
Oct 25, 2017
got the game for xmas and just finished it. really fucking fantastic game. was not expecting that at all, really. I know the reception was positive despite low sales but I wasn't entirely sure what it would be like. The combat took a little to get used to but by the end I was throwing together fun ass combos and all kinds of stuff. I only have very very minor gripes. Otherwise nothing but positive things to say that I'm sure have already been said but I'll repeat them anyway:
Great graphics, amazing voice acting, and animation, tons of variety and locations, fun gameplay and lots of mix-ups and ways you can play or approach combat situations, etc etc. Just really a VERY well made game. That team deserves loads of praise for pulling it off. Definitely one of the best superhero games I've ever played.

I thought I was about to finish this game but now apparently I have to go
find some dragon.

About how much more is left? I'm enjoying it but I feel it's about time to start wrapping it up.

theres another 2-3 chapters, and if it helps at all, I was where you were last night and finished it today.
Jan 29, 2018
got the game for xmas and just finished it. really fucking fantastic game. was not expecting that at all, really. I know the reception was positive despite low sales but I wasn't entirely sure what it would be like. The combat took a little to get used to but by the end I was throwing together fun ass combos and all kinds of stuff. I only have very very minor gripes. Otherwise nothing but positive things to say that I'm sure have already been said but I'll repeat them anyway:
Great graphics, amazing voice acting, and animation, tons of variety and locations, fun gameplay and lots of mix-ups and ways you can play or approach combat situations, etc etc. Just really a VERY well made game. That team deserves loads of praise for pulling it off. Definitely one of the best superhero games I've ever played.

theres another 2-3 chapters, and if it helps at all, I was where you were last night and finished it today.


Deleted member 91227

Feb 4, 2021
Finished this up a little bit ago as well. Also really enjoyed it overall! Combat I though was mostly fun, but agree with some complaints that battles can drag on too long. When you have characters literally calling enemies bullet sponges in game that should maybe be a sign to decrease health a bit… But minor nitpick overall as I still had a lot of fun with the combat and just spamming abilities and creating chaos. Really enjoyed the story and dialogue.

Performance was. Hit or miss on XSX. Got some bad slow down in some chaotic fights later on even in performance mode. Quality Mode and Ray Tracing mode were useless to me with how bad the frames were. Not sure if they were bad, or I've just played enough 60+ FPS stuff lately that I've finally gotten to where 30FPS is rough for me.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone want to tell me how to actually turn the Ice Shot on? I'm stuck at this puzzle where i need to freeze a thing before it snaps back into place, but when I hit left on the d-pad nothing fucking happens.


Oct 27, 2017
I finally got a chance to finish this yesterday. Absolutely phenomenal game. Combat kind of wears out its welcome near the end (ended up using the damage modifiers to make each encounter shorter), but overall, everything was fantastic. That entire Drax section was just phenomenal.

Bravely Default II was my 2021 GOTY. This game just usurped it.


Oct 25, 2017
Just beat it yesterday. A really fun game, I hope we get a second. Combat wasn't that bad but towards the end two chapters I was getting tired of all the fights. The banter was great and I cared about the characters which I can't say about for most games.


Dec 19, 2017
I just started this on PS5 using the Pulse headset, and everything felt so polished except...the 3D audio (or 'multidirectional' setting) sounds completely broken. I had to knock it back to 7.1. Bit of a worrying start, but otherwise enjoying the opening. (I haven't sat in the Milano's cockpit chair yet.)

I'm gonna try playing with raytracing graphics mode to check out the visuals, and surprisingly 30fps doesn't seem that bad to me compared to other games I've played recently, which were kind of horrendous in that mode leaving 60fps as the only logical choice. (Watchdogs Legion and Miles Morales)


Oct 25, 2017
Watching the credits now as I found some time. I still can't believe the amount of bugs in this AAA game (maybe I've been spoiled by Sony games being like relatively bug free)

The last boss is such a bullet sponge and no checkpoints in between. Feels like the game went over by a few chapters than it should have.

Gameplay, repetitive, nuff said

Despite all the negative stuff I can say about the game, the writing, dialogue/VA and music are top notch, so much so that it carries the game the whole way through. I was more interested in how the story ended and what the characters were going to say than actually the game itself. Solid 7 just for that.


