
Oct 27, 2017
Weirdest thing to me

So there were two celestials growing inside of earth for a while there eh? Arishem and the rest woulda been real mad if Ego's plan worked, I guess? Or are we just pretending Ego isn't a celestial? Really weird...just using the same plot twice?

Also, Ikaris flies into the sun come on.

Overall good


Oct 25, 2017
Weirdest thing to me

So there were two celestials growing inside of earth for a while there eh? Arishem and the rest woulda been real mad if Ego's plan worked, I guess? Or are we just pretending Ego isn't a celestial? Really weird...just using the same plot twice?

Also, Ikaris flies into the sun come on.

Overall good
Ego had planted "seedlings that would be extensions of himself. Not necessary more Celestials.

That being said I'm sure eventually there will be a retcon about Ego
Oct 27, 2017
Saw it last night
Liked it over all
Felt like 75% of the movie was a first act
Everything kept beginning and being explained in dialogue dumps
Appreciated it tried to do something different even if it was kind of awkward


Oct 28, 2017
I really liked how Zhao evoked The Revenant of all inspirations for the scene with Ikaris fighting a Deviant. She did a good job at finding the tension in visualizing the mass of fighting a creature that size. It was something I felt in Makkari's powers and fighting as well; there was weight and physics to a lot of the scenes that felt great. On the inverse, much of the grace and fluidity of Thena's fighting style was so smooth and effortless it was like she was floating on air at times, and
you felt like she was a threat to the rest of the Eternals when her mind would go haywire just by how good of a fighter she was.

I also really enjoyed the visuals of Kingo's and Phastos' powers. They felt more unique and cool than I was expecting. I'll even give a shout out to the powers of Cersi, Sprite, and Druig as well, despite being less flashy.
Sprite manifesting imagery was cool in the way that it gets pieced together for Thena and Druig mind controlling people to do things like the synchronized shotgun shots seem to show the limitations of his power or like the way that he is almost manually controlling everyone at once so they have this robotic uniformity was interesting. Cersi has some pretty cool moments as well, whether it was the visualization of the fossil being turned into dirt or the bus being turned into rose petals. The turning of the Deviant into a tree with the water was especially cool in 3D.

I haven't seen much praise for the film in these aspects, it mainly seems to be grouped into the action looking cool, which I agreed with, but given that the action was sparse and how I felt that a lot of the "wow" factor was in the direction/visualization and not necessarily just straight up action choreography like we are used to in Marvel movies (even if we get some good stuff there as well), I felt it's a being a bit overlooked.

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
A really good movie, the reviews are mindboggling.
Makkari Vs Ikaris was some hype shit
Really wondering if Ikaris is still alive and if Sprite still has powers. Would be a damn shame to lose both.
Would be a damn shame to miss out on a sequel overall. Hoping the BO comes through

I really hope he's alive, I was hoping he'd just fly off to a different planet or hibernate in space then he flew into the sun. Either he killed himself or he really is Supes and just decided to take a nap in the sun. I just thought he looked so cool so would love more of him but they like killing off characters I like

The movie was really good, had a lot to say and that was definitely a challenge but it worked for me. Some of these fight scenes were fucking awesome.


Oct 25, 2017
Very exposition heavy and kinda boring, but I gotta give them credit for doing something not completely formulatic with MCU.

Visuals throughout were great, especially the end at the island.


Oct 25, 2017
Just got out from seeing it.

a bit of a slow burn but I enjoyed it overall. Also I thought the CGI for the different powers was done really good, especially the super speed, which felt like it was subtly but very effective.

also I hope the movie gets a sequel because if this is all we get of Patton Oswald's character then I'll be so sad because he was S tier and only had one scene


Oct 25, 2017
Just got out from seeing it.

a bit of a slow burn but I enjoyed it overall. Also I thought the CGI for the different powers was done really good, especially the super speed, which felt like it was subtly but very effective.

also I hope the movie gets a sequel because if this is all we get of Patton Oswald's character then I'll be so sad because he was S tier and only had one scene
Okay yes, but what was with the CGI on his character? It looked like an elf character from The Polar Express.

I thought this movie felt a lot like Justice League, and I did NOT like Justice League. Too many characters being introduced without being fully fleshed out, arcs that are supposed to give you a full picture and elicit sympathy and fall short, and some disappointing CGI slop. It had some of the best raw elements, but man, either this movie got absolutely reamed in editing, or Zhao bungled this one. Directing Nomadland and then this seems almost unfathomable to me, my brain has a hard time squaring those two films being from the same director.


