Rygar 8Bit

Oct 25, 2017

Developed: Pawel Kozminski
Released: February 20, 2020 (Early Access)
Platform: Nintendo Switch (Late 2020), PlayStation 4 (Late 2020), PC (Free on PC GamePass), Linux, Mac (Coming soon, dev says it'll be next patch)
Genre: RPG
Players: Singleplayer
Price: $14.99 or free on Game Pass

Music: ArcOfDream (https://twitter.com/ArcOfDream) Qwesta (https://twitter.com/Qwesta6)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks0L07tl3oQ&list=PLNMczqrPPwyCKjNLgcUJJ1CsV7TpqxZYi&index=9


"City of Shiokawa, Japan. 198X. Something strange is happening in our town...
Robed figures can be seen gathering in the woods at night. People are going missing. Disgusting creatures are terrorizing the seaside... The rapid technological progress of the modern era brings comfort, but also new unknown threats. Old Gods, malicious eldritch beings who ruled the Earth eons ago, are awakening as reality starts to crumble... Armed with clues, spells and your dwindling sanity, you'll investigate mysteries across the city... And in realms beyond.

An old train slows down and stops at it's last station.

The end of the world is at hand, and you've finally arrived in the doomed town..."

World of Horror is a rogue like RPG mixed with point and click adventure games, mostly like the old MacVenture games, Shadowgate, The Uninvited and Deja Vu. Also don't let the Early Access put you off this game. It's playable from beginning to end with an extreme amount of content.

The game outside of the music was made entirely by one Polish developer Pawel Kozminski using MS Paint to make the art assets, and boy does this game have art assets. Hundreds of events, animated enemies, locations, characters, items and spells all done in horror manga artist Junji Ito art style. I'm over 30 hours in and I still haven't seen everything yet. There's just so much to discover and unlock it's crazy. Currently there are 7 characters to choose from (2 unlocked through achievements), 5 Backstories (4 unlocked through achievements), 4 Old Gods to choose from, 12 cases, 120 events, 60 enemies, and 60 achievements to go after (Getting achievements gives you unlocks in the game. Things like characters, in game shops, weapons, spells and secret endings.)



Lets get started. First thing you'll want to do is choose the mode you want to play.

Spine-Chilling Story of School Scissors: This option is just the School Scissors case. They set you up to play as Kouji (I think he's one of the worst). You don't really have to start with this. The other modes give you tutorials before they begin.

Extracurricular Activity: This option opens up the world, but will always make School Scissors 1 of the 5 cases you'll have to do. It also makes you play as Aiko (she's pretty good if you want to do a dex build), and puts you against Ithotu one of the hardest Old Gods (His debuff makes enemies do extra damage to you).

Quick Play: Everything is random. I wouldn't suggest this mode unless you've already unlocked everything, and know the game inside and out.

Customize the playthrough: This is the game imo. It lets you select the character you play as, their backstory and the Old God that you are going against. This mode is more new player friendly as well seeing how you can choose a broken character like Mizuki or Mimi. Along with choosing an Old God that is easier like Ath-Yolazsth or Goizo. This is the mode you'll want to hunt achievements with as well. Seeing how you can control more things.


Transfer student
Kirie Minami: Could the ghosts folling her, be in any way connected with all the weird events happening in this town?
Stats: +Knowledge -Strength and Starts with one random spell.


Swimming team captain
Aiko Takahashi: Barely surviving after a ghost of a drowned man kept her underwater, she is determined to solve this mystery.
Stats: +Dexterity -Knowledge and starts with combat speed bonus


Yakuza Driver
Haru: Robbing that old abandoned manor was a mistake. With his friends dead and mutilated, and a vengeful horror chasing him, no speed is too high.
Stats: +Strength -Knowledge and starts with cigarettes.


Teen idol
Mizuki Hamasaki: What a strange world we live in, where stopping an ancient evil is the easiest way of boosting your career.
Stats: +Charisma -Strength and starts with a random ally.


Kouji Tagawa: They say a picture is worth a thousand words. The government won't sweep this under the rug.
Stats: +Perception -Dexterity and starts with a camera.