Dec 19, 2017
How the flying fuck am I supposed to land the ship in chapter 13? Died 10 times already. I ranted in the 'controversial opinions' thread about how antiquated this game feels, and this really reminds me of those PS3 era games that had badly designed sections like this.

Watching the credits now as I found some time. I still can't believe the amount of bugs in this AAA game (maybe I've been spoiled by Sony games being like relatively bug free)

The last boss is such a bullet sponge and no checkpoints in between. Feels like the game went over by a few chapters than it should have.

Gameplay, repetitive, nuff said

Despite all the negative stuff I can say about the game, the writing, dialogue/VA and music are top notch, so much so that it carries the game the whole way through. I was more interested in how the story ended and what the characters were going to say than actually the game itself. Solid 7 just for that.

Exact same opinion lol. Well, I'm stuck on chapter 13 so I can't comment on the last boss.

EDIT: aaah, finally figured it out. The sensitivity is just really low for this section, fooled me into thinking you're supposed to dive into the canyon.


Oct 25, 2017
PS4 version's performance massively plummets by around Chapter 8, at least on base PS4 for certain. More bugs than I cared to see before that point as well. That said, I am enjoying the story and interactions.


Nov 30, 2021
Just finished and wow i was not expectiong that at all, the mechanics are decent, there are some fun quirky moments, some of the combat can drag on but that story...


Was not expecting that AT ALL.

Best story ive played in a game in a while.


Dec 19, 2017
I finished it last night and it's the funniest game I've ever played. Great story, dialogue, acting and raytracing mode on PS5 looked great.

It's a shame there were so many bugs, and I basically didn't like any of the gameplay, from the combat to the constant crawling under debris. Felt like I was playing a PS3 gen game.

The thing that surprised me the most was how much it was influenced by the comics. The references never felt cheap and lazy either. The story was executed so well, great narrative structure.

If a dev like Crystal Dynamics had made this it would have been the most generic self-serious shit ever. (yeah I'm not a fan of their Tomb Raider trilogy)


Oct 26, 2017
I finished it last night and it's the funniest game I've ever played. Great story, dialogue, acting and raytracing mode on PS5 looked great.

It's a shame there were so many bugs, and I basically didn't like any of the gameplay, from the combat to the constant crawling under debris. Felt like I was playing a PS3 gen game.

The thing that surprised me the most was how much it was influenced by the comics. The references never felt cheap and lazy either. The story was executed so well, great narrative structure.

If a dev like Crystal Dynamics had made this it would have been the most generic self-serious shit ever. (yeah I'm not a fan of their Tomb Raider trilogy)

Well Eidos Montreal made Shadow of Tomb Raider XD


Dec 19, 2017
Well Eidos Montreal made Shadow of Tomb Raider XD

lol, yeah I realised that after posting. That's the TR I haven't played, the previous two bored me senseless so I gave up on the trilogy. I honestly missed the earlier tone and vibe of the franchise.

If they're not working on a GOTG sequel, I wouldn't mind if Eidos went back to Deus Ex...


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
Just wrapped this up. Overall a very fun game even if the never ending combat arena after arena got really old. The entire final boss sequence was awful and a huge letdown for all the buildup. Left a sour taste in my mouth, which was unfortunate.
Oct 28, 2017
Washington DC
Currently on Chapter 13 and all of these bullet sponge fights have definitely overstayed their welcome. It's a good game, but I'm ready for it to be over at this point. Looks gorgeous on my OLED; playing via PS5.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Currently on Chapter 13 and all of these bullet sponge fights have definitely overstayed their welcome. It's a good game, but I'm ready for it to be over at this point. Looks gorgeous on my OLED; playing via PS5.

Its now time to mess with the settings and max out Starlord's damage and what not


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Watching the credits now as I found some time. I still can't believe the amount of bugs in this AAA game (maybe I've been spoiled by Sony games being like relatively bug free)

The last boss is such a bullet sponge and no checkpoints in between. Feels like the game went over by a few chapters than it should have.

Gameplay, repetitive, nuff said

Despite all the negative stuff I can say about the game, the writing, dialogue/VA and music are top notch, so much so that it carries the game the whole way through. I was more interested in how the story ended and what the characters were going to say than actually the game itself. Solid 7 just for that.
I really LOVED the game, but Jesus Christ, so many bugs, I was surprised that there is not a lot of talk on that. It would be incredible close to being a perfect game if it weren't for those bugs.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone here have the Lore Hoarder trophy glitch for them?

