
Oct 25, 2017
There's more here:

That text adventure is a neat idea. Kinda want to make something like that.
Oct 27, 2017
They aren't. You're going to create your own water type and otther nature stuff. They give you effects to simulate it though. It's up the the dreamers to make what they want. Just like weather effect. It's user generated
It seems logical that some type of water will probably be an asset you can unlock.

Can't find the gif of that top down platformer where you can see characters swimming.


Oct 25, 2017

Amazing !

People will make crazy stuff with Dreams :D

show me your skeleton

#1 Bugsnax Fan
Oct 28, 2017
skeleton land
i played the hammer game and the shooter/s at EGX, the hammer game was great, the 3d colony wars-esque game was really impressive and the 2d shooter was okay. it's a shame they've not shown the text adventure as that is fantastic too, though i guess has little impact if you're not playing it yourself haha.

show me your skeleton

#1 Bugsnax Fan
Oct 28, 2017
skeleton land
have MM spoke about the progression from this to a 'real' game engine? are they using programming-esque features or concepts that you'd learn/get to grips with via dreams that could be applied to say, unreal or unity? seems like a great way to get started with game development.

Steve McQueen

Nov 1, 2017
Holy shit! One of my favourite C64 games ( Uridium )made in Dreams!

Wow...Never thought I would see that when starting the vid... dem memories ;_;

Day one for me.


Oct 27, 2017
User warned: Inflammatory drive-by posting.
When's Sony going to pull the plug on this money sink? It's enough already.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh so you're saying that instead of MM introducing new assets, they'll mostly rely on the user base for this? That's a neat idea. I guess it'd be sorta like mods then, but I still wonder about the financial aspect of it. If the plan is in fact a 10 year one, then they'd have to monetize something right?

I know DLC will count for some but maybe they will add they're own assets for purchase?

Gonna be an interesting project all the same. I'm ready to jump in.

EDIT: OT, that first game looks fun. A little bit of Resogun influence in there. I'm gonna make a shmup for sure.
Yeah, monetisation is still up in the air. Media Molecule will be introducing new features for free, based on what the community wants. For example, online multiplayer tools will be added after launch. Split-screen is something which can't be done yet (natively) in Dreams, but there's a chance it could be added if enough people request it.

I think they're using a separate developer the create a VR campaign; this may be added after launch, although I don't know if there will be a charge for it.

Other developers, such as Kojima Productions, may make their own games within Dreams to sell as DLC. Hideo Kojima visited Media Molecule not too long ago, to get ideas for his new studio, so it's possible he could direct a small project in Dreams.


Sep 10, 2018
Hmmm what is something compelling that has never been done before???

I feel like it's so hard nowadays to have a uniquely new idea that gives us a more interesting, compelling way to play. Metal Gear came out with the whole no shooting thing, pacman, Mario all the classics had the first of their kind..I wonder what could be something we can explore now that we have the tools and zero need for a publisher to tell us what we should be doing.


Oct 27, 2017
I got all excited for a minute there after watching the space dogfight thinking about a community remaking Warhawk... before realising that online multiplayer probably isn't going to be possible?

I haven't been following the game too closely but is online multiplayer possible?
Oct 25, 2017
Hmmm what is something compelling that has never been done before???

I feel like it's so hard nowadays to have a uniquely new idea that gives us a more interesting, compelling way to play. Metal Gear came out with the whole no shooting thing, pacman, Mario all the classics had the first of their kind..I wonder what could be something we can explore now that we have the tools and zero need for a publisher to tell us what we should be doing.
That is something which seems incredibly difficult to me. There have been so many advances in gaming that it practically seems like there is no way to make something truly unique. Everything has roots somewhere else. Even so, I think people should keep trying!


Sep 10, 2018
Wait I think I got something I wanna make.

I get dibs on a Pursuit Force game.


Oct 25, 2017
I got all excited for a minute there after watching the space dogfight thinking about a community remaking Warhawk... before realising that online multiplayer probably isn't going to be possible?

I haven't been following the game too closely but is online multiplayer possible?
Online mp is post launch. Only local for now


Oct 25, 2017
I got all excited for a minute there after watching the space dogfight thinking about a community remaking Warhawk... before realising that online multiplayer probably isn't going to be possible?

I haven't been following the game too closely but is online multiplayer possible?

Online will not be day 1, but when it releases its gonna be 8 player max, its why MM said MMO's are the only genre not possible in Dreams.


Oct 26, 2017
How close/different in concept is this game compared to project spark?

The base concept is similar. The execution seems quite different from what I've seen of Project Spark. There you had a limited set of editors (e.g. a terrain editor), and then the ability to import premade assets, and visually wire up logic. In Dreams, there are deep tools for the creation of general and arbitrary assets from scratch. There are no 'premade assets' imported from other content creation tools. It's completely self-contained.


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
Pretty close, though Dreams will let you create assets totally from scratch (PS only let you choose from premade assets for the most part IIRC) and you can make things other than games, like animated films.

Regarding the bolded, have they said anything about VO work?

I can't imagine being able to record VO and adding it to an animated film without any post work being done. Not to mention what sort of moderation that would need to be in place. Would be cool though.


Oct 27, 2017
Highlands, Scotland
All the Game Informer content has been great, but I feel it's been done at the wrong time. Mm should have timed it around Beta release and digital pre order launch.

Sony should pre install Dreams on all PS5s, this game could have real legs if handled right. There is a danger it's released in the last months of PS4 and never achieves it's full potential.