Nov 7, 2017
Began playing this game about a week ago, and I'm up to 64% of the main story. Is there an in-game way to find all of the Daily Bugle headlines and the secret photo-ops? So far, I've only found those randomly, and I really don't want to look up an online guide.

Best way to get the headlines is to finish the main story and then to your collectibles menu and read every headline. Secret photo ops are best done with the proximity sensor suit mod. They'll pop up on your mini map with it.
Nov 18, 2018
I platinumed this the other day and really enjoyed it, enough to get the dlc even though I'd heard mixed things about it. The Heist was good, pretty much just more Spider-Man which was what I wanted, but the difficulty spike in Turf Wars is not really fun for me. It seems really poorly balanced, like some of the new enemy types are designed to negate your gadgets and skills but you're not given anything new to really help with them. Probably I just need to git gud, but I found the main game fairly easy on normal difficulty so I was disappointed I had to drop it down to easy for the dlc.

Does the third dlc get even harder? Does it add more annoying enemies like the jetpack shield guys and brutes with miniguns? I'll probably finish it all but it's more frustrating than fun right now.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished the first part of the DLC, just stared the second.
I'm not enjoying this... it's annoying.
Does it get less monotonous, or does it get worse?


Oct 25, 2017
Finished the DLC after picking it up on the cheap a couple of weeks ago. Went in with low expectations because of all of the negative impressions. The story and characters are actually a lot better than I was expecting. I was expecting mostly side fluff that has little to no stakes or consequence, but they go some places. Unfortunately it's let down by fairly weak and repetitive mission design. And the side content is just really poorly balanced and frustratingly grindy/trial and error stuff. I 100%'ed the main game but have zero interest in finishing most of the Screwball and Hammerhead lair missions after trying the first few.


Oct 25, 2017
I gotta say they really ramped up the difficulty with the second dlc. I actually have to use gadgets and stuff to get through some of these fights.


Dec 19, 2017
Alrighty folks, I haven't played my PS4 in about 6 months. Gonna play Spidey because it looks amazing. It's amazing right? No complaints from Era OT? Anything I need to know? Any weird bugs I should look out for? Can I just play it how I want? Alternate between main and side missions?

I only ask such weird questions because I was aware that Red Dead 2 had some weird bug for months that messed up some missions/NPCs, so I'm wary about these kinda things.

Can I play DLCs after the main story or would you recommend before?



Developer at Insomniac Games
Oct 25, 2017
Burbank CA
Alrighty folks, I haven't played my PS4 in about 6 months. Gonna play Spidey because it looks amazing. It's amazing right? No complaints from Era OT? Anything I need to know? Any weird bugs I should look out for? Can I just play it how I want? Alternate between main and side missions?

I only ask such weird questions because I was aware that Red Dead 2 had some weird bug for months that messed up some missions/NPCs, so I'm wary about these kinda things.

Can I play DLCs after the main story or would you recommend before?


DLC all takes place post main story.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm struggling with the DLC. Finished the first part, about halfway through the second part, and it's becoming monotonous and arduous, not hard per se, just less fun the more I play... talk me into or out of continuing.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the one in between Heist and Silver Lining.

Okay, that's the one that some took issue with because they felt the difficulty ramped up quite a bit compared to Heist and even the main game. I'd say stick with it because the payoff for the episode is really good. And of course it leads into Silver Lining, which is fantastic from start to finish.


Attempting to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 27, 2017
Austin, Texas
Alrighty folks, I haven't played my PS4 in about 6 months. Gonna play Spidey because it looks amazing. It's amazing right? No complaints from Era OT? Anything I need to know? Any weird bugs I should look out for? Can I just play it how I want? Alternate between main and side missions?

I only ask such weird questions because I was aware that Red Dead 2 had some weird bug for months that messed up some missions/NPCs, so I'm wary about these kinda things.