Oct 19, 2019
I haven't seen much praise for the film in these aspects, it mainly seems to be grouped into the action looking cool, which I agreed with, but given that the action was sparse and how I felt that a lot of the "wow" factor was in the direction/visualization and not necessarily just straight up action choreography like we are used to in Marvel movies (even if we get some good stuff there as well), I felt it's a being a bit overlooked.

Thanks for wording this out for me because I was having a hard time articulating what I liked about the action. There also seem to be quite a few complaints about it as well, which I found surprising. Some of the camera work too, especially when following Ikaris flying or Makkari running, really stood out to me. I'm excited to watch this again on streaming so I can go through some of the action scenes.

I used to think Superman's laser eye 'heat vision' was kind of lame, now I wonder why he doesn't use it constantly, lol.

Too many characters being introduced without being fully fleshed out, arcs that are supposed to give you a full picture and elicit sympathy and fall short, and some disappointing CGI slop. It had some of the best raw elements, but man, either this movie got absolutely reamed in editing, or Zhao bungled this one. Directing Nomadland and then this seems almost unfathomable to me, my brain has a hard time squaring those two films being from the same director.

I feel like this story may have worked better as a television show. The action wouldn't look as good, but considering how many characters there are, the lengthy period of time it covers, and the larger themes it was trying to explore, it probably would have worked better as an 8 - 10 episode season. That being said, considering the reception I'm sure there are quite a few people who prefer it being shorter...


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
Biggest dissapointment was Gemma Chan, I did not enjoy her performance all that much. I would say Jolie should have gotten the role instead, but Jolie sold the hell out of her fight scenes.... 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oct 26, 2017
I liked it, while I wish it could've been better, I hope to see a continuation with these characters. The Makkari stuff was outfuckingstanding. I am not a fan of who fucking dies in this though, fuck that, dude was goat.


Oct 25, 2017
I liked it! Definitely more than Black Widow. Probably not above Shang Chi, though.

Totally different feel from any other MCU film. Didn't mind the slower pace.





Oct 28, 2017
Thanks for wording this out for me because I was having a hard time articulating what I liked about the action. There also seem to be quite a few complaints about it as well, which I found surprising. Some of the camera work too, especially when following Ikaris flying or Makkari running, really stood out to me. I'm excited to watch this again on streaming so I can go through some of the action scenes.

I used to think Superman's laser eye 'heat vision' was kind of lame, now I wonder why he doesn't use it constantly, lol.
Yeah, it's something that I felt was the most striking and stunning while watching the movie, and maybe where Zhao's influence with manga was, that she's mentioned before when talking about the wanting to bring some of that aesthetic. Maybe that's why Makkari feels so fresh as a speester because she is focuses on the energy and dynamism that we often see in anime and manga, while the way we've seen live action speedsters like Flash and Quicksilver in live-action often leaves out the energy of the action that should be there, especially when so much of it is done in focusing on the characters moving "fast" (while appearing to move at normal speed to us) when the world around them is moving in slow motion. Focusing on the energy and movement makes things feel more visceral, even when the action isn't as fast and bombastic.

I also have to once again praise that scene with Ikaris fighting the Deviant, because it's not just that he struggles with the weight of the character, it's that it portrays how powerful these Deviants are without having to resort to another character jobbing to the villain. I mean, technically the function is the same of having Ikaris job to them to show how powerful they are, but it's more a matter of circumstances since we've seen him already fight and defeat other Deviants as a matter of his skill and power, but rather than having a Deviant just straight up beat him up just as a way to show their power, they get the best of him in a set of circumstances and we see the real struggle. It's a bit more of an elegant way to show the power of a villain rather than just having a powerful hero "lose" a battle to a villain to establish their power level.

I think that this is Zhao's first blockbuster/special effects heavy film, it definitely makes me excited to see more from her rather than coming away from this thinking that she was a poor fit or mismatched for the source material.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
All im gonna say is: If Zack Snyder was allowed to complete his vision...

It would be a fucking crime to not give Zhao another shot so she can refine the Eternals here. There's much to love in this first outing and I'm sure she would avoid the pitfalls she fell in for this one.


▲ Legend ▲
May 1, 2018
All im gonna say is: If Zack Snyder was allowed to complete his vision...

It would be a fucking crime to not give Zhao another shot so she can refine the Eternals here. There's much to love in this first outing and I'm sure she would avoid the pitfalls she fell in for this one.
I think she'll get another chance. She won Best Picture. The movie will do fine financially, and fans are interested enough, especially with what the movie teases.

