
Dec 28, 2017

The moment we've all been waiting for. Reminder to keep it civil.


Opencritic: 88
Metacritic: 87


Dualshockers: 10/10
Ultimately, Marvel's Spider-Man is most definitely Insomniac Games' masterpiece. The game combines the studio's heritage and strengths with one of the most beloved franchises of all time in a way that never feels forced or out of place. You could easily say that Insomniac was the perfect choice for a Spider-Man game from the get-go.

Game Informer: 9.5/10
Like Batman: Arkham Asylum before it, Spider-Man raises the bar for one of the world's most beloved heroes. You feel like you're doing everything he's capable of. Insomniac succeeds in making Peter and the supporting cast just as memorable and engaging as the wall crawler. Excitement is delivered consistently from the outside of play right up to the last story frame

Eurogamer: Recommended
And it's a reminder, then, that while it seems that games of a certain type - and a certain budget - are all converging these days, that all games are in a hurry to become the same game with the same tricks and the same hooks, there are still places, even within the most risk-averse of designs, for genuine character to bloom. Go get 'em, tiger.

Gamespot: 9/10
There have been open-world Spider-Man games before, but none so riveting and full of personality, none that explore and do justice to this many facets of the universe. Insomniac has created a superior Spider-Man experience that leaves a lasting impression, one that has you longing for just one more swing around New York City, even after the credits roll.

Easy Allies: 9.5/10

Push Square:9/10
Ultimately, Marvel's Spider-Man is a must-buy, because no matter how you feel about our webbed superhero, this is just an insanely fun game to play, and it's so well put together. Just like the Arkham games did for Batman, this pretty much provides the definitive version of the Spider-Man universe outside of the comics, and leaves us begging to explore more of it in the inevitable sequel.

IGN: 8.7/10
Insomniac has delivered a Spider-Man story that both surprised and delighted me, coupled with gameplay that made me feel like Spider-Man nearly every step of the way.

Polygon: Positive

There aren't many surprises to the game; despite being an open-world experience, it plays upon a linear story, and the twists that happen feel familiar. The action sequences are breathless and memorable, but after the game's final act I was left wanting more. Just like a summer blockbuster, Spider-Man leaves too much waiting in the wings for its obviously upcoming sequel.

USGamer: 4.5/5
Marvel's Spider-Man is fantastic in terms of execution and I'm mostly sad that it's over for the time being. As one character says later in the game: "I will miss you and your bizarre witticisms, Spider-Man. Until we meet again."

Destructoid: 9/10
Spider-Man isn't just a great superhero game, it's a proof of concept for Insomniac as a company. This project shows that they can basically handle pretty much any universe, because if you can accurately recreate Peter Parker's nimbleness and gentle heart you can do anything: and with multiple teasers at the end, I think they'll get that chance.

Press Start: 10/10
If you're a Marvel die-hard, there's enough fanfare here to sink a ship as Spider-Man emerges as the new gold standard. Spider-Man is, without question, the best superhero game ever.

Next Gen Base: 9/10
Overall, Spider-Man is the game that a lot of people hoped it would be. An incredible traversal system that will have ironically been protoyped on a competitor's exclusive title, a franchise with instant mainstream appeal and a story that, without giving anything away, sets things up nicely for a sequel without feeling lacking all, all combine to make Spider-Man a must-play for 2018.

God is a Geek: 9.5/10
Insomniac Games has managed to make the best Spider-Man game of all time thanks to its vast combat and magnificent storytelling. You're given a darker take on a well-loved superhero here, whilst still getting all the humour associated with the awkward-yet-lovable character. It's also emotional at times, and the ending is a powerful one. This'll no doubt give you hours of stuff to do both throughout the story and in all of the side quests and activities, and if you have high hopes for the game you're in luck. This is a triumph, and has set a new benchmark in how to reinvigorate a franchise, making it feel fresh as well as helping us to fall in love with the greatest superhero of all time once more.

