
Oct 25, 2017
I'm having an absolute blast with move. It's reinvigorated my love of the game. I like that it wins with big numbers, but actually requires care and practice. I also find myself shocked when it pulls off something I never thought of thanks to a fun location or whatever. I think people struggle to telegraph it because at any point there are numerous things you can try.

Idk, it's just a lot of fun and none of my wins ever feel cheap.


Oct 25, 2017

Thanks peej 😂


Nov 6, 2017
I'm having an absolute blast with move. It's reinvigorated my love of the game. I like that it wins with big numbers, but actually requires care and practice. I also find myself shocked when it pulls off something I never thought of thanks to a fun location or whatever. I think people struggle to telegraph it because at any point there are numerous things you can try.

Idk, it's just a lot of fun and none of my wins ever feel cheap.

I just played a Move guy in the last gold match for the infinity ticket. I was playing Evo Lockjaw and it ca e down to the very last battle with us each having two cubes left.

Move suffers from a lack of turn 6 options but it can put out some nasty power.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Move decks feel quite good right now but most Move players get lost in the sauce and force a Heimdall play that costs them the game.
Oct 25, 2017
Calgary, AB
Anyone else encountered a bug where you get enough to go up a season level, then a message that "something went wrong" when you go to claim the reward, and upon restarting the app you're back to the previous level? I've leveled up to 32 3x today and am stuck at 31.


Oct 25, 2017
I just played a Move guy in the last gold match for the infinity ticket. I was playing Evo Lockjaw and it ca e down to the very last battle with us each having two cubes left.

Move suffers from a lack of turn 6 options but it can put out some nasty power.

I'm starting to feel like a turn 5 push with 2099 May throw some extra power around if you destroy something good, but I am at a point where I feel like the deck just -works- the way I play it, and removing a card can throw off the synergy. I hate and love it when that happens.

And that's funny, because I played an Evo Lockjaw deck where the same thing happened with my move deck. It was a lot of fun.


Oct 25, 2017
Move decks feel quite good right now but most Move players get lost in the sauce and force a Heimdall play that costs them the game.

This is so real. They just throw away perfectly winnable games finishing with Heimdell on autopilot. I see a Move card, turn 1, I know I can semi neglect the right lane and still win it because they can't help themselves

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
So for the time being, new Series 5 cards are really 5k instead of 6k. That's okay, but not enough to move the needle for me. I will continue to hoard tokens until another S tier card is released.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
If you get Silk from Cable or Maria Hill does that count for the missions?
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Oct 27, 2017
I'm having an absolute blast with move. It's reinvigorated my love of the game. I like that it wins with big numbers, but actually requires care and practice. I also find myself shocked when it pulls off something I never thought of thanks to a fun location or whatever. I think people struggle to telegraph it because at any point there are numerous things you can try.

Idk, it's just a lot of fun and none of my wins ever feel cheap.

View: https://media.giphy.com/media/xSM46ernAUN3y/giphy.gif

Exactly. Best decks are the ones with lots of options, lots of combos, and aren't rote. You earn that win, and you can sometimes overcome bad draws/locations because of all your play lines. It's why bounce and move also aren't easy to play but they are more rewarding once you grok them. I'm just glad they both seem to able to hang with all the other good deck archetypes. I'm betting 2099 when he comes out will be in a different move package than the Silk/Ghost Spider deck. I doubt they will be good to combine into one move deck. But 2099 gives move another weapon to keep some diversity up with the archetype.
Dec 4, 2018
Anyone else encountered a bug where you get enough to go up a season level, then a message that "something went wrong" when you go to claim the reward, and upon restarting the app you're back to the previous level? I've leveled up to 32 3x today and am stuck at 31.
I've run into this while playing Conquest. I figured it's because they don't intend for you to get Battle Pass XP for playing Conquest but there's some kind of bug that's rewarding it anyway? And then some other system kicks in when you go up a level that says no that's not okay and thus "something went wrong"? Usually reverts back to my previous XP before the error after an app reset.


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
Welp, it'll only be nice this one time. Looks like things will vary for other releases and rewards will vary depending on if the release is a series 4 or 5. Also got that other question answered. Cat Party was right. You'll need to own the card.

Seemed kinda obvious you'd need to own the card, tbh.

Also series 4 being less makes sense too


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder why the game is giving me the option to buy a mystery Series 3 card? I'm current Series 3 complete (including Shanna)?

What would I even get if I paid that? Lol


Oct 27, 2017
I wonder why the game is giving me the option to buy a mystery Series 3 card? I'm current Series 3 complete (including Shanna)?

What would I even get if I paid that? Lol

That option to buy a mystery card only shows up for me when a new card goes down from series 4 to series 3 and I don't have it. Otherwise, it's just a blank thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Man everybody has a fucking Prof X now, its a really fucking irritating card. Take the worst kind of location effect and make it into a card.


Oct 25, 2017
New Zealand
I thought they were supposed to be nerfing Galactus not buffing him :\
I was in a conquest with a galactus player, I was unable to stop him no matter what and it felt SUPER shitty
I never lost to him this much before

I guess I have to get rid of one of my cards just to have a cosmo?