I swear it popped for me at the conclusion of chapter 13, but when I went to check my trophy list, it was still showing as unearned. I've been following a collectible guide for the entire playthrough and haven't missed a thing, so I'm worried I'll finish the game tomorrow or sometime later this week and the damn thing will glitch out on me -___-

And yes, I always have a conversation about the collectibles on the ship with the appropriate characters.


Oct 28, 2017
Finished the game yesterday. It has so much quality in the story, characters and universe.

Unfortunately it was not fun enough to play to live up to all the GOTY-talks for me. And some parts felt strangely unpolished.. like the upgrades you max out after 70% of the game.

The whole "banter during missions" thing is such a double edged sword. On one hand it's cool and more realistic than a quiet team, but on the other hand it gets old and most of the game i wished the other members would just shut up instead of repeating the same trope-dialogue over and over. And who thought the long huddle-sections was a good idea during the entire game?

The bugs also sucks. I had to reload and replay 3-4 areas because bug issues.

They most have a pretty unbalanced team over there at Eidos Montreal. Graphics, animations and story feels like best-in-business.


Senior Games Artist
Dec 10, 2018
Los Angeles
Man playing through this blows my mind how overlooked this game feels, not sure if it 'hits its landing' but so far it's unpar with Mass Effect in scope/feeling. Some of these worlds are mind blowingly detailed and well integrated. The variety of creatures/aliens is staggering. No idea how they achieved some of this scope/quality... also the writing, voice acting, sound, music, all amazing. I still don't get how games are judged...

I really LOVED the game, but Jesus Christ, so many bugs, I was surprised that there is not a lot of talk on that. It would be incredible close to being a perfect game if it weren't for those bugs.

Yea, there is just SO much going on in this game and definitely did not have the polish time needed for such an ambitious project. Playing it really made me hope for a future version with all the kinks/bugs worked out, it'll prob end up being a GEM at some point.


Oct 25, 2017
Hampshire, UK.
Bit late to the party, but still playing through this at the moment.

Entry 1

Started this at the weekend and put in about 2-3 hours, I'm up to the end of Chapter 3.

It's really bloody good isn't it? It started off a bit slow and I wasn't quite sure on it at the beginning, it just seemed a little too linear if that makes sense. But once I was halfway through Chapter 1, the camaraderie of the crew started to set in, all the little in jokes and them taking the piss out of one another, fantastic writing and just an awesome bunch of characters to be around.

It's not really let up so far in terms of action and story pacing. Things just seem to be continually getting worse and worse for the group, being torn from one bad situation to the next, which is quite funny and makes it feel like a bit of a rollercoaster ride. The relentless pace and the camaraderie of the crew makes this feel like a Sci-Fi Uncharted most of the time, which is no bad thing.

Really like how varied each planet (station?) has felt so far, the first filled with all that weird red goo everywhere, the second meeting a cool kid and being guided through the bowels of a ship and the third this really weird yellow planet with an equally crazy jungle filled with all sorts of zany sci-fi weirdness to encounter.

The only thing I'm not 100% sure on so far is the combat really. It's fun enough and has kept me engaged but I can't help but feel it's very basic so far but then I'm early in to the game and hopefully more stuff gets added to it as time goes on, when you pull of all your specials and the team help each other out to defeat a boss or something it's a nice satisfying feeling though. I will say that the DualSense trigger implementation in this when you have to active reload your blasters is really cool too.

It's a really pretty game as well, one of the best visually so far this generation, some of the bits on the opening planet were absolutely bonkers, just so damn gorgeous.

So yeah, so far so good, can't wait to play some more on Friday night. I don't think it's a long game from what I've heard so will hopefully clock it this weekend.

Entry 2

Not sure how many hours into this I am now but I've just reached Chapter 12 if that's any indication, I'd guess about 12-15.

Unfortunately, my enjoyment of it has taken a massive nosedive since about Chapter 9/10 where I thought the game should've ended. Everything afterwards just feels a bit like filler really, not a fan or the religious zealot enemies either, just a bit trite in this day and age really, nothing particularly special or unique about them in my view.