(Unlocked through achievement)
Med student
Mimi: Finally a way to put to practice everything she's learned so far.
Stats: +Knowledge -Dexterity and starts with a scalpel.

7th character is a secret hidden character.
Miku is unlocked once you get a Prescription Drug from the Female Rioter (random drop) in Downtown. Return this drug to the Illegal Den. to unlock Miku

Old Gods:
Cthac-Atorasu, The Spider God:
The terrible spider god, Cthac-Atorasu is once again awakening from its slumber... Blinded by its impossible to satisfy hunger, it has started to tear down the walls of its cocoon prison.
Eternal Web: You can't run from combat (This can be bad if you happen across a dangerous enemy that you don't want to fight)

Ithotu, The Devouring Fire: This supposed cause of the destruction of the library of Alexandria, a perfect black marble statue has been recently discovered and is currently waiting in the museum of OOO for its long-awaited premiere.
Entrophy: Combat stamina penalties are doubled. (Attacks hit you for double damage)

Ath-Yolazsth, The Towering Eye: The Mad God favors astronomers and magicians, granting them its gift of power that unknowingly brings Ath-Yolazsth's bloated body closer and closer to Earth.
Cosmic Gift: Casting spells costing REASON, increases DOOM instead. ( I find this God to be the easiest to fight. I never use spells when I play :P)

Goizo, The Thing Forsaken By God: Banished to the other dimension a long time ago. Goizo has found a way to use mirrors to ensnare and teleport its prey straight through the glass. And the glimpses behind your reflection are just the beginning of the real nightmare.
Mirror Horror: Resting increases DOOM penalty. (This god I find just as easy as Ath. The DOOM penalty isn't that big.)

This game looks complicated from the outside, but I assure you it's really easy once you get over all the options on the screen. I'll try my best to break it down for you to understand. Just let me try and pass this check real quick.

[rolled: 10(+0)4]
(knowledge check: failure)
You try and break down game mechanics so people can understand,
but as you type only gibberish comes out. You even try to speak out loud
only to be met with more gibberish. In the back of your mind you think you
can hear some dark thing is laughing.
(+2% DOOM -1 Reason)​

Well I'm going to try anyway. Lets take this from the top. When you start your adventure you'll be put into your apartment.

Let's just ignore the stuff on the right for a moment and focus on the stuff on the bottom left.
TV icon: Takes you to your tv where it will show a random news story (it doesn't effect anything just gives you fun in world lore stuff. There is also a phone next to the tv that you can use to dial a specific number to unlock an achievement.

Bathtub icon: Before you take a case you can use the bathtub, and choose between 3 options left option will give you a little bit of STAMINA (Health) back, middle option will give you a small exp boost for the next case you take and the last option will give you back a little bit of REASON (Sanity).

Cloths hanger icon: Allows you to change your characters cloths. Just a cosmetic change, but Haru has an outfit that makes him look like Kiryu from Yakuza so that's pretty rad.

Peep hole icon: Lets you look out into the hall of your apartment complex sometimes there's some creepy animated things happening out there, but it doesn't effect you in anyway. Just a fun creepy thing to do. Unless they are adding more to it when the game is finnished.

Town screen icon: Just takes you back to the town overview screen in the beginning and lets you choose between going home or going to the Lighthouse.

Arrow icon: Lets you go choose a mystery to start. These are the cases you must solve to beat the game.

Storage icon: You can only access this storage box between cases, and not during. So if you move something out of your inventory and into your storage box while you are doing a case you won't be able to get to that item again until the case is over and you can use the storage box again. So be careful what items you send to storage.



The core of this game is taking on and solving cases. There are 12 total cases currently, and will be 20 when the game is complete. But how the game works is it will give you 5 of these 12 cases randomly each playthrough that you can complete in any order you like. Each case will have multiple endings and give you items that might benefit you in other cases. And don't fear there is no game over for getting a bad ending on a case. You can only lose if you die, go insane or let the Old Gods loose by raising your DOOM level to 100%.

The things the cases want you to do can vary greatly from one another. One might take place in a camp far away from the rest of the game where it has it's own map. Or one might have you do a very elaborate ceremony in a mansion. After you choose your case we're off!