I guess my big problem with the movie is that it never made me particularly care about any one member of the team. I loved Kumail's character, but that's mostly because I already love Kumail. Him and his assistant were the only characters that I consistently liked seeing on screen.

I think something the MCU was so smart about early on was only introducing a few characters at a time. Even with something like the Guardians, they do a good job of introducing each character before throwing too many more at you, and always having your "base" character in Peter Quill. Gemma Chan was kind of that, but I felt like the movie didn't really commit to her being the lead character.

The best thing an origin story can do is make me excited to see the characters in the future. I can't wait to see more Shang Chi. I can't wait to see him interact with Dr Strange, Bucky, Spider-Man, Sam, etc. I don't really care about seeing any of these characters again (except Kumail and his assistant). And in fact, I'd probably rather see the two characters they set up in non-Eternals stuff.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
This should have been a Disney+ tv show instead, felt too long and too short at the same time here :P


May 1, 2019
reading interviews about chloe talking about the movie and man she clearly cares for this material so deeply

she deserves to continue


Oct 25, 2017
reading interviews about chloe talking about the movie and man she clearly cares for this material so deeply

she deserves to continue
I still haven't seen it/but you're right. Every article I read with her it's clear she's super enthusiastic. It was her idea to bring in the characters from the after credits scenes! Now that's a fan.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
I keep thinkin about this movie and I like it more and more. The only thing I'm still taking issue with was how Makkari was just reintroduced , chillin on a buried ship. Am I to believe she was in there readin books and eating twinkies for hundreds of years? I think she should've rejoined the team in a different way.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
I still haven't seen it/but you're right. Every article I read with her it's clear she's super enthusiastic. It was her idea to bring in the characters from the after credits scenes! Now that's a fan.

I know this might sound fanboyish, but I kinda hate the gatekeeping tone of many reviews trying to tell her what she should and shouldn´t be doing with her talent.

The way she geeks out in interviews is so sweet, you can clearly see that she wanted to make a Super Hero film. And that´s why that narrative bothers me quite a bit.


Oct 25, 2017
Fucking loved the movie. Angelina Jolie stole the scene. Phastos is another favorite. Honestly I want to see all of them again.

I loved the dysfunctional family dynamic too


Oct 28, 2017
I think she'll get another chance. She won Best Picture. The movie will do fine financially, and fans are interested enough, especially with what the movie teases.

I guess my big problem with the movie is that it never made me particularly care about any one member of the team. I loved Kumail's character, but that's mostly because I already love Kumail. Him and his assistant were the only characters that I consistently liked seeing on screen.

I think something the MCU was so smart about early on was only introducing a few characters at a time. Even with something like the Guardians, they do a good job of introducing each character before throwing too many more at you, and always having your "base" character in Peter Quill. Gemma Chan was kind of that, but I felt like the movie didn't really commit to her being the lead character.

The best thing an origin story can do is make me excited to see the characters in the future. I can't wait to see more Shang Chi. I can't wait to see him interact with Dr Strange, Bucky, Spider-Man, Sam, etc. I don't really care about seeing any of these characters again (except Kumail and his assistant). And in fact, I'd probably rather see the two characters they set up in non-Eternals stuff.
The characters work for me, by and large, but it does seem like if they focused a bit more and Sersi as a character and her desires/struggles, even her relationships, than it could have done a bit more to make up for the other characters not being as developed, but being an ensemble where they want to make each character more fleshed out (and I thought they did a decent job at that), it does feel like everyone ends up a little half-baked as a result. In that sense, I think the balancing act could have put it's energy into the themes and how they relate to the characters relationships with humans and with each other in a broad sense, because even if buying into the emotion of the character's relationships suffer a bit (and they already suffer a bit as it is) I think that exploring the themes of humanity also ties directly into what their "human" relationships mean with one another and the two elements strengthen each other rather than fight against each other for screen time.


Oct 26, 2017
I liked this quite a bit actually, the color grading and cinematography alone are worth watching it for. It was a gorgeous film, especially near the end. I do think the character development is lacking quite a bit, but it's the MCU, we'll be seeing this characters again and they'll grow as the universe grows, so I'm not really worried about that. As someone who had absolutely no clue what the Eternals were before going into the film I think it did it's job in establishing who they are and how they fit into the universe.