Jun 29, 2019
Man that so mean having Iron Lad copy Scarlet Witch shift power on limbo and it changing to TVA on turn 4. Poor other player got screwed over so badly.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Are these new Galactus lists including Armor or how do they get around the new vulnerability of suddenly having guaranteed priority?
The most popular lists aren't actually the traditional ramp Galactus into Knull/Death, it's the turn 6 (or 7) Galactus. You try to do it with a few things:

*Use Scorpion/Hazmat to debuff their board.
*Use Goblins and even Claw to buff the Galactus lane.
*Use Iron Fist, Shuri into Galactus to try to win with a 14 power Galactus (maybe some help from some Goblins).
* Green Goblin, Iron Fist into Spider Man to cheese out a location with Galactus.
*The classic Wave, Galactus, Spider Man combo still exists.

List feels very unrefined but that seems to be the new direction. I think the old style of Galactus is just too free to Shang Chi as a counter to be that good.


Oct 27, 2017
Ruhrgebiet, Germany
The most popular lists aren't actually the traditional ramp Galactus into Knull/Death, it's the turn 6 (or 7) Galactus. You try to do it with a few things:

*Use Scorpion/Hazmat to debuff their board.
*Use Goblins and even Claw to buff the Galactus lane.
*Use Iron Fist, Shuri into Galactus to try to win with a 14 power Galactus (maybe some help from some Goblins).
* Green Goblin, Iron Fist into Spider Man to cheese out a location with Galactus.
*The classic Wave, Galactus, Spider Man combo still exists.

List feels very unrefined but that seems to be the new direction. I think the old style of Galactus is just too free to Shang Chi as a counter to be that good.

Thanks. I tried brainstorming a new Galactus after reading about the Iron Fist + Shuri combo here - and stumbled upon Klaw as well as the Spider-Man synergy with Iron Fist myself - but plain didn't like the huge weakness to Shang-Chi. Pushing the Galactus drop to Turn 6 or 7 makes more sense outside the Wave/Spidey line.


Oct 25, 2017
So I got an Infinity ticket in Conquest.

I can keep playing Proving Ground and earn more tickets and medals right? I don't lose anything by starting over at the lower ranks?
Oct 25, 2017
Calgary, AB
Man everybody has a fucking Prof X now, its a really fucking irritating card. Take the worst kind of location effect and make it into a card.
Hoogland made a "best decks for Conquest" video and location lockdown control was his top pick. Unsurprisingly, the first 5 matches I played today were against that exact deck. It seems to have calmed down a little bit though.


Oct 25, 2017

Ignore these bundles. I say this as someone who has probably spent at least a grand on Fortnite skins and cosmetics in other games over the years. Spending money on these cards outside of very appropriately priced sets (Pride) is a bit foolish and you will never in your life hear me say that otherwise. The value isn't present. They frequently aren't that exciting, and you can often find a better looking card in the shop for free or much cheaper. When someone tries to flex their emblem or some variant from these $50-100 priced sets you sort of just look like a whale.

The only time I tell people to spend money on a set is when you treat it like buying the game. I "paid" for the game with the Anime Sera/Angela set. If you're newer and feel inclined to actually pay, buy your one big set and just be done with it.

Cosmetic prices/volume of cosmetics released in games have gotten crazy across the board, and I think people need to think much harder about what they're actually buying and how much that looks a month/year and if you can TRULY afford to be buying all of this shit. Most people can't but in the moment they aren't thinking about it.

You're not going to get everything unless you are a streamer and can use it as a tax write off. Nobody thinks you're cool or will be in awe of how much money you spent on some pixels. It's not going to make you better and there is -probably- a cooler skin in the shop. I say this not to sound like a dick, but I think people have been conditioned to spend now without actually thinking about the repercussions elsewhere. They want you to blindly click buy. Don't do it. Buy your season pass, grind out some credits, and have some restraint. I used to be the FOMO dude. Don't be the FOMO clown. Spend, but spend wisely. If this is your only game or you're pulling in 6 figures a year do what you want, but if you're a capital G gamer and partake in multiple GAAS titles or buy new games monthly…you gotta know when to fold appropriately and tell these companies to fuck off. Thankfully, SD for me is very easy to tell to fuck off.

Edit: Also, $30 for that card? Lol. That's almost half the price of Diablo IV, Zelda, Final Fantasy, etc. insanity.
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Oct 25, 2017
All that is true, but man, it's an amazing variant.

I tend to think a lot about potential nerfs to cards. Sure Darkhawk is relevant (for now.)

I think I also approach it from the angle of being a comic art collector/fan. You can't get me on some of these bundles because I either own the comic they're from, or in some cases the actual original art itself 😅


Oct 30, 2017
Finally some good shit variant, from the lvl 60 mystery variant.


Gotten two pixel variant so far from the ladder, so this was a relief.

Edit: Yay, got an Infinity ticket. Sera Kitty doing some work. Last fight on the gold conquest was 10-0 against a Venom/Zola destroy deck.
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