Metro: 7/10
The best Spider-Man game ever made… but only just, since it fails to move the superhero video game genre forward in any important way.

Telegraph: 4/5
Insomniac's take on Spider-Man has its caveats, with its raft of distractions following a little too closely to what has gone before. But its dedication to and understanding of its leading man make for a thrilling and satisfying slice of comic-book entertainment.

GameZone: 10/10
Insomniac's not playing the "greatest hits" of Spider-Man, they're making a new era of the webhead that will go down as a groundbreaking age in superhero gaming.

Playstation Lifestyle: 9/10
Filled with more emotion, heart, and humanity than we've seen in superhero adventures before, Insomniac doesn't need to reinvent the open-world wheel. Marvel's Spider-Man embraces the man behind the mask and gives us the best interactive Spider-Man experience to date.

Kotaku: Positive
As a playground for one of the most idiosyncratic superheroes of all time, Marvel's Spider-Man is sheer bliss. It's a sandbox platformer first and foremost, and a damn good one. Throughout playing the game I was constantly hounded by the question of whether this—sublime superhero traversal in a gorgeous, idealized version of New York—were enough. After countless hours later spent cleaning up every last icon on the map, I'm convinced they are.

Waypoint: Positive
There are some surprisingly bold storytelling decisions in Spider-Man, especially relative to what happens in this genre, and I'm invested in seeing the inevitable fallout. It helps, obviously, that Spider-Man was tremendously game to play, too. The future of superhero games, at least in this corner of the universe, is not only bright, but interesting. I didn't expect to be saying that.

GamesRadar+: 4.5/5
Spider-Man is still a hugely enjoyable adventure full of great characters and moments, and just about one of the best videogame realisations of superheroing to date. Insomniac are a studio with nearly 25 year's experience of producing slick, tactile action adventures that feel great to play, and seeing that expertise turned to a licensed game has created an impressively, polished and crafted experience.

GamesBeat: 95/100
Marvel's Spider-Man is the best super hero game since Batman: Arkham Asylum. The swinging, combat, and New York City itself come together to create a Spider-Man experience that is exciting and faithful to the character. If you've ever been a fan of Spidey, you need to check out his newest digital adventure. This is now the best Spider-Man game, taking the crown from Spider-Man 2. It is also one of the PlayStation 4's best exclusives and one of the best super hero games ever.

Attack of the Fanboy: 4.5/5
Spider-Man games have a long history of being disappointing on some level, but Insomniac has crafted a game worthy of the name. They've managed to capture the essence of what controlling Spider-Man should feel like and surrounded this core idea with an incredible presentation and level of depth that few games using the Spider-Man license have.

The Guardian:3/5
This game shows tremendous love for all things Spider-Man, and the ending packs a punch he would be proud of. But Insomniac relies too much on its hero to elevate the world built around him, with the result that the game wears thin some time before its powerful conclusion. 5/5
There's so much more I want to tell you about this game. I want to assure you that the stealth missions will make your mouth go dry. I want to warn you about certain challenges. I want to admonish you to cherish your time with certain characters. There's much more that I could say, but you guys don't need any more persuasion. This is a genre-defining and generation-defining effort from Insomniac, Sony, and Marvel, and it's one of the best Spider-Man stories ever told. Go play it. Go be great.

Wccftech: 8.8/10
Marvel's Spider-Man does so many things right and swings its way towards greatness, but it just can't nail the superhero landing. A few holes in the spider-web of deceit and villainy can be quite visible if you focus too much on the story. If you look beyond that and focusing on the web-slinging and combat, Insomniac has created what is certainly one of the best superhero games to date.

EGM: 9/10
Marvel's Spider-Man mixes the prestige ambitions of a Sony exclusive with the hyperkinetic fun of a great superhero game.

Ars Technica: Positive
Spider-Man is happy to confirm your superhero-gaming bias. If this adventure isn't ultimately your cup of tea, it won't be for a lack of effort, polish, and content on Insomniac's part.