I do think on rewatches I'll treat it like the Snyder cut though and watch it over a period of 2 or 3 days, it's a long film that feels long.

It's definitely nowhere near the worst film in the MCU for me though, it's pretty middle of the road. It's definitely nowhere close to being as bland and forgettable as something like Thor & Thor 2 (it's a meme for a reason) or Captain Marvel.

This should have been a Disney+ tv show instead, felt too long and too short at the same time here :P

I actually said the exact same thing walking out, but I do think visually it benefits quite a bit from seeing it in a theater. It's gorgeous. In the future I think it could benefit from being rereleased on Disney + in a more episodic format though, similar to the Snyder Cut.


Oct 27, 2017
New Jersey
The characters work for me, by and large, but it does seem like if they focused a bit more and Sersi as a character and her desires/struggles, even her relationships, than it could have done a bit more to make up for the other characters not being as developed, but being an ensemble where they want to make each character more fleshed out (and I thought they did a decent job at that), it does feel like everyone ends up a little half-baked as a result. In that sense, I think the balancing act could have put it's energy into the themes and how they relate to the characters relationships with humans and with each other in a broad sense, because even if buying into the emotion of the character's relationships suffer a bit (and they already suffer a bit as it is) I think that exploring the themes of humanity also ties directly into what their "human" relationships mean with one another and the two elements strengthen each other rather than fight against each other for screen time.

Agreed. It's why I think both Karun and Dane work so well as characters.


Oct 26, 2017
One of my biggest annoyances was the jarring AR shifting between imax and 2.35 or whatever, in the first few minutes of the film. It'll go wide with Thena, next shot it's Imax and Gil, back to wide, flip flopping. Probably wouldn't have been that bad if it wasn't edited like a slightly less Taken fence jumping.gif

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
My desire for some serious Kirby weirdness has been temporarily sated.

Also, one of the best 3rd acts in the MCU. Real tension and excitement.


Oct 28, 2017
Agreed. It's why I think both Karun and Dane work so well as characters.
You definitely get a different vibe with Karun and Dane actually being human and dealing with these "gods" playing with the entire fate of humanity while they just have to sit on the sidelines. Even the way that Phastos is grounded by having a family and a kid who are human gives a perspective to the stakes that make it feel more personal than it does for several of the characters.


Given the early response elsewhere, I was expecting more in the A-/B+ range. This isn't the worse, but this isn't necessarily a good sign for word of mouth.


Oct 29, 2017
I liked it! Definitely more than Black Widow. Probably not above Shang Chi, though.

Totally different feel from any other MCU film. Didn't mind the slower pace.



Everytime that's the only thing I can think of even though I know it's not right. I'm going to need him to tell someone to do a barrel roll or do it himself.


Oct 26, 2017
So what exactly were the other heroes doing while this was happening?


Oct 27, 2017
Liked it more than I thought I would. But then again I did go into it with lowered expectations after glancing at some of the reviews.

Maybe I'm just not familiar enough with the Celestial/Cosmic stuff yet, but this was the first MCU film where the sheer scale of the threat (birth of Tiamut, and Arishem appearing to everyone at the end) broke my brain. When a being as ENORMOUS as Arishem shows up, how do things go back to normal? Everyone on earth must be feeling really, really, REALLY insignificant right about now (alongside the PTSD). The 'normal' everyday heroes can't really do anything about it, either.

Don't get me wrong, I love the ridiculous scale of it and the more cosmic-y elements they're introducing, but even the Blip now feels like kids play compared to this.

It felt like there was also an interesting shift in how (more) widely all the superhero shenanigans were spoken of. Icarus was ID'd as the flying guy pretty fast, Dane just assumed she was a wizard, news broadcasters seemed relatively calm when gigantic new mountains appeared. Guess it makes sense if you live in a world where world ending threats occur every other week, and hundreds of heroes around the world.

Perhaps the introduction of more multiverse stuff will also address some of my "this one world is getting too small for so many different sized threats" issue.

Looking forward to Spiderman!


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
Liked it more than I thought I would. But then again I did go into it with lowered expectations after glancing at some of the reviews.

Maybe I'm just not familiar enough with the Celestial/Cosmic stuff yet, but this was the first MCU film where the sheer scale of the threat (birth of Tiamut, and Arishem appearing to everyone at the end) broke my brain. When a being as ENORMOUS as Arishem shows up, how do things go back to normal? Everyone on earth must be feeling really, really, REALLY insignificant right about now (alongside the PTSD). The 'normal' everyday heroes can't really do anything.