This is the overview screen for the Rotten Report of a Rancid Ramen screen. Looks like a lot, but it's simple. Again ignore the right side of the screen for now.

Top middle: The top middle of the screen just displays story text of whatever you found while investigating. You can ignore it if you want, but it gives you context to what you're doing on the case.

Dumpster Dive: These note pads are on a lot of cases. They are just giving you side objectives you must do to gain the best ending for a case.

Icons in a grid: These are the places you can interact with, and the means you do your investigations for a case. The one I have currently selected is the school. I could click to investigate it, and that would have me do a random check if I hit an event or enemy encounter. You'll also notice to the left of investigate the school I have 2 other options. Most places I click on the grid will have extra options such as Schoolyard where I can recruit high school kids as members of my party (they give me stat boosts). Or the Library where I can try and learn spells. Or I could click the Downtown icon and visit the Dog Shop to buy items.

(If click his nose he'll bark :D)
The game will also always circle the icon you're supposed to go to investigate. So you're never at a point of not knowing where to go. You can see the icon on the top right of the icons is circled.

Now we can focus on the right side of the screen.

On the bottom right of the screen we'll start with the portrait, and the numbers around it and what they mean.
These are the 3 main things you have to juggle in the game:
is STAMINA (Health) if this drops to 0 you die and it's game over.
REA is REASON (Sanity) if this drops to 0 you go insane and it's game over.
DOOM is well DOOM! If this fills to 100% the Old Gods win and it's game over.
after those 3 we have your base stats and money. The base stats each have a weapon that they excel in using, and skill checks they need to be high enough to pass.
FND FUNDS (how much money you have)
There's a hidden stat as well. Luck, I know it effects some skill checks, but I'm not 100% what else.

Below the portrait are icons you can click.

First icon on the left is Inventory. It will open your inventory above your character portrait. From there you can equip items or sell them. In the picture you can see they have Fatal Flora, Crowbar and a Wine Bottle in their bag, and Police Revolver and Camera equipped on their character. Your bag only has a few spots available so make sure to put whatever you don't need into your storage to free up space.

2nd icon is your list of spells you know. Just like inventory it will open the list of spell above your character portrait. You can cast them from there or discard them and gain back REASON.

3rd icon is your status. It'll open a list above your character showing any injuries or curses you have. Some of them can be quite bad so always make sure if you have an injury to go to the doctor to try and clear it up if you got the funds.

4th icon is your Allies and Perks tab. It will show any person you've recruited into your party, and skills you've learned from leveling up.

the other icons aren't really important 5th icon shows current world status (I'll get into these in a little bit). Next icon shows how long you've been playing your current session, and level up screen. The next icon shows what Old God you have selected if you forgot, and the last icon is just game options.

Top right of the screen shows your current level, and under that how much experience you have. You only need 100 exp in order to level up. Once you do you can go and learn perks and level up stats or get health or sanity back instead.


Here's the level up screen on the left you have the Available Perks, and on the right you have the option of taking +1 to a stat or +4 to Stamina or Reason. I took the Folklore Studies Perk, and the +4 Reason. If you don't like the 3 Perks it gave you to choose from you could add DOOM to yourself to reroll and see if you get 3 different Perks to chose from. There is a pool of generic Perks that all characters can get and a few special ones that only certain characters can get.

Now we can get into how you get most of your experience to level up, combat!

We'll start with the top left. first we have the type icon. There isn't much to do with this yet, but future patches will add things like physical attacks will not hurt ghosts and things like that. Anyway The Class of 1971 is an Eldritch type noted by the tentacle face Cthulhu icon.

After it's name we have how much health it has 22 HP.

Next is the damage he does every turn. For him he hits your Stamina, Reason and DOOM for 2 every turn. Some enemies will only hit 1 stat for a little while others can hit all 3 of your damage types all at once.

And last we have his Power. Power decides how hard it is to hit him. The higher it is the bigger the penalty to your hit chance you'll have.

Next we have our combat options right under the enemy. The white bar is how many actions we can queue before we launch our attack. You have 200 points of options you can queue up with different things costing different amounts that also change cost if you are using a weapon you are speced for and have high stats for it.