The map design is also starting to grate a bit too, I don't mind linear cinematic experiences (I love them in fact) but something about this is rubbing me the wrong way now, all the gaps you've got to squeeze through, ledges you have to squeeze past and doors/bridges you have to open or make which all mask the loading screens just make me roll my eyes a bit. Every planet is incredibly colourful and varied still at least but something about it just isn't resonating with me anymore and I'm not sure why.

The combat is starting to grate a bit too now, I've tried slowing it down via the accessibility options and stuff but I've just kind of seen everything its going to do at this point and am just along for the ride, I will say the Huddles are annoying me too (I'll have to see if I can turn the cutscene off in the settings). It's still cool when combos work together line stunning a group of enemies with Groot and then blasting them all with Rocket, the spectacle is still good and its serviceable enough but it just isn't landing with me now like it was at the beginning, which is a shame.

The characters are all excellent and the story is still good (despite feeling like it should've ended already) so I'll definitely see it to the end, but it's just a real shame its lagged a bit behind in my estimations these last few chapters.

I will say as well that I turned it to Quality Mode after unwittingly having it in Performance Mode for the first 7 or Chapters and graphically it has got even better, just an absolutely stunning game to look at, cannot stop taking screenshots!

I need to get it finished before Friday for DL2 which is also weighing on my mind and may be affecting my view on this so we'll see where it ends up.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This could've been my GOTY tbh if the combat wasn't so exhausting

I was kinda feeling it at first, but yea, got wore down by the end lol


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Question: How is the performance of the PC version now? Can it run 60 fps with Raytracing?

I recently got myself a beefy new PC, and having put very little into the PS5 version, I kind of have buyer's remorse, so I'm considering selling the physical PS5 version for a PC digital purchase.

Are we talking a night-and-day difference?


Oct 29, 2017
Bristol UK
Finished this today and I absolutely loved it. Absolutely excellent game that really was sold short by prerelease trailers.

Really hope it does well enough for a sequel. The casting was perfect for all the Guardians and I would love to see where they could take it next


Oct 25, 2017

Square Enix says Final Fantasy 14 is a huge reason behind financial success in 2021

Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG? It's pretty good.

"The developer and publisher reported a 4% increase in sales and a 17.1% increase in operating income in its latest financial report. The substantial increase has led to Square Enix increasing its profit forecast for the rest of the financial year. Games like Nier Replicant and Guardians of the Galaxy were named as successful launches, along with strong sales of merchandise."​
We did it ya'll!!



Oct 27, 2017
Helsinki, Finland
Just finished the game. I mainly enjoyed the story and the banter, but the game has some major issues:
  • Veeeery buggy. I had multiple finished fights that didn't trigger the next cutscene. Sometimes I didn't seem to be able to use others abilities, unless I ran back and forth the area to finally make the menu appear.
  • It is fun to use other guardians skills, but the combat isn't that amazing overall and it is very repetitive.
  • Speaking of repetition, the sliding parts repeate like 20 times and they don't really do anything.
  • The XP and skill points aren't really that meanful. You get maxed out whatever you do. The first skills of everyone seem to be the ones I used the most anyways + the ultimates.
  • You cannot use the crafting materials for anything once you have maxed out Star-Lord's perks.
  • And finally.. The game is waaaaaaay too long. I was already hoping the game would finish before Fin Fang Foom and the game just kept going. And then after dealing with Raker and getting the ending, you still have to beat Magus, which is a boring, long fight.


Nov 20, 2017
Started playing this in earnest this weekend, somewhere in/after Chapter 5. Really enjoying my time with it, however there have been some extremely annoying bugs that force me to reload the last checkpoint. Had one where the huddle text just never loaded, and that one is a bit less annoying, but the most annoying was me running around trying to figure out what the hell I'm not doing right only to find out from a walkthrough that a door just never opened. My patience with these is gonna wear thin if they keep popping up in key moments, but assuming the remainder of my experience is mostly bug-free, this could be my 2021 GOTY.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Boy am I glad this came to Game Pass. Would never have played it otherwise. Watched my brother play through the first 3 chapters tonight and now I'm playing thru it myself in bed via cloud on my phone. Really digging it. It's a fun and relaxing game, it looks surprisingly great, gonna be my go to game to come down from Elden Ring with once I'm finally thru with Pokemon.