Don't get me wrong, I love the ridiculous scale of it and the more cosmic-y elements they're introducing, but even the Blip now feels like kids play compared to this.

It felt like there was also an interesting shift in how (more) widely all the superhero shenanigans were spoken of. Icarus was ID'd as the flying guy pretty fast, Kit Harrington just assumed she was a wizard, news broadcasters seemed relatively calm when gigantic new mountains appeared. Guess it makes sense if you live in a world where there are disasters/world ending threats occur every other week and more and more heroes around you.

Perhaps the introduction of more multiverse stuff will also address some of my "this world is getting too small for so many different sized threats" issue.

Looking forward to Spiderman!

The small heroes fighting together against gigantic threats like that is basically the cool part of Marvel comics.

You don't want to see cyclops using everything he's got just to stop Arishem's finger??


They already took on a god who could alter time and space, they can do it.


Oct 26, 2017
Eternals was a messy, boring slog and definitely near the very bottom of MCU movies.

Attempting to introduce 10 (!!) immortal superheroes with a backstory spanning 7,000 years of human history and making their origin story have world-ending stakes was simply too much to ask out of a single film. It didn't work in Justice League, and it most definitely didn't work here.

The characters for the most part were bland as fuck, misused, or underutilized.

- Sersi in particular had no personality and absolutely zero chemistry with Ikarus despite their romance being a key part of the story. The much buzzed about "landmark MCU sex scene" barely even qualifies with how brief and tame it was.
- Thena had like ten lines of dialogue the entire film, and her big speech was immediately undercut with forced humor.
- Makkari had like two minutes of screen time. Cool action sequences but was almost a nothing character, unfortunately.
- Salma Hayek was sleepwalking through this role, it really looked like she did not give a fuck. I didn't get a leader/mother figure vibe from Ajak, the character was killed so early in the movie that it was hard to care, and her death was weak as hell.
- Sprite's™ most important character moment was turned into a joke with her getting bonked on the head with a rock. The whole betrayal/backstab/forgiveness/turn human stuff all happened so quickly that none of it resonated. Decent ideas but terrible execution.
- Fuck Kingo for abandoning everyone at the most crucial time, makes it hard to care about that character going forward. Dunno why Kumail Nanjiani had to get so jacked for this film when he just shoots cosmic energy out of his finger guns?
- Phastos was cool, the stuff with his husband and son was well done. Him having a family and life on Earth gave him proper motivation to protect it, which felt lacking with the other Eternals. That Hiroshima scene should've been left on the cutting room floor though, yikes...

I could forgive the underwhelming fight scenes, the forgettable soundtrack, the failed comedic moments and tonal whiplash if they had made me care about any of these characters after nearly three hours of runtime, but nope. Big miss for me.

This could've maybe worked as a 10 episode Disney+ series with each Eternal getting a character-centric episode and then culminating in a movie (similar to the first Avengers). Trying to cram all this shit into one movie made it feel somehow rushed and boring at the same time.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Beaumont, CA
Just saw it. It was okay. I think it might've worked better as a Disney+ series. It's a real slow burn kind of movie and definitely not as fun as Shang Chi. But HOLY COW those two post credits scenes. Pip the Troll is one of my low key faves I've wanted since the first GotG film has finally appeared.


Oct 25, 2017
So what exactly were the other heroes doing while this was happening?
Tony Stark - dead
Natasha -dead
Steve Rogers - on the moon
Sam and Bucky - presumably doing government/ spy stuff
Hulk - unknown. Seemingly part of an unofficial Avengers group with…
Carol - presumably out in space
Thor and the Guardians - out in space, too.
Spider-Man - presumably in hiding
Hawkeye - retired on the farm.
White Vision - who knows
Scarlett Witch - taking correspondence courses
Rhodey- who knows
Shang Chi -hanging with Wong. Who lives with…
Doctor Strange - protecting the Sanctum Santorum
Scott and Hope and the Pyms- doing Quantum stuff.
The Wakandans and Dora Milaje- unknown
Pepper Potts- selling vagina scented candles
Nick Fury and Monica Rambeau - Hangin' With The Skrulls


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah this movie was legit great for me and confirm never ever to take the critics words seriously. It was a slow burn but the lore dump and everything was great and yeah second post credit scene when I heard the voice it sounded black but new and the thought of Blade actually went over my head until I looked here and was like oh yeah that's definitely him. Can't wait to see what happens next with them. The Marvel Train does not stop now on to Far From Home.