Like Cursed Scissors (Most broken weapon in the game if you have high Knowledge) the cost per attack goes way down with having a Knowledge stat of 10 or higher making it so you can attack 4 times in a single turn and do 28 damage. Helps if you get any Perks that give you faster combat actions as well. You can do crazy damage with these things.

But if broken weapons aren't your thing we'll go back to explaining the actions you can take. Under the white queue bar on the left hand side are 4 icons. Those are your combat categories, top left is offensive abilities, top right are your support actions, bottom left are your defense actions and bottom right are your spiritual actions.

Combat Actions:
Kick: attack wihtout a weapon for 2 damage. Base chance to hit: 80%
Attack with your Weapon: Dose your weapon damage in the scissors case 7 damage. Base chance to hit 70%
Strong Attack: Scissors do 10 damage. Base chance to hit 70%
Prepare your Attack: Takes 40 points to guarantee your next attack to hit.
Attack Boost: Takes 10 points, your next attack has additional 10% chance to hit, this effect stacks. (This is great. I always stack 3 of these, and then 4 Scissor attacks. Pretty much never miss and I kill everything in 1 or 2 turns.)

Support Actions:
Look for Improvised Weapon:: Takes 120 points to look for an improvised weapon (They'll give you a decent stick or something to use during the fight if you had nothing)
Combat Skill: 60 points, Lowers your Experience by 5 and raises your chance to hit by 10% for the rest of this encounter.
Ask your Ally to Distract the Enemy: 80 points, If succeeded: Faster combat action for the duration of this encounter. If failed: Lose a random Ally. Base chance 70%.

Defensive Actions:
Run Away: 160 points, Ends the encounter for a DOOM penalty [+5% DOOM].
Meditate: 20 points, Regain 1 Reason. Costs 2 Stamina.
Dodge: 110 points (Less with Dexterity) Drastically lowers the hit chance for the enemy.
Brace for Impact: 130 points (Less with Strength) Lowers the incoming damage by half and ignores any special attack.

Spiritual Actions:
Clap: 35 points, Part of a ritual (most combat rituals are a combination of five Bows and Claps. Even if you don't get it right, you'll be provided with a hint).
Bow: 35 points, Part of a ritual (most combat rituals are a combination of five Bows and Claps. Even if you don't get it right, you'll be provided with a hint).
Pray: 20 points, Regain 1 Stamina. Costs 2 Reason.

After you've filled up your bar with actions you'll launch your attack!

Other than combat you'll also have random events that you'll have to deal with.

Some are brutal and give you no options or chance. They just laugh as they hurt you.

Some give you give you choice with the chance of getting something good... Or at least less bad.

Either way for my own Reason I think it's time I took a break. Writing this took a while, and I hope you give this awesome game a shot. It's already stuffed with content with much more and mod support coming in the near future so people can make their own cases, art and music.

I'm going to head out and get some sleep.

Ok, I'll just use the other door.
Last edited:


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Nov 4, 2017
I tried playing it. But it crashes on my PC every few minutes so I've been waiting for updates. Content wise, it needs more and/or more interesting random events. Most of them are basically binary choices like yes or no.

All-and-all this game is probably the best digital version of the Arkham Horror/Eldritch Horror board games and can't wait til they add more content to the game.


Aug 22, 2018
It's in Early Access. I'm not going to play a singleplayer story-focused game in EA, it just spoils the subsequent "full" playthrough.


One Winged Slayer - Shinra Employee
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Shit that's a chunky OP. But +1 endorsement, it's worth a few runs and you get your money's worth even in early access, and all the framework is in place to make this game even better as time goes by.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought about making this thread but no way I could have done as Good of a job as OP. I'm surprised at how much I've enjoyed my time with the game. It literally came out of no where.

Deleted member 8861

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, I think it's my go-to indie nowadays after Legend of Bum-bo turned out to be quite the wet fart.

The game still feels needlessly unintuitive in certain respects (needing to investigate a location repeatedly to progress the ramen shop event) but overall... I'm really quite enjoying it.