Can I play DLCs after the main story or would you recommend before?

only bug I ever saw was when I was happily swinging around and somehow ran "thru" a building and I couldn't get out lol. Game was my goty I am thinking from last yr.

Okay, that's the one that some took issue with because they felt the difficulty ramped up quite a bit compared to Heist and even the main game. I'd say stick with it because the payoff for the episode is really good. And of course it leads into Silver Lining, which is fantastic from start to finish.
Ohhh, good to know. I stopped at Turf Wars pretty early. didnt seem too bad but looked repetitive. Loved the 1st dlc though


Dec 19, 2017
only bug I ever saw was when I was happily swinging around and somehow ran "thru" a building and I couldn't get out lol. Game was my goty I am thinking from last yr.

I've got a lot of catching up to do, RDR2, Hitman 2, Division 2, Divinity 2, etc. Hmm, that's quite a few sequels on my backlog... Have to play Spidey first though, Marvel owns me...

From a cursory google, it seems a lot of the HUD can be toggled off? I love this game already. Can't wait to remove the minimap, my biggest pet peeve in video games.


Attempting to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 27, 2017
Austin, Texas
I've got a lot of catching up to do, RDR2, Hitman 2, Division 2, Divinity 2, etc. Hmm, that's quite a few sequels on my backlog... Have to play Spidey first though, Marvel owns me...

From a cursory google, it seems a lot of the HUD can be toggled off? I love this game already. Can't wait to remove the minimap, my biggest pet peeve in video games.
Huh, I cant recall hiding parts of the HUD


Dec 19, 2017
Huh, I cant recall hiding parts of the HUD

Minimap removal, woohoo!


David Kjellson

Oct 27, 2017
I bought this game this weekend and just yesterday discovered a really annoying thing. Spider-Man keeps latching on to buildings even if I don't press a button which makes it really hard to actually land. I realize that this is probably a problem with my controller, but has anyone else had this problem? If I restart the console it comes back.

Really irritating as this dampens my enjoyment of the game.

Edit: Also noticed that I was running while walking so the problem seems to be that the R2 button is pushed in without me pushing it.
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Dec 19, 2017
This is the first PS4 game I've played in half a year, and I think I'm rusty...because it took me 6 tries to beat the first boss. I'm assuming everyone beat him in one go or something?

Loving the swinging round town. The story I'm not a big fan of so far, it feels very similar to Arkham games in that these games seem inspired by pre-2000s comics, very shallow characters, pedestrian plots, not much subtext, etc. I'm hoping for superhero narratives inspired more by the likes of post-00s Grant Morrison, Brian K Vaughan and even Bendis one day...

I bought this game this weekend and just yesterday discovered a really annoying thing. Spider-Man keeps latching on to buildings even if I don't press a button which makes it really hard to actually land.

Edit: Also noticed that I was running while walking so the problem seems to be that the R2 button is pushed in without me pushing it.

I haven't played long enough to notice this, I'll keep an eye out. But I am able to make Spidey walk not run, so that's nice, I dislike games where you only have the option to run.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, I'm trying to get through Turf War, but I keep getting one-hit killed just by canon-fodder goons. If these guys are laying me out, I have no business playing further. No desire to even skip to Silver Lining. Deleting game now!


Oct 25, 2017
Well I totally forgot that this game has an adjustable difficulty, so I knocked it down to "friendly" and I was able to progress. Sheesh.


Dec 19, 2017
Update: this game is awesome and I'm having fun. Finished act 1.

One annoying bug sadly. Spidey will walk around in sneak mode and won't get out of it unless I shut down and boot the game up again. Happens randomly, so I can't replicate it and only happens if I play for about an hour, so I just use it as an excuse to take a break.

Deleted member 11008

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I bought this the past week and I'm enjoying it so much. I'm doing the side-stuff most, and so far I haven't burn out. Honestly that's good, and much of this is because Spider snarky humor is always great lol


Dec 19, 2017
I'm in act 3 now and random encounters are a little more challenging. I'm playing on easy too lol. I decided to put on the iron spider suit from Infinity War, because shit just got real as they say!