With this launching on XGP today, RT is the way to go right?
IMO if you've got a VRR monitor or TV then no, if you don't and you can't stand an uneven framerate then definately


Oct 25, 2017
Got a PS5 recently, and was able to transfer my PS4 save to the PS5 version of the game.
I played the first 3 or 4 chapters on the PS4, and the rest on PS5 (still on chapter 13), but besides load times, I haven't noticed a huge difference.

Anyway, I've been trying to finish this so I can finally move on to some PS5 games (Ratchet&Clank, Horizon, and so many more), but this damn game doesn't seem to end! I know the game's not very long (around 20-ish hours), but since I only have about a couple hours a week to play, it feels like it's taking forever, and repetition has set in. You go to a new location, and just pretty much do the same thing. The character stuff is cool, but the actual game play leaves me cold. Also, the save system's weird - it saves some thing's I've done/gotten, but not other things - kinda arbitrary.
Feb 16, 2022
Finally grabbed this thanks to the 50% off discount on PS5, still on Chapter 1 but this feels... really clunky and janky? Not just the combat, but basic movement and the light platforming feels really cumbersome. Lipsyncing on character models also look off.


Nov 1, 2017
I started playing this a few days ago on PC...really underrated game and one of the better Marvel video game adaptations...I did run into a potentially game breaking bug in Chapter 8...the game gives you the wrong QTE prompt (at least it does when playing with kb/m)...the game ends early and goes to the end-credits so you need to hit the QTE otherwise you can't complete the rest of the game (you are given a choice to go back during the end-credits so you can replay that QTE section)...luckily I was able to get past it by hitting various keys to see what triggers it

the bug was listed in the official patch notes as a Known Issue:

-Chapter 8: Unable to progress through the 'hug' QTE with a keyboard (PC)
Workaround: Use a controller, or activate the option 'Auto-Win Quick Time Events' in the settings
Feb 16, 2022
Am I missing something here? In Chapter 3, I'm in the cave where I'm supposed to find Gamora's outfit, with 2 jelly monsters guarding the path. But even after tweaking my damage to Very High, the jelly cube keeps healing itself too fast for me to kill. They always go back to full health instantly.


Dec 3, 2018
Just finished it, and that was an excellent game, if they make a new one at some point i hope they refine the combat a bit and tighten up the pacing, it slogged a bit towards the end, but overall, a great game


Oct 27, 2017
On PC the controller view stick has really bad acceleration issues no matter what you set the "acceleration" slider to in game.

The issue is that when you push the stick about 80% towards any edge, the translation speed of the view camera increases instantly to about twice as fast. This makes it so every time you are looking around and pass 80% stick deflection the camera feels like it is almost stuttering because of the abrupt translation speed change.

Is this the same on consoles?
Had to google this and only found your comment and another topic on Steam forum and yeah, it's BAD.
The camera acceleration in this game is a joke, the first half of the right stick is super slow and the other half is super fast. Lowering the acceleration makes even a bigger difference... you can't do nothing about, the camera curse is just broken and it's like having only two different speed, slow and fast.

How the hell can you fuck up something so basic in 2021? On a supposed big budget game aswell? I can't play this, it's just incredibly annoying.


Oct 29, 2017
Currently playing through this thanks to Game Pass. Would have skipped it if it wasn't on there, but the game is freaking great. It kinda is Mass Effect light meets Uncharted.

So I just arrived in Chapter 13 - how much do I have left, hour-wise? Just trying to get an estimate on how long the last few chapters are.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Finally getting around to starting this. I dig it so far, but for some reason, my framerate absolutely tanks when I'm in any sort of menu-- the main menu, pause menu, the music player on the Milano, anything. I checked PC Gaming Wiki and didn't see anything about it. Anyone have an idea as to what may be causing it? I'm running an RTX 2080 Ti with an AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core (3.8 GHz) on Windows 11, if that makes any difference.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Just finished! Great game.

They really did great characterization here, like the most rewarding stuff in the game was the dialogue and banter between all of them. The voice actors did an amazing job.

The combat was fun! I'd have loved a little bit more variety or some other mechanics, but it was fun. I played on normal so it didn't really overstay it's welcome.

I'm not really immersed into marvel comics besides the MCU but these made me very interested in the lore of Nova Corps and the other factions. Really interesting stuff!


Jun 29, 2018
It sucks that this game didn't sell as well as it should have.

Probably the most fun I've had playing a game in a long time.