It literally came out of no where.
I find it funny that I've seen this because for some reason I've been distantly following this game's development for 3-ish years now. Not surprising of course, but I'm not one to keep my hand on the pulse of up-and-coming indies.
Rygar 8Bit

Rygar 8Bit

Oct 25, 2017
It's in Early Access. I'm not going to play a singleplayer story-focused game in EA, it just spoils the subsequent "full" playthrough.

Sure, I mean it'll only get better with time. As it stands right now though I've put 30+ hours into it even speed running using broken character / weapon combos, and I've only seen about 60% of the content according to all the codex entries. There's just so much contextual stuff that triggers other things that It's really hard to see all the current content there already is let alone when they add the extra 8 cases, and other Old Gods. With how the achievements work your also constantly unlocking new event packs and other things as well. God damn I love this game.

I could have dove into more about the ally system and other things, but I'm so damn tired and rambling.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm looking forward to trying out the full version, but I do sometimes wish it wasn't so dedicated to junji ito's unique aesthetic. sometimes it feels like it's juuuust stepping over the line of homage/inspiration.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
People are free to do whatever they damn want, but if anyone's on the fence about trying it out feeling that the game might be "incomplete" for being EA, don't worry - the way it works, its only going to be iterated upon, but the game that is out right now got a beginning, middle and end. If and when the new content arrives, it will be either more cases for the "middle" part (in which you take five randomized ones anyway) or different cases altogether. I'd go as far as to recommend people to play ASAP because being spoiled on what their solutions are or the "scares" kinda take away the magic of the game at least for me.


Oct 26, 2017
i've been following news for this lately, even if i don't have the game
seems like pretty fun roguelite
hell, it even made me read a cool lovecraft/ito-ish horror manga "shibito no koe wo kiku ga yoi"
Rygar 8Bit

Rygar 8Bit

Oct 25, 2017
People are free to do whatever they damn want, but if anyone's on the fence about trying it out feeling that the game might be "incomplete" for being EA, don't worry - the way it works, its only going to be iterated upon, but the game that is out right now got a beginning, middle and end. If and when the new content arrives, it will be either more cases for the "middle" part (in which you take five randomized ones anyway) or different cases altogether. I'd go as far as to recommend people to play ASAP because being spoiled on what their solutions are or the "scares" kinda take away the magic of the game at least for me.

That's how I look at it. I'd be fine if this was the full game.


Dec 28, 2019
I'd preferred a color version but I understand this aims for manga /monochrome monitor aesthetic so I am fine with the art style.


Oct 25, 2017
Great OP, just one small mistake, you can actually access item storage during case, it's in the bottom left corner when you're deciding what place to investigate next.
Only exceptions to this are the cases that take place completely in some special locations.

Everyone should try this game out, it's on Game Pass too for PC so no reason not to!

XL Hoodie

Oct 25, 2017
I put some time into it.

I have this weird image ghosting flicker issue on my monitor when I play it though. It's very distracting.
Rygar 8Bit

Rygar 8Bit

Oct 25, 2017
There is no "full playthrough" though. Just by its design, it's meant to be played over and over again. Seeing how you can only do 5 of the 12 cases that the game randomly gives you in a single run. Sure there are 8 more cases coming before the game fully releases, but you can just play them as they come. Game isn't a once and done.


Oct 31, 2017
Yes, I really want to play this game! But i'm waiting for the Switch version :D~~~
Rygar 8Bit

Rygar 8Bit

Oct 25, 2017
I was quite interested until you mentioned roguelike.

Sorry, I'll pass on this one, OP :/

If you look at it like a board game it's like you're playing a singleplayer session of Arkham Horror. Where you go investigate places and you have a chance of drawing an event card or having an enemy encounter. There is also an overarching story, and the case files that tell self contained ones where there are multiple endings for each. It's not just one linear game.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll be picking this up at some point, as soon as my wallet will allow and I have some other games out of the way. As soon as I saw some of these screens a couple weeks back, I knew I had to have it. I'm a big Junji Ito fan as well and some of the art reminds me of his work.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
Roguelike has connotations that this game doesn't have. It's more like the game is generating a Choose Your Own Adventure RPG gamebook (like the Lone Wolf series) for you each time you start. The game is meant to be replayed several times - you only get 5 cases each playthrough (and there's already more than that available, with more coming), each case has multiple possible endings depending on your choices, lots of different playable characters & elder gods to choose from, events frequently have multiple outcomes (some require specific conditions to meet), etc. Also, it looks like the game is going to enable user-created scenarios very soon.

