
Oct 26, 2017
It's likely Captain Marvel or Valkyrie.

Hoping it can be both. Most of the Male avengers (so far) are pretty deep in straight territory minus maybe Falcon/Bucky though I doubt either of them are. Pretty sure Ned is dating Betty in FFH.


Oct 28, 2017
I have a strong feeling it's Nebula who is current character that's gay. The future seems to be an Eternal character. I suspect Nebula because 1) her story is kind of already done so she's more background unless she is given a more prominent role, and 2) she isn't really a main character so any interactions she may have with other women can be cut easily similar to how Bohemian Rhapsody had its gay scenes cut to appease China
What if Nebula is Moondragon's representation in the MCU. That can only mean they will be introduce Phylla-Vel in GoTG3 so they can form the best couple ever (until Thanos comes back and fucks up Phylla unceremoniously...)


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'd say Rhodie, but he had surprising chemistry with Nebula with their brief time together in Endgame.


Does not approve of this tag
Oct 25, 2017
I'm guessing Captain Marvel considering how heavily implied it was with Maria Rambeau and shockingly that would probably be the best romance Marvel has written. I guess that's why I'm kinda whatever to this, they suck at romance, that Hulk & Black Widow bit was terrible, Pepper barely exists, they went the coward route with MJ not being the MJ and now they announce that a character is going to be gay and it just seems like something that will only matter on the surface level. Hell, you have people so starved for romantic interaction between these characters they ship/hope for characters to have orientations that the story has given no indication of. Granted, that's shipping in general, but the point still holds true. Now homophobes will probably just avoid the movie that character is in, if not just write them off vs. actually being challenged by the medium and potentially having cognitive dissonance over liking that character and having to deal with their latent homophobia.


Oct 30, 2017
The PR buzz leaves a bad taste. It's so tacky to treat representation like some pageant. The whole point of inclusivity is to correct distorted norms in media by showing a more realistic range of people. That goal is not served by teasing some overdramatic reveal of a gay character.

Just show gay people living life, whether they're superheroes or not. Is that so hard?


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
I'd rather had a full blown new movie with a new hero that is openly gay, than retroactively making someone gay outside the spotlight. It was nice seeing that gay character in Endgame though.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I just hope it will be handled well and it won't just be used as a gimmick to show they have an LGBTQ character too. Then again the entire MCU is having issues handling relationships properly, considering how both Hulk's and Steve's last love interest just... stopped being mentioned whatsoever for some reason.


Does not approve of this tag
Oct 25, 2017
Not sure how that translates to sucking at romance, neither is another MJ gonna take her place lol
While not directly related to romance, it seems like a compromise to have MJ exist in everything but name and then back out on the reveal because you wouldn't want to upset anyone with a black Mary Jane because god forbid that be a potential love interest for Pete, no this has to be a NEW character vs a spin on the old one. Not only is it dumb, but it also comes across as toothless. To me, it shows that they're cautious in their approach to these things at worst and are only looking to hit quotas at best.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
While not directly related to romance, it seems like a compromise to have MJ exist in everything but name and then back out on the reveal because you wouldn't want to upset anyone with a black Mary Jane because god forbid that be a potential love interest for Pete, no this has to be a NEW character vs a spin on the old one. Not only is it dumb, but it's also toothless. To me, it shows that they're cautious in their approach to these things at worst and are only looking to hit quotas at best.

I mean that's a take I guess


SNK Gaming Division Studio 1
Oct 24, 2017
Remember that guy in the background that one time? Behind the other guy? Yeah, him.

That seems like it's reaching... Especially when there's shirtless scenes of Holland in that film.

Yeah, I sure as hell didn't know how to tie a proper tie at 15. That's some S-Tier reaching IMO.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
Do you really think we'll get a gay lead male with explicit love interest (as in potentially showing kisses and sex scenes) in a blockbuster franchise in this lifetime ?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Sorry, I guess I'm bad with words. I guess the crux of my feelings on it is that it just seems like a pointless exercise if they don't actually make it matter.

