community for good)

Edit: UGH, of course there are too many people in the tweet replies going "HE'S JUST TRYING TO EXPOSE THE TRUTH"

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The Boat

Oct 28, 2017
Wtf is wrong with Smash's competitive community, holy shit.

Very late edit: I apologize if this seems like a dismissive driveby, but I think it's an understandable reaction given the amount of disturbing "news" coming from the community.
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Oct 27, 2017
Oh boy. I thought it would be one of those stupid drama youtubers spending way too much time on Leffen. This is…. Scary in a very different way.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Smash community as a whole is too fragmented to deal with shit like this in house but that player is seriously unhinged and something needs to be done about him

Saw the list of bullet points from the video, and jesus (#9 specifically should be enough to get this dude laughed out of the community for good)

Edit: UGH, of course there are too many people in the tweet replies going "HE'S JUST TRYING TO EXPOSE THE TRUTH"

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"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
"This video decides the fate of the Smash community"

jfc. What the hell is up with this community? It's just drama after drama.


Oct 31, 2017
I love Smash as much as the next guy but....It's just a game, why are people like this?


Oct 27, 2017
I dunno how much this can be seen as another example of the Smash community being fucked up… more like this one guy really needs help. Every excerpt I'm seeing from that PDF reads like the type of paranoia that only a psychiatrist can really help with.


Dec 15, 2018
Local smash player attempts totalitarianism lmaooooooooo

time to close the computer, turn off melee, and just get some fresh air and maybe professional help. It ain't that serious


One Winged Slayer Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
There's being obsessive and then there's this. Holy christ! 2.5 hour video plus 136 pages. Like what the hell? How do you even find the energy for this?


Oct 28, 2017
I seen Leffen trending on Twitter and was trying to figure out why. Thanks for the thread op.

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
Well, reading up on that, I hope that Leffen can stay safe, and that this Hax dude gets some professional care.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Just seeing screenshots of this video, and damn, it'd be funny if I wasn't convinced this guy was a real danger to others. I feel bad for the folks who actually watched all TWO AND A HALF HOURS of this shit.




Oct 25, 2017
This is unsettling

Sorry, this is a common misconception. The Ultimate side is just as bad. The entire smash community has a history of questionable shit.
Please don't do this
Can you and others not turn a thread about someone's potential mental break and potential threatening of another person caused by clear a number of things into an anti smash community thread. Holy fuck


Nov 1, 2017
Suomi Finland
im so old i dont even understand why there's a "scene" or community around a videogame (and i love games), so thinking there's gamers issuing long videos and manifestos against each other is just... indescribably odd.

and a Smash beat em up game of all games? what in the world...? is it that amazing?

im so old i feel like giving up trying to understand the world around me, its hopeless lol.

Bob White

Oct 27, 2017
Reminds me of the guy of who sent a bomb to the singer bjork and filmed his suicide. This amount of obsession is not to be taken lightly.
Oct 25, 2017

Leffen controls the MSM (Main Smash Media)!?

im so old i dont even understand why there's a "scene" or community around a videogame (and i love games), so thinking there's gamers issuing long videos and manifestos against each other is just... indescribably odd.

and a Smash beat em up game of all games? what in the world...? is it that amazing?

im so old i feel like giving up trying to understand the world around me, its hopeless lol.
How old do you have to be to not know video game communities? They are as old as video games themselves!
Oct 27, 2017
im so old i dont even understand why there's a "scene" or community around a videogame (and i love games), so thinking there's gamers issuing long videos and manifestos against each other is just... indescribably odd.

and a Smash beat em up game of all games? what in the world...? is it that amazing?

im so old i feel like giving up trying to understand the world around me, its hopeless lol.
Think boxing but replace the sport with Smash.


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Some people don't call Smash a fighting game because of the game itself, I say it isn't one because of the community. They're almost completely insular, and the diehards are insane. It honestly turned me off from the series in recent years.


Nov 8, 2017
The whole situation is just awful all around. Leff has to fear for his safety at events and Hax seems....mentally unwell, to say the least. There are no winners here.

And yeah, this is a pretty hyperspecific situation that I don't think makes sense to use to dunk on the Smash or Melee scene. Honestly, I haven't seen anything like this, in any scene before. I actually do think the Smash community has its problems (though in my experience the Melee side of things are usually handled better than the Ultimate side, probably largely due to older player demographics), but this isn't really related to any of those problems. This could have happened in any scene, there was no way to prevent it really.
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Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
I hope he has people on good terms with him to get in contact with him to see if he's okay. Dude needs to be with someone who can give him professional help asap.


Jul 15, 2020
And this right here is why Nintendo will not (and should never) work alongside competitive Smash. The last twelve months alone are proof in of itself that they can't be professional and will corrupt anything that they touch. Nintendo was wise to steer clear of them and this latest incident only makes it more clear.
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