It's like right now, the game is Persona 4 and in a few months at the official launch, you get a free upgrade to Persona 4 Golden. Despite being in early access and only being out for a couple of weeks, the game has an amazing 98% positive user score rating with over 800 reviews.

Deleted member 27751

User-requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
I actually saw this pop up on Game Pass and figured it looked interesting enough to jump onto. Boy is it a conflicting game though. A whole lot is presented to the user that it can feel really overwhelming, and what is there isn't exactly clear cut on what it does/doesn't do.

I tried my hand at the scissor storyline after battling the menu to figure out what to actually do and it was enjoyable. Interaction was difficult with the game menu, especially when everything is presented to you with barely any tutorial attached. I did eventually figure out what the combat was actually trying to achieve when I clicked things but boy it was clunky.

It has a fair bit of work to go until it's truly done, however being it is early access and what is there it's doing a good job so far. The art style is gorgeous and so it the musical effects. Seeing the very creepy shocker when you check the windows to the classroom was bloody good at 11pm!


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
I liked it a lot but it is clear that it needs some more time in the oven. I probably won't replay it until it leaves early access.


Oct 27, 2017
Looks really cool ... but I've got so much on my plate right now I think I can wait until it leaves early access.

I've stuck it on my wishlist for now.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn this looks cool, but the EA part is throwing me off. Will absolutely purchase when the game is complete.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
Tried on gamepass but the constant crashing made me give up.

I'm wondering if the gamepass version isn't getting patched as promptly since it feels like most of the crashing complaints I've heard are from that version. He's been updating the Steam version regularly and other than one crash when I picked a specific conditional command (required a specific ally in the forest), I haven't had problems.

Deleted member 27751

User-requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
I'm wondering if the gamepass version isn't getting patched as promptly since it feels like most of the crashing complaints I've heard are from that version. He's been updating the Steam version regularly and other than one crash when I picked a specific conditional command (required a specific ally in the forest), I haven't had problems.
I didn't have a single crash in the hour or so I played in game pass. Probably just subjective to build etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Looks fantastic. Heard some really good buzz about it on the Crate and Crowbar podcast as well.
But, like others here, I won't be getting near it until it leaves EA.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Feb 21, 2020
I'm excited to check it out but I'm holding out for the Switch version. If its meant to be replayed a lot I'd like to play it in bed.
Rygar 8Bit

Rygar 8Bit

Oct 25, 2017
Man I got this game down to a science. Beat it in almost 13 minutes. Would have been faster, but I miss clicked a few times and investigated a place 3 more times then I should have.

If you want to win every time choose Mimi or Mizuki and pump everything into knowledge. As long as you get the cursed scissors by failing the Spine-Chilling Story of School Scissors case you'll murder almost every enemy minus bosses in 1 attack phase by putting 3 or 4 attack boosts and everything else as basic attacks.
Jan 26, 2019
I'm wondering if the gamepass version isn't getting patched as promptly since it feels like most of the crashing complaints I've heard are from that version. He's been updating the Steam version regularly and other than one crash when I picked a specific conditional command (required a specific ally in the forest), I haven't had problems.

I asked on the game discord about this, apparently MS have been a huge pain to work with, which has lead directly to the Gamepass version falling behind. Definitely grab this on Steam or Itch if you really like the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Game kicks ass, I highly recommend it even for people who would shy away from early access and roguelikes.
Oct 25, 2017
Started this up very recently, just got my first completion. Really loving it. Though I'm not into rouge-likes, so I'm not going to sink that much time into it.
Rygar 8Bit

Rygar 8Bit

Oct 25, 2017
The new case they added is pretty good, also got a new character added to the game. Mod support is now active as well, no workshop support yet but you can grab mod packs on the official Discord found here discord.gg/bEPAtBY.


Oct 29, 2017
Can't wait to get into this when I have the time and my mind in the mood for it.
The early access was enough to convince that this game is something special.

A lot of those images remind me of Junji Ito.