I think I'll be getting the Spidey DLC, just to stay in the world a little longer.


50¢ - "This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
I picked this back up a few weeks ago, I've been chipping away at the DLC.

...and I kinda regret buying it. It's not bad, just more of the same.


Nov 12, 2017
Uh. Did they change how combos work? I'm having a new issue.

I picked the game back up after 100%ing both the og game and the first DLC chapter. It's been about 6 months since I last played so predictably, there was a new game update to download. When I last played the game, I got pretty good at stacking combos up to 80 and beyond. I became efficient with dodging and chaining together quick hits.

Well maybe it's a coincidence but ever since I updated it, my combos keep getting interrupted without rhyme or reason. Most frequently, in between "Waves" of enemies it just goes back to 0. I also captured a video of a 48 hit combo simply resetting because I let two full seconds pass as new enemies generated- if anyone can recommend a good, quick place to upload let me know.

This never used to happen to me. One or two seconds passing by never, ever broke up a combo.

Is this a glitch? Or did they actually update the combo mechanics?

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I wish it was possible to enable motion blur but only while swinging and not while on the ground/walking.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Fuuuck these taskmaster challenges

Is there anyway to get all the challenge tokens without acing most of them?

I have all the DLC if that matters


Oct 27, 2017
Really LTTP. I cannot believe how good this game is. Never has anyone captured Spider-Man in a game so well. I had this thing sitting on my HDD for ages and only started playing last night. 10/10 so far.


Attempting to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 27, 2017
Austin, Texas
Really LTTP. I cannot believe how good this game is. Never has anyone captured Spider-Man in a game so well. I had this thing sitting on my HDD for ages and only started playing last night. 10/10 so far.
Bless you for giving it a shot then. I beat the game at launch but I grabbed the season pass late (after a good sale). So still working my way through the additional content


Oct 27, 2017
OMG how awesome is Jeff the cop? MY new favorite Spider-Man contributing cast character.

Edit: OK this game is ruining all other games for me. How in the hell is it this good all of the time and it keeps getting better
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Oct 27, 2017
Oh shit Jeff is Miles's dad?! How can this game get any better?!


You get to play as Miles!

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Oct 25, 2017
Finally picked this up thanks to the sale.

I'm absolutely blown away. Not only is this the best superhero game I've ever played by a long shot, but it's also one of the best open world games and so far, has a more interesting story than any of the Spider Man movies. The world traversal feels amazing, and the combat is surprisingly fun once things start clicking. The voice work is really incredible. I really hope the quality maintains throughout the game.

Just passed the:


What a scene!

I think Insomniac should also be commended on one thing in particular: the responsiveness of the controls. The input lag must be about the lowest I've ever experienced in a 30fps title. You can hit R2 milliseconds before hitting the ground and it registers instantly. Kudos to them for that.


Dec 14, 2017
Swinging around the city feels just amazing. I just unlocked 70% of the GPS/Antenas after playing the first few missions because it is just so great to traverse. Combat got better after I started learning more about it. Story is already great even though I am just 20% in. Game is better than I expected. Doesnt seem better than GOW though (thats a high bar).

harry the spy

Oct 25, 2017
Really LTTP. I cannot believe how good this game is. Never has anyone captured Spider-Man in a game so well. I had this thing sitting on my HDD for ages and only started playing last night. 10/10 so far.
Same. Just started playing this weekend. Usually dislike open world game. This. Is. So. Much. Fun. Combat is actually great if you change things up - very dynamic and you can really feel when you are improving at it. Story is good, voice acting great. Traversal is the best I have seen in an OW game. Not sure why I slept on this for so long.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I like Superior and I like the Alex Ross movie suit, but that red and black suit just irks me for some reason.