
Jul 25, 2019
It was a perfectly serviceable movie. I have zero clue how it could be offensive in any way.


Jul 25, 2019
The whole movie needed to be like the train scene early in the film. I think the plot fell apart after they got to the roof of Argylle's old apartment.

I also think that the end "reveal" that this was secretly a kingsman movie was a mistake. If it was advertised as a kingsman movie, people would have been more interested. In addition, since this reveal is a "spoiler" - you can't tell people via word of mouth that they "need to see this new kingsman movie!" - which is also a blunder.

Finally, and this might be hurtful to read, but it's an interesting choice for Bryce Dallas Howard to gain 30 lbs for her role in black mirror, but not lose the weight for this role in a spy thriller. As we all know, losing weight is hard - but to market a cast of in-shape people alongside one normal person (and a CGI cat) is also a different strategy that I don't think worked.

The feedback on her weight is absolute nonsense.
Oct 26, 2017
Haven't seen Argylle, but isn't his whole schtick these days (decades?) directing "edgy" tryhard garbage? These reactions seem like they should be expected, and the real question should be why people got on board with Kingsman in the first place.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
I enjoyed it well enough. It wasn't as good as I'd hoped but I probably liked it more than Kingsman 2 to be honest. I rated it as a 6/10 -- probably a better streaming movie than anything so I can see it finding an audience there.

Some really great set pieces and I would enjoy seeing a sequel.


Oct 25, 2017
I was kind of hyped for this movie because I wanted to watch an action comedy. It was fine, definitely wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. Then the day after I watched The Beekeeper and I FUCKING LOVED THAT.
Oct 26, 2017
You know I really didn't like Argylle. But "edgy try hard" is not a real criticism. I have no idea what you mean, how it relates to this movie or any of Matthew Vaughn's work.
If you've watched Kingsman, Kick Ass, etc (Matthew Vaughn movies) and don't know what "edgy tryhard" means, then I don't know what to tell you.


The Fallen
May 9, 2018
Finally, and this might be hurtful to read, but it's an interesting choice for Bryce Dallas Howard to gain 30 lbs for her role in black mirror, but not lose the weight for this role in a spy thriller. As we all know, losing weight is hard - but to market a cast of in-shape people alongside one normal person (and a CGI cat) is also a different strategy that I don't think worked.
Yeah nah that's a fucking dumb nitpick.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought it was fun. The ice skating scene was hilarious. My only qualm was the ending had CGI that looked like shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally, and this might be hurtful to read, but it's an interesting choice for Bryce Dallas Howard to gain 30 lbs for her role in black mirror, but not lose the weight for this role in a spy thriller. As we all know, losing weight is hard - but to market a cast of in-shape people alongside one normal person (and a CGI cat) is also a different strategy that I don't think worked.

The heck? That Black Mirror episode was way back in 2016. And her weight was never the problem. 🙄


Like... Oh no, curves. Maybe this will upset the scrawny actresses starving themselves.


Jan 17, 2018
I think it's time for Vaughn to tone down the silliness. He hit the perfect balance in Kick-Ass and Kingsman but was gradually upping this aspect ever since and it really shows in King's Man and Argylle which are also a bit incoherrent on top of it as well.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
I love Kingsman 1 and like and appreciate the two other Kingsman movies, but all I saw of Argyle was that one action scene where Bryce Howard is kind of...skating around on...oil I guess? And it looked SO atrocious with CGI SO bad that I lost all interest in the movie immediately. It was like an absolute nightmare version of the church scene from Kingsman 1.

Edit: This is the one. I don't think movies get any uglier than this. Those shots of her from the front while she barely moves in front of a green screen barely hidden by washed out backgrounds in different lighting...ugh.

Argylle Movie Clip - Crude Oil Skating - 4K Ultra HD (2024)

Check out the new clip for Argylle starring Bryce Dallas Howard & Sam Rockwell ! Subscribe to the channel and click the notification icon to be notified of a...

Hold this a NOLF movie? (This is the only clip I've now seen and I'm intrigued to watch it.)


Oct 25, 2017
The language in that tweet couldn't be more dramatic, good lord.
Not to mention the tweet is complaining about the very thing the scene is doing as if it is not intentionally doing it. I mean I didn't care for the film but the "detachment" is the point, the saccharine is juxtaposed with the absurd violence, it couldn't be clearer.

Vaughn has been on a long, slow decline basically since he came on the directing scene and he has been ensconced in this kitschy spy-fi milieu for a decade now, he needs to do something new, genre-wise or stylistically.

Im not gonna blame her body type. But she was a miscast for what they were trying to do here. It did not work for me.
I'm really interested in what you think "they were trying to do" that BDH's build is just so incompatible with, 'cause you say you aren't going to blame her body type while doing nothing but blaming her body type.


Oct 25, 2017
The state of film criticism and "professional" online critics with a Twitter handle and a YouTube channel are positively bleak with no actual substance to reviews. Just a bunch of people trying to be pithy critics without any of the critical backbone or vocabulary so everything is either "epically great" or "tragically awful". If Argylle dropped in the 90's it wouldn't have fared any better but at least Vaughn wouldn't be confused as to why his movie was bad instead of just a bunch of dudes getting their rocks off on being the first to write the first negative review of an easy target.


May 14, 2019
I'm really interested in what you think "they were trying to do" that BDH's build is just so incompatible with, 'cause you say you aren't going to blame her body type while doing nothing but blaming her body type.

I mean she gave a performance. She's an actress playing a character. I didn't buy her as a super spy. I didn't think she was that. That has nothing to do with her body. I never once said it's about her body type, I explicitly said it's not and your takeaway was…it's her body type? Like, what? People say things and your takeaway is…the exact opposite of what they said?


Oct 25, 2017
The state of film criticism and "professional" online critics with a Twitter handle and a YouTube channel are positively bleak with no actual substance to reviews. Just a bunch of people trying to be pithy critics without any of the critical backbone or vocabulary so everything is either "epically great" or "tragically awful". If Argylle dropped in the 90's it wouldn't have fared any better but at least Vaughn wouldn't be confused as to why his movie was bad instead of just a bunch of dudes getting their rocks off on being the first to write the first negative review of an easy target.
Yeah, I think this is a good point. Even a few people in this thread, a thread with the energy of "Vaughn is being more than a little dramatic", have been pretty hyperbolic in their dislike of the film.


Oct 25, 2017
What did he want? I'm not sure what you mean. Granted a lot of my issues with the portrayal can be directly pointed back to the writing and direction so yeah that's on Vaughn.

"I straight up said to Matthew, 'I just want you to know that this is my body. And if you want my body to be smaller, I think you should hire someone else,'" says Howard of her conversation with British director Matthew Vaughn when he asked her to do the role. "And he said, 'No, I'm hiring you because of you.'"