People needlessly overcomplicating the whole MJ thing aside, I'm not seeing any issue so far. As the MCU's take on MJ, she is currently being setup as the love interest in Peter's life, so not sure how it doesn't already matter. We'll see how the upcoming sequel actually handles the romance itself, but saying she's just there to meet a quota is wack. You say they fear upsetting anyone, but those same people would be (and are) "upset" over Peter having two black girls as love interests to begin with lol


Oct 31, 2017
Do you really think we'll get a gay lead male with explicit love interest (as in potentially showing kisses and sex scenes) in a blockbuster franchise in this lifetime ?

Remove the sex scenes (we ain't getting sex scenes of any kind in Disney movies, sorry) but I do believe we'll see a standalone superhero movie with a gay lead in the MCU sooner than later.
Oct 29, 2017
Doesn't anyone feel like saying 'make it Captain Marvel! Make it Valkyrie!' is just helping to reinforce stereotypes about the way lesbians are supposed to act and be?

I'd be uncomfortable with them taking the route of 'these are the tough, strong-willed women so they can be the lesbians' contrasted with the sort of innocence of Scarlet Witch or the femininity of Black Widow (though admittedly that angle did diminish throughout the films).

I'm on board with Falcon being gay. A black, gay Captain America would be so good.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Why go through all this commotion? Why don't they just come out and say it


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't anyone feel like saying 'make it Captain Marvel! Make it Valkyrie!' is just helping to reinforce stereotypes about the way lesbians are supposed to act and be?

No, not really. Especially not for Valkyrie, who is actually bi, just hasn't actually been shown as of yet.

sort of innocence of Scarlet Witch or the femininity of Black Widow (though admittedly that angle did diminish throughout the films).

The innocence of Scarlet Witch? Lol, have we been watching the same movies. Her crazy powers, her backstory tied to Tony's weapons, her killing those people in Civil War, the hell are you talking about

Glad you at least acknowledge Black Widow being toned down for years now


Oct 27, 2017
I'm thinking it'll be Nebula or Valkyrie. The Sam or Bucky guesses are good too. Even though Captain Marvel seems like an obvious choice, Disney seems to going full baby steps. They claim they want representation of all people in their movies, but CM made over a billion dollars and even crept back up to the #2 spot domestically during Endgame. I just don't see Disney wanting to miss out on that cash flow in the foreign markets that would censor or straight up ban one of their popular movies. I feel like they'll just keep Carol's sexuality as vague as possible for a long time as a way to leave the door open in case they change their mind later. She could end up being the major face of asexuality of a main hero in the MCU as a result of Disney playing a game of chicken and always dodging that question about Carol.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
It's gonna be Ned or any other side character asshole "fans" can just throw under the bus and ignore while throwing hissy fits. Carol would be great though.


The Fallen
Sep 26, 2018
This is annoying. Don't tell us that a character is gay, don't even make statements like this. Just show us in the movie/Disney+ show. Make it blatant too, so viewers aren't questioning what they saw, no debates. If people can't handle that in the theater, then that's on them.
Oct 29, 2017
The innocence of Scarlet Witch? Lol, have we been watching the same movies. Her crazy powers, her backstory tied to Tony's weapons, her killing those people in Civil War, the hell are you talking about

Glad you at least acknowledge Black Widow being toned down for years now
Why you saying 'glad at least' like we're arguing or something? Feels like a weird response.

As for Scarlet Witch; Tony and Vision literally keep her as a prisoner because they're 'protecting' her, they didn't do that or wouldn't consider doing that to any male character. Innocence was the wrong word to use but hopefully you can see what I mean.

Scarlet Witch is crazy powerful but she's still treated in a weird way.

Fair enough on your Cap and Valkyrie comments, I stand by what I said though. What evidence have we seen that Valkyrie is bi though? Tbh I'd always hoped or assumed that some of the alien races would be a bit more 'Greek' about it. As in its not really a consideration or defining trait.


Oct 27, 2017
This is kind of annoying to me. Just do it. Don't make it some kind of ad for your movies like "a secret character is gay!" and use diversity as a PR stunt. It's similar to what Disney did before the Beauty and the Beast remake came out.

Agreed. Why not just say who it is or just do it? Why would they treat it as an spoiler or something to look forward too?


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
If there's only to be one open reveal, it'll be valkyrie

I feel like they flirted with this in Ragnorok, but chickened out.