
Oct 25, 2017
IGN : "spiderman ps4 makes you feel like spiderman"

uhhhh what? So i'm not spiderman in a spiderman game?


Oct 28, 2017
the side activities complaints are a bit disappointing but when we started seeing more footage of the game i kinda expected that to be the case. however, ign's review mentioning that a few of them are a step above the rest has alleviated some of my fears. anyway, everything else looks spectacular and i'm happy that it's reviewing very well. literally the only game i've been excited for this whole year and i can't wait to get my hands on that sexy special edition. kudos to insomniac!


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
Damn It's close. I said 84.looks like I lose. Good reviews. A little higher than what I expected. I was very confident it would be under 90 though. Insomniac is good, but they haven't gotten a score over 90 in 12+ years

You're going to lose again when the sales numbers drop ;)


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
So fucking tired of this bullshit. This is a spiderman game. Polygon should get their shit together. If they want to talk about trump and other idiots then they should stop reviewing games and go get a job at CNN.

Anyways, I fucked up and mislabeled that review as Polygon when it was Waypoint. Had a brain fart. It's early.

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Oct 27, 2017
Yeah the 15-20 hour range sounds good makes the game replayable easier.

Like for example when i finish dragon quest 11 i wont replay a 80-100 hour game for a good year or few years atleast where i would replay a smaller game quicker.


Oct 29, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
I don't get the criticisms of length. Not everyone can sit and sink 200 hours into a Witcher style game. It's Spiderman, there's only so much original content you can fit in there without it just becoming a super repetitive grinding mess. 15-20 hrs is good for me. Same with people who criticised TLOU when it first came out. My playtime ended up at 22 hours. I took my time (probably died a lot) and soaked it up and it felt suitably epic without outlasting it's welcome. Others rushed through in 10 hours or so and complained. Meh. Can't keep everyone happy I suppose.
Oct 25, 2017
Does anyone know if you can still do the side stuff AFTER beating the game? Based on my personal preferences in general with games and some of the reviewer comments about repetitive side quests, I may prefer to stick to the primary path initially to not take away from my fun and game experience. But if I end up having enough fun then I may want to do more of that stuff later.

You can, they've confirmed this on twitter a few times. I like to do some side stuff in between missions, and once I feel a bit of tedium jump into the story again and then back.


Oct 25, 2017
It most certainly won't. KH3 will get countless more reviews than KH1 or KH2 ever did. It's going to land somewhere in the mid 80s is my guess because it's a AAA game from Square in the HD era that isn't one in which they're just a publisher for, since those are usually their highest. That's just my guess. You can have your own view without harping on mine.

You're saying it won't review well, but that it'll end up in the mid 80's, which would mean it... reviewed well.

So IGN scores it an 87, which is basically in the exact range that this forum predicted and around the current Metacritic, what is the issue there?

Just surprised, I figured at least a 9 from them.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey MHWilliams knowing you opinions of comics MJ, how was MJ in this game?

I like her a great deal in the game. You can point to her and say, "Lois Lane" but gives her more agency and drive.

In fact, I like how MJ and Miles are handled in the game over their comic counterparts. There's a misstep on Miles' side, but Insomniac has a good overall take on his backstory that Marvel should steal.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn nobody seems to read. IGN said 15 hours to complete the game. Many paragraphs later they mention the side content and said it can easily add 15-20 hours.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I'd rather a shorter game with AAA content all through-out then a 50 hour long game with annoying and repetitive missions that bore me. That being said, I have high hopes that spider-man will deliver quality and fun missions through-out.

Weren't all the batman games sub 15hours?


Oct 28, 2017
I dunno. Like I said, I'm not really a game development guy so maybe they are too much to ask for, but some of the potential fixes for a sequel that I mentioned earlier seemed pretty small and workable; I'm not saying like detailed routines for tons of individual characters or anything like that, just "what if there were more 'press triangle' interactions like giving change" and "what if there were more people like the spinning sign dude" and "what if you spoke more when you saved somebody."
The problem is that it requires a lot of work to create variety, because the first time the interaction might be interesting and fun but put it on repeat and you got a problem.
Insomniac are definitely going to grow for the development of the inevitable sequel.
Dynamic encounters like in WD2 would be amazing.


Oct 27, 2017
It's first-party and one of, if not THE biggest system-seller for the PS4 this gen, and it's coming out right before the end of the year.

Sony has absolutely nothing to gain by lowering the game's price. Good luck finding it under $50 before spring 2019.

Sony and MS exclusives always drop in price quickly. Also, Sony doesn't control the pricing of retail games.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Guessing 86 to 89 was the easiest gosh darn guess ever.

That said, games like this, if you're a fan of the IP you can add at least 5 when they nail it, which this clearly does. I'm very excited to play this.
Oct 29, 2017
This is what I spoke of previously in this thread or some prediction topic. Brilliant level- and gameplay design trumps "how well the game understands spiderman as a character". This does sound, figuratively, like Assassin's Creed Spider-Man in the sense that the core of the game revolves around the basic mechanics and missions that occasionally contain setpieces, whereas a Rocksteady game would use a structure just to the abstract game design that makes the game about more than its good Free Flow combat system; for instance "dungeons" is an internal terminology used by Rocksteady referring to the indoor locations in Arkham City, and Knight, which you can liken to a Zelda game.

So far I've seen no hook beyond sort of a "GTA" like flavor to this game where basic traversal is a great core, and there are activities to prolong the game but the main attraction is the missions containing the villain encounters and QTE sequences. It sounds meaty enough but not something that has more of a method to its madness as the Batman Rocksteady games did, but I wish we could have more AAA developers be as outside the box as Rocksteady were with the Batman license.

Yep. It doesn't look like it'll hold a candle to what Arkham Asylum did with the Batman IP sadly. Everything I'm seeing about Spider-Man screams "cool traversal and combat laid on top of a standard open world formula", which for me simply isn't enough in a post-BOTW industry.

I'll give it a fair shake as a rental for sure, but the reviews are confirming my suspicions.
Jan 29, 2018
Amazon's default product image for the $60 edition seems to show a steelbook case, is that accurate? I don't see it mentioned in the description. That might get me to buy day one after all.


Oct 31, 2017
Sound good, slightly above what I expected!. Sadly the game is launched during a busy month, but I expect to play it during the next month.


Oct 27, 2017
Washington DC
Pretty much exactly what I expected. A very well made, if unremarkable and not very innovative title. Given my feelings about the Arkham series and other open world games like this, probably a rent/buy on sale for me. Maybe it'll be like Uncharted, where the first one was a great technical achievement but it wasn't until the second game that the series sort of actually reached "very good" territory.