Kinda Funny: Very Positive
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Dec 28, 2017
The Daily Dot: 4.5/5
This feels like the most authentic Spider-Man game that's ever been made. It captures every aspect of the hero and his secret identity that fans have come to love, all while delivering a lengthy experience that feels like a childhood dream of defying gravity finally come to fruition.

Hardcore Gamer: 4.5/5
Insomniac Games has created the single greatest Spider-Man game and one of the best based on a comic book. It has a beautifully-rendered world, an addicting combat system and a compelling story that, while won't win any awards, provides cinematic and highly-absurd scenarios. Swinging across Marvel's version of Manhattan not only looks good thanks to the beautiful lighting and attention to detail, but it has never felt so good either, being a relaxing and peaceful experience.

Shack News: 9/10
Marvel's Spider-Man is at once a fantastic action game, a dramatic story-driven adventure, and a love letter to fans of Marvel's ever-endearing wall-crawler. It's also one of the strongest titles in Insomniac Games' catalog, and will no doubt be counted not only among the best games of 2018, but also among the best PlayStation 4 exclusives ever released.

TheSixthAxis: 9/10
Marvel's Spider-Man does a spectacular job of making you feel like the ultimate Spider-Man. From swinging through the city at high speed to fighting off legions of enemies by zipping between them and pulling them into the air, its gameplay looks like a scene from the films. It's remarkably well realised in terms of its world, design, and even technically, with short loading times and a rock solid framerate even on the base PlayStation 4. If Spider-Man is your thing then this is an essential purchase.

Jeuxvideo: 17/20
Insomniac's Spider-Man already foreshadows a bright future for the franchise. We trust Insomniac who seems to have understood everything about the character, having grasped all the essence as it was the case a few years ago with Rocksteady and Batman.

The Jimquisition: Positive

Techradar: Positive
Having crafted what is easily the best Spider-Man video game to date, Insomniac Games has delivered an epic superhero blockbuster that also acts as an endearing love letter to the character and the world he inhabits.

Slant: 3.5/5
Spider-Man's mechanics feel fluid and satisfying enough to keep players engaged throughout the entire campaign. However, your interactions with that world often feel detached, which is at odds with the humanity at the core of Spider-Man's appeal.

Cheat Code Central: 4.9/5
When I played Marvel's Spider-Man, one thing was clear: Insomniac Games did its homework. The lore is spot on and the pacing makes it feel like someone is going through Spider-Man comics brought to life. The missions show how amazing Spider-Man is at beating up groups of enemies, stealthily managing situations, investigating, inventing, and besting bosses.

Game Rant: 5/5
From the story to the exploration to the combat to seemingly endless upgrades, Spider-Man is packed full of things worth doing and that are fun to do. Insomniac Games has made it seem effortless with the way they can bring this character to life in all the ways a video game can. Spider-Man is a great superhero game, a great PS4 exclusive, but most importantly a great game all its own.

ACG: Buy It

Giant Bomb: 4/5
Marvel's Spider-Man raises the bar for what a licensed open-world game can be in the same way that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has reshaped superhero movies.

Forbes: 9.5/10
Spider-Man is a fantastic action game with great movement and combat and a compelling story

EDGE: 8/10
It is at its core a forgettably designed, cookie-cutter open-world game, that is elevated by its traversal, its combat and stealth, by the eventually irresistible pull of its story. It may not have legs, but while it lasts it is delightful. The Amazing Spider-Man? Not quite. But it is frequently spectacular, and given Parker's rather chequered videogame past, that feels like some achievement.[Issue#324, p.104]
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May 9, 2018
LET GO!! Also, please post if any reviews have spoilers. I told myself I wouldn't read/ watch but hype has got the better of me!

Deleted member 2595

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
LET GO!! Also, please post if any reviews have spoilers. I told myself I wouldn't read/ watch but hype has got the better of me!
Yes please. vestan please make sure to mark spoilers next to any reviews that contain them.

I managed not to be spoiled on anything for God of War and it was magnificent, currently in the same position for Spidey :)


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017